- EU
Parliament approves motion for Google break-up
11-28-14 "American politicians have leapt to [Google's] defence... [A bipartisan letter
from senior Senate and House of representatives figures] said: "This and similar
proposals build walls rather than bridges [and] do not appear to give full
consideration to the negative effect such policies may have on the broader US-EU
trade relationship." --Still think Google and other internet tech companies
aren't spying on everybody for the United States government? Why else would
American congressmen say if the European Commission regulates Google this could
threaten the overall US-EU trade relationship? With Rev 13:17 in mind, be aware
that trade agreements are international treaties regulating buying and selling
between different countries. I have no doubt Rev 13:17 is talking more about
economic sanctions being imposed on individuals and not countries who reject the Vatican's
counterfeit Sabbath. However the USA is prophesied to be the ones enforcing
Rev 13:17. But first they would have to control buying and selling on
international levels to do so. Then they can force local governments to impose
sanctions against their individual citizens. And tech giants like Google are one
of the tools used to collect information so they'll know who to target. (Not to
mention Facebook) That gives American politicians two reasons to
oppose the EU's anti-Google regulations.
- Archbishop
Chaput: Pope's 2015 Philadelphia visit won't focus on hot-button
sex issues
11-20-14 "Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput says hot-button socio-sexual issues
won't be the central focus when the World Meeting of Families welcomes Pope
Francis to the City of Brotherly Love next year." --Okay, so the claim is
they're having a conference about issues affecting families... but then they're
going to completely ignore the issues affecting families like homosexual
marriage, same-sex "parents" adopting children, and abortion? Are you kidding
me?! I'm sure this conference truly has nothing whatsoever to do with families,
just as Sunday
has nothing to do with the Sabbath. But Rome always plays the family card so
as to keep their "moral" agenda well advertised. Truth is, the prophetic flags
on the road clearly dictate this meeting is really about furthering the Vatican's
socialist agenda and the ecumenical movement here in the United States. I
have no doubt the media will shower Francis with accolades of worship while
painting those who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage as fringe lunatics. Or
"peculiar" as the Bible calls us. So be it. As a Christian I wear that as a
badge of honor. More than anything else I'll be waiting to see if Francis uses
this event to promote Sunday as a family day for the religious and secular
alike. I can't imagine Sunday laws being passed without first promoting family and
religion into politics. This event is tentatively scheduled for September 2015. So it could be used to
start a national debate a year before the next Presidential election. We could
be that close to the end! After all, he has to have the foundation ready to
enforce Sunday Laws when THE Antichrist gets here. And a bloodthirsty
Jesuit Pope is just the one to greet him.
- Why
Messianic congregations and all things Hebrew have gained
11-11-14 "While this may seem unusual, the historical and biblical evidence demonstrates
that following Yeshua (Jesus) was initially an entirely Jewish concept! Jesus
kept the Torah or Law of Moses, studied the Jewish Scriptures that many now know
as the "Old Testament," read them aloud at the local synagogue on Shabbat
(Sabbath)(Luke 4:16), and was called "Rabbi" by his followers." --Wow what a
scoop! Shocking new evidence reveals Jesus was a Jew who preached to the Jews,
read the Torah, obeyed the Law of Moses along with the 10 Commandments including
the Sabbath, and was called Rabbi!? Oh, wait this isn't anything new. For nearly
2000 years Christians who read bibles knew all these things. Yes, I am sure I
will be called hateful by some people for saying this, but it's embarrassing
that a Christian website called "Godreports" writes as if these were new
discoveries. Equally sad is the same weak, lukewarm Christianity they exhibit
that is so influential to the Messianic Judaism movement that it teaches many of
the same false doctrines, including lies like the 1000 years of
peace and the Jews are still the chosen people. This story promotes so many
false doctrines it amazes me more haven't spoken out against it. It even
claims "the date of celebration of the Lord’s resurrection was moved from
coinciding with Passover as written in the Bible." There is nothing written
in the bible telling us to celebrate the date of His resurrection, nor His birth
for that matter. And there is absolutely nothing in scripture justifiing Sunday Sabbath
either. Speaking of the latter, Israel has been conditioning their citizens to
honor Sunday as a work free day for years, but for the most part for economic reasons because the
Antichristian prelates in Rome knew money would be more apt to move the masses
than "so called" worship. I wonder if the deceived Messianic Judaism movement
will be a catalyst to get them to accept it for spiritual reasons as well. After
all, they already agreed to keep the Roman Sabbath back in February of
2013. And we have already seen them use "money" as a way to lessen the Biblical Sabbath in the UK.
What's the next logical step?
- Consultations
on Sunday shopping still under way
11-10-14 "The trade union association LIGA [League of Independent Trade Unions] said it
was not supporting a ban on Sunday shopping but proposes increased salary and
stricter regulations for Sunday working hours... At the same time, LIGA said
employees should be given the right to refuse working on Sundays." --Pretty
obvious the Hungarian government is using the labor unions to make it
prohibitively expensive for business's to stay open on Sundays by forcing Sunday
wage increases and other regulations that will make staying open on Sunday more
trouble than it's worth. They're being prodded by the Christian Democratic
People's Party. (in Hungarian Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt - KDNP) It should be
called Catholic Democratic People's Party since their own websites history page (via Google Translate) shows
they were initially formed by the National Council of Catholic Young Men's Society, which is
a Jesuit created Hungarian National Occupation Workers
Organization and the Young Catholic Workers National Association. They're trying to
sell the idea as "a free Sunday" for workers to appeal to the secular vote. But
the true goal is keep Sunday "holy" which honor's the Pope as lord above the
true LORD of the bible. As always Google Translate's results leave something to
be desired, but the translation is good enough to surmise the main obstacle they
face is convincing the public this move won't harm the already troubled economy.
Things like that buy the obedient Christians a little time. But we must use the
time wisely to share the truth about the mark of the beast before probation
finally closes.
- The
case for a cashless society
10-24-14 "As society has grown in complexity, that traceability has been lost, which
opens up all sorts of new business opportunities such as fraud, robbery, illegal
trading, tax evasion, extortion, etc. But, electronic money is, in effect,
traceable. If we suspect someone has money in their bank account from ill-gotten
gains, we (society) can check how it got there." --No, this is not a repeat of
my "Cashless
Society SOON!" video that was posted 3 months ago. It is however
confirmation that what we have been warning about for decades is finally coming
to fruition soon.The article gives all sorts of "good" reasons for a cashless
society so as to tempt the reader into agreement. Things like, digital money
helps reduce fraud, robbery and trade in stolen goods, etc. What the article
isn't saying is, it will be incredibly easy to track Christians who refuse the mark of the beast and
it will be incredibly easy to prevent them from buying and selling when the
first part of the mark's enforcement comes to fruition. (See Revelation 13:17
for more confirmation) Not to worry obedient ones. What they also fail to
mention is there is a God in Heaven who prophesied all of this with 100%
accuracy thousands of years ago. That being said, do you think He hasn't already
set up a way for His people to be safe and cared for? And even if some do end up
in the
FEMA concentration camps or at the business end of one of the 30,000+
guillotines, which by the way have been mentioned in Obamacare, do you not think these
blessed Christians will not be used by Him to further glorify His Truth? Sure
they will! He is called "GOD" for a reason! He's got it handled!
- Dunkin'
Donuts refuses to hire Sabbath-keeper
09-18-14 "The U.S. federal government is now suing a Dunkin’ Donuts franchisee after it
rescinded its job offer to a Christian man solely because he wanted to keep the
weekly Sabbath holy, which is one of the Ten Commandments. Darrell Littrell of
Asheville, North Carolina, is a Seventh-day Adventist who holds the belief he
cannot work on the Sabbath day, which he observes from sunset on Friday until
sunset on Saturday." --Something's not right here! Why would the Federal
Government help a Christian? Especially now since they are funding Muslims that kill Christians? Knowing how corrupt the SDA church is
and how they are helping the US Government create an image of
the beast, help push homosexual marriage, and proclaim Allah is
God, just to name a few, once can expect an ulterior motive is afoot here.
Never have I seen the US Government come to the aid of any Christian in the
court system! We know prophecy says the beast in Rome will demand Sunday Laws in the USA
first. So, what I see happening here is the Vatican using the Government to
see what obstacles will be met in the courts when they finally do enforce Sunday
Laws. One more thing.. If this man was truly and obedient "SDA" as per their
original statement of faith now only found embraced in the SDR church,
he would not be seeking employment in Dunkin Donuts wherein their extremely
unhealthy food products are sold and will defile and even poison the temple of
the Lord we are all called to stand in.
- Atheists
Strike Back: IRS Will Monitor Churches for 'Electioneering'
07-27-14 "However, under the current congressional investigation of the IRS for
improperly monitoring conservative groups, there is a moratorium on all IRS
investigations." --According to Daniel 8:25, the popes of Rome would use craft
to further their agenda. As history confirms Jesuit's infiltrate different
organizations and play them against each other. Their oath
exposes them easily on this one. Truth is, they don't just infiltrate churches
either. Government agencies and influential private business are targets as
well. The fact they demand such political manipulation in writing also outs
them. Recent headlines show the IRS improperly targeted the conservative tea
party. They actually publically admitted to doing so. Now it seems the IRS is
painted into a corner; they can monitor so-called conservative Christian
churches all they want, but if they take any action against them it will be
viewed as intentionally discriminating against conservatives. Atheist groups can
however sue all they want, but the IRS will still turn a blind eye when
conservatives churches encourage their congregations to vote for candidates who
support legally
mandated Sunday worship. This is why I suspect the truths brought forth in
Daniel 8:25 come into play here. As Catholics infiltrated Protestant churches to
push their Sunday agenda, they also wormed their way into positions of influence
in the IRS. Then the IRS illegally went after conservatives so as to purposely
tie their hands in the courts. Now the IRS can't take any action against
conservative churches without being found guilty of abusing their power, so they
won't do anything at all. Conservatives Christians will help pass Sunday laws
since the new
powers granted them by Bush in 2006, and nary a lawsuit will stop them. But
then, does it matter. It's not like we weren't warned, and it's not like we
aren't prepared. Or.. are we?
- Pope:
No-work Sundays good, not just for faithful
07-07-14 "Francis
said the priority should be "not economic but human,"
and that the stress should be on families and friendships,
not commercial relationships. He added: "Maybe it's
time to ask ourselves if working on Sundays is true freedom."
He said that spending Sundays with family and friends is
an "ethical choice" for faithful and non-faithful
alike." --Here's the thing. First and foremost, Sunday
is not the Sabbath. In fact, there is not a single verse
from Genesis to Revelation to confirm it ever became a Sabbath.
That means, as prophecy predicted, it's a man made tradition.
Nothing more, nothing less. So, if you're a Bible believing
Christian, then you must believe the Bible and not men.
You know the Lord is the Author of His Word, and so, as
Acts 5:29 said long ago, "We ought to obey God rather
than man." Still, many people do believe Sunday is
the Christian Sabbath. However, notice how the Pope is NOT
displaying it as a Sabbath to remind anyone of God or even
the resurrection of the Lord that so many believe the Roman
Sunday Sabbath was built on. He is declaring Sunday to be
about "families, friendships, and freedom." Hmmm..
that's seems odd. All those words start with the sixth letter
of the alphabet. No, I am not saying it's the mark, because
we all know what the 666 really stands for. Still.. I thought
it ironic enough to mention how he chose his words.
- The
Hobby Lobby effect
07-02-14 "Democrats have been bearing the burden of the unpopular Affordable Care Act
for years. They may finally be on the verge of getting some political mileage
out of it, thanks to the Supreme Court... There will be plenty of money raised
on the right under the banner of religious liberty. But my money's on this
statistic: More than 99 percent of sexually active women in their childbearing
years have used contraception. You don't want to pick a fight on this turf".
--Unfortunately I agree with that assessment. No I don't agree that people
should be forced to violate their religious convictions to fund contraception as
well as abortion, but I do agree that socialist democrats will get their way in
the end, just as they're getting their way on illegal immigration and same sex
unions. Time and again I've warned that voting for the lesser of two evils is
still a vote for evil, which is why I believe Christians shouldn't vote. It's a
sure thing that enough conservative voters will eventually cave on this issue
and religious liberty will be done away with entirely. Like Israel in the past,
as this country moves further away from Godly principles, the Lord will allow
calamity after calamity to fall upon the land. In fact, It's already
started. The "I scratched your back, so now you scratch mine" mentality will
be used by so called conservatives to convince the liberal voting base that only
by getting the masses back into church on Sunday will
God's anger be appeased. Will this happen in the next few months or years? As
Christian's it's our duty to remember we simply cannot predict the day and hour
of Christ's return, or any future prophetic event for that matter. If the Lord
plans to tarry for another decade or more, we simply can't say. But keep this in
mind; looking at today's headlines regarding the aforementioned immigration and
marriage issues and note how rapidly those movements are going down. If the
conditions which would bring this country to its knees are right around the
corner, which in turn bring about the prophesied
Sunday laws, are you prepared to stand firm right now? If not, why not? 2
Corinthians 13:5 says to "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove
your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you,
except ye be reprobates?" The worldly things which are holding you back, be it
smoking, movies, lust or whatever the case may be, I implore you to let go and
let God be Lord over your life right now.
- Meet
the 'evangelical' Catholics who are remaking the GOP
06-27-14 "More than 50 years after John F. Kennedy's Catholicism stirred fears that he
would be more loyal to the pope than to the people, Catholicism isn't nearly the
political liability it once was". --Of course it's not a liability anymore. It's
now part of the political landscape. Scripture warned God's people thousands of
years ago this day would come and we see yet another prophecy unfolding right
before our eyes. Though not mentioned in this story; speaker of the House John
Boehner is Roman Catholic as well some non-GOP political heavyweights like Joe
Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and John Kerry just to name just a few. In fact, 6 out of 9
US Supreme Court Justices are full-fledged members of the Catholic Church, and
the rest sympathize with Rome since it was Rome that set them on that bench. On
top of that, so-called evangelical politicians know full well who they serve as
George W.
Bush once said on camera he saw "God" when looking into the eyes of Benedict
XVI. Appealing to the conservative Christian base is a must in order to
bring about legally mandated Sunday worship with as little resistance as
possible. So a Catholic takeover of the Republican party is no surprise to
those of us who have eyes that see. And while it's sad to see the people
deceived en masse, at least we can take comfort in knowing only a few more
prophecies need to be fulfilled before our true King finally returns to bring
this world to an end.
- Israel
Eyes Becoming a Cashless Society
06-26-14 "The motivation for examining a cash-less economy is combating money laundering
and other tax-evasion tactics, thereby maximizing potential tax collection and
greatly expanding the tax base". --Actually the real motivation for going
cash-less is to make it that much easier to control buying and selling when
every nation on Earth, including the Jewish state of Israel, receives the mark of the beast.
Jewish politicians are trying to legally mandate Sunday as an official day of rest as we
speak. It's probably no coincidence the 'Israel Today' news service
published this story on May 26th in accordance with Pope Francis'
first visit to that country. What better way to pay homage to him eh? After
all, as prophesied, both the media and governments of this world wonder after
the beast anyway. So they're just doing so to further glorify the Lord who saw
them do this long ago. Israel's postal service even went so far as to issue a set of 12 stamps commemorating Francis on that very day, no
doubt signifying they plane to give the 12 tribes of Israel to him soon. For
reasons only they know, the Vatican has a tradition of doing things on specific
dates. For example, Pope Clement VII was born on May 26th, 1478. Coincidence?
Not when you see that one of his contributions to Catholicism was the Papal Bull
Intra Arcana which authorized the use of violence to evangelize "by force and
arms, if needful". Not that they hadn't been doing so for centuries prior to
that anyway; but he did make it "official." So perhaps this is a way of honoring
him. Honestly I don't know for sure, but ultimately it doesn't matter since the
Lord Jesus Christ, whom both the Catholics and Jews deny. One in a doctrinal
mash up mixing
Paganism with Christianity, the other, in an outright blasphemous hatred.
Still, this will only go on for little while longer. Until then, He that is
hated by most and loved and worshiped by His obedient bride, says, "Come, my
people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide
thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast"
(Isaiah 26:20)
- This
Sunday as Catholics Attend Mass, Muslims Are Praying at
The Vatican
06-16-14 "For the first time in history, Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran will
be heard at the Vatican on Sunday, in a move by Pope Francis to usher in peace
between Israelis and Palestinians." --Is this what Jesus would do? No, not at
all. (See Amos 3:3, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14,17, 2 Thessalonians
3:6,14 and James 4:4.) However, it is what the man of sin
was prophesied
to do. This is the obvious first step in getting Muslims to see the
importance of Sunday keeping in obedience to Rome. It won't be long now!
Leave Archdiocese Of Cincinnati Over Controversial 'Morality
Clause' In New Contract
06-04-14 "For teachers like Shumate, whose son is gay, the clause threatens to pit
teachers against friends and family in order to keep their jobs". --The mixing
of truth and error is a fruit of Babylon
and stories like this confirm the Catholic church has no light in them. Like the
proverbial broken clock being right twice a day, they are correct that Catholic
school teachers should be held to high moral standards when teaching the kids.
But it's a joke for Catholic leaders to pretend they view homosexuality as a sin
when it's running so rampant among the priesthood worldwide and the Vatican prelates are known to be 98% homosexual. The real agenda
behind this is totally obvious now. The Vatican desperately wants this
"morality clause" to be challenged in court so they can see if civil judges will
uphold its legality and then move from there. If the courts do as they hope, the
church will simply rewrite, and keep rewriting this contract until they can make
it etched in stone and legally binding. Then their political cronies in DC will
be able to draft unchallengeable laws that build up the foundation necessary to
mandate employers enforce a "morality clause" with their hirelings forcing them
to keep Sunday as a compulsory day of rest when they enforce their mark. After
all, it's awfully hard to be able to buy and sell when you're not getting a
paycheck. The prophet Daniel said this beast would be crafty in how he is able
to manipulate the laws of the land, and seeing how they do all they can to hide
their agenda regarding Sunday law, they fail to realize there are some out there
that do have eyes that see. In fact, if it wasn't for our studies and sermons,
most Roman prelates would be clueless as to what's next. Still.. even with
knowing what the Prophecy entails, they can only hide their tracks so well. The
obedient remnant people will still out them and the Loud Cry
will just get that much louder.
- VIDEO: Rome readying for Sunday Laws
05-11-14 --As expected, disobedient church leaders are right now putting forth a
concerted effort to suggest church "action" is now necessary to address the
increase in calamities around the world. If you are a student of prophecy you
know this "action" will eventually lead to the long prophesied excuse that Sunday Laws are
needed to appease God so as to stop the
disasters. We also know this excuse will be fabricated as a way to stop the Loud Cry
from proceeding. That being said, ARE YOU doing your part to proclaim the Loud
- Some
Nepalis to be asked to "reconsider their faith"
to get their ID papers
05-01-14 "The Nepali government announced that all Nepali citizens will be provided with
a national Identity Card. However, members of religious minorities will have to
submit to greater scrutiny to obtain their papers. ...For Christian rights
activist CB Gahatraj, "By discriminating on the basis of the national identity
card, the government is trying to discourage us and those who wish to convert.
This is against the law, democracy and civil rights". --You won't see the
mainstream news media here the USA cover this story at all. But I do believe
this is a way to test the implementation of national ID cards
without garnering much attention from the people who live in the Western
cultures. This is important since it was prophesied that Sunday
laws will be enforced in America first. A question for those of you reading
this; are you prepared to stand firm in the face of the extreme persecution all
obedient Christians worldwide are soon to face (and many are already facing
now)? And if you haven't been actively getting yourself
prepared, what are you waiting for?! Satan knows his time is short
(Revelation 12:12). Strange reality is, Satan also knows the time you have
left to get yourself prepared is getting shorter by the minute as well
(Psalm 89:47)
- The
Trade and Industry adheres to Sunday nonworking
04-21-14 "Members of the Board of the Centre for Trade and Industry (CCI), showed
their commitment to bill submitted by the Julian Moon through which the closure
of shops on Sundays is sought to ensure, in this manner, the rest of the
workers". --This article was converted from Spanish to English through Google
translate and some of it is badly translated. The last paragraph in particular
is poorly worded; but you will notice that same paragraph identifies Argentina
as the place where this is happening. Why is that important? First of all, it's
where the present Jesuit Pope stood as Cardinal for decades. It this very same
Pope who declared he will do all he can to uplift Sunday as law due to his
hatred of Sabbath keepers. He harbors this hatred because his own blood
brother is SDA. This is the first time I've heard of any South American country
officially trying to push Sunday laws through their legislature. We have watched for
over a decade how the European Union has been working to legislate Sunday as a legal
day of rest, and so are the Members of the Knesset (MK) in Israel. (MK = Israel's version
of congress) In case you missed it, those two articles just linked were dated
from January and February of this year! All over the world, Sunday laws
are rapidly approaching. They are already included in the constitution of the United States (see page 13) in the form of
blue laws set up by Roman Catholic President John F. Kennedy, though not yet
being "legally" enforced. But just as we saw them take 52 to enforce the 501c3,
we will see them enforce Sunday Laws when the time is right politically. As was
prophesied, labor and trade unions are already being used to bring these
things to fruition.
- Video~US
Congress agrees with Pope on religious laws!
04-07-14 --Thanks to the efforts of those that watch and report on what our leaders are
up to, information regarding their desire to do as prophecy stated when it comes
to religious laws has been uncovered. If you know of anyone that thinks you're
lying about Sunday Laws coming, show them this video! Nearly every single
Congressman in America is on board with Rome's plan to create religious law
right now!
- Government
issues new Shabbat guidelines in benefits row
02-14-14 "An internal memo entitled The Jewish Sabbath has been distributed to
Jobcentres. ...The Department for Work and Pensions has issued special “Shabbat"
guidelines to ensure observant Jews are not denied benefit for refusing to work
on Saturdays." --Ok, one more time. The Sabbath is not a "Jewish Sabbath" at all
because it was sanctified in Eden thousands of years before a Jew was ever born.
(See Genesis 2:3) In fact, Satan was already cast out of Heaven so as to be in
the tree to tempt Eve before the Jews were a nation. (See Genesis 3:1-4
& Luke 10:18) Abraham kept the Sabbath long before the Jewish nation was
even a glimmer in his eye. (See Genesis 26:5) And finally, are you sitting down?
This is a big one. Psalm 103:20 says the angels in Heaven kept the Sabbath long
before man was ever even created. After all, had the Commandments not been valid
before mankind, explain how Satan sinned, was cast out, and then in that tree in
Eden?! All Ten Commandments had to be in force BEFORE Satan fell and BEFORE man
was created for him to be in that garden, let alone that tree. If you would like
more info on the fact it's not a "Jewish Sabbath" click
here for an interesting poem written in the late 1800s. By the way, it's no
mistake they want Sabbath to appear "Jewish." It's much easier to preach it
"abolished at the cross" to Sunday keepers if they think it's "Jewish."
- 15th
annual world Sabbath interfaith service
02-11-14 "The Rev. Rod Reinhart decided to underscore the message that God was a God of
peace and in spite of all the differences and disagreements among religious
groups, the central message of all faiths was that we are all called upon to
build a world of tolerance and justice. Thus the Rev. Reinhart created and
proclaimed the World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation the interfaith holy
day of Peace and Reconciliation among all religions, races, ethnic groups
and nations." --And prophecy said in Daniel 8:25, "And through his policy also
he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his
heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against
the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."
- Alliance
calls for work-free Sunday across Europe
02-09-14 "Today, a Conference at the European Parliament which gathered 120
participants, the European Sunday Alliance, officially launched a Pledge for a
work-free Sunday and decent work, ahead of the European elections 2014." --Many
years ago I talked with one of the Sunday Alliance directors in America on the
phone to ask why they cannot see what students of
prophecy see when it comes to Sunday Laws. They of course ignored the
Scriptutre I shared and even went so far as to say, "The National Sunday
Alliance will never seek Sunday Laws in America or any other country for that
matter." I have to ask, what say ye now sir? As I stated back then, you're being
lead to do exactly as prophcey said you would do for Rome. Has the seed been
watered that was planted the day we talked? One can only hope. And by the way,
it's no mistake that Roman Catholic websites are the ones promoting these
articles online.
- Time
shift creates Sabbath 'joke'
02-02-14 "Because the country skipped Friday," writes Herald reporter Vaimoana Tapaleao,
“many Seventh Day Adventist members argue that Sunday had now become the seventh
day and therefore switched from going to church on their usual day of worship,
Saturday to Sunday." --Prophecy does say the enemy of souls would find crafty
ways to confuse the truth. (See Daniel 8:25) This is just one more way he's
doing it. Another way is how all computers now have the option to change the
weekly cycle from Sunday as the first day of the week to Monday so as to make
Sunday appear as day seven. This allows for a belittling of the Seventh day
Sabbath. In any event, the silver lining in this is that discussion is now
being made regarding the true Sabbath day in an open forum. And that's a good
thing. Only problem is, the
SDA church has not only been corrupted by Rome for decades, they are already keeping
Sunday holy in dozens of churches around the world. So, it's any man's guess
as to how this will all transpire in Samoa. However, the fact this article
promotes the thological standards of Samuel Bacchiocchi,
a known SDA/Jesuit
priest as if he is an authority on the Sabbath truth for the SDA church
suggests it won't go well in Samoa.
- Video~CNN
claims Sunday is the Seventh Day
12-25-13 --CNN, and no doubt many other large corporations, are now putting up calendars
that show Sunday as the seventh day. Why do they this you ask? When the Loud Cry
gets louder, we the remnant people will be exposing the lie about the
Sunday Sabbath because breaking commandment #4 is what our generation has
been taught to do by ROme. Just like in Daniel's or Esther's day, the devil
always looks for ways to manipulate the Law of God to get the people of God to
join in sin. In our generation, it just so happens he is going after commandment
#4. And yes, that was prophesied as well in Psalm 119:126, Isaiah 58:12,13 and
Daniel 7:25 just to name a few. But if you would like an in depth look at all
the prophetic facts surrounding the Sabbath day and the prophesied
attack upon it. Please click here.
- EU
Sunday Alliance pushing for Sunday Laws
12-23-13 "A work-free Sunday and decent working hours are of paramount importance for
citizens and workers throughout Europe and are not necessarily in conflict with
economic competitiveness." --For well over 100 years the obedient people of God
have been warning the world that the Pope and his
cohorts will demand Sunday Laws so as to force everyone into false worship
and therefore receive the mark of the beast. At the same time we have been warning
people that they will not move the population into false worship so as to hide
their true agenda. After all, if they say you have to go to church on Sundays to
acknowledge the Catholic version of Jesus Christ, all the non-Christian
religions of the world would have issue with it. So, they will have to come
about it in a different manner so as to convince them to agree. In some nations,
like America and Jerusalem, they push the "family day" scenario to "guilt" the
people into taking Sundays off. In other nations they claim it will help the
economy to close doors on Sunday, and in others still, like all in the EU, they
push the idea that it allows for workers to take a much needed weekly break. In
any event, as expected, we see them doing exactly as the prophecy said they
would do all along.
