Freedom of speech in the West
In this article gather examples of violation of freedom of speech in
the West, such as the media hounding objectionable point of view, the
repression and killings of journalists and dissidents , censorship in the media, obstruction of journalistic activities. Examples of outright lies are going to in Article Lies Western media .
As you know, during the information war by the West against Russia constantly accusations of limitation and violation of freedom of speech - the Western media widely exaggerate both real and, for the most part, alleged violations of freedom of speech in Russia. However, it is often ignored or glossed over many problems with freedom of speech in the West itself.
Before that employees "Voice of America" is not positioned themselves as the voice of the Department of State US , and as objective journalists. In this case, they referred to was signed in 1976 by President Gerald Ford law under which the media should be a source of "accurate, objective and comprehensive" information.
If the bill is passed, the accuracy and objectivity have to forget. [1]
According to US authorities, the US media are not actively defend American interests - in this regard, in May 2014 the House of Representatives passed a package of reforms designed to solve organizational problems of American public media resources, including the "Voice of America". Thus, the US will have a "more powerful weapon for a new ideological war," writes the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal. Liberal American journalists complain that the US is losing the media media competition competitor countries:
And here is supposed to submit an alternative point of view:
In many ways, similar to the activities of Ofcom activities of the Russian Roskomnadzora (actively criticized by Russian liberals and their Western sponsors) and generally looks to the benefit of the target. However, this does not prevent the British "regulator" selectively apply their powers and excessively disagreeable to find fault with the media, for example, the Russian English-language international channel Russia Today . For example, in 2012 Ofcom recognized news release about Syria on Russia Today violate "standards of impartiality" and summoned representatives of the channel, to clarify the provisions of the British Broadcasting Code. The reason for this was the story in the news Russia Today on July 12, 2012, dedicated to the Syrian conflict: the plot has been shown predzapisannoe interview with the editor of the news agency Pan-African News Wire Abayomi Azikiwe, who, among other things, said that supporters of the Syrian opposition refuse to dialogue and do not go to a truce. Ofcom representatives did not like that as much for the interview lasted fifteen minutes, but all the while not interrupt the speaker and tried to show a different opinion, "to balance the story." [7]
In November 2014 Ofcom announced bias RT stories on the theme of the Ukrainian crisis - in the case of further violations of the principle of impartiality television face fines and revocation of the license. [8] RT staff found many examples of biased coverage of events in the Ukrainian Air Force [9] and asked about this in Ofcom. But there responded that Ofcom oversees all channels except for the Air Force and the Air Force, you can complain about the only Air Force itself. Chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan commented: "I do not know whether now spinning in their graves great British Orwell and Huxley, but there is a reason. The charge us full of bias and ignore obvious bias BBC - not that other, as the obvious censorship. Ofcom does not even hide the fact that trying to force us to change our editorial policy. " [10] [11]
Such methods are probably not very effective against the foreign media (their financing and operation depends little on the British state, and excessive attacks against them could lead to an international scandal), but their own media (especially the media with public funding) can be very effectively controlled through such warnings and threats, thus ensuring absolute and total domination of one and the same point of view in the Western media. [12] [13]
Soon the video with a story the journalist was removed from both published his portals ( and in connection with the application owner KPHO Broadcasting Corporation of copyright infringement. On the same day in the afternoon came videooproverzhenie most Catherine Anaya with her apology committed errors. She said that she misinterpreted procedures and distributed its own case for all journalists of the White House. She also said that no one asked her to submit questions in advance, and that she did it on her own accord. [16]
Posner subsequently returned to Russia and began to work on the First
Channel of Russian TV ("pro-Kremlin" from the point of view of the West
and the Russian non-system opposition ), and Donahue was fired a few years later with the NBC for the systematic statement inconvenient things for the US government .
Snowden said that US intelligence agencies failed to compare the facts and to connect them together, despite the fact that they have all the information necessary for the detection of the conspiracy. He added that the problem of mass surveillance in the United States is that the only pile on intelligence information on the "haystack" in which they already can not understand.
NBC cut out these comments from the evening air, and hid them in an hour long video, later published on the channel's website. [24]
In the reportage Olga Ivshina talks with people in the villages of Donetsk, who assert that they saw in the sky shortly before the crash Boeing combat aircraft. The reporter also talked with the locals on the ruins of one of the houses in snowy, where at the request of the Ukrainian side were allegedly "Buki". People interviewed no "Buckow" not seen. According to Russian bloggers, "Bi-bi-si" first deletes a report due to censorship. [28]
After a storm of emotions and comments in RuNet remote report has been restored to edit the form. [29] [30]
During the conversation, Amanpour said that Russian media is fed only one point of view, what Naue she said that it sounds absurd from a man who for many years translates the official views of the Department of State: "You have more than 15 years, the State Department voiced line - since Yugoslavia and ending Syria. And now you are essentially doing the same with respect to Ukraine. " Naue further clarified that repeatedly watching Amanpour reports from Syria. "And none of them, you did not question the policies and statements of the US government. And here we are - "Russian propaganda" - asking uncomfortable questions about the supply of arms of the Free Syrian Army, "al-Nusra Front" and other groups. Now we all have to deal with LIH. "
Amanpour has openly declared that the words Naue not due to be broadcast CNN: «You can be sure, I will not miss the broadcast, Anissa." This discussion really was cut during installation. Carved CNN fragment of conversation on the site RT .
