Brinsley murdered two policemen in Brooklyn today, as they were having
lunch. The murders are being reported as revenge for the deaths of Eric
Garner and Michael Brown. However, there appears to be more to the
story. His Facebook page contains a photo of Qur’an 8:60, which includes
the phrase, “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah.”
He also identifies himself as an Arabic speaker, which is not common among gangbangers:
His Facebook page contains a photo of Qur’an 8:60,
which includes the phrase, “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies
of Allah.”
But remember: reporting on where muslims (or wannabe muslims) get
their inspiration from is “validating their views” or even “encouraging
their actions”, thus making those who do it “as dangerous as the
terrorists themselves”.
So I guess this makes most of us Rational People Prophets also, as
most of us freedom loving people could simply deduce or even guess who
committed this act of Islamic Terrorism .Eat your heart out Mohammad !
All supporters and propagators of this Pig Shit should be put in
Internment Camps just like the Japs in WW2. Time to get tough America !
Your at war with these Barbarian , Just like your brothers up North
whose Prime Minister they tried to kill !
Easy there, big fella’. No reason to bring the Japanese into
this. Whatever wrongs they did in the past are long gone and the
Japanese, unlike the Islamic world, have shown a great capacity to 1)
learn, 2) be productive, 3) be no threat to liberty.
Also, putting Muslims in detention camps is, to put it milldy, not
the way to go. Suggesting such only feeds resentment by fools and the
complicit against those of us who want to deal with the Islamic threat
to freedom and equality under the law as effectively as possible.
Here’s what I suggest among other things: 1) Islam must once and for
all quit being seen as a positive. This will not be easy, to put it
mildly, but it is imperative that this occurs. If this doesn’t occur,
then nothing else of substantial value will happen that it is beneficial
to the West. It will be a piecemeal effort at best. There is no good
Islam anymore than there is a good fascism or communism and so nonsense
talk by elites like Presidents Bush and Obama, Prime Ministers like
Blair and Cameron, to the effect that Islam is a noble, tolerant,
peaceful religion, blah, blah, blah, must cease once and for all. We
need a new Western leadership that will identify Islam for the mortal
threat to Western Civilization which it is.
2) The West needs to do everything it can to wean itself off Middle
Eastern oil. Oil and terrorism are the only things that the Islamic
world exports in large volume. Cut off the first and you go a long way
to cutting off the second.
3) Stop Muslim immigration to Western nations. Use whatever legal pretexts to do so.
4) Prosecute to the maximum any Muslim in a Western nation who
violates Western law in the name of their decrepit religion. In
addition, make any Sharia dictates which violate Western laws totaly
verbotten, though it is problably best to not actually mention the word
“Sharia” when doing so in any new legislation in order to preserve the
appearance of religious neutrality. Oh yes, sometimes playing legal
games is necessary.
5) Strip the most “devout” Muslims of Western citizenship (e.g., those who go to fight for ISIS).
6) Western nations en masse must realize that the UN is now a front
for the OIC and thus a defender of Islamic assaults on liberty and
equality under the law. Indentify the UN as such. Ideally, withdraw
from this horrible international organization, which makes a mockery of
true human rights.
7) Realize that Israel is the canary in the Western Civilization coal
mine and proceed accordingly from there. No more stupid,
self-defeating, even suicidal, anti-Israeli nonsense.
8) This goes back to 1). Muslims, like Neo-Nazis, Marxists,
anarchists, KKK members and loads of other losers must be treated as the
confused people that they are. However, as with other losers like the
ones I mentioned, they should not be harmed or transgressed against in
any way as long as they abide by the laws of the Western nation they
reside in. No vigilanti crap. But at the same time Muslims should
definitely be made to feel that they are believers in an ideology which
is heinous and indefensible.
9) Quit the self-flagellation of Western Civilization. Islam’s
demise and a new pride in what the West accomplished must be an inverse
propotionality that is given the highest attention. This will not be
easy to be sure since the modern educational establishment in one
Western nation after another is dominated by fools who think themselves
wise and who ordinarily take any opportunity to denigrate Western
Civilziation while overlooking, or even adulating, inferior cultures’
many, many wrongs, like those which the Islamic world is profoundly
guilty of for many centuries now.
10) Opportunities for an exit from Islam should be established for
all those raised Muslim but who have come to realize that they have been
horribly misled, that the faith of their childhood is a gigantic fraud.
Since leaving Islam can be highly dangerous, all the precautions that
can be taken to safeguard a Muslim who wishes to become an ex-Muslim
should be implemented. And yes, there will be deception occasionally to
take advantage of this humane option, but as with most any other
endeavor in life, seeking a risk-free approach to solving a problem is
highly unrealistic. If islam is finally to be put on the trash heap of
history, a mass exodus of Muslims from the horrible religion which is
Islam will almost certainly have to be a part of this “equation.” Let’s
facilitate this.
Well, there are other things I could have suggested, but these are
enough for now. Again, most important above all is the first matter I
mentioned. Islam should not be extended any respect by freedom-loving
peoples. It no more deserves this than do other totalitarian ideologies
such as Marxism and Nazism. Then go from there.