- Appeals
court blasts Obamacare as 'unsound'
11-17-13 "Another appeals court has ruled that the Obama administration is violating
Americans’ religious rights by demanding employers provide abortifacients for
their employees, but the latest ruling, from the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals, goes a lot further. It states that the Obama administration’s
understanding of the law is “unsound.” The court accuses the White House of
trying to force religious believers to practice their faith only in their homes
or churches, abandoning it in public." --As a remnant people, our numbers are prophesied to be small. Still,
keep praying about this Obamacare law that seeks to force Christians to make a
choice between God's law and man's law. We know it's wrong to kill babies, the
elderly and disabled. But man says it's ok to kill them, and they look to force
Christians to pay for that option Sadly, many Christians are failing to trust
God in this area. And that is Satan's plan. Obamacare is nothing more than a
preamble to the mark of the beast. If the enemy of souls can get the
people to sign on to Obamacare out of fear of loosing their jobs or insurance,
then it will be childishly easy to get them receive the mark later on. After
all, breaking commandment #6 is just as bad as breaking commandment #4.
- Atheist
'mega-churches' take root across US, world
11-11-13 "It looked like a typical Sunday morning at any mega-church. Several hundred
people, including families with small children, packed in for more than an hour
of rousing music, an inspirational talk and some quiet reflection. The only
thing missing was God." --That's right, even the Atheists will agree with Rome
to keep Sunday holy. They even have a website acknowledging Sunday as their day to gather as a
"godless congregation" as well as a video to promote their "Sunday Assembly." They're going all
out on this one! What they fail to see however, and this is par for the course
for those that deny the God that grants wisdom to see such things, is the fact
their meeting on Sundays makes them easy prey for Rome. Still, I can't help
wondering if Rome was personally involved in helping them to choose Sunday as
their day to gather at the start. In so doing, when they're approached to
acknowledge Sunday as the global day of rest, (or mark of the beast
as prophecy calls it) they will gladly do so thinking, as they do right now,
that in so doing allows them to further mock the God they think
instituted Sunday, when in fact His
Scripture says the exact opposite. Deception certainly does run deep in today's end
time society. One more thing. Have you noticed? The way they're designing
their church gatherings is an exact copy of all the fallen churches that use
Rock music, preachertainers, playwrights, coffee and donuts as well as huge
assembly halls to gather for fun once a week. It's amazing to see how easily
Satan controls the masses today. But then, this is when he knows his time is
short, and so out comes the big guns of deception.
- Presidential
Power Grab - POTUS Issues Preparation For Climate Impact
11-05-13 "no description available." --If you read between the lines of what's being said
in this video, you will see that Obama is linking all the calamities together in
a "climate change task force" using global warming as the Gore inspired favored
excuse. Yes, we know global warming is bad science and a bold faced lie. We even
have documented evidence we are in the midst
of a mini-ice age. But the global warming lie worked well for financial
reasons and so they're going to milk it for all they can even after it's
exposed. But why do this now? It allows for a way to conglomerate all the
"storms, droughts, floods, and wildfires" under one "climate change task force."
But why do that? When the calamities increase, and propehcy says they will, the
enemy of souls can use them to his advantage so as to further persecute the
Christians proclaiming the Loud Cry. The message we preach is already emptying the
pews, and the 501C3 preachers are already bending Obama's ear on this. They
need a way to quench the truth we preach about God's Law and the
Christian. Especially when it goes spiritually viral across the globe as
prophecy promises it will. Once we reach that Latter Rain
infused position, the government funded pastors will have the means by which to
lobby for legislation that claims Sunday Laws are
needed to stop the calamities. (that have now been conveniently gathered under
one political regulation) We know they only push the Sunday Laws to try and shut
us up. But they can't say it's about the Law of God publicly anymore than the
Pharisee of old could say certain things that would see them stoned. So, instead
they will proclaim a need to "appease God" who they say is sending the increased
calamities because no one is attending Sunday mass. And THEN it will get MUCH
worse... for
- Christian
sues over Sabbath working
10-20-13 "A DEVOUT Christian is mounting a test case in the Court of Appeal this week for
the right not to work on a Sunday." --I must say I would like to be present in
this courtroom when this goes before the bench. The fact Sunday is not
considered the Christian Sabbath in Scripture is bound to come up if the
attorney for the defense knows his bible. What I would also assume will happen
is that the attorney for the women filing the lawsuit will make sure they have a
Catholic judge, and they will most assuredly place the admitted Vatican
doctrine above the Bible in his arguments. In any event, it's lawsuits like
this that will allow more and more magistrates to be settled in their hearts
that Sunday should be protected, and then enforced by
- Cash Bern: Swiss may grant unconditional income for all
10-07-13 "Swiss citizens are demanding a crucial change in the constitution, pushing for
the introduction of a guaranteed income for everyone. RT teamed up with RUPTLY
video to follow the story.RT's Peter Oliver is in Bern where supporters of the
basic income idea have gathered for a rally." --If in fact they do this, it will
guarantee every citizen would be paid by the government. That would also mean
that every citizen would have to "agree" to any laws, including new ones, that
will crop up quite soon. One in particular being the long prophesied
Sunday Law. If they disagree with it, their money would be stopped
immediately. Simple but effective. And no, it's not too far fetched for them to
do this. Is not America doing the same thing only in a slightly different
approach with welfare? Bottom line is this, the governments need absolute
control over every citizen if this is going to work. And no, they don't have to
have all on welfare to do it. Most of the affluent already bow to whatever the
church & State demand because it makes them money. But the majority of the
poor happen to reach out to God, and they know it. So, give them what they need
so as to have them bowing in unison right along with the rich. As for the
Agnostic, Atheist, scoffer or Satanist, rich or poor; they see no danger in any
of this and will comply willingly. Never before in the history of mankind do we
see the true ability to enforce the mark than ever before.
- Are
Biblical Marriage Proponents Subject to Discrimination?
10-06-13 "A Republican Congressman out in Idaho has different ideas and says that he
wants the alleged discrimination to come to an end. Representative Raul Labrador
has submitted the “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act,” asking that those who
have beliefs that differ from liberal trends be protected under the law from
discrimination. The bill has gotten strong support from fellow representatives
and appears to have a chance to go far." --Again, the devil's in the details. On
the surface, this may look like a good idea. Just because people believe
differently than homosexuals, it should never be ok for them to be freely
persecuted. But, as more and more religious laws come to the table, Sundays Laws
will be that much easier for them to pass. After all, was it not both marriage
and the Sabbath that were first introduced and sanctified in Eden? Therefore
it's only natural that the enemy of souls will target these two blessings with a
passion. It's no mistake one attack benefits and even bolsters the other. Sadly,
the majority of Christians refuse to keep God's Law so as
be blessed with eyes that see what's going on here, this of course includes
the present day
SDA church, and so they will miss the prophetic undertones on this one as
well. Now do you see why only a few will be prepared for
the coming of the Lord?
- How
Obamacare Will Subsidize Abortion
09-27-13 "An analysis by the Charlotte Lozier Institute published this week suggests that
the number of abortions that will be heavily subsidized via federal premium tax
credits and Medicaid expansion is likely to be between 71,000 and 111,500 per
year." --Look closely and you will see the devil in the details of Obamacare.
The Law of God says "thou shalt not kill" in commandment #6. If the Christians
fail to stand with the Lord on Commandment #6, the enemy of souls knows they
will bow easily when they pass laws to break Commandment #4. Obamacare is merely Rome's
way of weeding out the weak ones before the other shoe drops. In short, for them
to force you to pay for them to break God's law is in fact forcing you to not
only condone their sin, but to fund it as well. Jesus said in Matthew 16:24-26,
"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and
follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will
lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall
gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in
exchange for his soul?"
- Congress
approves creation of new envoy as religious attacks rise
09-25-13 "Will a special envoy guarantee these communities’ survival and even
flourishing? I do not know,” Wolf said in a speech before the House earlier this
month. “But I am certain that to do nothing is not an option, lest on this
administration’s and this Congress’s watch we witness a Middle East emptied of
ancient faith communities, foremost among them the “Sunday People.” --Why single
out the "Sunday people" as they do? Soon new laws will be set in place to
protect the "Sunday people" and anyone keeping the real Sabbath of
the Lord will be that much easier to target. That being said, I have to ask
those that have laughed and ridiculed students of prophecy regarding Sunday Laws
and the special protection that will eventually be afforded to all "Sunday
people" around the world. Do you still think the prophecy regarding Sunday Laws and
the mark of the
beast is bogus? If you do, I have another question for you. Why are they
doing exactly as prophecy said they would when it comes to those Sunday Laws?!
- Christians
Urged to Speak Up at City Council Meetings on ‘Duty to Obey
09-25-13 "A Christian political columnist and TV/radio commentator has launched a
national effort to ‘to make public officials aware of the fact that their first
duty is to obey God and to administer His word. ...Lofton is currently
recruiting participants for the project, who will simply attend their city
council or county commission meetings and read a prepared two-minute statement
that advises the council of their duty before God." --On the surface, his idea
kinda makes one wonder if this will work, doesn't it? As is painfully obvious,
most that work in government positions aren't famous for their Christian morals.
Still, it is a good idea and should be repeated nationwide. The only problem is,
prophecy will be fulfilled. No matter what they do won't stop what's already
headed our way. But it just might garner a few more souls into the Heavenly
courts instead. What I mean is, as the Christians do start getting more vocal,
those in the courts will hear them and be affected by them. Now for the sobering
thoughts that come to mind. Most of the Christians in America aren't obedient to
the Lord. That means the political leaders that get affected vy them will be
more apt to do as the lukewarm "Isaiah 4:1" type Christians suggest. And thanks
to the 501C3
pastors having the ability to lobby law, we will see their Roman Catholic
version of Christianity enforced as laws of the land. It is then the real Christians
will become their next target. Not to worry obedient ones. If you've been
reading your Bibles and praying morning, noon and night as you should, you will
be prepared for that day. You have God's Word on that!
- Orthodox
Jews Denied Benefits For Refusing To Work Saturdays
07-23-13 "Unemployed Orthodox Jews have been denied benefits because they cannot work on
Saturdays, according to strict religious guidelines. The Jewish Chronicle
reported that the government is investigating claims that staff in job centres
in the north west said that their policy to require staff to be available at
weekends for work." --Did we not expect this? When after years of
debates which finally culminated into the Jews agreeing to officially keeping Sunday holy in February of
this year, we expected the powers that be to start applying the spiritual
thumbscrews upon the more Orthodox sector of the Jewish community. But I must
say I didn't think it would be this quick. Exactly 5 months to the very day in
fact! In any event, we did expect this to happen and they have done as prophecy
revaled. Still, did you notice the craftiness of Rome that the prophet Daniel
predicted in all this? In order to get the Jews to deny the eternal Sabbath
of the Lord, the Vatican would first need to get them to agree to Roman
Catholic dogma first. When the Jewish leaders agreed to keep the Roman
Sabbath holy, the Vatican knew they had them by the throat. And now we see
they're stealthily going for the jugular.
- Video~Superstition Springs Chrysler commercial
07-15-13 "comments on video are commercial based and not worth posting" --This commercial
is one of many that are popping up all over the place. Businesses will push Sunday as
"family day" as they did in the EU to make Rome's job easier to push Sunday Laws. So
much so they actually lie in this video as to why they close on Sunday. A few
decades ago the United States government made it law that all car dealerships
close on Sundays so customers can walk the lots without being pressured by a
salesman. (I know.. I used to sell cars) But this salesman says they closed the
stores for "family time." In any event, have you noticed what happened after
that law was passed? All car lots put up fences around their car lots preventing
customers from checking out the cars on Sundays. The fact the authorities didn't
stop them from erecting those fences proves it wasn't about allowing customers
the option to view cars unmolested. It was all about doing as the Vatican
demanded so as to bring about Sunday Laws that much easier later on. This is
also why they plan to make the infamous John Paul II a saint. His "Dios Domini"
document demanding "Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation
respects their duty to keep Sunday holy" will then become the
"words of a saint" according to Rome's political prelates. Compile that with the
millions of 501c3 government funded pastors who can now lobby law according to
George W. Bush's pen on March 07, 2006, these wolves in sheep's clothing that
are prophesied the create the "image of the beast" will have all they need to push for Sunday
Laws to try and quench the Loud Cry God's people are proclaiming that's emptying
their churches. Are you ready for all this? If not, why not?
- Proposed
Law Prohibits Christians From Working For San Antonio City
07-10-13 "If you are someone who believes that marriage is defined as a relationship
between a man and a woman, or that the Bible is true, you cannot be a city
employee. You cannot even have a contract with the city. If you are such a city
employee now, and they find out, you can be fired." --Can you read between the
lines on this one? Picture this as a Sunday Law being proposed. It would have
the exact same stipulations would it not? The homosexual agenda has a two fold
blessing for the Roman prelates. #1, it allows them to condition the political
system so as to allow for a normalization of their pedophile ways. #2, it allows
for them to fine tune the legal system so as to have all their kinks worked out
so as to bring about Sunday Laws. After all, is it not for "religious reasons"
they seek to deny Christians employment in this proposed homosexual law as well?
That's right, the homosexuals are nothing more than political pawns on the
prophetic chessboard of life. Little do they realize is, the Queen of Rome
cannot place the King of kings in checkmate.
- Brazilian
referee quartered and beheaded by spectators after he fatally
stabs player
07-09-13 "A 20-year-old referee was quartered and beheaded by spectators after he fatally
stabbed a player during an amateur match in northeast Brazil. ...According to
the AP, a statement from the state of Maranhao's public safety department said
that the player's friends and relatives watching the stands charged the pitch,
where they stoned the referee to death and then quartered his body. From there,
the situation managed to get even more twisted." --They even impaled his head on
a stick!! That being the case, do you still think it's impossible for the
Vatican to convince people under their control to kill Christians that refuse to
keep Sunday
holy? No, they did not kill this man because he refused to keep Sunday
holy. But the fact the people are willing to kill their fellowman in a very
demonic manner proves the mindset is already set in place for Rome to use when
they decide to enforce the mark. By the way, Brazil
has the World's largest Roman Catholic population on earth. This is also why
sin, especially sins of the flesh are the norm in Brazil. Still, there are
some Christians in the Catholic in this nation as well. Revelation 18:1-5
confirms this. That being said, I implore you to please keep the Roman
Catholic people of Brazil in prayer as well as all Christians trapped in false
churches. The enemy of souls is using their religion against them just as
prophecy predicted. For more info on this well prophesied demonic mindset, see
my video titled "By beholding we become killers" at www.John1429.org
- Way
cleared for end to national Sunday shopping regulation
06-25-13 "The senate on Tuesday voted in favour of a new law which allows local
authorities to decide whether or not to sanction Sunday shopping." --What you
will see now is all Roman Catholic elected officials will bow to their Pope and do all they can to make that decision
appear to be the proper and moral thing to do. (They did this with Christmas,
remember?) Soon, all the others will join in agreement. Then when Rome drops the
other shoe and demands all must agree Sunday is
Sabbath or they will be refused the ability to buy and sell anything on all
7 days of the week, all will believe it is proper to agree since they already
agreed to do so on Sundays anyway. Prophecy will be
fulfilled! The fact they are right now uplifting Sunday as a "special day"
of the week confirms it.
- Catholic
Church works to stop shopping on Sundays in Italy
06-24-13 "The Roman Catholic Church, along with trade unions and small business
associations, is working to save Sundays by pushing for a ban on shopping in
Italy." --This is one of the first articles wherein the Vatican admits to being
involved in damanding Sunday shopping cease in their area. They know the "remnant of her
seed" has warned tens of millions of her plans to enforce her mark. But now
that the majority of the people on the planet are just as corrupt as they are,
they are running with the odds in their favor. What they fail to realize is,
this is where our God shines the most. Just as Goliath looked to be impossible
for one man trained in battle to defeat physically, let alone a ruddy little youth like
David; the Vatican also looks just as powerful and impossible to defeat spiritually
for the
remnant people. That fact confirms the task is now in the Lord's hands and His
hand will begin to become more apparent in the lives of His Son's bride in the
coming days.
- Sunday Sabbath article & video backlog
06-18-13 The following articles and videos are more of
less the same overplayed agenda in the media to help Rome
push forward Sunday Laws. Unless they come up with a new
tactic or different angel of approach, I rarely if ever
comment on them. However, I do see them worth stockpiling
so as to drive home the realization that prophecy is being
fulfilled right before our weary eyes... Sunday,
how do I love thee? Let me count the ways,
Keep the Sabbath a holy day,
Christians rediscovering wisdom of Sabbath,
the Sabbath and keeping it holy,
stress of the movable Sabbath,
the Sabbath still relevant?,
to pay $42,500 for requiring Sunday work,
Sunday is your day to activate your Church,
group wants Bergen County Blue Laws on November ballot,
shopping debate sparked in Fredericton,
can’t I trade on a Sunday?,
the Sabbath, Sunday
a rest day? No, it is the busiest,
is no fun day as chores take over,
Sabbath, UK
discrimination law review: religious discrimination and
Sunday working, Sunday
hunting?, Shops
to be closed on Sundays, Making
room for the Sabbath: keeping it holy,
churches vow to defend work-free Sunday,
not that special?, European day for a
work-free Sunday, When
an ox fell into a pit on Sabbath Day,
Sunday prohibition laws don't add up,
Sunday as the Lord's day,
and working on Sundays, Would
Jesus Christ Mind If You Flew to Paradise on a Sunday?,
'Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath' Sunday in Camden, Philly,
shopping battle on the horizon in Sudbury,
The Sanctity of Stop Day,
importance of a 'stop day',
plans to allow bookies to operate on a Sundays,
alcohol sales just one vote away,
and working on Sundays: what the tribunal really said,
Government same message respect our vote on Sunday shopping,
loses Xmas Sunday shopping,
end is a good time to clear up confusion on blue laws, gouging,
on Sunday, Help
the economy or Honor Sundays,
Is Not About The Day Of Worship,
go-ahead despite minister's objection,
call for longer trading hours on Sunday before xmas,
Sunday trading laws, supermarkets demand,
in court over Sunday working,
Bible Sunday takes off on Twitter,
Importance of Sunday, MPs
vote in favour of deregulating Sunday shopping,
sign up to Sunday opening trial,
demand longer ‘busiest Sunday’,
the Sabbath
06-03-13 "It’s incredibly rare to see so many people publicly desecrating the Sabbath in
Jerusalem, where most businesses shut down at sunset on Friday and streets are
quiet until nightfall the following day. Secular Jerusalemites have hailed the
new complex at the station as a breakthrough that will revolutionize Saturdays
in Israel’s capital city." --Even after the Jews agreed to keep Sunday holy as a way to "rest" with the
family back in February of this year; some still can't see how this is
readying the Jews to receive the mark of the beast. Perhaps their bold desire to desecrate
the Sabbath now will hopefully open some eyes.
- Sabbath-keeper
at odds with university
05-28-13 "That was a problem for Kimberly Crider, who, as a new coordinator in the office
in May 2008, told her supervisor that her membership in the Seventh-Day
Adventist Church prevented her from working from sundown Friday through sundown
Saturday. After two months of back-and-forth between Crider and her managers
over possible alternatives, the university fired her in June 2008." --It is good
to see Sabbath keepers stand firm, SDA or not. However, many choose to work on
Sabbath anyway using the excuse "I'm doing good" or "it was an emergency." Yes,
working on Sabbath in an emergency is perfectly ok. (See Matthew 12:11 &
Luke 14:5) But if you're schedlued to work every Sabbath, that's no emergency,
that's your employer demanding you work on the Sabbath of the Lord. As for
"doing good;" are we not to do that 7 days a week? Truth is, if you're being
paid to do "good work" on Sabbath then you are not "doing good" as Jesus
defined. It's even worse if you're schedlued to do so weekly. All too often
nurses and doctors choose to work Sabbath each week thinking it's ok. Bottom
line is, how do you keep holy the Sabbath while being scheduled to
perform mundane tasks on Sabbath, and worse yet, be paid for them? After all,
did Jesus demand payment when He healed on Sabbath? Or did He bless those in
need freely 7 days a week? Yes, I know this is a controversial subject for some.
But if we strive unto that perfection that shows we trust the Lord even in our
finances, why is it some still fail in this one point? When the faithful were
called of God Himself to do a good work in building the temple of old, did they
not rest on Sabbath? Or what of the women that came to do the "good work" of
anointing the body of Jesus that decided not to do so because the Sabbath drew
nigh? In today's world there are many that do not worship our Lord and see no
wrong in working on Sabbath. Yet some that claim to keep Sabbath believe their
employers cannot find a replacement for them on this day? Bottom line is this.
If you cannot pass this small test when it is legal to keep Sabbath holy, what
will you do when it is illegal? "As we refrain from labor on the seventh day, we
testify to the world that we are on God’s side and are striving to live in
perfect conformity to His commandments. Thus we recognize as our Sovereign the
God who made the world in six days and rested on the seventh. ...The true
Sabbath is to be restored to its rightful position as God’s rest day."
-Manuscript 77, 1900 (Review and Herald, Oct. 28, 1902). "Those who, from
whatever cause, are obliged to work on the Sabbath, are in peril; they feel the
loss, and from doing works of necessity they fall into the habit of working on
the Sabbath. The sense of its sacredness is lost, and the holy commandment is of
no effect." {20MR 389.3}
- Tornado
Tweets Stir Up A Theological Debate
05-27-13 "Oklahoma’s devastating tornado stirred up a theological debate that was set
off from a series of deleted tweets referencing the Book of Job." --It was
prophesied quite some time ago that scientists will lie about the calamities and religious leaders
will follow their lead and blame the calamities on an angry God and the people
need to repent and go to church on Sundays to appease his wrath. If you recall
back in December of 2004 when the "Christmas Tsunami" as it was called killed
around 300,000? A
minister stated that the Tsunami hit because people weren't attending church on
Sundays. This most recent article simply builds on that demonic statement.
- Sen.
Sheldon Whitehouse - God Can't Stop Climate Change
05-12-13 "Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse - God Can't Stop Climate Change. ...Whitehouse
finished with the conclusion that ignoring climate change was immoral and also
an example of bad public policy." --2 things. #1, he's right, the Lord will not
allow man to end life on earth. He is prophesied to do that when He returns. He
will come to destroy those who are trying to destroy the earth. (See Revelation
11:18) #2, this kind of talk by political leaders wherein the Lord and global
calamities are mentioned in the same comment confirms the devil is all but
finished working upon the minds of those in power as to their final political
declaration that is to be made that brings about the mark of the beast.
They will declare we need to get right with God by keeping Sunday holy so as to
stop the
calamities. It's talking points like the ones being offered by this Senator
that they will build upon that will eventually bring this prophecy to
fulfillment. Especially since the government funded
pastors listening in already have the ability to lobby law.
- Pope
seeks Sunday rest without God
04-28-13 "people who work must take the time to relax, to be with their families, to
enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport. But this is being
destroyed, in large part, by the elimination of the Sabbath rest day. More and
more people work on Sundays as a consequence of the competitiveness imposed by a
consumer society.” In such cases, he concludes, “work ends up dehumanizing
people.” --The true 7th day Sabbath, (NOT Sunday!)
was created to not only seek physical rest on, but to glorify and remember the
Creator God who rested after creating all we see in 6 literal days. Notice in
this Pope's statement however that he defines his sabbath without the Christian
God being mentioned at all. Is this not to be the main fruit of Antichrist?
Also notice the means by which he makes his demands for a Sunday rest worldwide.
He uses no brow beating, no angry tones, and no forceful threats to get his
point across. Only a gentle tugging at the heart is done here. As the prophet
Daniel predicted, it's in an ungodly "peaceful" manner that he gets all the
world to follow his lead so that when Satan stands as THE ultimate Antichrist on
earth, he can "request" Sunday Laws in a loving manner and all the world will
gladly accept his request, except of course the remnant of her
seed. It is then obedient ones that we will be hated, persecuted and even
killed by every "denomination" on earth Christian and non-Christian alike.
(Revelation 12:11) So be it! To God be the glory!
- Jura
votes against Sunday shopping
04-28-13 "As the debate about Sunday shopping continues on a national level, the canton
of Jura has decided not to allow the practice there. In a vote of 29 to 26, the
Jura Parliament voted to ban shops from opening on Sundays for at least the next
four years." --Antichrist knows you cannot suddenly demand Sunday Laws all
across the globe without first conditioning the people into accepting Sunday as
a "special day." This is what they're are doing right now in many nations as we
speak. Soon, all will be in agreement, the Loud Cry
will have swelled to move many into the Lord's arms, and then they will enforce
Sunday Laws
to try and recoup the souls Jesus has removed from their snares. They will gain
some, yes. But prasie the Lord thy God they will not be successful with all.
- Guernsey
States members petitioned on Sunday trading
04-28-13 "A petition against plans to suspend Sunday trading laws has been given to
Deputy Kevin Stewart, Guernsey's Commerce and Employment Minister. The petition,
said to contain more than 1,700 signatures, was handed over before the States'
October meeting." --I have to ask. If you're a Sunday keeper who doesn't believe
Sunday Laws will ever become law. Why do you think that way? Please email me with your comments.
- Sunday
trading not a problem at new wedding fayre venue
04-21-13 "A total of 34 exhibitors had booked stalls at the St James’ event but it was
stopped after it emerged that six stalls would not qualify for a Sunday trading
licence because St James did not hold a relevant category G licence." --How easy
will it be for us to prove this Sunday Sabbath is
not of God when they do things like this? There is no stipulation in
Scripture allowing any business to work on the true Sabbath of the Lord thy God
to be found. But as we see here on the Sabbath of Rome, there is plenty of
loopholes. Especially when it comes to make money. Basic and easy to prove
Biblical reality here ism if Sunday was the real Sabbath, you would find no
"category G licence" would even be considered by those faithful to the Lord. But
because the truth is not part of the equation here, they break their own
man-made Sabbath just as easy as they break any other commandment now.
- Christianity
As State Religion Supported By One-Third Of Americans
04-07-13 "Although the North Carolina House of Representatives killed a bill Thursday
that would have paved the way for establishing an official state religion, a new
national HuffPost/YouGov poll finds widespread support for doing so." --As
students of prophecy, is this not exactly what we expected? The only way they
will be able to pass Sunday Laws is with a church & State form of government.
Seeing how all the churches are already miniature versions of the Vatican thanks
to the 501c3,
and the majority of the US Congress and Supreme Court is pro-Roman Catholic,
it's going to be a cakewalk to get the States to agree to this. As I assumed
last week when North Carolina announced their desire to adopt Christianity as a
State religion that even if the Bill failed, the fact they're talking about this
is prophetic
fulfillment. And now we see them doing exactly as prophecy predicted they
would do. These are exciting times brothers and sisters. Are you ready? ARE YOU
- North
Carolina May Declare Official State Religion Under New Bill
04-07-13 "The bill, filed Monday by two GOP lawmakers from Rowan County and backed by
nine other Republicans, says each state "is sovereign" and courts cannot block a
state "from making laws respecting an establishment of religion." The
legislation was filed in response to a lawsuit to stop county commissioners in
Rowan County from opening meetings with a Christian prayer, wral.com reported."
--I must say this is one strange turn of events to stop religious persecution on
a local level. But then the enemy of souls doesn't much care how you mix
religion with government, as long as you do it. Some may see this as a good
thing, as did many did back when the Vatican became a Church & State. But we all know
how that ended with over 500,000,000 dead Christians. With that in mind, we know how
exactly this will end as well. Sunday Laws first, and then an increase in Christian
persecution and martyrdom. It doesn't even matter if you don't believe in
Christian prophecy at this point. Historic fact confirms this will bring about
the Vatican's 4th Reich! Even if this Bill doesn't pass on its
first attempt. The fact they are moving forward with this type of agenda proves
two things right off. #1, Christian prophecy is once again proven to be absolute
truth. #2 We are a LOT closer to the end than
originally thought. That being the case, we need to get to work
even more so now than ever before.