Russian journalists, however, are simply not allowed to go to a joint press conference Obama and Yatsenyuk, because the Russians might ask awkward questions about the arranged with the support of Americans coup and violence Evromaydane , thus destroying idyll another "victory of democracy" and spoiling the image to the media .
Spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich called the refusal to admit Russian journalists at a press conference "unacceptable and discriminatory." "It seems that in Washington, where so love to speculate about freedom of speech and the rights of journalists are not ready to follow these principles, preferring to deal only with" proven "media, distributing the" right "information" - written by representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry in an official statement on the website . [32]
"While the United States are increasing the fight against Islamist militants, the company is not able to follow up on this. News companies can not take pictures and videos takeoff bombers: they are not accredited. The administration did not inform what country aircraft take to the skies "- says Busby. [38]
According to an article, the author of the portal OpEdNews over the publication of Busby, if the public can not see destruction, violence, murder, which are United States Air Force, to justify these actions becomes much easier.
Sally Busby also puts Obama blamed a series of prohibitions. Thus, foreign journalists allowed to visit the meeting the US president with foreign leaders, journalists do not provide any specific information about how to combat militants IG, they are also denied access to the notorious prison at Guantanamo Bay, and officials forbidden to communicate with the press under threat of dismissal. There are many other restrictions, calling into question the freedom of speech and of the press in the United States. [39] [40]
But Posner's story of dismissal ABC anchorman Bill Mayer for his criticism of the military operation of NATO in Afghanistan :
February 28, 2003 was dismissed American television host Phil Donahue. The last six months Donahue led daily political talk show on TV NBC. The program, however, allegedly failed to meet expectations management, and leading to the famous decided to leave. Here's how it describes a former colleague and co-host Donahue, a Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner:
According to Posner, as expressed in 2003, with freedom of speech in Russia was much better than in the United States:
Journalists The New York Times spent a few days with representatives of the pro-Russian militia, and was told after the published material that none of them are Russian citizens, and that the militia are mainly local residents, some of whom had formerly served in the Ukrainian and Soviet armies. This report was one of the few Western readers representing "alternative view", but he was severely criticized by members of the US State Department, and then Jill Abramson was dismissed from his post as editor in chief. [47]
Previously, for almost 40 years working in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, Arnett has become one of the most famous war correspondent USA. For his work in Vietnam Arnett won a Pulitzer Prize in 1966. After the fall of Saigon in 1975, he remained in the city and interviewed North Vietnamese soldiers. In 1998, he was fired from CNN for the story that in 1970 the US military used sarin against deserters who had taken refuge in the territory of Laos. [50] [51] [52]
Sandy Hume was a reporter for the publication «The Hill», the newspaper covers events in the US Congress, and in 1997 investigated and published a sensational story due to the friction between the Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and the head of the faction Bill Paxon. These friction almost completed palace coup and change of party speaker. By a strange coincidence, Bill Paxon announced his resignation after just 24 hours after the death of Hume. In addition, Sandy Hume just joined the staff of Fox TV News and worked for three weeks on the post, which was the peak of his career. [53]
Sandy had a reputation as a journalist, to investigate the history, for which no one wanted to take. His death came at a time when it was rumored that the young reporter had shed light on the history of the use of the White House specifically hired investigators to digging and pouring dirt on his critics.
At the fateful morning of February 22, Sandy, was arrested by the police for speeding, escorted to the police station, where he was forced to remove the belt and shoelaces - a standard procedure to prevent suicides. However, Sandy gave only one cord, failing to hide the second, and after a thorough search, the police could not find it (sic). After Sandy was locked in a cell, he decided to hang on to this cord. However, the attempt failed, and she did not look serious, as Hume did not tightened the noose, and held her hands and knees bent at the same time. Looks like he just wanted to scare the police and to stage suicide if police report everything is true. He was taken to the hospital for examination, where released, thinking that he's nothing more threatening, and 28-year-old journalist is no longer suicidal thoughts. And in vain, because the same day Sandy found a home with a gunshot wound from a hunting rifle. [54] In the end, the guy was not kidding. And it is quite logical for a successful young journalist stopped for speeding, running a red light and driving under the influence. What else then could he do in this life, they do not commit suicide? [55]
The National Press Club paid tribute to Hume, establishing an annual award named Sandy Hume, rewarding young journalists for outstanding achievements in the field of political journalism. [56]
Police said that no crime had been committed, as the unnamed driver, shot down to death Moser, was not intoxicated and did not exceed the speed limit. Apparently, in Arkansas can legally shoot down politically unpopular journalists. Police said that they exclude the malice and will not initiate charges against the driver.