The blood of these two officers– is dripping on the dirty hands of Barack Obama, Holder, DeBlasio and Shapton…
DeBlasio must either leave now or be recalled if he will not. We
will not tolerate the execution of our police. We will not tolerate the
extremist in the WH nor the terrorist in Justice
Department…IMPEACH–Impeach the traitor terrorist in the WH and the scum
he employs.
Yes, Myxlplik — That scene you linked to essentializes current
reality . . . Islam’s relentless slaughter of children, women, gays, on
and on.
For those of us in countries which still permit citizens to purchase
firearms — get going if you have not already bought and trained with a
personal defense weapon .
My alarm went off when I heard the name ishmael, It adds up that
he’s been dabbling with jihad. I didn’t look any than the reporting. I
guess I’ll have to learn to look deeper now, knowing the news is
committed to their own agenda. Having koran quotes on his FB is
newsworthy. I’m wondering where farakhan is while this is happening.
He’s been more inciteful than sharpton since Ferguson. He’s on youtube
running his suck.
Since a free, vigilant, intelligent, and hardworking mainstream
press is the vanguard of our freedoms, it must be embarrassing for them
that real news breaks here at Jihadwatch weeks in advance of them.
Humm, perhaps there is an ideological angle they have missed?
Also, putting Muslims in detention camps is, to put it milldy, not the way to go. Suggesting such only feeds resentment by fools and the complicit against those of us who want to deal with the Islamic threat to freedom and equality under the law as effectively as possible.
Here’s what I suggest among other things: 1) Islam must once and for all quit being seen as a positive. This will not be easy, to put it mildly, but it is imperative that this occurs. If this doesn’t occur, then nothing else of substantial value will happen that it is beneficial to the West. It will be a piecemeal effort at best. There is no good Islam anymore than there is a good fascism or communism and so nonsense talk by elites like Presidents Bush and Obama, Prime Ministers like Blair and Cameron, to the effect that Islam is a noble, tolerant, peaceful religion, blah, blah, blah, must cease once and for all. We need a new Western leadership that will identify Islam for the mortal threat to Western Civilization which it is.
2) The West needs to do everything it can to wean itself off Middle Eastern oil. Oil and terrorism are the only things that the Islamic world exports in large volume. Cut off the first and you go a long way to cutting off the second.
3) Stop Muslim immigration to Western nations. Use whatever legal pretexts to do so.
4) Prosecute to the maximum any Muslim in a Western nation who violates Western law in the name of their decrepit religion. In addition, make any Sharia dictates which violate Western laws totaly verbotten, though it is problably best to not actually mention the word “Sharia” when doing so in any new legislation in order to preserve the appearance of religious neutrality. Oh yes, sometimes playing legal games is necessary.
5) Strip the most “devout” Muslims of Western citizenship (e.g., those who go to fight for ISIS).
6) Western nations en masse must realize that the UN is now a front for the OIC and thus a defender of Islamic assaults on liberty and equality under the law. Indentify the UN as such. Ideally, withdraw from this horrible international organization, which makes a mockery of true human rights.
7) Realize that Israel is the canary in the Western Civilization coal mine and proceed accordingly from there. No more stupid, self-defeating, even suicidal, anti-Israeli nonsense.
8) This goes back to 1). Muslims, like Neo-Nazis, Marxists, anarchists, KKK members and loads of other losers must be treated as the confused people that they are. However, as with other losers like the ones I mentioned, they should not be harmed or transgressed against in any way as long as they abide by the laws of the Western nation they reside in. No vigilanti crap. But at the same time Muslims should definitely be made to feel that they are believers in an ideology which is heinous and indefensible.
9) Quit the self-flagellation of Western Civilization. Islam’s demise and a new pride in what the West accomplished must be an inverse propotionality that is given the highest attention. This will not be easy to be sure since the modern educational establishment in one Western nation after another is dominated by fools who think themselves wise and who ordinarily take any opportunity to denigrate Western Civilziation while overlooking, or even adulating, inferior cultures’ many, many wrongs, like those which the Islamic world is profoundly guilty of for many centuries now.
10) Opportunities for an exit from Islam should be established for all those raised Muslim but who have come to realize that they have been horribly misled, that the faith of their childhood is a gigantic fraud. Since leaving Islam can be highly dangerous, all the precautions that can be taken to safeguard a Muslim who wishes to become an ex-Muslim should be implemented. And yes, there will be deception occasionally to take advantage of this humane option, but as with most any other endeavor in life, seeking a risk-free approach to solving a problem is highly unrealistic. If islam is finally to be put on the trash heap of history, a mass exodus of Muslims from the horrible religion which is Islam will almost certainly have to be a part of this “equation.” Let’s facilitate this.
Well, there are other things I could have suggested, but these are enough for now. Again, most important above all is the first matter I mentioned. Islam should not be extended any respect by freedom-loving peoples. It no more deserves this than do other totalitarian ideologies such as Marxism and Nazism. Then go from there.
DeBlasio must either leave now or be recalled if he will not. We will not tolerate the execution of our police. We will not tolerate the extremist in the WH nor the terrorist in Justice Department…IMPEACH–Impeach the traitor terrorist in the WH and the scum he employs.
A RACE WAR — Look for more provocations in the immediate months ahead.
For those of us in countries which still permit citizens to purchase firearms — get going if you have not already bought and trained with a personal defense weapon .
No mention anywhere of islam or muslim as of 10:00 PM EST.
Humm, perhaps there is an ideological angle they have missed?