- IT'S
OFFICIAL! Israel adopts Sundays-off
03-31-13 "The first vote on new legislation in the 19th Knesset was initiated as a joint
effort between Yesh Atid’s Rabbi Dov Lipman, Jewish Home’s Naftali Bennett, and
surprisingly, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Easily passing the vote, the
Knesset decided that Sundays would now be an official day off from work." --What
say ye now Mr and Mrs scoffer? Do you still think the prophecy regarding Sunday Laws is
bogus? Jews, who have been keeping the orignal Bible Sabbath for thousands of
years, are now officially acknowledging Sundays as a day of rest. And just so
you know, no, the Jews were not the first to keep the Law of God. See Genesis
26:5 & Psalm 103:20, Long before the Jewish nation was foras created, the angels kept the Law as well.
In other words, keeping the Law of God is not a "Jewish" thing as many claim.
It's a godly thing! In fact, 1John 2:4 says if any man claims to know Jesus
but doesn't keep His Law, that man is "a liar, and the truth is not in him."
- Two
seventh-day Sabbaths, Saturday and Sunday?!
03-31-13 "The bible conference discussed the impasse in Samoa which is detrimental to a
fundamental doctrine of the SDA church where there are now two seventh-day
Sabbaths, some worshipping on Saturday and the majority worshipping on Sunday."
--As I reported some years ago online, even Microsoft has been changing their
calendars in their OS to reflect Sunday as day seven in Australia. (See this Windows
98 pic from October of 2000) Of course, churches have decided to change the
calendar so as to claim Sunday is the seventh day for hundreds of years. Still,
they can try that all they like, it will most certainly fail. However, many of
the young that are being approached by God's people right now due to many workers in
field, will be confused since they never knew the difference. This is what
Rome's going for. In any event, it looks to be an interesting challenge to
rebuke just the same. And rebuke it we must! (Ephesians 5:11)
- Shops
to be closed on Sundays
03-24-13 "Sundays may no longer be the designated day for shopping. Going after shops and
commercial establishments in the state, the labour department has decided to
enforce a strict Sunday closure in accordance with the Andhra Pradesh Shops and
Establishments Act 1988. ...Beginning their raids on Sunday, the labour
department booked as many as 93 cases against establishments that remained open
in some areas of the city. Officials warned that the checks would continue every
Sunday and violators would be penalised." --See how it works? The law was passed
way back in 1988. After 2 decades most people forgot about it while at the same
time Rome moved ahead with their "save Sunday" campaigns. Now that public
opinion is off the chart to "keep Sunday holy" they can now dip back into their
bag of tricks where the 1988 Sunday Law has been waiting in hiding to be
enforced. No, it's not the "mark of the beast" enforcement yet as they are only enforcing
it on Sundays so far. Soon however the law will change that if you refuse
to keep Sunday holy you can't be open for business 7 days a week. It is then the
mark is enforced.
03-03-13 "The European Sunday Alliance calls on all politicians in Europe to act." --Many
years ago when I became a Sabbath keeper I contacted the "National Sunday Alliance" here
in America which is connected with EU Alliance, and asked them on the phone why
they plan to seek laws to keep Sunday holy. They of course denied it and said
they would never do that. I informed the man I was speaking to that he was dead
wrong. I shared some Scripture with him regarding the prophetic fact that confirmed
the reason for the existence of the office he worked in. He of course ignored
all that as if it was merely my opinion. I wonder sir.. do you still think that
way now?
- Interfaith
Ten Commandments Party to Lead 'Moral Revolution' in Russia
02-24-13 "The Ten Commandments Party, a political party comprised of Christians, Muslims
and Jews, held its inaugural congress on Sunday in Moscow, where they called for
a restoration of moral values in Russia." --For those that saw it as impossible
for Muslims to join with Jews and Christians on Sunday keeping, what say ye now?
We know the majority of Christians think Sunday is the Sabbath, and we
know the Jews have agreed to keep Sunday holy three times now in writing, the
most recent being September of last year. And now we see the Muslims joining in
discussion regarding the Ten Commandments as they have been re-written by
Rome with Jews and Christians? What amazes me is how so many people think
the prophecies can fail. To assume Muslims wouldn't agree to keep Sunday holy is
to declare God a liar! For those of you that think this way, are you really
prepared to make such a claim?
- Coalition
talks see proposal for Sunday as rest day
02-06-13 "This is not the first time suggestions for changing Israel's working week have
been made. The initiative to turn Sunday into a day of rest was last seriously
looked into in 2011, when Netanyahu tasked the Head of the National Economic
Council with examining the possibility." --Most believe global Sunday laws are
impossible because Jews would never agree to keeping Sunday holy. Well, back in
June of 2007 I
reported on how they were already working on this in Jerusalem. This article
admits they did this in 2011 as well. And now we see this article? That being
the case, Mr and Mrs Scoffer. What say ye now? As for the political
leaders claims in Israel that granting a day of rest for families as per Western
rituals; they already have their regular Sabbath day to
do this. In the West, Saturday is a work day for all Sunday keepers. And most
businesses are open 6 days a week and closed on Sundays. But in Israel they will
be closed Saturday and Sunday now. If they truly want to emulate the West, they
would have to make the people work on Saturdays, and take Sunday off. Everyone
knows Jews actually rest with their families on Sabbath already. The
transparency of the Antichrist and lies about why he wants everyone to keep
Sunday holy is childishly easy to expose. At the same time, it's childishly easy
to deceive those that don't study Bibles properly.
- Remembering
the Sabbath
01-29-13 "When we are exhorted to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, the word holy
simply means set apart for special use. In light of the Hebrew rules regarding
the day, it would appear that the special use of the day does not have to do
with giving yourself more to do." --Not only does this author twist the
meaning of Sabbath to make it appear to be Sunday. He
claims going to church violates Sabbath because he's not "resting" on that day.
Worse yet, his claim to "remember" the Sabbath also takes away from the original
reason for that word "remember" in commandment #4. That word "remember" is
actually a prophetic statement. Prophecy clearly states we would be
taught to forget Sabbath in both how to keep
it holy, as well as which day of the week is actually the Sabbath.
- Jewish
girl disqualified for sitting out the Sabbath
01-09-13 "An 11-year-old Orthodox Jewish table tennis phenom was reportedly disqualified
from a national tournament last month after declining to play one of her matches
on the Sabbath." --It's not that she's Jewish that matters here. The fact she
opted to keep the Biblical Sabbath is what matters. And soon, those of us that
keep it as remnant Christians, will also be tested in how we stand on
this issue. Do you have the faith to lose a friend, a business connection, a
spouse, a job or even your head? If you're in the Word of God daily at present,
you will no doubt fair well.
- Is Sunday shopping a sin?
12-23-12 "Some in Italy are saying so, and there is a move afoot in parts of Europe to
keep Sundays sacred: The Roman Catholic Church, trade unions and small business
associations have joined forces in a bid to save Sundays." --I wonder how many
articles about the Vatican and civil authorities trying to create Sunday Laws is
needed before some people decide there is truth regarding Sunday being the mark of the
man of sin? Would a few
hundred articles and videos in just the last few years be enough? If so, keep reading.
- Vatican Works To Stop Sunday Shopping In Italy
12-20-12 "The Rev. Marco Scattolon of Camposampiero, Italy, became an instant celebrity
when he labeled Sunday shopping a sin and called on his parishioners to do
penance for it. Sundays, he told the Corriere del Veneto newspaper, are
important "not just in the religious sense." "They are one of the few occasions
left for families to be together." --This is another MAJOR red flag obedient
ones. For the Vatican to get directly involved in pushing Sunday Laws declares
they are ready to go much further with them very soon. All their ducks have to
be a row to try this and they obviously think they are. No, this isn't the
prophesied "mark" being enforced as of yet, as it
is only being set up for one day a week. The Vatican's admitted invention of
Sunday Sabbath. They need
to do this so as to test the ups and downs of doing so as well as to have the
necessary means in place so when the other shoe drops, it can do so on the neck
of every obedient
Christian that keeps the true Sabbath of the
Bible holy.
- Sunday Law article backlog
12-14-12 As expected, I am a bit piled up on articles that push for Sunday Laws again
so as I did last time, I do now. Here's the most recent backlog... Keep
the Sabbath a holy day - Amid
holiday frenzy, Salvation Army bells pause for Sabbath -
Maine blue laws prevent stores from opening early - Giving
thanks for our state's blue laws - Why We're Closed on Sundays
- Sunday shopping
- Disaster Recovery Centers to Close on Sundays
- Closed on Sunday: Local businesses open 6 days a week
- Closed-on-Sunday businesses place principle over profit
- We Don't Work On Sundays!
- Closed on Sunday?
- I also discovered there are a lot of new websites out there pushing for Sunday
Laws as well now, Some of the more popular are, http://www.closedsunday.org/
- http://weareclosedonsunday.com/
http://www.ldausa.org/lda/ -
- If you can believe it, there's even an online radio station called "Closed
on Sunday" now! If you're one that has suggested Sabbath keepers that
proclaim Sunday Laws are coming are crazy. Then a few articles like this won't
phase you. So click here
for hundreds more.
- Highland considering exemptions to Sunday closing law
12-09-12 "The current law already excludes certain businesses like gas stations, private
clubs and home businesses. However, there are no clarifications in the law for
other service-based businesses that function on Sundays, but that are not
necessarily making sales." --What they are actually doing here is nothing more
than making sure they have all their ducks in a row. All these articles about
closing or opening on Sundays from nation to nation is Rome's way of using their
political pawns around the world in a way that helps them see where they need to
concentrate better so as to have absolutely every business known to man under
their thumb so that when Sunday Laws are passed, everyone will simply fall in
line EXCEPT the Remnant of her seed. That way true Christian businesses will
stick out like sore thumbs and much easier to detect when they tighten the
noose. Not to worry obedient ones. Our Father already has His plans well ordered
as well. We have His Word on that.
- Remember the Sabbath, says Kentucky doctor-author
11-27-12 "More and more holidays are becoming days of shopping and other business, and
Sundays long ago ceased to be quiet days of rest and worship. A Kentucky doctor
and author is part of a growing movement in the opposite direction. The doctor's
prescription: Keep a Sabbath." --It's no mistake we're seeing more and more
"professionals" pushing the idea to keep a Sunday Sabbath
in a blanketed manner across the board. The more Rome can keep their Sabbath
before the eyes of the people, the easier it will be to enforce it when that day
- Pope
claims Jesus born earlier than thought
11-22-12 "The 'mistake' was made by a sixth century monk known as Dionysius Exiguus or in
English Dennis the Small, the 85-year-old pontiff claims in the book 'Jesus of
Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives', published on Wednesday." --As we know, all
Popes are liars. And this one, with a documented Nazi
background, is not going to be any different. So, the question is, why does
the Pope (again) insist on changing the date of Christ's birth? (Which we already
knew was not Dec. 25) It has to do with what's racing towards him right now
like a freight train covered in lights from Heaven. Bible Prophecy! The many
dated prophecies of the prophet Daniel not only pinpoints with
perfect accuracy the arrival of Jesus Christ. They also confirm by many undeniable
dates, certain prophetic events that only Antichrist will do. The Loud Cry that
is getting VERY loud now is exposing the Pope and his agenda to many more souls
than before and he knows it. So, to change the "time" of Christ's birth may help
to make some less educated think the prophetic facts already pointing to the
Vatican as home to Antichrist are somehow all wrong now. But he will of course
fail because the elect can't be deceived. (See Matthew 24:24) And by the way,
this changing of "time" is yet another prophetic red flag that states the Pope
is an Antichrist. Daniel 7:25 also stated the Popes would "change times and
laws" long ago. One of the more obvious changes of a time and a law in one
fell swoop is of course the Sabbath. The Bible
says it's day 7. In fact, all
forefathers of every denomination admit that. But the Popes have always said
it's day one. They have been exposed as the one that does change the TIME and
the LAW of God in that one act alone. One last thing. The Pope also stated Jesus was not a prophet in his new book as
well. Nuff said there? Bottom line is this brothers
and sisters. The efforts of God's people are working! So
please keep up the good work!
- 'Earth
Sabbath' tends to Environmentalists
11-16-12 "Earth Sabbath celebrations are now held in a handful of North Carolina cities,
including Chapel Hill, Durham and Asheville. Their purpose is to "salve and
energize" the spiritual lives of environmental activists and others who grieve
for the damage to the earth and its resources." --This is the ultimate
definition of the Antichrist's sabbath. It has nothing to do with the Creator
and everything to do with His creation. But then, that definition was prophesied
of those "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the
creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." -Romans 1:25
- Black Friday vs Blue Laws
11-14-12 "thanks to the blue laws first enacted by the Puritans in the late 1600's (talk
about antiquated regulations). Among their many other restrictions, one hard and
fast rule prohibits stores in Massachusetts from opening on Thanksgiving, or
more accurately restricts employees from working "on Thanksgiving." --That's
right, those laws are still on the books in some States. And what do they
entail? It has been stated, "Every man and woman shall repair in the morning to
the divine service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath (Sunday), and in the
afternoon to divine service, and catechizing, upon pain for the first fault to
lose their provision and the allowance for the whole week following; for
the second, to lose the said allowance and also be whipped; and for the
third to suffer death!" (-Laws, and Orders, Divine, Politique, &
Martial For the Colony in Virginia: established by Sir Gates, Knight, Lieutenant
- General, the 24th of May, 1610) They did it back then thanks to Roman
influence upon their version of Christianity, and they will reenact this law
soon as we see Roman influence on ALL religions today.
- Retailers 'bullied' into Sunday trading
11-13-12 "WA's Small Business Commissioner has launched two investigations triggered by
eight complaints of shopping centre owners threatening or fining tenants who
chose not to trade on Sundays." --As we can see here, the push by Roman Catholic
priests to get Sunday recognized as a so called Christian
Sabbath has spilled over into the secular business world. People are
actually making a stand with this admitted Vatican
Sabbath so as to generate a voice in society that with its repetition will
be embraced by many that don't read Bibles. And seeing how that entails the
majority today, including those that claim to be Christians, soon everyone that
follows after the beast will convince all corporations that Sunday is the
Sabbath and therefore a must in society. They will be successful to some extent,
but it won't be until the prophesied calamities upon them, that are actually the end
result of their sin against God and His Law, begin to increase in number, size
and lethality. It is then they will use their power to enfore Rome's Sabbath on
all, and persecute those that refuse. All we see with these many articles
is their well planned conditioning of the powers that be towards that well
prophesied end. That of course being the prophesied mark of
the beast.
- Religious groups are worried about Sunday shopping plans
11-12-12 "Small family businesses will feel pressured into opening up the shop because
clients may go to their bigger competitor. Family time is being compromised.
'But you don't have to open, do you?', people say. But that is a nonsense: this
right will quickly become a duty if the business is to survive. Schouten
writes." --The glaring hypocrisy is amazing here. They have no concern
whatsoever for what they believe is their Christian Sabbath. They are only
concerned with their bottom line and the riches they can gain by keeping ahead
of their competitors. Thing is, this is the end result of worshiping a false god
who has no power to move the heart into obedient worship. If they were true
obedient Christian who kept the Biblical seventh
day Sabbath, they would not only have perfect peace about closing their
shop, the Lord would protect their business at the same time. In any event, it's
no mistake we see so many articles about Sunday Laws popping up lately. Rome is
doing all it can to condition the masses into accepting their prophesied
- Work Free Sunday!
11-11-12 "First European Citizens' initiative for a work-free Sunday in Europe. We need
a work-free Sunday in all of Europe, ...because every person needs spare time to
relax, to be active in civil society, for hobbies and for religion." --First of
all, this is just "one" of many excuses they're using to sanction Sunday on this
site. And notice if you will, that even though Rome claims Sunday is the
Christian Sabbath; "religion" is placed at the end of their list here. All the
excuses for their so called "day of rest" have absolutely nothing to do with what the
Bible defines as proper Sabbath rest. What many fail to realize is, Rome
knows this, and even admitted their Sunday sabbath is not found in the Bible.
Still, they will push this Sunday sabbath forward in the most secular manner they can so
as to appeal to all walks of life. The fact their is no true Power from on High
in their spurious doctrines forces them to use the lusts of the flesh to fill
their churches. They need everyone to be indoctrinated into at least hearing
about their so called sabbath so when that day comes to enforce it across all
faiths worldwide, it won't be such a difficult task for some.
- NJ town fights lifting Sunday shopping ban
11-09-12 "A northern New Jersey town is going to court to fight lifting a Sunday shopping
ban during the Superstorm Sandy recovery. Gov. Chris Christie temporarily
suspended Bergen County's so-called blue laws after County Executive Kathleen
Donovan made the request." --Since when were people in NJ so concerned about
Sunday ban laws? Do you see what's happening here. Just as we saw with the 501c3 law sitting
idle for 52 years before Bush made it official in 2006, we now see the blue
laws of Roman Catholic president John F Kennedy, which was penned in 1962 being
mentioned yet again as suddenly "binding" in the United States outside their
original legislated format wherein only government agencies were supposed to be
affected under the law. The prophesied liars in DC are about to once again
follow Rome's lead in enforcing laws that have been "unofficially" on the books
for decades. Sunday laws will come just as
prophecy said they would. The many scoffers out there that laughed at you
when you told them this are most assuredly realizing they are about to chow down
on crow much sooner than they thought.
- Living 24/6 in a 24/7 world
11-04-12 "Some 4,000 years ago on the Sinai Peninsula, a quick-tempered abolitionist
repelled off the north face of Mount Sinai with a top ten list of thou shalls,
thou shalt nots, and one remember. The fourth on his list told everyone and
everything, including beasts of burden like you and me, to remember to throw
life in park one day out of every seven." --No, the Bible does not say to pick
"one day out of Seven." It says to keep holy the SEVENTH DAY.
But out of context statements like this are the norm for those who seek to do as
prophecy says they will do. They are literally flooding the media with thousands
of "keep Sunday holy" articles all over the world right now. I have many of them
compiled on this page. That being said. Do you know of someone that stated years ago that
they would never pass Sunday Laws? If so, let them know about all these
articles. Perhaps they too will see the light.
- Whited sepulchres in Highland
11-02-12 "Election signs favoring a ballot measure to allow Sunday business openings
have been disappearing around town. ...His neighbor caught some girls taking the
signs down. They were said to be following instructions from their father. Signs
on the same block in support of forced Sunday closure were left alone." --Does
this not now boldly suggest Rome is involved? After all, how many times have
Catholic priests made comments from pulpits regarding certain things they don't
like regarding certain citizens and their statements about the Vatican, and
before you know it, their loyal church members, who claim to be Christians by
the way, go on the rampage to make their priest happy? This has happened in
every nation on earth for literally hundreds of years. Bottom line is this.
Since Satan has convinced the priests and now their pawns that stealing isn't a
sin, when they enforce the mark of the Roman beast, killing those that refuse to keep
Sunday holy will be easier for the loyal Catholic, or anyone else that followed
after the beast to do as long as their priest sanctions the act. After all, was
it not the priests who promised the people absolution for the act of murder that
fueled the "Saint Bartholomew's Massacre" in August of 1572? Prophecy WILL be
fulfilled brothers and sisters. What we see happening here is merely one of
many harbingers to that end.
- Why
Do Christians Worship on Sunday?
11-01-12 "Many Christians and non-Christians alike have asked this question. After all,
in Bible times the Jewish custom was, and still is today, to observe the Sabbath
day on Saturday. We'll take a look at why a Saturday Sabbath is no longer
observed by most Christian churches and attempt to answer the question, "Why do
Christians worship on Sunday?" --In this article they take many verses out of
context to preach absolute lies concerning God's eternal
Sabbath. If you would like to see all the verses back in context, click here for an
online study. Or click here for a video I made some time ago. It's actually
quite easy to prove they are taking these passages out of context to preach
lies. And yes, this was very much prophesied to be their hellish duty in these last
- Can true solitude be found in a wired world?
10-30-12 "One organization called Reboot has started the Sabbath Manifesto, a call to
unplug one day a week to find solitude, or to simply take a day of rest with
family and friends. Bigger corporations, some outside the tech industry, are
starting to catch on to this type of limit-setting." --Do you see what I see?
They can't just demand Sunday Laws without the majority being conditioned into
accepting Sunday
as the Sabbath first. So everywhere you look you see them pushing Sunday
forward as a day of rest. What gets me in all this is that most Sabbath keepers
aren't out there passing out tracts and alerting the people to what's happening
here. Sadly, their lukewarm unlit lamp was prophesied. What does bless my heart
is that almost everyone in the SDR church are either warning people, or helping those
that are warning people! And yes, that too is prophecy fulfilled. (See
Revelation 12:17) The Remnant of her seed truly are doing the work globally just as prophecy
predicted. Care to join us? Click here.
- Guernsey Sunday trading opposition gains momentum
10-28-12 "A plan to relax Sunday trading laws in Guernsey has been condemned by a local
evangelist as "incurring God's wrath." --To relax Sunday trading laws will not
incur God's wrath at all. But it will incur Satan's wrath because it is his
sabbath. There is not a single Bible verse from Genesis to Revelation that says
the 7th day Sabbath was changed to Sunday. Not one! But prophecy does say the
beast in Rome would do all he can to change that Sabbath. (See Daniel 7:25) And
prophecy also says everyone in the world that does not love the Lord will do as
this beast demands. (See Revelation 13:3-4) So
again, it will be Satan, the god of this world that gets angry when you
refuse to do his bidding. The God of creation on the other hand will bless you
when you do as He commands. We have 66 books confirming that as fact!
- Sacred, Sacrifice and Sabbath
10-24-12 "...I've been pondering recently the powerful and profound connections between
three concepts, the forms of their reemergence, and the potential for the
reemergence of these ideas to make a significant contribution to the healing of
our world. Those three concepts are: 1) our sense of the sacred and our ability
to see and celebrate the divine in all of creation 2) our ability to make
choices or sacrifices that reflect our desire to see the sacred, to see
creation, thrive and 3) our willingness to broadly re-embrace the Sabbath as a
spiritual practice, to see "fasting" as an act of love, compassion and
devotion." --This is all well and good. But when to embrace a Sabbath not
recognized by the God of Creation, who placed the 7th day
Sabbath as a signpost declaring Him Creator and worthy of worship, all your
good intentions become evil acts. It can't be said any plainer than that.
- Video~Floods
in Lourdes, France
10-21-12 "Comments in French," --It's no mistake the media hasn't been reporting on all
the calamities lately. Besides the fact there are too many to keep up with, they
know that in so doing they will have to admit Christian
prophecy is accurate. Still, one can rest assured that eventually we will
see an "official" report come out that effectively outlines each and every
disaster for the last few years or even a decade for that matter so as to make
the people see the need to enforce Sunday Laws so
as to please the Lord enough to stop the calamities. Of course, this will not be
the truth as to why they want the Law. The Loud Cry
is emptying their churches and the government funded
501c3 pastors are now using their lobbying powers to figure out a way to
shut us up. We preach God's Law as a present truth must so as to "make straight the
paths for the coming of the Lord." But since the majority are used to a Sunday Sabbath,
the law of the land will demand it be kept to stop the problems. Doing so will
not only hamper our efforts, (so they think) it will make us stick out like sore
thumbs when everyone else is keeping Sunday holy to quench the disasters. We
will then be tagged the reason for their obvious increase, and the death
sentence will come forth. That being said... are you ready? ARE YOU SURE?
- Sabbath shortens Ill. pumpkin-toss contest
10-21-12 "Organizers the annual Punkin' Chuckin' Contest in Pekin, Ill., is being
shortened by one day this year because a key player wishes to observe the
Sabbath. The contest usually runs two days but this year it will be limited to
this Saturday because an owner of one of the fields used for the contest
considers Sunday to be reserved for activities of a less-secular nature."
--Amazing! They plan to do it on the real
Sabbath of the Lord and refuse to do it on the Sabbath of
Antichrist. Some may think little situations like this won't mean much in
the whole scheme of things. But every little bit helps when Satan sets up all
the world to bow to Rome and ignore the God of creation. They truly do serve the
creature more than the Creator of it! (See Romans 1:22-25. Then read the
following verses. Sound like today?)
- Huckabee urges Christian org to get involved in civic life
10-15-12 "Fox News Channel personality and former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee
told members of a fledgling Christian organization in Cicero tonight that it is
their responsibility to get more involved in civic life." --The definition of
"civic" is indeed "government, politics, diplomacy" etc. For Christians to be
involved in politics is exactly what Rome wants and Jesus preached against. (See
Mark 12:13-17) Joining the church with the State is what Huckabee, knowing or
unknowingly is doing here. The 501c3 churches, like this ministry Huckabee is speaking to,
have the ability now to lobby law as of March 7, 2006. Therefore he, like all
"religious" politicans, needs to create a viable party that they can lead
straight into the arms of Roman prelates. Unless they get involved in civic
duty, they won't be able to see the need for Sunday Laws, as
is the end result Satan plans to bring forth via their political involvement.
Unless they get them used to politics and deeply involved in the civic life,
asking them to enforce the mark of the beast will be next to impossible.
- 'Sunday
Off' says Shraddha Arya's contract!
10-08-12 "If sources are to be believed then Shraddha in fact has included this clause of
'Sunday Holiday' in her working contract. "I have included the clause in my
contract of not working on Sundays, right from the beginning. I don't want
myself to work for whole month and get burnt at the end. I want to be all fresh
at end of my week," clears Shraddha. Hope the producers are listening!" --Even
in India we see their celebrities are perfectly willing to do as Rome demands
regarding Sunday so as to make it popular to the general public that worship
celebrities. Bottom line is, India is known for killing Christians. It is not a
Christian nation, but then, Sunday is not a Christian
Sabbath either. So doing as Antichrist demands is not an
issue. False religions have no power of God behind them, so of course they will
bow to any outside influence is they feel the least bit of pressure.
- Sunday working hours causes split
10-07-12 "Councillor Hyslop was in favour of extending working hours through the week and
on Saturdays, but not beyond that. He said: "I do not accept Sunday working. I
am happy for the other times, but not Sundays." --Saturday has been effectively
changed to a mere working day for most now-a-days. In fact, most young people
look at the true Sabbath as a day to party till they drop. And now we see that
in order to keep the Sabbath of Rome holy, they will effectively work towards
the need for laws to force work on Sabbath, which will of course place more
pressure as well as a bold target on all of God's obedient people. No, this is
not something that concerns us as we have prepared for this. The fact we study
prophecy has in fact blessed us with the wisdom to see it coming long before it
does so as to prepare properly. The other toss of the coin is, there are some
that think studying or even preaching prophecy is a waste of time. They will
soon find out the hard way how wrong they were.
- Pennsylvania
firm to pay $30,000 for requiring Sunday work
10-05-12 "Magnetics International, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation that recycles steel
byproducts, will pay $30,000 to a Christian worker who was fired because he
refused to work consecutive Sundays, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) recently announced." --But according to the written Word of God, Sunday isn't the Sabbath.
However, the courts acknowledge it as such anyway. This $30k fine is proof of
that fact. Therefore, when true Sabbath keepers stand
before the courts, as prophecy says will happen, we will be asked to explain
ourselves since they only understand Sunday thanks to the prophesied wolves
standing on their pulpits. It is here we are called of God to proclaim His
eternal unchangeable truth regarding His holy day! Most judges and courtroom
employees, not to mention juries and witnesses all need to hear what we have to
say. That being the case, are you prepared to speak for the Lord in
regards to who changed the Sabbath and why?
- Australian
supermarkets cant open on Sunday
10-04-12 "The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission has rejected an application for
two large supermarket chains to trade seven days a week in Ingham in the state's
north. Woolworths and Coles had wanted to open their doors on Sundays. The
applications were fiercely opposed in court by local, state and federal
politicians, as well as local retailers." --Rome will get their Sunday Laws, but they need to
indoctrinate society first. This is why most nations don't officially call
Sunday a "religious" Sabbath as of yet. The Vatican will
merger church & State, yes. But they want to do it as painless as
possible to prevent revolt. So, they call it "family day" or "employee rest
day." However, soon Sunday will be called a national religious holy day in each
nation and they will enforce
it to try and stop the calamites just as
prophecy predicted. It won't work of course, the calamities will simply
increase. But it will allow them to come after God's obedient people. That
being said, study the Word daily, and put on the armor of God so you will have
the means by which to overcome the temptation to bow to their demands when that
day comes. Your eternal life depends on it! And no, we do not get saved by
keeping God's law. We keep God's Law because we are saved.
- Sunday
trading: Give us a break!
10-03-12 "Why shutting up shop on Sunday is good for everyone. ...The reason Christians
argue for a day off is because it's good for people to have a rest, not for some
abstract or particularly religious reason. Jesus annoyed the authorities of his
day by being anti-legalistic, picking corn on the Sabbath (which was considered
'work') and claiming that, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the
Sabbath." A day off is to make life easier, not harder." --This is how those
that hate truth twist it to make a lie seem true. Jesus did not "work" on the
Sabbath as they claim here. First of all, Jesus was not a farmer, so He wasn't
"working" on the Sabbath by harvesting grain. Secondly, He wasn't even preparing
a meal by gathering, starting a fire, prepping the food and then cooking it on
an open fire. They purposely leave out the fact that Jewish tradition was that
anyone that was hungry could enter into anyones corn (wheat) field and pick the
wheat and place it directly in their mouths to eat. How is that considered work?
They say this to make it appear Jesus purposely broke Sabbath when He did not.
See this verse, and many others that have been twisted out of context to support
Sunday Sabbath is placed back
in contact here. (There is also a link for the "Is Sunday the Christian
Sabbath" video on that page.)
- Video~Back to Church Sunday Promo for any Sunday
09-28-12 ANTICHRIST SAYS: "Use this video in
your church to promote a special day where the church invites its neighbors back
to church." --Still think the prophecy about Sunday Laws is a farce? If you do,
it's only because you're in a church that doesn't preach prophecy. (Hint: You
can learn to study
prophecy on your own too.)
- Video~Pastor
Rap - Back To Church Sunday
09-26-12 "Churches of all types are coming together to invite everyone Back to Church on
September 16, 2012. " --Jesus said in John 12:32, "And I, if I be lifted up from
the earth, will draw all men unto me." Lifting up Satan and his music, as we
them doing in this video, will only fill the church with those that have no
desire to walk with Jesus as His Word outlines. It will draw in those that enjoy
that kind of music. But then, these ear tickling preachers were prophesied to do
exactly as they're doing in the churches all over the world. It's bad enough
they use the tools fo the "angel of music" which is Satan, (See Ezekiel
28:13) to fill the church. And they do so on Sunday, the Sabbath of Rome.
- Sunday Trading won't change
09-25-12 "During London 2012, there was a relaxation of laws surrounding Sunday trading,
but alas, it made virtually zero difference, which means the new rules that
allowed traders to stay open for longer than the six hours between 10am and 4pm
won't be changing any time soon. Retailers themselves can't agree on whether a
change in Sunday opening hours would be a good or bad thing." --This all plays
into Rome's hands perfectly. As the prophesied
calamities increase, and the Loud Cry gets louder,
Rome can use the lackadaisical attitude of shop owners as a reason to claim it's
their fault the
calamities are increasing. They can then enforce the buy and sell feature of
the mark, when all along they
only want to do so to try and shut us up about the real Sabbath. Problem is.
It's not prophesied to work. We simply won't shut up.
- Costco
defies Sunday closure rule
09-23-12 "Costco Wholesale Korea, the Korean unit of the U.S. chain, is vowing to operate
on Sundays, despite a 30 million won ($27,000) fine imposed by three Seoul
district offices for having ignored the city ordinance that requires large
retailers to close every other Sunday." --For all those Christians that have
stated time and time again that our message regarding Sunday Laws was a farce,
and no government office, local or federal would ever impose fines, or even
demand people keep Sunday as a day of rest. What say ye now?
- Proposed 'Sundays Off' Plan Crawls Ahead
09-23-12 "A proposal to extend the weekend past Shabbat into Sunday has made it past the
prime minister, sources in Jerusalem said this week. ...For years, lawmakers
have argued over whether to shorten Israel's work week as well, with Deputy
Prime Minister Silvan Shalom one of the prime advocates of the idea." --For
literally decades most people (on the street) told me they thought I was crazy
when I told them what the mark of
the beast really was. Some even stated that the Jews would never go with the
idea of a Sunday Sabbath.
Then in 2007 the Jews did just
that, and now we see they are moving ahead with it as planned. These are
exciting times for God's
people! A majpr prophecy that most thought was absolutely impossible has
been fulfilled right before the eyes of scoffers. Our job became that much
easier in 2007 when Israel agreed to keep Sunday as a day of rest along with the
regular Sabbath. We now have rock hard evidence this will go global!
- Harbinger
to the enforcement of the mark of the beast
09-19-12 "This is a harbinger to the soon-coming enforcement of Sunday laws at the
request of the Vatican. Should an economic collapse be triggered worldwide, are
we then looking at the enforcement of Sunday as the official day of rest, as
requested by the Vatican? Bible prophecy says 'yes'." --Amen! What many miss
here is how the Vatican has been able to move the political pawns towards
keeping Sunday holy while at the same time forcing people to work on the real Sabbath. Most have a
5 day work week. But if you cripple the economy for a few years, most will
gladly accept a 6 day work week. And since Sunday is already controlled by law
to be a "day of rest" by Roman sympathizers, the Sabbath of the Bible will have
to be violated "by law." They tried to force Mordecai, Esther, Daniel and the 3
worthies to break God's Law thousands of years ago, and it failed. It will fail
again! And then Jesus will come and put an end to this age
old conspiracy. FOREVER.
SABBATH - Multi Faith
09-18-12 "Short compilation." --First of all, the term "ONE" is the preferred title for
Satan in the Occult world as well as the church of Satan. Secondly, the "ONE" is
encircled by a symbol of Baal in their logo. But this symbol is even worse than
most realize. It's all in black representing perfect evil, with the word "ONE"
all in white depicting purity. The Word did say Satan will come as an angel of
light to many, and so he has. (See 2Corinthians 11:14) That being said, they are
now pushing this "ONE Sabbath" agenda to get everyone in every religion,
Christians and non-Christian alike to join together as one to help each other.
This is exactly as Scripture predicted! Still, how is this a threat to real
Christians you ask? When it comes time to enforce the mark, they will use our
refusal to participate to claim we are hateful and uncaring. The Word says not
to join with nonbelievers in many verses, and so we obey. But they say they are
all joining for a "good cause" as we should too. But they do so under the
premise of mocking our Lord while breaking His Law in the
process. God's people simply cannot do this, and Satan knows it. The more we
refuse to join with them in their so called "caring" events, the more hateful we
will appear to those that hate
our Lord. We certainly have our work cut out for us. The nice thing is that
Jesus promised to help us do the work at every step!
- Over 10,000 Churches Commit to 'National Back to Church Sunday'
09-17-12 "The campaign empowers churches and church members with the tools they need to
welcome their neighbors, friends and loved ones back to church, while providing
the unchurched with an easy way to find a welcoming church in their community."
--Sounds like a good idea? Not really. When you realize how they bring people in
to each church without considering denominational boundaries, you start to see
how the church becomes a power for the government rather than a source of truth.
The church has already drawn billions in using entertainment as we see in the
megachurches popping up everywhere with rock music and theatrics. Once the
stragglers step in and notice how much "fun" is to be had at "church," they will
have the majority right where they need them. Of course, the remnant won't be seen
in such churches, but then that's all part of the plan as well. They can use our
decision to follow Christ perfectly as a way to say we are unwilling to help the
community, and therefore targets of hate and eventually death when the mark is enforced.
- Sunday
Worshipers Support Papal Adoration Scheme
09-16-12 "Why bash Mr. Callahan ("Chick-fil-A
Right On Marriage, Wrong On Sabbath," Aug. 13)? Relying on human tradition
instead of the Bible? 2 Timothy 2:15. Mr. Yoder, your scripture is Rev 14:9-10.
Yes, it matters. "The fourth commandment begins with "Remember." The reasons stated for Sunday
observance is common for today. But, the disciples continued to follow
Jesus' example of worship long after He rose from the dead. Constantine and Pope
Sylvester I changed the day of worship in 321 A.D. That's several hundred
years after Christ. If your reason is true, why did they wait so long? Look at
the 10 Commandments in the Bible, then look at a catechism. They don't
match! Mark 2:7 and Daniel 7:25. If you go to church on Sunday, you unwittingly
support the papal system, even if you're not a Catholic. If the Sabbath has
really been changed, somebody lied. God?" --Excellent comment! I felt it was
proper to post the entire thing! I am surprised however it was allowed to be
posted unedited. Amen sister! Amen!
- No
Sunday shopping
09-14-12 "Shutting the Netherlands down on Sundays, protecting an African language and
living a work-free life are some of the more offbeat policies being put forward
by Dutch parties ahead of Wednesday's vote." --Do you have a friend that thinks
the prophecy regarding Sunday
Laws is a farce? If so, ask them why so many nations are forcing people to
close up shops on Sunday? Then show them the hundreds of articles compiled on my
Sabbath Attack page
proving this is indeed a global movement. Perhaps you may win a soul to Christ
when they realize Christian prophecy is that accurate.
- Say NO to Sunday Trading
09-14-12 "The Christian Democratic Party will promote policies that will curb the
extension of retail trading hours." --Just as prophecy predicted, the so called
Protestant churches are reaching their hands across the gulf to join hands with
Rome. Especially now since they are considered official government agencies. And
with that title given them on
March 7, 2006, they must also do as their governing leaders demand of them.
Hence, if Rome wants Sunday
Laws, then the politicians want Sunday Laws, and if the politicians want
Sunday Laws, then a the 501C3 pastors in their jurisdiction will push for them.
Or else.
- Video~Sunday trading: Welsh church concern over
opening hours
09-11-12 "A temporary extension to Sunday trading hours introduced during the Olympics
comes to an end this weekend with some businesses calling for it to continue."
--When will the people learn? Do they really think that once the government has
gained control in certain areas of society that they will actually back off and
allow decades of political wrangling to simply fall by the wayside? After all,
hasn't the global occupy movement not taught them anything about how big
government really doesn't care what the people want? I share those basic
realities regarding all this because most don't study prophecy and realize that
Sunday Laws will be enforced. Asking their leaders
to reconsider is as likely to occur as asking Jesus not to return. It will
happen! We have God's Word on that.
- Was vote on Sunday hunting stacked?
09-10-12 "O'Brien theorizes that the subcommittee was intentionally stacked with members
who would ensure a ban on Sunday hunting would remain intact." --I still find it
amazing that some people are shocked when they see politicians uplifting Sunday
as a day that can be legislated and controlled. Do they not realize all
politicians must bow to their commander in chief in Rome? The Antichrist, or "father of
politics" as some affectionately call him, has been uplifted to such a position
that any politician seeking a lucrative career knows, pandering to his commands
assures them job security. Yes, I know, politicians are considered "elected"
officials. Which means they are only in that position as the votes are counted.
But the key word here is "counted." It's one thing to "stack the vote" in the
house, and quite another thing to do it across the board. Besides the ease by
which it's done per soul via demonic influence, we also have electronic voting
machines that have "granted" many a politician with a good outcome. In fact, it was already stated on
camera in a court room that voting machines can and have been programmed to rig
- Sunday
trade must be limited: poll
09-09-12 "Current legislation allows shops in England and Wales of more than 280 square
metres to open for a maximum of six hours on a Sunday between 10am and 6pm.
There are no restrictions on Sunday trading in Scotland. But the restrictions
have been suspended until the end of the Olympics and Paralympics on September
9." --This is absolute evidence their "Sabbath" is a weak manmade holiday. If it
truly was of God as they claim, and if they truly wanted to please their God as
they claim, then how is it they are allowed to break their "Sabbath" whenever a
major profit is to be had? This is actually proof the Vatican is behind this in
that they
did the very same thing in 2006 when "St Patty's day" fell on a Friday during
Lent. These hypocrites in Rome boldly declare how weak their doctrine
is when they allow meat eating on Friday so as to allow the green beer and roast
beef venders realize a profit. Money is their god just as prophecy declared.
Still, even though they openly declare their Sabbath to be nothing more than a
political charade, they WILL eventually enforce it with a death penalty. We have God's Word on that!
- Obama
minions: Gov't 'can override your religion'
09-07-12 "The Obama administration today argued in court that the government can make a
requirement that violates religious beliefs and that a company cannot reflect
the religious faith of its owners." --Now do you see why Catholic Bishops keep
pushing their contraception fiasco forward even after Obama
changed the law? The prophet Daniel declared this beast in Rome would be
crafty, and crafty he is! After pushing their agenda forward, the government now
has a legitimate argument in the courts to deny your faith on the job site. Why
do they need this? If they are successful with this, when they pass Sunday Laws they know there
will be millions of Sabbath keepers in the USA that will speak out in protest.
In so doing this will cause millions more to come into an understanding of God's Law and their need of obedience to
it. But with this new law it won't be an issue, as the Christians won't have
the legal option to protest against their employers. Not to worry brothers and
sisters. We know the timing of this is prophetically sound. We also know this is
when our God shines the most. The Loud Cry will go forth
no matter how many strange laws are passed. Acts 5:29 confirms it.
- Eurozone
demands six-day week for Greece
09-06-12 "Greece's eurozone creditors are demanding that the government in Athens
introduce a six-day working week as part of the stiff terms for the country's
second bailout. ...increase the number of maximum workdays to six days per week
for all sectors." --Finally the real reason behind the economic games is
surfacing. Not only will they use this as a way to condition the people into
accepting Sunday laws. It
also causes many of them to break the real Sabbath by bosses
having the legal option to demand a 6 day work week from their employees. Seeing
how most keep Sunday holy as prophecy predicted,
this leaves only the true Sabbath to be placed on the chopping block. Which also
helps condition the minds of many to think it's expendable. That way when Sunday
laws are passed, very few will protest against them. Daniel said this beast
would be crafty, (Daniel 8:25) and here we see why first hand.
- Extending
Sunday shop hrs an assault on Christianity
09-03-12 "A CHURCH minister has called for the Government to drop any thought of
continuing with the extended Sunday opening hours after the Paralympics.
Reverend Peter Simpson of the Penn Free Methodist Church said if extended hours
became permanent it would be an "assault on another fundamental Christian
institution, namely the Sabbath." --First of all, we have overwhelming Biblical
proof that Sunday is not the
Sabbath, and secondly, using the title "Reverend" before ones name is just
as blasphemous as the Pope using the term "Holy Father." (See Psalm 111:9) This
is to be expected by one of Rome's many Herods
they have strategically placed all around the world. As for Sunday shopping
hours being an assault on Christianity. Not according to my Bible. But then my
Bible is not used by men of Rome. They prefer Bibles with thousands of verses
missing. This pushing for no buying and selling on Sundays is conditioning
the people to get used to doing things for the gods of Rome. When it comes time
to prevent buying and selling every day of the week for those denying Sunday as
Sabbath, the majority will have no problem following after the Vatican because
everyone follows Rome
to keep Sunday holy. In fact, Rome even admitted in
writing that everyone follows them even though there are no Scriptures to
back Sunday Sabbath found anywhere in the Bible.
- Never
on Sunday, the one day we need a little rest
09-02-12 "During the days of my childhood, I remember my father's tractor sitting idly on
the field each Sunday of summer. It wasn't because of any personal belief to
"remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" (Gen. 20:8). He refrained from
working out of respect for those who did hallow it by observing the commandment
not to work." --Thanks to the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning all the world
wondering after the beast in Rome, most don't read or even trust their own
Bibles anymore. There is not a single Bible verse from Genesis to Revelation to
even suggest Sunday is the Sabbath. But because prophecy also stated in Daniel
7:25 the beast in Rome would change the Sabbath to Sunday to lure the world into
Hellfire, we see articles like this wherein most actually think Exodus 20:8 is
talking about Sunday. If Christians would only open their Bibles and down two
more verses to Exodus 20:10 they would see it actually says Sabbath is the
seventh day of the week and not the first. So many are headed for hellfire out
of sheer spiritual laziness.
- Belief
in Jesus required to hold office
08-31-12 "...no person elected to serve as a member of convention shall take his seat or
give his vote, until he shall have made and subscribed the following
declaration: 'I, do profess faith in God the Father and in Jesus Christ his
eternal Son, the true God and in the Holy Spirit, one God blessed for evermore,
and do acknowledge the holy scriptures of the old and new testament to be given
by divine inspiration." --Once again the media does exactly as students of
prophecy predicted. No, such students are not prophets. But studying
prophecy allows us to know what will happen next. No, we don't know the day
or the hour as Jesus stated in Matthew 24:36 is reserved unto the Father alone.
While on the other hand, thanks to His prophetic Word, we can know the season in which we stand.
Politicians have gotten so corrupt that as expected they are now playing the
religious card to gain office. In so doing they play right into the hands of Antichrist who
will eventually demand Sunday Laws upon the people. After all, you cannot hope to
pass religious laws without religious men in office.
- Backlash
brewing over Obama's anti-faith actions
08-17-12 "There is a concerted effort to do away with all symbols of our Judeo-Christian
culture, to deny our right of conscience in matters of faith and to attack
Christians, Catholic and Protestant, who dare to speak openly of their faith,"
Jackson said. "However, there is a silver lining in all of this. This may be an
opportunity for an historic shift in the cultural and political direction of our
country if Christians of all races will unite in rejecting the godless left
agenda of the Democratic Party." --This is the end result of Vatican II's
ecumenical charge! For decades students of prophecy have been warning that it's
no mistake each new president is more evil than his predecessor. This was done
to assure a "Christian movement" would form (the tea party) and demand a godly
man in office! You cannot pass religious laws (Sunday Laws)
without a religious tone in DC. Problem is, this "Christian movement" is a
watered down version of CHristianity just as prophecy stated would be generated by
Roman prelates after decades of infiltration. And the "godly" form of
government will be far from godly as per biblical jurisprudence. This is what we
have expected, and now it's on our doorstep! Are you ready for what appears to
be coming sooner than most realize?
- Should
we observe the Sabbath?
08-13-12 "The early church recognized that the Sabbath was a principle, not a law. That
is why the early disciples changed their day of worship from Saturday to Sunday
in order to remember and celebrate the fact that Jesus rose from the dead on the
first day of the week." --Problem with that statement is, because most people
don't read Bibles, as the prophet Amos predicted, (See Amos 8:11) most are
unaware that the author of this article just told an easy to prove bold faced
lie. The seventh
day Sabbath IS in the Law of God as an unchangeable law. What most are also
unaware of is the prophet Daniel predicted the beast in Rome would try and change the
law. However, prophecy also says God's obedient people won't "wonder after
the beast" like all the rest of the world does. So, no matter what Sunday
keeping preachers or authors of articles like this say, the elect cannot, and
will not be deceived. In fact, we have God's Word on that! See Matthew 24:24.
- Court
ruling on Sabbath seen as 'huge problem'
08-06-12 "A federal court ruling involving a New Jersey bus driver could have
troubling implications for Jewish workers who observe the Sabbath and other holy
days, a Jewish legal scholar warned. ...In theory, it is illegal to ask straight
out, 'Are you a Sabbath observer?,' said Stern. "But you can ask, 'Are you
available seven days a week, 24 hours a day?' That would weed out the Sabbath
observant, unless they lie." --First of all, the judge is using the so called
"Sunday Sabbath" as a way to restrict any Sabbath observer from requesting the
day off. This article goes back and forth calling Sunday the "Christian Sabbath"
and the real Sabbath the "Jewish Sabbath" so as to confuse the truth in all this
while at the same time give credence to the judge's assumption that neither
should be given precedence when it comes to the work place. First of all,
Scripture boldly proves Sunday is not the Christian Sabbath. As for the real Sabbath
being called the "Jewish Sabbath," that too is a lie. Even a babe in Christ
knows Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath at least 2500 years before a Jew was ever
born. (See Genesis 2:1-3) Abraham kept it before the Jews came into existence.
(See Genesis 26:5) And the angels kept Sabbath before all of mankind existed,
let alone the Jews. (See Psalm 103:20) It's court cases like this that will
allow Satan to have all the prophesied unjust laws set in place so as to make it
possible for him to have the final say when it comes to what day he tries to
enforce on all mankind as Sabbath.
- Video~City
stands still for a full minute
08-01-12 --The leaders in the city asked the people to do this for their fallen heroes in
war. But students of prophecy see a more sinister reason behind it.
Nebuchadnezzar did this in his day. (See Daniel 3) Whenever the people heard the
loud sounds they all stopped and bowed in worship to the golden idol the king
set up so as to break God's Law. Notice how all these people stop dead in their
tracks at the sound of a loud siren. it appears obvious to me that the powers
that be are actively conditioning the masses to do whatever they ask. How far of
a leap will it be for them to do the same thing in every city to acknowledge Antichrist and
his prophesied
demands upon the masses to break God's Law? Worse yet, how hard would it be
to spot the Christian that refuses to bow when everyone else around them are
doing so? We know how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego experienced that first
hand, do we not? Will they use this tactic to seal many en masse? No clue. But
it sure looks to be a viable option seeing how most political leaders are into
Paganism and ancient Egyptian god worship.
- Campaign
seeks to unleash God's Spirit on election
07-24-12 "There's a new campaign that puts Election Day 2012 in the bull's-eye, but
organizers say it's not about a political or social issue, or about who gets in
Congress or the White House. It's not even, really, about people. It seeks to
turn God loose on the nation." --As students of prophecy, we have warned those
with ears to hear for decades that the "so called" religious leaders were
eventually going to demand "godly men" in office. Problem is, neither Romney or
Obama fit that description at all. However, as we have seen so many times before
with politicians hellbent on keeping their career going, they do know how to
fake it; and the sheeple lining up at the polls will bow to them as worthy of
supporting and Rome will have what it takes to assure religious laws find a
permanent position in America's political environment and then of course the
- Sunday
Laws ruled 'not unconstitutional' in Austria
07-15-12 "The prohibition of shop opening on Sundays and public holidays in Austria is
not unconstitutional. This has the Constitutional Court (Constitutional Court)
decided. ...The "Alliance for the free Sunday" sees this as an important signal
for the retention of the Sunday rest, and thus securing a time of prosperity and
quality of life for many people as possible." --The prophet Daniel said this
beast would be crafty. (See Daniel 8:25) Seeing how he is manipulating his
political puppets into agreeing to Sunday Laws via the excuse for "employee
rest" is one more way of confirming this. In countries like the USA where blue laws are already
on this books, passing such laws will be easy by simply declaring how can it
be unconstitutional when government offices have been "resting" on Sundays since
196.? The SDA church
obviously took a back seat when this was being lobbied, but no matter. Prophecy
will be fulfilled. It's just sad to see how some who were once considered God's
people are now used by Satan to assure such things will occur.
- Make
Sunday a day of rest: ban HGV's on motorways
06-28-12 "The incoming president of the Institute of Highway Engineers risks the wrath of
truckers, but may earn the adulation of weekend motorists, as he calls for the
UK to consider banning HGVs from its motorways on Sundays." --The fact that more
and more politicians are jumping on the bandwagon to please Vatican prelates in
peppering society with all sorts of Sunday laws is
ample evidence that God's remnant people need to get more and more involved in
spreading Present Truth. After all, if you want the Latter
Rain to fall upon you, is it not
prophesied you need to be actively doing
the work? After all, how else will our Lord be able to say unto us,
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over
a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into
the joy
of thy lord." -Matthew 25:21
- Time
out necessary to help 'save our souls'
06-22-12 "The spirit behind taking time out on the Sabbath is as pivotal to a rounded
life as ever it was." --As expected, they are placing the Sunday
"sabbath" in the forefront as if it's "the" way to "save our souls." How
ironic is this? When they hear us preach the Bible says
Christians must be obedient to the Law of God, they claim we are trying to
get to heaven by keeping Sabbath. But here we see they demand their people must
do what they accuse us of doing? A few dozen more articles like this in the
coming weeks, months or even years, and you will have the people
sufficiently conditioned to believe keeping Sunday holy will some how stop the
calamities. And soon after they fall for that lie, Sunday Laws
will be enforced to try and force Sabbath keepers to bow to the Pope who preach
their theology is an easily proven lie, and our homeward trek to New Jerusalem
will escalate like never before!
to enforce ban on Sunday markets
06-21-12 "The Lagos State Government has said it will start enforcing the Trading on
Sunday (Prohibition) Bye-Law, which bans opening of markets on Sunday on the
Island." --No, this isn't the actual mark of the beast.
They are only enforcing buy and sell laws on Sunday. When they force buy and
sell laws all week long, then, that is the prophesied enforcement. This is how
they're leading up to it is all. That being said; do you know someone that
thinks Sunday Laws are a bogus prophecy? If so, show them the many
articles on this site proving they are doing exactly as prophecy said they
would! Sunday Laws are coming!!
- Sunday
shopping VOTED away in Switzerland
06-19-12 "In Zurich, 70 percent of voters said "no"
to shops being allowed to open 24 hours a day, seven days
a week." --It only took the Vatican 83
years to cause all the world to bow to her Pagan
sabbath over God's holy day.
As expected, most will bow to the
Pope's day without too much trouble. It's the "remnant
of her seed" that will eventually force the Pope to
enforce Sunday Laws because they know the elect cannot be
deceived nor pressured into breaking God's
- Sabbath laws hamper search for missing sailors
06-19-12 "Tonga's 'sabbatical laws' against Sunday trading and a question about
who will pay the fuel bill for the rescue have hampered the ongoing search for
two sailors. ...One motor launch owner, Ross Knutson, who has taken part in
the search says he needs 1200 litres of fuel for the day to reach the uninhabited
island and keep the search going, but was not allowed to refuel on Sunday owing
to the strict laws." --Do you still tell people the Sunday Law
prophecy is false? Truth is, everyone that has done so the last few decades
alone are now exposed as those false prophets Christian prophecy also speaks
of. There are a lot of embarrassed "Christians" out there thanks to
this prophetic fulfillment alone!
- Sabbath
laws hamper search for missing sailors
06-18-12 "Tonga's 'sabbatical laws' against Sunday
trading and a question about who will pay the fuel bill
for the rescue have hampered the ongoing search for two
sailors. ...One motor launch owner, Ross Knutson, who has
taken part in the search says he needs 1200 litres of fuel
for the day to reach the uninhabited island and keep the
search going, but was not allowed to refuel on Sunday owing
to the strict laws." --Seriously, do you still tell
people the Sunday Law prophecy is false? Truth is, everyone
that has done so the last few decades alone are now exposed
as those false prophets Christian prophecy also speaks of.
There are a lot of embarrassed "Christians" out
there thanks to this prophetic fulfillment alone!
- Sundays
must be a day of rest dedicated to God, family, pope says
06-17-12 "Sunday must be a day of rest for everyone, so people can be free to be with
their families and with God, the pope said. "By defending Sunday, one defends
human freedom," he said during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square
June 6. ...Humanity has no future without the family. ...The pope said when he
met government representatives in Milan, he reminded them of the importance of
policies and laws that protect the family. ...Sunday is the day of the Lord and
of man, a day which everyone must be able to be free, free for the family and
free for God." --See how lies can become truth so easily for those under Satan's
control? First of all, how can being forced to keep Sunday holy be considered
"freedom?" And secondly, how can keeping Sunday holy in direct violation of God's eternal
law be considered "free for God." As prophecy said so long ago, all the world wonders after this beast. So anything the man of sin
proclaims will be considered "gospel" to them. And rightly so, as the prophet
Amos predicted long ago, most people today have no idea of what their Bibles say about
all this. Sunday
Laws are that much closer to fruition brothers and sisters. Are you ready?
Are you sure?!
- Video~Pope
decreed Sunday rest on June 3rd 2012
06-04-12 --Notice in this video that the Pope first admits the 7th day is the
Sabbath. He then boldly contradicts that easily verified Bible truth and
declares Christians should keep Sunday as Sabbath instead. And then he
goes on to say some things they can do on Sunday to keep it holy, one of which
is "to play and do sports!?" But doesn't Isaiah 58:13-14 clearly say, "If thou
turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy
day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and
shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own
pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself
in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the
earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the
LORD hath spoken it." The pope openly declared to all the world he does not
adhere to or even understand simple biblical jurisprudence! Still think the
Sunday Law prophecy as it relates to the mark of this Roman
beast is a hoax? If so, then keep reading...
- Pastor
violates Federal Law on Pulpit!
05-25-12 "An eastern Kentucky Baptist pastor troubled by President Barack Obama's views
on gay marriage violated federal law when he urged his followers to vote the
president out of office in November, a Washington watchdog group said. Pastor
Ronnie Spriggs of Hager Hill Freewill Baptist Church said during a May 13 sermon
that he wants Obama voted out of office because of the president's support of
gay marriage." --What's worse is, someone in his congregation told the Feds
about his sermon. Sad reality is, once you get a 501C3 tax ID number, as all
(except those that understand prophecy) churches have done, you are not only
gagged on the pulpit from speaking about political figures, (this includes the
Pope) you give the government the option to place an undercover agent inside
your church each and every week making sure you don't say anything they deem
"wrong" from your pulpit. What could be worse? In order to get the 501C3 you
need to join your church with the State so as to build towards that image to the
beast in Rome that is also a Church & State conglomerate. Aa of March 7,
2006, GW Bush signed into law the necessary foundation that creates the
environment wherein all 501C3 pastors can ignite the spark that will give "life"
unto that image of that Roman beast just as prophecy predicted. How you ask? As
of that date, all Pastors with the 501C3 not only have the official title
"government agent;" they also have the ability to lobby for the Sunday Laws we
know are coming soon! (See more on the 501C3 here)
- Vatican:
Church 'committed' to universal healthcare
05-25-12 "Archbishop Zygmunt Zimoski told the meeting in Geneva on Wednesday that the
Vatican supports Resolution WHA64.9, a measure that would urge countries to
"plan the transition of their health systems to universal coverage." --And why
do you suppose they're so committed to universal health care? It's simple.
Absolutely everyone on the planet will need healthcare at least one time in
their life. It's the ultimate vehicle for global control over every person on
earth. You simply cannot enforce the mark of the beast without universal health care. Not only
is this prophetically sound. They are even using their own terminology upon this
system. What I mean is, the word "Catholic" is Latin for "Universal." They've
known since day one they would go global. And no, it's not because they believe
they are working for Christ. Their Pagan doctrines and their very own
words in print for all to read have declared all along they are working for
- A
Sunday in Spain
05-23-12 "They played card games, enjoyed the sun in their deck-chairs and demonstrated
that the Sunday shall be preserved for families, friends and recreation, and not
for work, business and commerce." --Yes, they are right now marching and
demanding Sunday
Laws in Spain. As for their version of Sabbath. First
of all, it's not
Sunday as the Bible so clearly shows, and secondly, when it comes to "card
games" and "recreation" on the true Sabbath of the Bible. It says in Isaiah
58:13,14 that "If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from
doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath
a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him,
not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own
pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will
cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the
heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it." Prophecy said Sunday
Laws would come, and seeing how we are in the last hours of
earth's history, all this was bound to start sooner or later. What gets me
about the people running the "Lord's Day Alliance" is they have no problem with
lying. I called them years ago and they insisted they would never seek Sunday
Laws. What say ye now sir?
- Commandments
Congress Resolutions
05-07-12 --Seven years ago (May 13,2008) the leaders of this nation passed joined with
Protestants as well as Roman Catholics to successfully convince the United
States Congress to agree to a resolution that uplifted the Ten Commandments
before the people. Some may think that is a good thing. And on the surface it
is. But when you look at the Ten Commandments as they are listed by Congress you
begin to realize they are the re-written version of the Roman Catholic beast.
Not only do they remove Commandment #2, all of Congress believes as does most of
the world that the Sabbath commandment has to do with the Pagan Sabbath or,
Sunday. How much longer will this resolution sit awaiting it's "life' giving
blood to force all Americans to bow to Sunday as the Sabbath? Only our true God
in Heaven knows that answer.
- Sunday
Laws ENFORCED in Brooklyn NY!
05-03-12 "The community leader leading the charge in the War on Brunch is recruiting
Greenpoint residents to tattle on restaurants that serve diners outdoors on
Sundays before noon. Community Board 1 public safety chairman Tom Burrows asked
neighbors to join his fight and help monitor illegal brunching activity at a
94th Precinct council meeting in Greenpoint on Wednesday. ...Department of
Consumer Affairs inspectors, deployed after requests from CB1 members began
cracking down on restaurants that serve food and drink outdoors before noon
on Sundays in violation of a rarely enforced city blue law that has
prohibited the practice since 1971. ...restaurants must obey the law as
it is written and are a "direct affront to the community." --That's right! It
is now "illegal" in Brooklyn for restaurants to serve food before noon on
Sundays! Yes, the law was "on the books" since 1971, but as we've been saying
all along, they do that so as to make it easy to enforce later when Rome demands
it. Putting it on the books and never enforcing it is an age old tactic of how
Rome did things 2000 years ago. People reject the laws, but never really protest
when they see it not being enforced. But then later, as is the case in Brooklyn,
when Rome seeks to enforce it, it's aleady been lobbied, written, passed and
signed into law. All they need to do now is enforce it. Hence the "blue laws"
wherein all government agencies are closed omn Sundays that was put in place by
Roman Catholic John F. Kennedy in his day. Soon that law will be enforced coast
to coast! What's happening in Brooklyn is just a "testing of the waters" see if
they will have much opposition. Seeing how must Christians keep Sunday holy, and SDA's already have
dozens of Sunday keeping churches around the world, and Jews have already
agreed to keep Sunday holy since 2007, the timing appears right. Brothers
and sisters, do we need anymore evidence that it's time to get busy?
- Keep
Sunday Special!
05-02-12 "The Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Bill had its
second reading in the House of Lords on April 24th and the government hopes that
it will be passed and receive Royal Assent at the beginning of May. The Keep
Sunday Special Campaign totally opposes any plans to amend Sunday trading laws
in the context of the Olympics. KSS has always promoted Sundays as a day for
shared activities. No changes to Sunday Trading legislation are needed to enable
all Olympic visitors to have a great day out enjoying time with family and
friends." --How can anyone say the propehcy regarding Sunday Laws is
bogus? Seriously. How can that be humanly possible today?
- It's
official, Sunday rest still rules but Sabbath is changing
05-02-12 "In today's non-stop society, 41 per cent of South Easterners still view Sundays
as special and try to keep it that way while over half of people in the region
find it harder to distinguish Sunday from other days of the week when chores,
working and surfing the net can make one day look pretty much like the next for
many. ...About half of South Eastern respondents spend more time with their
family on a Sunday than they did 10 years ago, confirming that people like to
keep Sundays for sharing with friends and loved ones." --This is nothing more
than propaganda for Rome's soon coming Sunday Laws. If
you've done any research recently into how the media works, you know by now that
everything aired is vehemently checked and double checked to make sure a certain
agenda is well favored, cultivated, or introduced. Strange thing is, oftentimes
the ones doing it have no idea they are doing it. Pawns of Satan are well
blinded to such realities. Worse yet, the sheeple out there will believe
anything people say on TV as if it's Gospel truth. While at the same time won't
believe anything that's actually written in the real Gospels.
- Candidates
give their views on Sabbath
05-01-12 "One hundred per cent of respondents are of the view that full legal protection
should be provided for those workers who do not want to work on Sundays." --Can
you see what Satan's up to here? All around the world there's a movement to make Sunday the
"legal" Sabbath for all those Christians seeking to have that day off of
work each week. As they do this, the
calamities will get worse and more frequent until all the world is
"legalized" in this manner. Then the Pope, via Satan's direction can demand
Sunday Laws easily since all have "laws on the books" legalizing Sundays
already. He will now demand all should now enforce them strictly so as to please
the Lord in the hopes the calamities will end. Truth is, that will only be their
very believable excuse for those that don't study
prophecy. They will seek to enforce Sunday Laws only because God's remnant
people are preaching present truth that is emptying their churches.
- Video~European
Sunday Alliance CENSORS New Video
04-26-12 --If you're in the United States, don't expect this video to work in your
browser. The SOPA, PIPA, and or CISPA toys for censoring the Internet that have
yet to be passed as law, are already working (illegally) in most nations
regardless of the fact the masses that write their elected officials
paychecks don't agree with them. This "new video" is not being allowed to go
outside of Europe. Why do you suppose something as trivial and "supposedly"
unpolitical as the "European Sunday Alliance" would deem it necessary to censor
their audience unless they know for a fact popular Christian websites in America
would speak out against them slwoing their forward motion. That being said, if
you're from the EU, post this video to YouTube and please let me know so I can
post it here.
- There's
no Olympic medals for Sunday shopping, says Usdaw
04-25-12 "Usdaw has called on the government to drop plans to suspend Sunday trading laws
during the Olympic and Paralympic Games." --And they call Sunday the Sabbath of
the Lord thy God? This makes it so easy for us to expose their spiritual
hypocrisy brethren. If Sunday was the true Sabbath, why is it whenever there's
money to be made they look to suspend their ban on Sunday shopping for that
"special" occasion? This reminds me of what the Catholic
church did in 2006 in New York and Chicago as well as other major cities
when their drunken St. Patty's day festivities fell on a Friday during Lent.
Since it landed on a Friday in "Lent" when meat eating is not allowed (as
prophecy predicted they would do in 1Timothy 4:3) they allowed their
parishioners to eat meat that Friday so the businesses wouldn't lose money!
- Let's
make Sunday a day of rest, for God's sake
04-24-12 "We dance in rhythm with God when we keep the Sabbath. The reason we are called
to take a day of rest is simple. Humans tend to forget that we did not make the
world and thus, that the world does not depend upon us." --The author of this
article is one confused Christian to say the least. One minute he lifts up what
he calls the "Jewish Sabbath," and the next he declaers Sunday is the
Sabbath day. Truth is brothers and sisters, it's ignorance like this that
will make our job that much easier. However, it will only be effective for the
most part if those we evangelize have at the very least read and trusted what
they read in the Bible. In other words, the elect will not be easily deceived as
the promise of our Lord proclaims. (See Matthew 24:24) The rest that are too
lazy to study the Word who only chose to go to church to trust what their
pastors say, it is these that will make up the massive number that burn on that
great and dreadful day.
- Sunday trading laws being relaxed by the back door
04-24-12 "Ministers are to rush through a law allowing shops to open round the clock
during the Games this summer, so that ticket-holders can visit stores after
events and to maximise the economic potential of the world's biggest sporting
event." --What an open and shut case for defining hypocrisy! They claim Sunday
is the Sabbath of the Lord. They demand Sunday Laws, and get them to close
shops on Sundays. But as soon as the Olympics come to town, they have to make
sure they quickly change the law so as to make money on Sundays during the peak
of the games?! What hypocrites! This is one way to prove this is not the Sabbath
of the Lord. There's no power in their hearts to even keep it! Their money
always comes first. This is nothing more than the manmade "holy day" our Lord
predicted would come long ago.
- U.S.
Bishops Propose 'Fortnight of Freedom'
04-20-12 "The U.S. bishops have issued a call to action to defend religious liberty
and urged laity to protect the First Freedom of the Bill of Rights. ...Religious
liberty is not only about our ability to go to Mass on Sunday or pray the Rosary
at home, the document declared. "It is about whether we can make our
contribution to the common good of all Americans." --Did we not expect this
after their so called contraceptive fiasco of the last few weeks? These men that
condone everything from alcohol to pedophilia are claiming to be heroes for the
American people now! Just under 100 years ago everyone in this nation knew how
evil this church was, and now, they embrace it as if it is actually a church of
Jesus Christ. And it's no mistake they bring up their Sunday sabbath
as one of the pertinent issues at hand. As the American sheeple soak all this
propaganda in as if it's the gospel truth, we will witness Roman Catholic
prelates dictating public policy all the way up to national Sunday Laws.
Now yes, I understand that some will lie and say preaching prophecy is not
present truth for today. But I have to ask, if that were so, why then was so
much written about today's events in prophecy? And if warning people of the
arrival of the Lord is wrong to do, then why did John the Baptist do it in His
day, or why did all the prophets of old warn the people of coming doom in their
day? No, those that say preaching prophecy is not of God are actually not of God
themselves. We literally have 66 books to confirm that as biblical fact now.
Satan looks for a multitude of ways to prevent people from being ready for the
Lord. This movement by some to ignore present day prophetic events is simply one
of those methods. In fact, that too was prophesied! Do a study on the "peace and safety" mindset that was prophesied for today and
you will see what the remnant people have seen for literally decades now.
- Holy
Mass is encounter with risen Jesus, Pope says
04-18-12 "He (the Pope) noted that Christ first appears on the Jewish Sabbath and then
again eight days later. The fact that this second encounter took place on a
Sunday, he explained, is "very strong proof of the Resurrection of Christ"
because only an "extraordinary and disturbing event" could induce the early
Christians to start worshipping on a day other than the Jewish Sabbath." --As
prophesied, in 321AD the Vatican declares the Christian
Sabbath a "Jewish Sabbath" so as to bring about the Pagan sabbath of Sunday
into the church. One would think that if this man (or any priest) ever actually
read a Bible they would see that the so called "Jewish Sabbath" was sanctioned
and made holy by the Lord in creation week 2500 years before a Jew was
ever even born. To call it a "Jewish Sabbath" is to call Jesus a liar when He
stated Christians would still be keeping Sabbath 40 years AFTER the very
resurrection the Pope claims sanctioned Sunday as Sabbath! When Jesus was
prophesying 40 years in advance about the coming destruction of the Temple that
happened in 70AD He said in Matthew 24:20 "But pray ye that your flight be not
in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:" Here's a
novel idea, wht not "Ask God" which day of the week He calls Sabbath?
- Christian
Leaders Welcome Weekly Rest Day for Maids
04-12-12 "Pastors and Christian leaders in Singapore have expressed their support for a
new requirement by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) of a weekly rest day, or
compensation in lieu by agreement, for foreign domestic workers (FDWs) or
maids." -And what day of the week do you suppose they are trying to get off for
the maids? Tuesday? Thursday? The real Sabbath? Nope.. the prophesied day of the Antichrist in
Rome is Sunday! In fact, they actually call this day "their
MARK of authority!"
- Video~Sunday
Laws in Hawaii?
04-10-12 "A bill that would outlaw nearly all commercial activities on Sundays at
a popular stretch of beach in Kailua faces a final vote next week after being
passed unanimously Tuesday by the City Council's Parks and Cultural Affairs
Committee." -No, this isn't the mark of the beast "enforced" as of yet. Yes, they are looking
to pass Sunday laws, but they are not looking to prevent buying and selling all
week long as the prophecy says will be the case for those refusing to bow to the Pope. What they are doing here is conditioning the
masses like they are doing everywhere else. "Blue laws" like
this are everywhere now. So many in fact that once they do pass Sunday Laws by
force, most will go along with it thinking it's no big deal since they have been
"keeping Sunday
holy" for decades anyway. And just so you know, they did pass this unconstitutional law in Hawaii a week after
airing this News Report. It is now illegal to buy and sell in certain areas
of Hawaii.
- Jersey Sunday trading 'is too expensive'
04-08-12 "A Jersey shop owner has complained new States rules have made it too expensive
to open on a Sunday." -Satan uses money to move our political leaders into all
sorts of sinful acts. This we have all seen all our lives. What we also see is
he uses the same method to force the common man to close on Sundays. Don't think
money is his favored tool when tempting the weak? When it comes time to enforce
the mark,
prophecy says he will make it impossible to buy and sell unless you bow to Antichrist in
Rome. So yes, using money will be his method of attack in the coming days.
- Video~Presidents
Day ad stresses importance of God and religion
04-08-12 "A new Knights of Columbus commercial uses Presidents Day Weekend to remind
Americans that past presidents saw God and religion as foundational to the
country. ...The 60-second spot ran on national cable networks Feb. 18-20. It is
running in regional markets from Connecticut to California." -Notice how this
once secretive Roman Catholic entity called the "Knights of Columbus" are doing
all they can to twist truth to make it appear that what Jesus said about separating Church and state is outdated.
They do this so as to make it far easier to bring about Sunday Laws in
the same way they brought Christmas into America. All true Christians back then
knew Christmas was nothing more than a Pagan ritual filled
with perversion and vulgarity. But as time went on, the Catholics were able
to wear out the weak Christians into accepting it. Sunday Laws will be no
different. In fact, this is why John F. Kennedy enacted "blue laws" in 1961. Not
long after that it became illegal to buy and sell cars in America on Sundays.
Still think the coming Sunday Laws are a figment of our imagination?
- Bishop
concerned unions haven't taken stand against work on Sundays
04-02-12 "The Church's commission on work issued a statement expressing its
disappointment that commercial establishments have been given permission to open
on public holidays that fall on Sundays." -Was it not prophesied that unions
would become a major issue for Christians in the last days? Keep in mind
that whenever Rome makes a public demand like this, everyone in politics
scampers to please the Pope. Truth is, if you're in a union you know all too
well how politicized they have become the last few decades. So, one can expect
union officials to jump at the chance to be recognized as "players" in the Pope's NWO
plans. After all, if there's money to be made, one can expect it will be
sought after. And still, some think Christian prophecy is outdated, bogus, or
just plain false? Why do they think that way? Read Amos 8:11.
- Texas
Sabbath showdown -- the inside story
04-02-12 "Beren Jewish Academy of Houston, an Orthodox Jewish high school, fielding a
superb basketball team, had battled its way to the semifinals of the Texas
Association of Private and Parochial Schools. Ironically, although TAPPS was a
sports league of private and religious schools, the association was determined
not to honor any Sabbath, except Christian Sunday." -Amazing! In a land where
"religious freedom" is guaranteed by the Constitution to be the norm, those that
keep the true
Sabbath have to go to court to gain the right to do so? Yes, they are Jews,
and yes most think the true Sabbath is for Jews only. But that is not what the
Word of God says. Still, schools are operated by the government, and prophecy
does say this government founded by Christians will exchange it's love of
God for hatred
of His people. This court case is no doubt something they can "learn" from
on how to better enforce the mark when that day comes. This is a hurdle they must
surpass if Rome is to have any hope in performing their task at hand. And so,
I'm sure we will see more Sabbath court cases in the coming days.
& Unions form "Holy Alliance" to enforce Sunday
03-27-12 "Trade unions across Europe held small protests March 4 calling for governments
to force companies and shops to shut on Sunday, as Catholic preachers supported
the campaign from the pulpit. Religious groups and trade unions, organized under
the banner of the European Sunday Alliance, helped organize protests in 12 EU
countries." -Yes, I know this happened a few weeks ago, but the fact they now
mention the trade unions in this article puts more oomph on what's actually
happening out there. For those of you that frequent this site that don't believe
Sunday Laws
are a prophetic fact. What say ye now? Or better yet, for those Christians that
knew this was coming. What are YOU doing to help us spread the word? We sure
could use your help is making the loud cry
- A man if banned from leaving home on Sunday
03-27-12 A man has been banned from leaving his house on a Sunday after targeting car boot sales with counterfeit goods.
...He was arrested in September 2010 and his car and home contained
hundreds of counterfeit discs and counterfeit hardware, a spokesman
said. ...The tag he must now wear for three months prevents him leaving his home between 06:00 and 18:00 GMT on Sundays."
-No mistake they picked the Roman Sabbath as his "day off."
- Sunday:
A day of 'rest' at sea
03-16-12 "At the Catholic Mass on board the USS Missouri Sunday, Lt. Anthony Roa said he
wanted to pray that the families of the crew stayed safe while the submarine was
at sea. ...The service was the first Mass held on a submarine at sea in more
than a decade and was most likely the first on a Virginia-class boat." -Only
Rome has the ability to get this done. Everywhere you look we see Roman
influence. Every small town has a Catholic church, all government buildings use
Roman architecture, every jail has a Catholic priest as does every military
base. And now, we see them pushing their Roman Sabbath at sea so as to make it
appear more and more the norm worldwide. As prophesied, Sunday Laws will
come. Only those that refuse to read or trust their Bibles will be blind to
all this. Now do you see why it has to be a LOUD cry to get some to listen? Only
after it gets worldwide attention via the mouths of God's people will some start
to realize they need to re-think their stance on God's Law.
29 February 2012
03-16-12 "The Justitia et Pax Commission of the Croatian Conference of Bishops urges
believers and all citizens of good will in the Republic of Croatia to
participate, starting on Sunday, March 4, 2012, in the widespread campaign of
the European Sunday Alliance, which unites labor unions, political parties,
civic associations and Churches in the demand for respecting Sunday as day of
rest for all, a day for families to be together, a day for voluntary, cultural
and social activities and as the Day of the Lord that Christians celebrate and
glorify." -Just another smoking gun is all. If you read on in the article you
will see that this Vatican inspired Conference started their major push towards
Sunday Laws back in 2000. And now, we see them ritoing in Italy demanding Sunday
Laws as a desire of the people. Dear mr and mrs scoffer, still think the
prophecy is a lie?
- Trade
unionists campaign against Sunday trading
03-12-12 "trade unionists in Austria and France were also calling for a ban on Sunday
trading."I think that, as in Western Europe, we can demand to keep Sunday as a
day of rest," he said." -The push for Sunday Laws has been granted amajor uptick
lately thanks to Vatican pressures on EU nations. They will keep this up until
most nations agree it's a good thing. Then, when the Loud Cry
empties their churches because people finally get the truth, they will enforce
these laws to try and shut us up. Are you ready for what's already started
happening right now? Is there anything you can do to help spread the truth? If
so, contact this ministry asap!
- America's
Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President
03-11-12 "When one observes President Obama's unwillingness to accommodate America's
four-century long religious conscience protection through his attempts to
require Catholics to go against their own doctrines and beliefs, one is tempted
to say that he is anti-Catholic. But that characterization would not be correct.
Although he has recently singled out Catholics, he has equally targeted
traditional Protestant beliefs over the past four years. ...Many of these
actions are literally unprecedented; this is the first time they have happened
in four centuries of American history." -Obama is actually a puppet of Rome. His
so called attack on Catholics is a farce at best. He's been attacking Christians
via Papal order from day one. Obama literally changed the reading of the law to help the
Catholics, but the Bishops of Rome ignored it to play the victim. Rome
literally fabricated this whole ccontraception fiasco so as to appear the victim
along with Protestants. This assured their ecumenical agenda moved forward
quicker. Only Rome has been historically documented as showing a hatred of
the Bible and a hatred of Christ's followers. As the number of recent attacks
against Christians grew, Rome new it was boiling over with Roman benefits. So
they had to quickly create a way to appear persecuted to hide their involvement.
Daniel wasn't kidding when he said the beast would be crafty. This is the main
reason they claim to be Christians. They can hide behind the Christian name
while killing the Christians! Yes, I am aware most will think I am biased
against Rome and therefore unable to see it any other way. Truth is, unless you
prophecy and understand the demonic characteristics of
this beast, you simply won't be able to see what students of prophecy see
here. However, everyone, including scoffers and Catholics alike will soon see
what we see. Problem is, it will be far too late for them to do anything about
it. That is a prophetic FACT! I am sure Rome will use this present agenda to
push religious laws to the forefront politically so as to have that springboard
they need to enforce Sunday Laws! I believe this is why they ignored the change in
the Bill in the first place. In fact, knowing Rome as I do, I wouldn't put it
past them to have planned the original wording of the Bill as well. Once they
have a foundational say in legislative halls, they will go for the jugular! That
too is prophetic fact!
- Singapore
maids to finally get a day off
03-11-12 "One employer told the Straits Times newspaper that she would seek to pay her
maid the extra day's wages rather than allow her to take a day off. "This is bad
news for women who are working," said 49-year-old mother of four children Poon
Boon Eng, according to the paper. "If I let her go out four days a month, it
will be very hectic for me. I need to rest on Sunday too." -The nations are
getting ready to have one day a week already set up to be an official rest day.
That way, when Rome
demands all keep Sunday holy, most nations will already be ready to do just
- No
to working on Sundays from 13 UE countries!
03-08-12 "On Sunday, 4 March, thirteen European countries joined with the European Sunday
Alliance, made up of various types of unions, associations of civil society,
together with Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox communities, all together to
confirm the special and fundamental characteristic of Sunday." -Are you getting
your house in order? Are you preparing to meet the Lord in the air? If not,
Satan certainly is doing all he can to make sure you will burn with him on that dreadful
day! And by the way, it's no mistake the Vatican servers are posting all
this online so readily! Are you ready for what's already begun? If not, click here. By
the way, it's also your duty to warn your loved ones. They need to be ready to
meet the Lord as well.
- Sport
Relief fun run? Never on a Sunday, says Clarke
03-06-12 "WHILE hundreds of Ballymena folk are gearing themselves up for the town's first
ever Sainsbury's Sport Relief Mile on March 25, borough councillor, Alderman
Martin Clarke has voiced his opposition to it being held on the Sabbath." -First
of all, Scriptures prove the false pastors are twisting the Word of God and Sunday is not the
Sabbath. But because most people don't read Bibles and trust their pastors,
not many are aware of that easy to discover fact. It's no mistake more and more
politicians are pushing "Sunday Sabbath" into the limelight now. Prophecy said
we will have
Sunday Laws after all the leaders bow to the Pope's mark and
force everyone else to follow their lead. So, we will have them. As for not
participating in sporting events on Sunday. As a remnant
Christian I know we should be participating in sporting events on any day of
the week. But then, that too is kept hidden from the People. Rome needs their
Pagan games to be able to have more control over the masses. They know now just
as they did when they built the coliseum that sports can become an addiction
they can benefit from.
- Debate:
Do You Want Sunday's Off in Israel?
03-05-12 "According to recent reports, Vice Premier Silvan Shalom's proposal to make
Sunday another day off is gaining steam throughout the Knesset. There is even a
Knesset committee, which has been formed to explore the initiative. And I even
remember that Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharanksy has always supported
Sunday's off and included that concept as one of the central pillars in his
Yisrael Be'Aliya's party platform in 2003." -Ok, let me ask you this. If you
think the prophecy about Sunday Laws is a bogus trumpted up prophecy by
fanatical Sabbath keeping Christians that preach present truth, why is it my "Sabbath Attack"
page on the site has literally hundreds of articles and videos of government
officials pushing for Sunday Laws all around the world? And why do you suppose
they're pushing for a Sunday Sabbath in Israel as we speak? How can it be a
bogus prophecy when they are doing EXACTLY as the prophecy said they
would? There's only two ways you can ignore these easy to realize facts. #1, you
never read a Bible. #2, you go to a Sunday keeping church that twists many Bible
verses claiming Sunday is the Sabbath.
- Sundays
have no Price!
03-04-12 "On 4 march 2012 all over Europe, it's the European Day Work-free Sunday! The
European Sunday Alliance calls on all members and supporters to take action on
Sunday, 4 March 2012, as the EUROPEAN DAY FOR A WORK-FREE SUNDAY." -They are
preparing the masses to do as Rome will soon demand. I recall about 10 or so
years ago calling the American Sunday Alliance office regarding Sunday Laws.
They literally lied to me on the phone that day when they said they had no
intentions of using their office to demand Sunday Laws in any way shape or form.
When I shared with them a quote from page 6
of their 25th report from 1913, it was as if I could hear crickets! And now
we see them ramping up their agenda in the EU.
- Video~Santorum
pushing a church & State structure!
02-28-12 "I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state are
absolute," he told 'This Week' host George Stephanopoulos. "The idea that the
church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is
absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country...to say
that people of faith have no role in the public square? You bet that makes me
want to throw up." -Students of prophecy have been preaching for decades that a
"religious" president will be used by Rome to create an atmosphere in D.C. that
will officially bow to the Pope as the moral authority. It appears Santorum is
applying for that job! He is twisting the fabric of the Constitution to make it
appear as if it is necessary to allow for Catholic faith to dictate public
policy. He is openly slamming Kennedy for declaring his Catholic "faith" would
never enter into his administration and vise-versa. Santorum is boldly declaring
he will do the exact opposite! He will allow his Catholic "faith" to dictate
laws in America. In other words, as we see the Loud Cry
getting louder, Satan is making sure his people are in high office so as to
assure Sunday
Laws are a sure thing.
- Legislate
10 Commandments
02-28-12 "President Michael Sata has warned that his administration may legislate his
intentions to rule the country under the 10 commandments." -This man just
"converted" to Catholicism not too long ago, and now he is a bold speaker for
Rome's agenda in that region. He is actually setting the stage for Sunday Laws
when the other shoe finally drops. Rome always does this. Whenever they have a
global agenda to be implemented, they test the waters and try is out in the
"easy" to manipulate nations first. As they work out the issues they then move
up the ladder. However, once all Constitutions are changed globally to reflect
Rome's prophesied demands, and the fix is in, it will be in
America where the first enforcement of the mark of the beast
is prophesied to occur!
- Santorum
doesn't believe in separation of church and state
02-26-12 "Republican
presidential hopeful Rick Santorum said Sunday that he doesn't
believe in the separation of church and state, adding that
he was sickened by John F. Kennedy's assurances to Baptist
ministers 52 years ago that he would not impose his Catholic
faith on them. "I don't believe in an America where
the separation of church and state is absolute," Santorum,
a devout Catholic, said in an interview from Michigan on
ABC's 'This Week." -Prophecy is fulfilling right before
our eyes brothers and sisters! If this man gains office,
he will do exactly as the beast in Rome commands him to
do! And unlike Kennedy, he won't balk at even the most outrageous
of demands because being a "devout" catholic,
they are taught to trust the Pope's commands as infallible
in every way! This blind faith will bring us into a place
where our true remnant faith will be tested! Are you ready
dear ones? Are you sure? If not, click here.
- Sunday Off - Is it Good for the Jews?
02-21-12 "An expanded forum of the Tzohar rabbinical organization is scheduled to gather
Monday at the Park Hotel in Jerusalem and discuss the different halakhic (Jewish
Law) and social, public angles of the influence of turning Sunday into an
official day offin Israel." -This is the direct result of a poll they did in
Israel back in May of 2007 that I shared in a Newsletter I did back then.
The poll showed 56% of the Jews agreed with acknowledging Sunday as a day of
rest. I guess the reason it's back in the News now is because they've gotten
more support? The vote they're about to take will answer that question very
soon. In any event, this is to further confirm all those scoffers out there are
lying to you when they say Sunday Laws will never come to fruition because of Sabbath
keeping Jews and SDA people. But the majority of the Jews already agreed to
switch back in 2007, and the SDA church already has scores of Sunday keeping churches
now. Prophecy said the mark of the beast will come, and now we see one of the final
hurdles for Rome is about to be cleared. If you never thought Sunday Laws were
possible before, what say yee now?
- Santorum:
Obama leads with a 'different theology'
02-19-12 "Rick Santorum drew applause from Ohio tea party voters, but perhaps raised some
eyebrows, too, when he suggested Saturday that President Barack Obama leads
based on a theology different from that in the Bible." -First of all, Santorum
is Roman Catholic. Second of all, Catholicism
teaches not to trust the Bible. So he has not the authority to speak on such
matters. Thirdly, Obama is a Muslim, so ignoring the Bible for him is a no
brainer. Still, as expected, this election is going to be all about what Rome
wants it to be about so as to heal their wound
of many years. They have their poster child out there acting the "moral"
part for the church, and as the Tea Party agenda grows more apparent, all the
evil presidents in the last few decades have set the stage for Rome's "godly"
man to stand in the Oval Office so as to welcome with open arms all those 501C3 government
agents on pulpits that will soon demand religious laws as an excuse to fix
what the last few presidents broke. Then not too long after that, with their new
found power coursing through their veins, Sunday Laws
will be upon us. If you study prophecy, this was as easy to see coming as is the
return of our Lord who in fact puts an end to all this idiocy with the
brightness of His arrival. Maranatha!!
- Virginia
lawmakers preserve ban on Sunday hunting
02-17-12 Virginia is one of roughly a half-dozen states that still restrict Sunday
hunting. The ban has been challenged in past sessions but seemed to have
momentum going for it after the Virginia Board of Game and Inland Fisheries last
summer came out in favor of allowing hunting on the biblical day of rest." -Yes,
this is an old law that is still on the books in many states due to Sunday
keeping Christians being illinformed in regards to biblical jurisprudence in our
nation's infancy. Still, the law is on the books, and it's on the books in a
nation that claims to have "separation of church and state" as part of
her Constitutional structure. It remains there as an ace up the sleeve of
anti-Christian prelates hellbent on using them as a foundation for the soon to
arrive Sunday
Laws students of prophecy know are soon to be enforced. At the same time
this proves to those that refuse to believe the Government will ever make
"religious" laws that they are very much mistaken. Truth is, the blue laws put in
place by our first Roman Catholic president, John F. Kennedy proved most are in
denial since as far back as 1960.
- Syria
sets constitution referendum
02-15-12 "As the uprising rages on in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad orders a
referendum on a new constitution to be held on February 26." -As expected,
another nation embroiled in the midst of social anarchy is about to get a brand
new Vatican approved constitution. No longer can anyone deny the blunt pattern
being set by Antichrist. If you agree with Rome's plan for world dominance,
you simply get a new constitution to ratify your loyalty. If you refuse, you get
anarchy, riots, war, assassinated leaders, and then, like all the others, you
get a new constitution. Rome's new world
order cannot work unless there is a global constitution. And none of this
will work unless that global constitution allows for Sunday Laws.
No, none of them will speak about such relgious laws in the media because in so
doing, the prophesied 3 angel's message will be vindicated before billions. But
students of prophecy know this truth and proclaim it boldly. Not only does
prophecy declare it, Germany confirmed it within 24 hours of the EU's new
- 18
Staggering Charts On The Rise Of Government Dependence
02-13-12 "A record 70.5 percent of government spending went to dependence programs." -As
you look over all the charts on this page showing how more and more Americans
are being lured into total governmental dependence, you begin to see what
students of prophecy have been warning people about for over 100 years. The mark of the beast
is about to be enforced! And the majority of people on this planet will be
forced into compliance easier than anyone could have imagined. Seriously, what
do you think the people will do when the government that puts food on their
table says you must officially agree with Sunday Laws is
you want to eat your next meal will do?
- War
on an 'If': 'Iran threat a tool of regime change'
02-02-12 "Washington's intelligence chief has warned of an increasing likelihood that
Iran could attack America or its allies. The U.S. is beefing up its military
presence in the Persian Gulf, by sending a third aircraft carrier to the region.
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern says people have been misled into thinking Iran
is a clear and present danger." -This is the exact same thing they did with Iraq
and Afghanistan in 2002! They conned the American people into thinking Iraq had
WMD's. We now know this wasn't the case. The real reason was the leaders in Iraq
and Afghanistan refused to bow to the Pope's demand for Constitutional changes
that allowed for Sunday Laws. The fact Germany closed
all shops on Sundays as a show of support less than 24 hours after the EU
Constitution was ratified, and all signatures to that ratification by the 25
member States was done inside Rome, proves the Vatican is behind all this,
just as prophecy
predicted. So, they remove the leaders that refuse to go along with the NWO by
going to war. What this man says in the very last seconds of this video
is exactly what we've been saying all along. We are going to war simply
for a "regime change!"
- DHS Gives Top-Secret Security
Clearance To Muslim Brotherhood
As we now know thanks to prophetic study, our government is
controlled by the Vatican and is working directly with the Muslim
Brotherhood in helping them polish their image in the United States, and around
the world so as to have the power hey need in areas we know also by studying
prophecy will be a major problem for Christians in the coming days. Brothers and
sisters, I implore you all to please study the Word daily so as to assure your
house is ready for the coming of the Lord. Soon your faith will be tested and
tried like never before. The Lord is looking for those He can trust that will
stand in that prophesied number that proclaims Christ Lord like no other
time in earth's history. Millions will be blessed by their testimony and
Scriptual truths so much they will cry unto the Lord as Saviour! Our God will
be glorified throughout all the Universe by His obedient people! If you don't
increase your faith now, while you still can "legally", you will not be able to
do so when it becomes illegal and literally life threatening. Prophecy said the
people of God will be beheaded for refusing the mark
of the Beast, and we know Muslims are the chosen weapon of Rome to do this task.
This is why they are able to gain high level political positions at such a break
neck pace. Are you ready!? ARE YOU SURE!?
- 15
faith-based predictions for 2012
you scroll to #9 in the list, this is what you will find...
"9. Sabbath becomes trendy! Fourth Commandment makes
a comeback! Sabbath named Time's person of the year! A new
movement sweeps the country. They call themselves 24/6.
Worn out by being tethered to the grid 24/7, sick of being
accessible all hours of the day, inundated by updates, upgrades,
and breaking news, Americans finally rebel, demanding, "We
need a day off." People all over the country go offline
for 24 hours every week. The simple break from the frenetic
pace results in lowered cholesterol rates, fewer speeding
tickets, and a reduction in marital strife. Peace, tranquility
and contentment spread like wildfire. -Jamie Korngold, rabbi
and author of "The God Upgrade" -Keep in mind
that the Sabbath they speak of here is not the Sabbath of
the Bible. It's the Sabbath of Antichrist in Rome. No, I
don't see Sunday Laws in 2012 with this, but I do see a
societal move towards making Sunday a very popular day for
Christians that don't read or at least trust Bibles. How
long it will take for Sunday Laws to come after they do
this prophesied push I have no clue. However, if we get
busy in the Loud Cry, it be sooner rather than later. Maranatha!!!
- Obama
Signs Act to Allow Detention of Citizens
"In his last official act of business in 2011, President Barack Obama signed the
National Defense Authorization Act from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii.
In a statement, the president said he did so with reservations about key
provisions in the law, including a controversial component that would allow the
military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens
arrested in the United States, without charge." -Prophecy said they would seek
to detain citizens illegally just as they did Jesus in His day, and now we see
this Muslim
president that was put in office by the Roman Catholic church doing just
that. They claim the new law is only to be used against "terrorists." However,
the powers that be have already declared
Christians to be terrorists more than once in the Media. This means if you
refuse to recieve the mark of the Roman beast, you will be tagged a terrorist.
Why? Prophecy also says they will blame remnant Christians for all the
calamities that are quickly increasing as we speak. In fact, 2011 was the
absolute worst year for disasters ever on record. Soon, the Loud Cry
will go forth, the churches of Babylon will empty, and the 501C3 pastors
and preachers will demand Sunday Laws to assure the disasters stop. Of course that will
be a lie. It's Rome's way of making remnant
Christians stick out like sore thumbs because we will never break God's law even
if it means certain death.
- Churches,
Unions Say No To Sunday Workday
Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches has added its
voice to the growing opposition against moves by the main
private sector organisation for Sunday to be declared a
normal working day. The Dominica Association of Industry
and Commerce (DAIC) has been pushing the initiative, but
trade unions, the Roman Catholic Church and other groups
have criticised the move. But the DAIC says it will intensify
that campaign in the New Year." -Again, Mr and Mrs
Scoffer. Do you still think the prophecy concerning Sunday
Laws to be paranoia in the eyes of the Remnant church?
- WH
OKs military detention of terrorism suspects
"The White House is signing off on a controversial new law that would authorize
the U.S. military to arrest and indefinitely detain alleged al Qaeda members or
other terrorist operatives captured on American soil....By signing this defense
spending bill, President Obama will go down in history as the president who
enshrined indefinite detention without trial in U.S. law" -Did we not declare
they would do this for literally decades? The vagueness of this new and well
prophesied unjust law makes it easy for the military to jail Christians they
merely "suspect" are involved in terrorist activities, or as prophecy dictates,
will be blamed for the disasters threatening the nation as a whole. If you live
in a city, and your neighbor hates you because of your faith, he can actually
report you and you're then carted off to a military complex, or as Hitler calls
it, A "concentration camp" to be incarcerated for indefinite periods of time.
Usually till death. With this new law American citizens can be imprisoned for
years on end without ever seeing a lawyer, or a judge for that matter. Prophecy said they would do away with the Constitution, and
today Obama, and his cohorts in Congress have done just that! Now, think about
this as well. Christians have already been tagged "terrorists" by the media
more then once recently. As students of prophecy we know Christians will be
blamed for the "terror filled" calamities that will come on this nations and the
world. It will then become law that every American citizen should turn in and
and all Christians that have refused the Roman mandate of Sunday Laws that they
claim will stop the calamities. Christians will then be considered national
terrorists and legally held without bond, council or trial in jail. Are YOU read
to stand with Christ when that day comes? If not, you need to strengthen your
faith? How do you do that you ask? Read Romans 10:17
- Religious
Lobbying on the Rise
"In 1970, fewer than 40 secular groups lobbied Congress and the Executive
Branch. Now, that number has ballooned to more than 200, with total lobbying
expenditures by faith-based organizations approaching $400 million a year." -Is
it any wonder why George Bush signed it into law that all government funded
churches would now be able to lobby law? You simply cannot have Sunday Laws
unless you get the Sunday keeping pastors involved in politics. When the Loud Cry goes
forth with the easy to understand truth and the Sunday keeping pews start to
empty, you can rest assured those pastors will demand Sunday Laws to stop the
exodus from their churches. And then, you will see the final prophecies fulfill
in rapid succession!
- "Racism
must be met with a steel fist"
"He drew a parallel with the world of football,
where a racial "ceiling" allows black players
to become stars on the pitch but very few to make it through
into management or administration." -Yes, racism is
a bad thing. After all, if we can't get along with each
other down here, how can we get along in Heaven?
However, society's version of racism has been altered by
the Vatican in 1990 by their pushing forward the "Hate
Crimes Statistics act" in 1990 by a slew of Roman Catholic
politicians. Why is this a bad thing you ask? Check out
my "Hating
the Christian" page on
my site. Notice the modern day breakdown of "racism"
in that table on that page. Rome was able to convince the
powers that be that racism also applies to "religion"
now. That way, anyone speaking out against another
person's faith will become illegal. Why? it will jeopardize
Rome's ecumenical charge of Vatican II wherein Satan can
and has been gathering all religions under one roof so as
to better enforce the
mark of the Roman beast, while
at the same time proclaiming the
loud cry to be a racist rant
when in fact it's 100% biblically accurate. So yes, they
will meet racism with a "steel fist" just as prophecy
said they would.
- Republican
candidates say nation must return to God
"America must regain its reliance on God and elect a leader who embodies this
value in order to succeed as a nation, said Republican presidential candidates
at a recent forum. "Our rights come to us from our Creator," said former
Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, who called this belief a founding American
principle in danger of being forgotten." -First off, Sen. Santorum is a
professed Roman Catholic himself and this was expected. This is exactly what
I've been saying they were planning to do since Ronald Reagan's second term. I
have many Newsletters as well as articles and radio broadcasts
where I show the Vatican was purposely manipulating the candidates so as to
cause evil men to be elected to the office of the President so a grass roots
movement would be born after the people got fed up. This grass roots movement
would then demand a "godly man" in office to make things better, but it would
only make things better for Rome. Then we saw the Tea Party arrive and suddenly
Perry, Bachman, and Romney all started declaring "their faith" as a key factor
in their campaigns. Now we have the Occupy movement, which we now
know was a Jesuit invention to make the need for a "godly man" in office
appear even more necessary. And now we see a Vatican News Agency website echoing
what we've been saying they would do for decades. Now do you see why Rome hates God's
remnant church so much? When we study the prophecies of the
Bible, we can tell you TODAY what the Vatican will do TOMORROW. Not because
we're prophets, but because God's Word is that revealing if studied in the
way He intended.
- Regions must brace for weather extremes: UN climate panel
"A 20-page draft "summary for policymakers" obtained by AFP says in essence
that global warming will create weather on steroids. It also notes that these
amped-up events, cyclones, heat waves, diluvian rains, drought, will hit the
world unevenly. ...In the worst scenario, human settlement in some areas could
be wiped out, the report warns." -As prophesied, they will lie about the reason for the calamities the Lord is
allowing on the planet due to sin as well as His near arrival. As the
calamities get much worse, we will also notice the Loud Cry
getting louder. When the people start to understand the Present Truth you preach
coming out of Babylon, the pastors with
the new found power
to lobby law thanks to their 501C3 status, will use the calamities as an excuse to stop
the global exodus of Christians from their Babylonian churches by enforcing Sunday Laws.
These are exciting times brothers and sisters! The signs are all around us! As
the Latter
Rain starts to fall more abundantly, use all the historic
facts that confirm certain fulfillments of prophetic events as well as the
modern day fulfillments we see in the News daily to preach the truth upon those
the Lord sends your way. So, please don't worry about the laws being passed to shut us up,
don't worry about the calamities prophecy says will increase, don't worry about
the hate
they display towards Christians, and don't worry
about those that attack you in a bevy of ways to quench the truth the Lord has
called you to share. In fact, everything we expereince was prophesied! We can use all those fulfillments,
lies and attacks to further prove that yes,
prophecy has indeed been fulfilled! Jesus is coming soon!
- Vatican
Calls for 'Central World Bank' to Be Set Up
"The Vatican called on
Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world
bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often
ineffective in dealing fairly with crises." -This article makes it a bit clearer
as to what they "announced" yesterday regarding the global economy. We have been
warning people for decades that the Vatican would push for a global bank so as
to assure control over every person's income on the planet. This is an absolute
must if they hope to prevent buying and selling when they enforce their
mark. In other words, the so called economic downfall that's causing all the
riots worldwide are nothing short of a sinister plan to bring about the need for
a global bank. We are watching prophetic fulfillment towards that end right
before our eyes! I hope and pray many Christians realize that before it's too
late. Without controlling all the banks around the world, Sunday Laws cannot be
looking for ways to enforce Police State
"In a world that is increasingly being morphed into a full scale surveillance
society, government officials are attempting to find new ways to get the public
to accept police state measures such as national biometric id cards and
implantable microchips." -No, this isn't the mark of the beast. My "Global ID"
page on
the site goes into detail on how this isn't the mark of Rome. But it is a
way for them
to enforce it, that much is sure. What amazes me is, Rome as well as all
high level politicians
know about the basics of Christian prophecy. They know what they're
doing is
evil, and they also know they are those prophecy said will work with
Satan in these last days.
Still they do it anyway, because like the Popes of Rome, they are
in league with the devil. And yes, many of them do
claim to be Christians like the Pope does, but that's the perfect cover
so as to bring about the end as we know it. Satan always comes as a
friend of
a representative of good when seeking to tempt you
evil. Infiltration has always been key for
Rome's survival. The Jesuit's
history alone proves that hands down. One question... Did you ever think you would be
seeing so many blunt prophetic fulfillments like this in your lifetime? We are
soon to be going home brothers and sisters! Maranatha!
- Catecheses
for Seventh World Meeting of Families
In this Vatican Catechesis scheduled for May 30 to June 3 2012, Rome hopes to
push forward what they call the Seventh Day Sabbath. As we know, the true
Seventh Day is not Sunday. It is Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown. It has been
a memorial of Creation for 6000 years. It reminds us that all of creation was
brought forth by our God each and every week. But prophecy has declared long ago
that the Beast in Rome will look to change the Sabbath to their own day so as to
lure the world into false worship. During the Inquisition the Vatican killed
500,000,000 Christians that refused to bow to their false god "the
Eucharist" And in this published Cathechesis we see them once again bringing
this false god forward. In the article they even go so far and to link their
idol with their false sabbath when they say, "The Sunday Eucharist is the center
of Sunday and the celebration." The stage is being set as we speak brothers and
sisters. Anyone that denies Antichrist is purposely working towards creating Sunday Laws
world wide is now proving themselves to be the very scoffers prophecy speaks of
in the written Word of God.
- California
Allows Warrantless Cellphone Searches
"California Gov. Jerry Brown is vetoing legislation requiring police to obtain a
court warrant to search the mobile phones of suspects at the time of any
arrest." -As prophesied, the Constitution of the United States is being
trampled underfoot. Rome knows they cannot enforce Sunday laws
with the American Constitution intact. So, they get their men to whittle away at
it every chance they get so as to riddle it full of so many holes that it
crumbles in the attack. After all, the Vatican did say, But Constitutions can be changed, and
non-Catholic sects may decline to such a point that the political
proscription [ban] of them may become feasible and expedient.
What protection would they have against a Catholic state?" -The
State and the Church, pp.38,39, by Miller and Ryan, imprimatur of Cardinal
- Jail
Or Church?
"Starting next week, the program will allow a city judge to sentence misdemeanor
offenders to work off their sentences in jail and pay a fine, or go to church
every Sunday for a year. Offenders who select church can pick the place of
worship but must check in weekly with the pastor and the police department."
-Forcing people to go to church is a bold violation of both a Biblical doctrine
and constitutional law regarding the separation of church & State. But then
this is exactly what prophecy says the Roman Catholic church will force all
nations to do in our day. That being said, are you ready for what's about to
happen? Are you sure!?
- Scot
misses game because of faith
"Murray refuses to play on Sundays, saying
it would go against his religious principles that came to
the fore when he was recovering from injury in 2005. "Euan
Murray is discounted because it's Sunday," Scotland
coach Andy Robinson said of the tighthead prop." -In
years past this would never be an issue. But in today's
media wherein Rome needs all the help they can get, one
can rest assured any "celebrity" choosing to keep
the Roman Sabbath holy as if it was the Christian Sabbath
is bound to make News.
- 10
Commandments for Zambia
"For the first time this country has a Catholic president and our government
will support the church," Sata said, recalling that the nation was predominantly
Catholic." -Problem with that statement is, #1, The commandments of the Catholic
church are not the commandments of the Bible. #2, the Vatican is home to
Antichrist. Still, this was prophesied, and this does declare we are that
much closer to home when governments openly declare their loyalty to the
Antichrist. Rest assured this will cause true Christians in Zambia to be
persecuted in the coming days.
- Obama
tears up the Constitution
"In his two years and nine months in office,
Barack Obama has compiled a spectacular record of non-compliance
with the Constitution. Here are just some of the ways his
administration has failed to execute the laws while using
raw, unauthorized power." -What many are unaware of
is, not only has Rome stated in writing that "They
[Catholics] must penetrate wherever possible in the administration
of civil affairs... all Catholics should do all in their
power to cause the constitution of states, and legislation
to be modeled on the principles of the true Church."
-Encyclical of Leo XIII. (click
here for more Vatican quotes like this)
Rome has caused the change of most constitutions of Middle
Eastern countries, all of Europe, and now she is focusing
on America. Those that refuse to change are presently at
war or about to be at war if they continue to refuse. Why?
Unless the Constitutions are changed, they have no legal
way to enforce Sunday Laws. And by the way, this changing
of the Constitution was
prophesied to happen.
- National
Back to Church Sunday Set for Sept. 18
"Back To Church Sunday," a national
movement to reverse declining church attendance and encourage
former church-goers to rediscover church, will be celebrated
Sept. 18 across the country. Since its inception, more than
3.5 million invitations from over 7,400 churches have been
extended to unchurched people to attend the special service."
-One can see this as stage one for Antichrist to get as
many "unchurched" citizens used to attending church.
Stage two of course would be to convince everyone that attending
church on Sunday will stop the ever increasing calamities.
When will that day come? As soon as Rome is sure they can
control every citizen across the nation. Of course they
won't be able to control the elect. When they discover how
we refuse to obey man over God, the laws will be put in
place that prophecy calls the enforcement of the mark of
the beast.
- Christian
wants atheist registry
"Florida pastor, Michael Stahl has suggested that an organization and website be
created that would keep track of known atheists. The website would list by city
and state all atheists with their photos and some personal information such as
place of business. It would not include a physical address which seems to
contradict one of the main purposes of the site." -The 501C3 pastors now
have the official capacity to lobby law since Bush signed them as government
agencies on March 7, 2006. This pastor is merely flexing his new found muscles
is all. The other toss of the coin in all this is how they will use such
registries against remnant Christians who go into hiding when the mark of Rome is
- Hand
of God in Quake, Retribution for DC Politics
the swaying tremors of an earthquake rattled up the East
Coast yesterday so too did split-second explanations for
the jolts that shook the nation's capital. Was it a terrorist
attack? A sign of the apocalypse? A wake-up call from God?"
-Some may say this is a good thing, but keep in mind who
is "preaching" in the articles. These are authors,
preachers, and other people that simply don't walk with
God as they should. Seeing how they are already blind to
His will due to their denial of His truth, they will naturally
come up with unbiblical ways to "fix" the problem
as prophecy predicts. Since they don't understand biblical
jurisprudence in the first place, Rome's suggestion of Sunday
Laws will be seen as a good idea to them. Prophecy says
they will look to God to stop the calamities, so articles
like this will become more and more frequent as we get closer
to them actually enforcing the mark of the Roman beast.
- A
'dangerous Christian movement influencing Bachmann &
"According to an article published by the Daily Beast Sunday, GOP presidential
candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry have "deep ties" to a "fringe
fundamentalist movement" known as Dominionism Dominionism is defined as the
tendency of politically active conservative Christians to try to control
government." -Or as propheyc calls it, Roman Catholic prelates. Need I remind
you of what the Vatican stated not too long ago... "The old Protestant culture
is about at the end of its rope... Why can't we make the U.S. Catholic in
legislation, Catholic in justice, aims and ideals?" -Father F. X. Talbot,
editor of America, official jesuit magazine for the U.S. statement in New York
Globe Dec. 14, 1930" Click
here for even more strange statements of the priests and their desire to
control all governments. This is a must if they expect to enforce their Sunday Laws.
- Texas
Gov. Rick Perry lifted up as a god!
"Running against Perry is like running against God. Everything breaks his way!
Either he's the luckiest guy in the world or the Lord is taking care of him,"
-Is it to be this man that will bring about the wrath of Rome upon God's people?
Or are they merely setting the stage for a man worse than he? Rome knows the remnant people know exactly
what's happening here. We know they flaunt this man and their prophesied melding of Church & State before our eyes to try and
generate fear in the hearts of God's people. But have we not prepared for this
day? Brothers and sisters, as you see the wicked of this world claiming our God
protects and blesses their evil designs, can you still sit idly by? Or are you
prepared to do as God prophesied we would do? After all, the wicked have already
declared they will do as prophecy said they would.
- National Back To Church Sunday 2011 Promo
"September 18th, 2011 is National Back To Church Sunday. Grace Fellowship
Ministries at Wesley Chapel will be participating in this national campaign this
year." -As we see more politicians speaking as preachers today, we are sure to
see more preachers speaking as politicians. The mixing of church and State is
not only Rome's written desire; it's prophetic fulfillment for our day.
As they grow bolder in their religio-poltical stance, they will push their
Vatican dogma from nation to nation. Then as the calamities grow, they will then
proclaim Sunday as a way to bring help from on High that will stop the
calamities, when it fact, that is exactly what brings His wrath upon them. For
they boldly deny His Law. The children of God will proclaim on that day, "It is
time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law." -Psalms 119:126
wants businesses watching for customers paying with cash
"Just days after the White House announced a community-based approach to
combating terrorism in the United States, the FBI and other agencies are asking
managers of surplus stores to spy on their customers, watching whether they pay
in cash, make "extreme" religious statements or purchase products such as
waterproof matches." -Not many surplus stores will comply, but some will. Soon,
cash will become obsolete when they play this political game up as much as they
can. Rome cannot enforce the mark of the beast when it comes to removing the peoples
ability to buy and sell if cash is still available. So keep your eyes on this...
Right before they completely remove cash from society, watch how the media
starts to "report" on how some are using cash to purchase weapons or other
dangerous items. So they will make it appear to be in the peoples interest that
cash be removed. Some will doubt this can occur because we need cash to survive.
But I say to you, open your eyes! We haven't needed cash now for almost a
decade! The method by which to successfully remove cash is already set in place.
The credit cards, direct deposit, and autopay options the banks use are ready
and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Removing cash is inevitable if their
plans will work. Still, as Christians we are not to worry. We have been promised
that our "bread and waters shall be sure" (See Isaiah 33:16)
- America's
own Taliban
"Prior to 9/11, the Taliban government in Afghanistan did not register very much
on American radar screens, with one notable exception: when it blew up two
colossal images of the Buddha in Bamiyan province in early 2001. But destruction
of treasured artifacts isn't just limited to the Taliban. There's a right-wing
politico-religious presence centred in the US, but with a global reach, engaging
in similar practises, destroying religious and cultural artifacts as a key
aspect of its ideology of "strategic level spiritual warfare. Until recently a
fringe evangelical movement, warned against as deviant, "spiritual warfare" is
rapidly positioning itself within America's mainstream political right. It's
well past time for political journalists to start covering what this movement is
up to." -This is exactly what Antichrist in Rome has been working towards for centuries.
With Rick Perry running on a politico-religious ticket, just as Herod of old did
for Caesar, it appears we are closer to the end than many first assumed. Just so
you know, a Politico-Religious presence in D.C. is a must if they are ever to
pass Sunday
- Rick
Perry to evangelicals: I'm one of you
"Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent a strong message to the nation's evangelicals
Saturday: he is a member of the important constituency for Republicans that he
soon may call upon to help him secure the GOP presidential nomination." -You
will not be able to enforce Sunday Laws without an evangelical president, just like you
won't be able to pass Islamic law without a Muslim
president. As this ministry has been saying for over a decade. Rome needs to
remove separation of Church & State. In order to do that they needed to
make the U.S. presidents more and more evil in their actions so the people will
cry out for a "godly man" in office. The Tea Party is doing exactly as Rome knew
they would, and Rick Perry appears to be applying for the job Rome needs filled
in D.C. As you watch this video, notice they are already declaring he could be
the "Savior the Republican party is looking for." If he, or any other so called
"Christian" politician gains office, Sunday Laws can't be far behind.
Pretty amazing how quickly the prophetic events are falling
into place lately, isn't it? That being the case, are you
ready to me the Lord thy God?
- U.S.
news agencies 'looking to disarm American people'
"The media are now working on preaching Islam, spreading the historically
inaccurate whitewash of Islam. That is how they are using their considerable
power to disarm the American people against a mortal enemy that seeks our
destruction. They ask, why are we fighting? That is the role the media have
chosen and it's no accident." -The Vatican knows Islam has no problem using
vicious acts of violence against Christians that refuse to do as Rome demands.
So they must make Islam look "friendly" by re-writing History in the media. And
yes, they can do this easily upon the American public because much of history
taught in our schools has been fictional for decades anyway so as to hide Rome's
true agenda. After all, prophecy does say Christians refusing Rome's Sunday Laws
will be beheaded. (See Revelation 20:4) So who better to do their bidding than
Muslims who are known to behead people today? Historically speaking, this is how
Rome always works. During the Inquisition they used the civil authorities to
kill the people, during the Holocaust they used Hitler to kill the Jews, and
during the end times it looks to be the Muslims who will do Rome's bidding. But
then, this is to be expected since Rome invented the religion of Islam to do just that.
- Video~ Is
Super Congress Constitutional?
As some "reputable" News sources have suggested during this debt crisis, it's
all been a staged show by many in Congress to generate enough fear in the
American people that drastic actions like forming a "super Congress" would be
necessary. It isn't necessary of course, but Rome knows that in the very near
future, they will start to enforce Sunday laws.
When they do this they will have opposition in Congress. Getting 535 people to
guarantee a vote in a way that pleases Rome is impossible, even today. However,
getting 12 men to vote their way is far easier. Therfore, the debt fiasco may
have been the ruse they needed to get this super Congress formed. If this is
real, don't think for a moment their power will end with taxation. Once they
have this kind of power, they will abuse it. History has proven this time and
again. Especially when they manipulate the wording of laws to make it look like
remnant Christians are straining the financial stability of the nation. When
they accuse us of causing the calamities by refusing to keep Sunday holy, they
will declare the costs to be on our heads. Do you recall how 2000 years ago
Caiaphis declared Jesus should die so the whole nation wouldn't perish? He was
on a power trip just like the insanely rich politicians are today.
- Tune
presents nation with call for revival
"It's tough to get a handle on why people
do what they do," he told WND. "For me, though
...what matters is whether or not you remember that God
has blessed this nation in the past. "We used to honor
that more," he said. However, "I think we've lost
sight of that, and I just think it's time that something,
or somebody, starts lighting the fire for an American revival."
-As expected Hollywood is chiming in to ready the people
for a "godly" form of government just
as Rome planned so as to remove the separation of Church
& State. Once Rome has their church ensconced in
legislative halls, Sunday Laws will be an absolute.
- Run
of disasters pushes insurer into red
"The insurance industry was hit by an exceptional run of natural disasters in
the first six months of this year. The devastating Tohoku earthquake in Japan,
another in New Zealand, floods in Australia and tornadoes in the eastern US have
inflicted losses of more than $50bn (£30.6bn) on the industry." -It's only when
profits are threatened that some will realize the calamities have increased and
their livelihood is in danger. Truth is, this is exactly how
they will bring about Sunday Laws. They will say we need Sunday Laws to
appease God's anger so as to stop the calamities. But the truth is, they will
seek Sunday Laws because the Loud Cry is emptying the corrupt churches causing the
pastor's profits to plummet. This and only this will cause them to use their recently received
government abilities to enforce Sunday Laws in a way they hope will cause
the remnant people to shut up. This of course will be their final and most
grievous error. It will eternally seal their fate.
- Video~ He
Thinks He is God: Left Attacks & Atheists Sue Rick Perry
"He Thinks He is God: Left Attacks &
Atheists Sue Rick Perry For Mentioning Jesus While Ignoring
Obama's Love of The Resurrection of Our Savoir Jesus At
the White House." -Perry, Obama, and a host of other
politicians knew Atheists would get angry and bring lawsuits
to court regarding their religious statements. But they
did it anyway because Rome demanded it. Prophecy declares
the beast in Rome must create a Church & State form
of rule globally and unless they take the Atheists to court
so as to manipulate the separation of Church & State
they can never hope to enforce religious laws. They're pushing
the issue forward simply because it's time to do it. How
long will it take the courts to create a political church
Rome can be proud of? No man knows dates and times in prophecy
anymore. We can only know what will happen next, not when.
- Vatican
official putting pressure on Sunday keeping
"Sunday should be a day for worship, ...the
first day of the week on which we remember the resurrection
of Jesus Christ." -Prophecy said they would lie to
deceive people into keeping Sunday holy. Sunday is not about
the resurrection at all. The Bible clearly says Baptism
acknowledges His death and resurrection. See Romans 6:3-5
and you will see the Vatican just declared a bold faced
lie. But then this is expected of those that worship the
father of lies.
- Rugby
players declare Sunday sacred
"It's very hard to be a professional rugby
player nowadays and have an issue with playing on Sundays.
Unless you are at the pinnacle of the game, there is going
to be someone else that will be chosen ahead of you, so
people have had to lay those sorts of things aside. "We
are a very religious side. We had our prayers before the
game, a half-hour church service. And then after the game
we prayed, we're still very mindful of giving that respect
for Sunday." -As we get closer to the end, more and
more mention of the Pagan Sunday sabbath will be placed
in the limelight so as to assure the majority on earth won't
have an issue with it when Antichrist in Rome demands it's
to be kept globally to avert disasters.
- Video~ Okla.
governor calls for prayer to end heat wave
News correspondent Cynthia Bowers reports that it's been
so hot for so long in Oklahoma, the governor called for
a statewide day of prayer in hope of some divine intervention."
-The prophecy says politicians will demand people keep Sunday
holy to avert all the calamities. This is why politicians
keep making "religious" demands upon the people
lately. Bottom line is, Satan needs to get them used to
doing this as well as the people need to get used to hearing
it if Rome is ever going to be successful in enforcing the
- Video~ End
of the world? Debt stalemate invokes language of Armageddon
"With time quickly running out to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, the Obama
administration is turning to biblical rhetoric to underscore the disastrous
consequences if the United States defaults." -It is no mistake more and more
biblical statements are being declared via D.C. lately. Rome is in total
control. They must get the politicians used to speaking in such ways if they're
ever to install their "Herod's" around the world. Plus, the fact they claim the "end
of the world" simply because their dollar is in jeopardy confirms yet another
prophecy fulfilled. See it in James 5:1-4 Still.. this is just one more
religious statement being made to ready the American people for the final
"religious" statement. The mark of the Roman beast. If you still think the prophecy
about Sunday Laws is unfounded, keep reading all the articles below. If
it's really bogus, why are they doing exactly as the prophecy said they would!?
Not Looking To Play Games on Sunday
"With the NFL lockout back on indefinitely
and the beginning of the regular season in doubt, more attention
than ever is being paid to the possibility of college football
being played on Sundays. Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott
says his conference is "monitoring the situation"
when asked about the possibility of subbing in for the NFL."
-Antichrist is getting all his ducks in a row so as to make
the final transition into Sunday Laws an easy one... for
- Fiji
"set up" for Sunday Laws since 1989
"This Decree maybe cited as the Sunday Observance Decree, 1989.
...Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, each Sunday shall be
observed in Fiji in accordance with the provisions of this Decree. 4. Subject to
the provisions of this Decree, no person shall on any Sunday- (a) engage for
reward or profit in any trade, business, commercial activity, employment,
occupation, profession or work; (b) organise, participate in or attend any
entertainment in any public place, any place of public entertainment or any
sporting facility; or (c) convene, organise or take part in any assembly or
procession in any public place." -In the USA we have had blue laws in place
since 1960 under the pen of Roman Catholic president, John F. Kennedy. Still, in
Fiji they are already set up to bow to Rome and her mark exactly as
prophecy said all the world will do. That being said, what say ye now mr and mrs
- Miracle
claimed for WWII-era pope
"Esposito survived, cured after a single, six-week cycle of chemotherapy, a
recovery that, she says, stunned her doctors and convinced her that the World
War II-era pope had intervened with God to save her." -First of all, according to the Bible, praying to a dead human only awakens
demons to respond to the prayer, and secondly, Pope Pius Xii, or "Hitler's Pope"
as he is more infamaously known is no miracle worker. Th efruits of God's people
not found anywhere near this man, his ministry, his doctrines, or his church
prove this hands down. But Rome needs positive P.R. on this man so as to make
the church look holy enough to stand as ther world's "global moral authority" as
they claimed to be recently. Thye need this "appearance" in the coming days when
they claim the only way to stop the
calamities is by keeping Sunday holy!
- Gov't
to consider adding Sunday as day of rest
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday
tasked the Head of the National Economic Council, Professor
Eugene Kandel, with examining the possibility of making
Sunday an additional day of rest instead of a regular work
day." -We already know there are dozens of SDA
churches keeping Sunday holy. But many of us wondered how
the Jews were going to fall in line with Rome on this since
they are the oldest known race of Sabbath keepers. Now we
know. Well, actually we knew this some time ago. It's just
that now it's being mentioned in the main stream.
- Together
for decent working hours!
"On 20 June, some 65 civil society
organisations, trade unions and Churches launched the European
Sunday Alliance at an event held in the European Economic
and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels." -Articles
like this have to make scoffers that claim Sunday Laws are
a bogus prophecy appear biblically inept to say the least.
Sadly, in Christendom today, most don't study prophecy.
Therefore articles like this that proclaim the mark of the
Beast is soon in coming are completely ignored.
- Shocker!
Churches promoting Islam
"Dozens of churches, from Park Hill Congregational in Denver to Hillview United
Methodist in Boise, Idaho, and First United Lutheran in San Francisco to St.
Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Honolulu, are planning to send "a message both
here at home and to the Arab and Muslim world about our respect for Islam" with
a time to read the Quran during worship this Sunday." -This is expected seeing
how all the churches have already agreed to allow the Pope to lead them when
they joined the one world Church back in 2000. The leaders of all the churches
must follow orders or they will lose all their tax and political benefits. This
is why so many churches, including the SDA church have agreed to merge Islam with
Christianity. This new amalgamation will allow for prophecy to be fulfilled
wherein church leaders will look to behead
those refusing to bow to the Roman mark of Sunday worship.
Sadly, many weak Christians will bow for fear of being killed because they
haven't made the Word their daily bread. Without daily spiritual nourishment,
they cannot have the faith to stand firm.
- Italy
Will Fight Last Stand in Debt Crisis
"We believe that the final battle will be fought on the picturesque shores of
Italy, resulting in Rome's emergence as either hero or villain with respect to
the survival of the euro." -In other words, this is EXACTLY where Rome planned
to be long ago when they forced the European Union into existence. This kind of
control grants them all sorts of perks towards being the "hero" that saves the
day wherein all of mankind will bow to them in appreciation. All except the remnant of
course. By the way, did you notice the Euro flag? It's an exact duplicate of
Rome's Pagan goddess "Queen of Heaven." No coincidence there. The fact they are
sitting in the driver's seat with the euro right now proves that was by no means
a coincidence. This control is a must of they are to enforce Sunday Laws in that
- Sunday
Protection Expert Conference
is a supporter of the European Sunday Alliance, a network
of national Sunday Alliances, trade unions, civil society
organizations and religious communities committed to raise
awareness of the unique value of synchronised free time
for our European societies." -Just as Christian prophecy
predicted, Sunday Laws will be coming to the World very
soon. This is why the Pope was so involved in the rewriting
of the EU's new constitution in December of 2009. He now
has the legal wherewithal to get the job done just as soon
as the Lord allows the other shoe to drop. It doesn't matter
anymore how many scoffers there are out there now. We now
have a literal mountain of evidence listed on this page
that the Antichrist in Rome is doing exactly as Jesus said
He would.
- Santorum
outlines campaign vision, says religion is essential to
by his wife Karen and joined on stage by his seven children,
former Republican Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum officially
launched his campaign for president on June 8 at a rally
held at the Somerset, Pa. County Courthouse. ...Santorum,
53, is currently one of two Catholics to enter the race
to be the country's next president. Newt Gingrich, the former
Speaker of the House and Catholic convert, announced his
run last month. ...Yes, absolutely. I am certainly compelled
by my faith to help engage in making this a better country,
supporting a culture of life, and confronting the enemies
of freedom." -Catholic Senator Rick Santorum, Governor
Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee and a few others
all know Rome's plan to tip the scales of evil so far over
the edge in D.C. has done its work to force the people to
seek "godly" men in office. So, the politicians
are merely doing all they can to be elected so as to become
the man Rome makes famous and more powerful than any man
on earth. So of course, they will do whatever Rome demands
of them. This most assuredly includes religious laws! This
is why they are all speaking of religious things in their
campaign. They are readying the people for the prophesied
Sunday Laws.
- Video~ Rick
Perry to America: Pray to Jesus, or else!
Rick Perry raised some eyebrows recently when he officially
declared three "Days of Prayer for Rain in the State
of Texas," which has been plagued by drought."
-As I've been warning for more than 2 decades, the Vatican
controlled United States government needs to put in office
more and more evil presidents so that a day will come when
the people will demand a "Christian" leader. Will
Perry become president? I have no clue. But I do know this.
He is right now being used by the beast in Rome to keep
the "religious" mindset in politics boiling; just
as the tea party has been doing for a few years. As prophesied,
it will be this government that first claims to have come
up with a plan to stop the calamities. They will demand
bowing to the Roman Sabbath as a away to stop all the disasters,
turmoil, fear, and wars. Yes, as students of prophecy we
know that will only be their excuse. The real reason they
pass such laws is to try and quench the loud cry that is
already emptying the pews of their government funded pastors.
Make special note to watch the video at the bottom of the
article. Is this not prophetic fulfillment right before
your very eyes!?
- Guess
what lawmakers want counties to post!
Tennessee House Resolution that was passed 98-0 this week,
"both the citizenry and their elected officials alike
have deeply respected the Ten Commandments, its profound
influence on the formation of American legal thought and
its fundamental place in the history of law and government."
-Problem is, the Ten Commandments posted will be a Roman
Catholic version of God's law that is seriously edited down
from 295 words in length to just 77 words so as to generalize
and twist it. That being said, will Tennessee be the first
State that enforces the mark of the beast in coming days?
Time will tell.
- GOP frontrunners recruit pastors for front lines
Over 600 pastors, ministry leaders and their spouses in the key
election state of Iowa this week were challenged by high-profile
political leaders to renew their influence on American government and
once again make the USA "one nation under God."" -Amazing how accurate
Christian prophecy is, isn't it? We have been telling people for
years this was in the works, and now we see our Lord glorified yet
again! Soon there will be a "godly" candidate and it will be easy for
the 501C3 churches to push that candidate to enact Sunday Laws to try and stop the Loud Cry. What amazes me is how most people will still ignore this. So be it. That too was prophesied.
- Video~ 38% of Americans Believe Japan Disaster a Sign From God
in mind this is an atheist who posted this video. So, why did I post it
and how is this prophetic? Well, first of all, the prophetic twist on
this is that we know the calamities that are right now increasing will
eventually be used by the wicked to blame remnant Christians by stating
God is angry with us for not keeping Sunday holy. They will declare they
have to enforce Sunday laws to stop all the problems. Videos like this
one needs to be posted more and more by the wicked so as to create the
mindset in the world that God is angry with them and they need to cry
out to God for relief. Yes, that's a good thing, but, seeing how Rome
has corrupted their image of God in their eyes, they will be seeking
God's approval on Satan's terms via the Vatican's globally publicized
opinion. This is why Glenn Beck and others like him keep saying God is
sending the calamities to get people to follow the ten commandments.
Problem is, his version of the degalog is an exact duplicate of Rome's.
Hopefully, this will wake some Christians up to make them realize we are
a lot closer to Jesus' return than they think.
- Pope:
Jesus was not a political revolutionary
"He wrote that Jesus "does not come as a destroyer. He does not come bearing the
sword of a revolutionary." -As usual, the Pope is mixing truth with lies so as
to play the "moral" card as well as build his foundation for Sunday Laws.
But then that too was prophesied to be his main weapon of choice, that
being "craftiness," so as to lure billions to Christ-less graves. In regards to
Jesus coming as a destroyer, has the Pope not read 2 Thessalonians 2:8 wherein
it says, "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume
with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his
coming:" Yes, he probably did read that, but he prefers to turn that around
so as to make the prophesied incarnation of Satan impersonating Jesus as "the
Christ" to appear more believable for the masses he's already conditioned
spiritually. That way when this "Jesus" of his demands Sunday Laws, most will
bow in worship. As prophesied, Antichrist will come bearing gifts, love, peace,
healings, joy and happiness for all those reveling in the sins of Roman
Catholic theology. For those that seek to follow the real Jesus Christ, he will
bring upon them his eternal hatred, force them to lose their jobs, and
eventually their lives if they refuse to bow to his false
Sabbath. The Bible clearly says when the real Christ comes, He will destroy
the wicked on that day. But Rome is suggesting the exact opposite. Why? The Pope
is setting the stage for Antichrist. As for the Sword of the Lord. Both edges of
this Sword speaks quite boldly against every lie of Roman Catholicism in all 66
books of the Bible. Soon every soul on earth will know the truth about Babylon
and all her sisters in overwhelmingly graphic detail. As for the pope suggesting
he personally emulates Christ in a separation of politics and religion, this is
the ultimate in bold faced lies, and we once again have him doing so in writing!
Yes, Christ did separate the church & State perfectly. Of this we know from
reading Matthew 22:21. But the Pope has mixed the two since day one as is
historically documented since 538A.D and is verified by every history buff since time
began. Hence, the "woman on the beast."
- Even
Atheists Need to Switch Off on Sundays
highest court has ruled that Sunday should be kept as a
day of rest and has overturned a Berlin law easing restrictions
on Sunday shopping. ...The court on Tuesday decided in favor
of the churches, saying that Sunday opening should not take
place four weeks in a row. ...After all even the strictest
atheist needs the switching off that Sundays allow."
-First of all, many that scoff at the Sunday Law prophecy
have always stated "what about Atheists?" As we
have been saving for decades, they will have to comply as
well, and now we see that we were right again. I love it
when the powers that be do exactly as Christian prophecy
says they will. It makes our God look so awesome! By the
way, notice how they have a clause that allows for a certain
number of Sundays being opened in a row. That way, they
can still do Xmas shopping in December! In other words,
AGAIN they prove this has nothing to do with a REAL Sabbath
at all. It's all about the mark of the Roman Catholic beast.
- MK
proposes day off on Sundays
bill proposing declaring Sunday an official day of rest
will be put forward by National Union-NRP chairman MK Zevulun
Orlev in the coming days. According to the bill, Friday
will be turned into a regular workday, until Shabbat begins,
and the weekend will last until Monday morning." -This
is an old article (May of 2007) that a visitor to the site
sent to me today. But it bears repeating in that many feel
it's impossible for the Jews to ignore Sabbath to keep Sunday
holy in its place as prophecy declared most on earth would
do. But here we see them pushing forth a Bill years ago
which does in fact swap Sabbath for Sunday.
President abandons marriage
"The Obama administration announced yesterday that it will not defend the
constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). This is the next step
of President Obama's strategy to force the radical homosexual agenda on America
against the will of the people and Congress." -What many fail to realize is, the
Congress, if they so chose to do so, can defend this law in Court without the
President. How is this a problem? Laws can be passed without the President's
support. For example: When Sunday Laws are demanded by the 501C3 government
pastors as a way to quench the loud cry we the remnant preach that empties
their pews, Congress can enforce the Law. In fact, Sunday Laws would be a slam
dunk because of what John F. Kennedy's administration did with, Blue Laws and
how they made them appear constitutional. Therefore, with or without the
president or the U.S. Constitution, Rome can get their Sunday Laws in the USA
just as prophecy said they would. If they fail to change the Constitution, or
they fail to get the President in line, they can always build on what Kennedy
did for them back in 1962. In other words, as prophesied IT WILL happen.
- State
plan to control job market
"If the government has its way, private companies will no longer be able to hire
employees without first considering people listed on a government database of
unemployed South Africans. Failure to do so could result in heavy fines for
companies." -Why do this? Common sense actually. When they get all the companies
to comply to their method of controlling the job market, within a short period
of time, absolutely every able bodied worker will be on the government's list.
As we know the African Union was just formed recently with a devout Roman
Catholic dictator at the head. When the mark of the beast
is enforced, every worker on that list that denies the Roman mandate of Sunday laws
will be immediately unemployed as prophesied. This type of control is a must
if they are to enforce that mark. For those of us in America that wonder if they
are in such a list. Yes you are. It's called Social Security.
- The
political problem of religious pluralism
"Kozinski explained to ZENIT why a "confessional" state, that is, one in which
Catholicism is the official religion, is necessary to provide a proper
foundation for human flourishing." -Prophecy said the house of Antichrist will
seek to force everyone on earth under one religion, therefore Rome will do
exactly that. What most don't realize is, all "Christian" denominations,
including the SDA church have already joined with Rome in the World council of
Churches. So convincing lukewarm Christians is already a done deal. In fact,
when you merge Catholics with so called Protestants, as the WCC has done, you
get the largest group on earth. How will they get Muslims to go along? Well,
demons in Rome have already used "Mary" to lure Catholics back into the church
in the early 1900's with demonic apparitions, and Mary is already a key figure
in the Koran, so, it will be interesting to see how they do it. In any event,
once they get this done, and they will do it; convincing all peoples that
a Sunday Law is needed to stop the global calamities will be accepted by all as
proper. Except of course the remnant people. It is then we will be the world
wide target of all as the Jews were in Esther's day. And like Esther's day, our
God will do unto them as they would have done unto us when He splits that
Eastern Sky! (I will be doing a blog
entry on breaking down this article soon. So watch
for it.)
- Video~ Huckabee
Responds to Alan Dershowitz's Challenge
Notice how Huckabee avoids the issue over and over again here in this clip. The
Jewish lawyer; inept as he is in preaching this basic truth, did make a point
that Christians "amended" the Ten Commandments by changing the
Sabbath to Sunday. But Huckabee talks over him, rattles him, laughs at him,
and even lies to him and says the Christians never amended, or changed the
Sabbath. But they have admitted to doing just that. Yet never once have they
ever shown a single Bible verse to back the change. They know, there is no such
verse! In fact, all the leaders of every denomination have admitted IN WRITING there is no
such verse. To further prove this fact, I have been offering $10,000 cash
for such a verse, yet not one "Christian leader" has been able to supply
that verse. So.. why do Christians keep Sunday holy? See this short
video. By the way, it's no mistake they are discussing the Sabbath so often
on the News now. They are seeding public opinion in that direction for a reason.
Their reason? Prophecy says they will soon pass Sunday Laws. So
of course, they have to work it into their political talking points more and
more now. Seeing how ever politician clamors after Rome's desires to feed their
coffers as well as their career; as soon as Rome decides to go for it, every
politician in their pocket will jump at the chance to do Rome's bidding. So be
it. Maranatha!
- U.S.
Supreme Court Issues Landmark Decision: Constitution is
""The U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that serves to allow judges
to void the Constitution in their courtrooms. The decision was issued on January
18, 2011, and the Court did not even explain the decision (Docket No. 10-632,
10-633, and 10-690)" -This is what happens when Catholics become the majority on
the Supreme Court. This decision will of course snowball in the coming days all
the way up to Sunday Laws being drafted and enforced. This also solidifies a
prophetic utterance made many years ago that predicted the U.S. Constitution
would be made void in our day. Who made that prophetic statement? Click
here to find out. -Jan 11 11, 03:14:24
- Warning:
Obamacare gives feds 'state police power'
the court below recognized that the Individual Mandate is
unprecedented in that it penalizes the mere status of being
uninsured (in fact, it punishes the mere status of 'being'),
the lower court took it upon itself to extend the Supreme
Court's extant Commerce Clause jurisprudence beyond its
current limits of commercial or economic activity,"
the center argued, "the lower court has created a new
kind of Commerce Clause power not previously known to the
jurisprudence, which effectively grants the federal government
state police power, thereby rendering any notion of the
constitutionally mandated federalism dead..." -Power
like this will make it impossible for any citizen to have
freedom of choice on anything the government sanctions.
This is exactly what Rome needs! Power like this will also
allow the leaders to eventually place a death sentence on
anyone refusing to comply with the Roman mandate, or as
prophecy calls it, the mark of the beast.
The Vatican used this power during the Inquisitions. And
as prophesied, they are about to use it again.
- Obama Clarifies Rules On Faith-Based Partnerships
"The executive order Obama signed will allow public money to go directly to
houses of worship and permit publicly funded faith-based charities to
display religious art, icons, scriptures and other symbols. The order
also does not address discrimination in hiring by faith-based charities
that receive federal funds. ...qualified applicants can be rejected from
government-funded positions because they don't go to the 'right'
church. ...With the executive order "we are strengthening and clarifying
the legal footing of the government's relationship with faith-based
organizations and underscoring the important role of these organizations
in serving individuals, families and communities in need." -Separation
of church & State is a direct command of Christ as being the proper
method for rulers to follow. However, prophecy does say they will ignore
this command in our day and copy the structure of the Vatican right
before He returns. This move of Obama not only ensures a religious tone
to gain a hold in the laws of the land, it sets the stage for widening
the gray areas between the secular and religious community so as to add
more religiously influenced laws on the books. But then, we expect this
as we get closer to the Sunday Laws Christ declared is our test in the last days.
-Nov 18 10, 03:11:24
- O'Donnell questions separation of church, state
Christine O'Donnell challenged her Democratic rival Tuesday
to show where the Constitution requires separation of church
and state... "Where in the Constitution is separation
of church and state?" O'Donnell asked while Democrat
Chris Coons, an attorney, sat a few feet away. Coons responded
that O'Donnell's question "reveals her fundamental
misunderstanding of what our Constitution is. ... The First
Amendment establishes a separation." She interrupted
to say, "The First Amendment does? ... So you're telling
me that the separation of church and state, the phrase 'separation
of church and state,' is in the First Amendment?" -This
is why the wording in the Laws of the land are always worded
in such a vague way so as to allow for manipulation later
on when the enemy of souls has one under his thumb that
he can use to push his agenda. They will form a church &
State government, and comments like this fuel that agenda
greatly so as to make it an easy task to pass Sunday Laws.
-Oct 20 10, 01:10:53
- See
what has the IRS stopped in its tracks!
"At least 100, and perhaps as many as several hundred, Christian pastors on
Sunday will speak out on biblical issues and the political candidates on the
November election ballot in direct violation of Internal Revenue Service
regulations. Then they'll package up recordings or transcripts of their sermons
and send them to the IRS, with a dare to the government agency to come after
them for their comments." -Now that Bush signed it into
Law that 501C3 pastors can lobby law, it appears they are now seeking to
flex their muscles in changing the fabric of the 501C3 wherein it prevents them
from speaking politically from their pulpits. And yes, Glenn Beck is behind all
this as planned. Will this lead the preachers of filthy lucre into gaining more
power in D.C.? Yes it will. The end result being will eventually lead to Sunday Laws. -Sep 24 10, 04:09:27
- Pastors taken to task for political party
"America has gone "from one nation under God to a nation at war with
God," said Rick Scarborough, president of Vision America, at WND's
"Taking America Back Conference." And who's to blame? According to a
pair of speakers at the Miami confab, one of most significant answers
is also one the most uncomfortable for Christians. Scarborough, himself
a former Southern Baptist minister, told the audience his story of
recognizing the need for pastors to snap out of political complacency
and get involved in the cultural war for the soul of the nation. "
-This is exactly what the Lord has been warning the people through
prophecy they were planning all along. If you get enough evil
presidents in a row doing all sorts of anti-Christian acts you will get
the blind pastors to come forward asking for godly changes in D.C. They
have no idea prophecy says they will mix religion and State together
because they don't study prophecy. Now yes, I do understand this was
going to happen anyway because our Lord said it would. But to see how
easily Rome has the ability to play the pastors like puppets amazes me
still. It's no mistake this Scarborough is leading the pack after
saying on CNN not too long ago, "I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a
Republican. I'm a Christocrat." It's one thing to expose the
politicians and quite another to join with them! But then, that's all
part of Rome's plan. They already have the legal power to lobby law,
all they need now is the D.C. connections to make it happen. So it's a
no brainer a need for an image of the beast was inevitable. After all, it was prophesied!
-Sep 17 10, 03:09:31
- Video~ Glenn
Beck calls for national revival
"Forty-seven years after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream
Speech," Fox News host Glenn Beck stood Saturday close to the spot at the
Lincoln Memorial where the civil rights leader called for racial equality,
urging the nation to return to "faith, hope and charity." ...The focus of the
rally was more explicitly religious than political, with many speakers openly
professing their Christian faith, including Beck. At points, it felt like a
mixture of old-fashioned tent revival and a special (tamer than normal) episode
of Beck's show." -Again, how many times has this ministry warned that when you
have many evil presidents ruining this nation, one right after the other, sooner
or later someone with the public's ear was going to create a revival to get God
back in D.C.? Is it not prophecied Satan will generate a false revival to get
the people to follow his version of religion? No, Beck is not a preacher, nor is
he a pastor. In fact, he's just a Mormon! This man is being used by Satan to help
push a Church & State form of law in the USA by monopolizing on the apparent
wickedness in D.C. It's a no brainer, America will accept his suggestions
because they are tired of the wicked leaders that ignore the majority of
Americans. Problem with Beck's suggestion is, the Republicans are just as evil
as the Democrats! When the time is right, and the people are convinced their
leaders speak for God, Rome will convince the law makers that Sunday Laws are
needed. No, they won't say the Laws are needed to try and quench the Loud Cry we
the Remnant people are preaching that empties their churches. They will claim
the Law is needed to stop the calamities all around the world, which in fact are
due to their sins. They obviously figure that since it "worked" to bring
religion into politics, which they believe made things better. It should also
work to make nature better by enforcing a day of worship on all mankind.
Prophecy says they will pass Sunday
laws. When they do this, I am sure the majority in this nation will
cheer their leaders and declare America is finally back in tune with God! When
in fact, they have just gathered as one against Him and His Law! Then, His wrath
will be made clear, and the end will come! Are you ready? Are you sure!? -Aug 30,
- Beck rally calls U.S. to turn back to faith
"People of
every race and color in red, white and blue T-shirts gathered in the nation's
capital today for Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally only to receive a heavy
dose, not of the radio host, but of Jesus Christ. ...Beck focused on faith from
the beginning of the rally, declaring, "America
today begins to turn back to God." -Ever since I was called to start this ministry back in
1985 I have been warning people that the men in power will get worse and worse
until it gets so bad that some with the ability to get many listen will step up
to demand we need to "turn back to God." Beck is doing just that,
right now! Why is this a bad thing? The "God" they want to get back
to is the Roman Catholic version of Jesus so as to bring about a church and State
form of government that prophecy says is needed to enforce the mark of the beast.
Maranatha! Aug 29 10, 02:08:20
- Catholic church pushing for Sunday Laws in Iraq
church representatives expressed their wish to see the Sunday
rest day being better protected in national legislations
as well as in the future EU working time directive which
currently is being revised. "In our societies and in
our economies, where efficiency has become the ultimate
criterion of valuation, Sunday rest allows the individual
to be placed at the centre of society and calls attention
to the fact that he is free and not the slave of work,"
the church groupings said." Amazing how they lie outright
declaring Sunday laws will help generate the rest needed.
I wonder, has anyone ever approached a lawyer to sue the
Vatican for telling lies that can be easily proven to be
lies using Scripture? Especially since there are thousands
of documented quotes the world over wherein the
Vatican admitted they changed the Sabbath to Sunday
without so much as a single Bible verse. Are there ANY lawyers
out there with this type of courage? -Jul 30 10, 03:07:03
- Gov. Perry declares Sunday a day of prayer
"Gov. Rick Perry has declared Sunday a day of prayer in Texas over
lives lost and the environmental disaster of the Gulf of Mexico oil
spill." Amazing isn't it? A Governor, not a preacher, has the power to
"declare" a certain day of the week worthy for "prayer" when it comes
to the Gulf disaster. This in a nation that supposedly seperated the
Church & State image of Rome. Is it not prophecied they will use disasters (real, or man made) to generate a need for Sunday Laws?
This is just one more nail in their coffin of deception that conditions
the multitudes into looking upon Sunday as a "holy" day." -Jul 22 10, 01:07:24
- Simmering anger may drive religious right back to polls
article states, "There certainly seems to be a lot
of anecdotal evidence that the Christian right is more energized
this year." How many of us saw this one coming? I cannot
recall how many times I shared in Newsletters
that it looks like they are purposely hiring as many evil
leaders as possible to force the Christians to react. Since
Rome knows the majority of "Christians" in this
nation are Roman Catholic in theology, they know if they
can get them off their seats by protesting anti-Christian
leaders it will be an easy task to passSunday laws when
that day comes. Jun
03 10, 02:06:24
- If God had texted the Ten Commandments
this string of 10 pictures. Make special note of Commandment
# 4. Yes, it's true, Antichrist did change the Sabbath from
the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week
just as prophecy predicted he would. And yes, the majority
of Christian churches are "worshipping the beast"
by agreeing with its unbiblical change. Still, seeing how
they posted this text message makes it appear as if it's
a dig towards the Sabbath keeping Christians of today. A
"gentle" herald of what's planned for the not
so distant future. No, God did not pen the Ten Commandments
with the words, "Saturday now and Sunday later"
ANYWHERE in the Decalogue. In fact, you will not find that
statement in any of the 66 books! Still, most people don't
read their Bibles and seeing this on an "official"
looking page, some may think it's acceptable to trust Sunday
as a God given change when in fact, IT WAS NEVER CHANGED.
What most Christians also fail to realize today is their
own denominational leadersd ADMIT IN WRITING the Sabbath
was never changed! They are mearly following the prophecied
wolves. -May 24 10, 03:05:27
- Constitution takes hit from Supreme Court
they plan to do is remove the strict application of
the Constitution for an International version so as to assure the New World Order has
its foundation in all nations. They tried this in Europe, and as we see
they were successful in abolishing all the indvidual Constitutions of
participating nations. When that was finalized the European Union was
born. As soon as they ratified that Vatican inspired Constitution, within 24 hours they had Sunday laws in Germany. Will they successfully do away with eh U.S. Constitution? Yes, they will. If you want proof, click here.
They cannot hope to enforce Sunday Laws in the U.S. without first doing
away with the present format of the Constitution. These are amazing
days to live in. Christian prophecy is so accurate that even Atheists
are starting to take note!
- Video~ Sabbath vs
Sunday - Rest should not be enforced by the State
author, Judith Shulevitz, that wrote the book "The
Sabbath World" that seeks to get Sunday laws was apparently
interviewed by CNN back during the Pagan
Easter holiday. She calls
the sabbath "one of the greatest ideas in human history"
at the beginning of the interview as if man came up with
it. Being a Jew one would think she would be one that would
prefer the seventh day Sabbath to the Catholic
Sunday sabbath. But no,
she prefers the Roman sabbath. She also says in the video...
"As a democratic society we want to decide to bring
back some rules about what can and cannot be done
one day a week." Historically speaking there is only
occasion in American human history wherein "Sabbath
rules" were enforced. Therefore, the rules she's talking
about are from 1610AD which were enforced as follows. "Every
man and woman shall repair in the morning to the divine
service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath (Sunday),
and in the afternoon to divine service, and catechizing,
upon pain for the first fault to lose their provision and
the allowance for the whole week following; for the second,
to lose the said allowance and also be whipped; and for
the third to suffer death!" -Laws, and Orders,
Divine, Politique, & Martial For the Colony in Virginia:
established by Sir Gates, Knight, Lieutenant - General,
the 24th of May, 1610 This is exactly what's prophecied!
Judith Shulevitz is merely playing the part of a pawn in
the hands of Antichrist. Pray for her. Even she can be saved.
- Video~ Colbert report promotes new book "The Sabbath World"
The Colbert report is mostly a comedic News source, however they do
interview real people, especially politicians on the show. It's their
way of putting a "positive" spin on politics. The author being
interviewed in this segment admits in the interview that she is not
only Jewish, but believes "we should probably go back to protecting
Sunday" as the Sabbath. Do you realize what this means? This means
there is a movement within the Jewish community that is visible enough
wherein a Jewish author can come forth declaring it is acceptable to
switch their biblical Saturday Sabbath that the Jews have kept for
thousands of years to the Roman Catholic Pagan day of Sunday! This is
one obstacle many of us that watch Antichrist's movements around the
world knew would be a major hurdle for Rome to clear. The Jews now have
their very first spokesperson declaring the Jewish people should keep
Sunday holy! This is HUGE! If they can get the Jewish nations to go
along with this, and prophetically speaking, THEY WILL, the Muslims and
all the others religions will easily follow suit. Especially since we
see all of them have Roman Catholic dogma running within their
churches in the first place. Everything from rosaries in the hand of
the Buddhist to Muslims uplifting Mary. If you never thought the prophecy
regarding Sunday laws was true, this has got to be one prophetic
development you can no longer deny! Are you ready for what's prophecied
to happen next? Are you sure!?
- Mark of the beast' idea back on the table
This is of course ridiculous in that no, the ID card is not the mark of the beast. (See proof here) The ID card is nothing more than a way to enforce the mark. As students of prophecy we know exactly what the mark is.
But the wicked do not. So, when Ronald Reagan didn't want the ID card
created during his administration, he played on the fears of the many
that don't read Bibles by calling the ID card the mark of the beast.
That works for Rome in a major way in that again they have an effective
smoke screen to get the people looking in one direction when the real
mark of the beast is being enforced in another. This is no different
than the claim there is a 7 year trib, peace on earth during a 1000 year reign of Christ, or the non-Christian Jews are still considered the Biblical Israel.
Rome uses these smoke screens to keep the sheeple corralled. Thanks to
the fact they don't read Bibles, it's child's play for them to do so.
- Sarah Palin's "Christian Nation" remarks spark debate
Why something like this would spark debate in a Christian nation amazes
me right off. But, as many politicians have said in the past. You need
your "Jimmy Carter's to get your Ronald Reagan's." Could it be the
insanity in D.C. today is setting the stage for a cleaner image in the
White House like Sarah Palin with her so called "Christian" morals?
Could it be she, or someone like her is the one Antichrist will use to
"get the people right with God?" Time will tell. No, I am not
pro-Palin, nor am I pro-any politician. None of them are to be trusted
this close to the end. Money moves them, not morals. Still... her
constant mention, as well as others like her that speak of challenging
laws that removed prayer, ten commandments, God and other Christian
truths from big government is nothing more than a red flag to those of
us that know about how prophecy states they will enforce so called
"Christian" Sunday Laws on the people right before that Eastern sky splits.
- CNN pushing the Sunday Sabbath
This video ran back on the Pagan festival of Easter of
course. Notice the reporter starts the discussion about the "Sabbath"
by saying, "talk to me about the Sabbath, ..religion aside." And then
later the author being interviewed says the Sabbath, when it was first
written was a "radical and new idea." She obviously didn't read her
Bible before researching this topic. This is what happens when you try
to keepthe Christian Sabbath using
Satan's ideals via Rome. You simply cannot separate worship of God from
the Sabbath. That is what it's all about. It is not just about
families, not working, and resting. It's first and foremost about
worshiping the Creator God that made all that is seen and unseen in 6
literal days. Only those with the seal of God will understand this in
the end, while those with the mark of the beast will miss it.
- World Net Daily says, "Prophets wanted"
What's actually happening here is they are attempting to push the
buttons of the pastors and preachers out there that will take on the
job as "prophet" to make the leaders in D.C. more accountable to a
higher power. I would hope it would be the Christian God of course, but
most in D.C. don't worship Him. Those of us that study Christian
prophecy know this was prophecied to occur. As I have reported many
times before, the powers that be will have to become extra evil (as
they are now) so as to force the pastors and preachers to step up
demanding godliness in politics! This article shows Antichrist's
impatience is all. Satan knows when it gets real bad, (like now)
eventually some of the preachers will react and do his bidding. That
way, when the loud cry starts to roar, the Antichrist can prod his
"prophets" to demand Sunday laws in D.C. as a way to stop the loud
cry. As they did with the 2004 Tsunami,
they will say the disasters are happening because the people,
especially politicians, aren't right with God and they need to go to
church in Sunday to make it all go away. So Sunday Laws will be
enacted. Of course, they won't say the Sunday Laws are designed to
force the weak Christians into ignoring the loud cry, no they will
focus on the disasters Satan is performing. Sadly, most Christians
don't read Bibles or study prophecy. They are more apt to react to the
smokescreens Satan billows before their eyes instead.
- We should celebrate Family day weekly, not annually: bring back Sundays!
Here we see them doing as a few other
countries are trying to do lately. They pull at the heart strings to
try and make Sunday look like "the" day of the week wherein families
can be together. When they enforce this, along with blaming us for the
plagues. it will also be declared we the real Sabbath keepers are
against the family.
- Commision of the Bishop's conferences of the EU community
Notice all the religions represented in those men dressed in supposed holy garb. Also notice the three podiums that sport the Roman Catholic flag of the demon calling itself Mary that
has been appearing to peple all around the world since 1917 just as
prophecy said it would. The prophecy of the Sunday Laws is being
fulfilled right before our eyes today. Are you ready!?
- New government website geared to push Sunday Laws
As expected they pull at the heart strings of mankind instead of loving
God and doing His will to get the people to embrace the false sabbath
of Roman Catholicism. Sadly, since the majority of the people out there
don't read their bibles, this will be an easy row to hoe for them. In
short, we the remnant have our work cut out for us!
- Protection
of a work free Sunday
This will be the topic at hand at the next (March 24, 2010) European Parliment.
Question... if you're not a Sabbath keeping Christian and you have believed all
along those of us that preach Sunday laws are the mark of the Roman Catholic
beast are wrong, what do you say now that the Roman Catholic inspired European
Union is doing exactly as prophecy predicted? I'm truly curious. Email me with your comments.
- Supermarkets
in court over Sunday shopping
Five supermarkets are being taken to court for 'illegally' opening on Sundays, the Telegraaf reports on Tuesday. Watch
over th ecoming months and possibly years how Rome will
test and re-test the political landscape all around the
world in a bevy of different communites so as to perfect
their legal aresenal for when that day finally comes that
was prophecied thousands of years ago.
- S.
Africa youth league seeks to push Sunday laws
They may be just a youth league in South Africa, but they do have
a political voice just the same. It's little things like
this that have a mushrooming effect in pockets all around
the wrold for Rome's global Sunday law agenda. Every little
bit helps them today, and they aren't going to give up now
that they are headed downhill in such a hellish rush.
- Councils
should decide themselves
As they continue to go back and forth
from Province, to State, to municipality, to village and
even at the private work place one can see that all
this talk of 'Sunday shopping' is an obvious and open sign
that the Christian prophecies regarding Sunday laws are
in factuality a soon in coming reality. Still, some scoffers
believe it's all just a coincidence?
- Bishop
attacks Sunday shopping push
that Rome has been able to get this movement started, they
have no intention of letting the people stop it. They will
keep this Sunday sabbath agenda fresh and in the media all
the way up to and including the Loud Cry we are called to
pronounce. They know we are showing signs of actually 'getting
busy' so they have to be 'at the ready' so as to attack
us. In short.. we are getting near the end! Maranatha!
- Change
Sunday shopping rules: retailer
many are upset that they have to close on Sundays, and rightly
so since most don't care if it's right or wrong to do. Most
Sunday keepers could care less. Will this eventually lead
politicians to use force so as to please Rome? Yes,
this is what prophecy says will happen. But the door is
'open' now (no pun intended) so as to allow Rome to use
this ace up her sleeve as an attack against those proclaiming
the Loud cry. So.. keep your eyes peeled. As soon as
the calamities get more frequent and the Loud Cry is louder,
expect Rome to do as prophecied.
- Kuwait:
Assembly OK's new labour law
Yes, even here in a
Muslim nation, Rome has convinced them to do that which
is needed to assure no snags when that day comes. No, they
haven't 'picked' Sunday as a specific day as far as I can
see, but law is now passed so as to allow Sunday 'worship'
easy enforcement as soon as it becomes necessary. This labour
law is a major step in that direction. Especially for a
Muslim nation!
- Dorset
retailers against Sunday trading reform
It's all about money for now. 'Boxing day' falls on a Sunday in
2010 that retailers look to loose big if they can't be open
more than 6 hours. So, Rome is going to have to come up
with some way to get them to agree closing their doors on
Sunday is best. If it doesn't happen in 2010, IT WILL happen
eventually. Prophecy is clear here. Rome will use the prophecied
calamities as a way to enforce Sunday laws while at the
same time hope to quench the loud cry. They will get their
laws. But they will fail in silencing the loud cry.
- Bishop
attacks Sunday shopping push
Most won't catch this, but yes, the Bishop
is moved by Satan to want Sunday laws. So why are merchants
trying to get MORE Sunday shopping hours right after Rome
was able to force Germany to stop Sunday shopping? When
the calamities start to increase, Rome needs to blame Sunday
Sabbath breaking as the culprit, so, the more that have
their doors open on Sunday the better. This way when the
Loud Cry starts, they can use this against us and enforce
Sunday laws to try and shut us up. Proof? Check out the
article below!
- Sports
shop is forced to be open on the Sabbath
Rome needs to get as many shops open ON SUNDAYS so as to use this
against the remnant church that proclaims the Loud Cry.
When the calamities increase, the Loud Cry will be actively
emptying pews in Sunday keeping churches. So, to try and
shut us up, they will enforce Sunday laws. Their reason
of course will be the calamities are the end result of Sunday
Sabbath breakers. And that will effectively tag us as the
problem. Many will ignore the truth out of fear of Rome
and loose their eternal lives as Jesus predicted in Matthew
16:25 which says, "For whosoever will save his
life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for
my sake shall find it."
- France
is now talking about Sunday shopping
I guess the rumors were true about France following Germany's
lead? Time will tell.
- Global
Sabbath movement run under Satan's name
Those of
you that used to delve into Satanism know, the term "One" is a
name of respect and worship towards Satan as a way to mock God. The Global
Sabbath movement is run from one.org!
- Christians
and Jews joining in global Sabbath movement
I guess the 'reformed' Jew keeps Sunday holy
- Remember
what Sundays used to be like?
The BBC is not appealing to the melancholy
hearts to push for the need for Sunday laws. Yes, the enemy of souls is
going to try anything and everything to make it easy for them to accept
Sunday laws when that day comes to try and stop the Loud Cry we are
prophecied to proclaim.
Feb. 09 special on "A History of Sunday"
ABC, a TV station known for Anti-Christian comments is joining Rome
to push Sunday Sabbath? Does this seem odd? No, the wicked know exactly
what they're doing. Sadly, many Christians don't! When will the prophecied
virgins wake up and join us in the Loud Cry!?
- Sunday
laws in Ohio
Mayor of Cincinnati fines man for
'trading on Sunday.'
- Cook
Island Christians pray for Sunday flights reprieve
people themselves are pushing for this to try and get the local government
to help them enforce Sunday laws!
- Private
Catholics pushing for Sunday shopping laws
over 1 billion Catholics will this help Rome's agenda? Ok.. dumb question.
- Petawawa
rejects Sunday shopping hours request of RCC
At the council meeting... 'The Church
says not having a by-law in effect means many Christians are unable to attend
Sunday worship in the Church of their choice.' That is the exact same language
they used back in 1610 to draft laws that would cause those that 'missed
3 consecutive Sunday services' would be KILLED!
- Catholic
church asks town to enact Sunday laws
From nations to small towns, the
prophecied move is on!
- Beacon
Herald says 'Sundays should be family days'
- Letters to the editor are now starting to echo the need
for the Vatican's mark.
- India
media now pushing Sunday Sabbath
India no less.. a country well known for its anti-Christian laws
that see thousands of Christians killed annually is now talking of Sunday
- On
parades, post offices and a pastor
South Holland, Illinois keeps pushing for Sunday Laws in their city.
This 'back and forth' will keep it fresh in the minds of all when Rome makes
it OFFICIAL. And then the argument will be over... for the Sunday keepers
that is.
- Sunday
shopping in Manitoba
Talks of 'Sunday shopping' has started
in Canada now as well.
- So
Chgo suburb revises their 1959 Sunday laws
If you're a Sunday keeper who has
heard about this prophecy, and YOU STILL don't see it being fulfilled in your
lifetime, you have a wonderful blindness upon you.
- New
Zealand keeps ban on Easter Sunday shopping
This is how they get the people used
to seeing shops closed on Sundays in some areas. First, they do it on Easter..
then they do it on any holiday that lands on Sunday, then they drop the other
shoe and make Sunday Laws year round.
- Professional
athletes chime in on Sunday laws
Can you see the push forward
by Rome here? No? One question... Where did professional sports originate?
Pagan Olympics, right? And who was its author? Rome, right? So, it's a no
brainer her 'athletes' will step up to lend their voice to Sunday laws.
- Lord's
day observance society flexing in the UK
They are in the talking stages yes. But, the fact they're talking
like this all over the world proves Satan is very busy here. Ferry crossing
may not seem like a big deal, but compile this with all the other facets
of society being looked at regarding "Sunday laws" and you see
the big picture more clearly. They will sew up ALL aspects of life for when
this mark is administered.
- PE
Island Premier defends Sunday shopping limits
"This Sunday, December 20, will be the last day for Sunday shopping
until May. Under the Retail Business Holidays Act, Sunday shopping is
not permitted December 25 through to Victoria Day in May."
- Debate
in Winnipeg to change Sunday shopping laws
Canada has always been one to follow Rome's lead quickly. They
were the first in our Continent to declare the Bible hate speech were they
- Intnl
org for standards decrees Monday 1st day of week!
CTRL-F the page and search for 'ISO.' Once there you will see this line...
'In international standard ISO-8601 the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) has decreed that Monday shall be the first day of the week.'
- High court reaffirms ban on Sunday shopping
article shows home the Vatican used their power to draft a new EU Constitution
and then 24 hours later they declared Sunday shopping unconstitutional!
- Vatican wound healing unquestionably
the Vatican drafted the EU Constitution so as to enforce Sunday Laws.
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