Moser weekly column for the Democrat-Gazette began to be published on June 1st 2000. His last article was published on June 8. [57]
In 1996, Webb has dedicated his investigation of a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News. He analyzed in detail how the cooperation of the Central Intelligence Agency and the counter-revolutionaries in Nicaragua. In addition, Webb accused the CIA that they supplied money and ammunition rebels in Nicaragua. In the end, Mercury News disown bold articles Webb and fired him.
In 2014, on the history of life directed by Michael Cuesta Webb made the film "Kill the Messenger" (Kill the Messenger). [58] [59] [60]
Three weeks before his death, February 9, during the event «Blog Bash» in Washington, Breitbart made a statement that he is going to release their exposure is March 1st. Breitbart talked about his intention to show Obama's record during his studies at the college, where he is in the company of former terrorist organization «Weather Underground» Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn. [61] [62] See. video where Breitbart says footage with Obama that he planned to publish just a few hours before his death: Breitbart: I Have Obama College Films .
Edition New York Daily News reports that Hastings before his death received several death threats. "The accident Hastings would make sense on the freeway, but I doubt that he was stupid enough to go with a speed of 100 miles per hour on Highland. He was not some stupid student, "- says a comment on the site of local news. "Prevention of other journalists - do not dig too deep, - commented on the event by Reddit. - Observe the party line, if you want to live a long and happy life. "
Hastings in his articles against military-industrial complex, and it is not the first person to do it and finish in a coffin, causing his death attracted widespread attention. [63] [64]
The same day, September 11 Jennings shared his impressions with the reporter, and in 2007 gave a great video interview with the author of the documentary "Loose Change" Dylan Avery. In an interview with Jennings many details and facts leave no doubt that the building WTC 7 was mined. From this interview was published by a small clip; as a result of Jennings threatened dismissal, and he asked that this interview was not included in the final version of "Loose Change". However, after an interview with Jennings was shown on the BBC program "The third tower" where supposedly refuted what he said earlier, Avery was forced to release the full version of the video interview to show the perversion of facts made by the BBC.
August 19, 2008 Barry Jennings died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 53 years, by a strange coincidence, 2 days before the release of the final version of NIST report on the causes of the fall of WTC building 7. While Jennings was in the hospital with a planned operation, from which he never left. The cause of death has not been released Jennings. To investigate his death was hired highly paid private investigator. A few days later he returned the deposit, and said to him no longer applied. Barry family, too, can not find - it looks like she disappeared.
Despite the importance of the post occupied by Jennings in New York, and the importance of his testimony as a witness in the building collapse WTC-7 September 11, 2001, the media did not investigate and did not report his death or his testimony. [65] Cm. interview Jennings: 911 Truth: Death of Barry Jennings Eyewitness WTC7 .
On August 1, at the Black Hat conference Barnaby Jack was going to make a detailed report on "Integrated medical devices - Hacking people" discovered them about the possibilities of remote access to pacemakers and defibrillators: According to him, from a distance of 9-15 meters, you can get remote access to these devices (such as laptops) and wirelessly read all the information about the patient and the device to be able to manage them, and can send a signal that kills the patient. Working in IOActive, Jack worked vulnerability assessment of medical devices and in 2011 he found that insulin pump can be controlled remotely and cause the pump to lose all its contents in the pancreas, which caused the sudden death of the patient. In 2012, Jack has demonstrated the ability to manage a pacemaker implanted.
Earlier, in 2010, Barnaby Jack gained fame after at the Black Hat conference gave a talk about «jackpotting», telling about the vulnerability of automated teller machines and their software, and they found out about the ways in which you can hack and get full access to ATM - like using physical access, or remotely.
Forensic examination of San Francisco refused to give any comments on the causes of death Barnaby Jack. [66] Only five months later, the media reported that, according to the investigator, the world-famous hacker died from drinking the mixture overdose of heroin, cocaine and other drugs. [67]
February 2, 2013 former US National Security Agent Phillip Marshall, author of the investigation of the events of 9/11 (11 September 2001) was found dead in his home, were found dead near his children. According to the official version, he committed the murder of his 2 children and a dog, and then suicide. The reason for this "suicide" was called "paranoia" Marshall. [68] [69] [70] [71]
American rock musician, a protest against the war in Iraq, it is extremely difficult to bring their compositions to the public - you can hear them in the main only on the Internet (for example, on the website "Rock se Quiaff" specially designed for the free expression of the artists of his political views). Antiwar radio singles do not make, in relation to the risk of being accused of anti-Americanism.
Thus, the cost of one of the female singers of country music group "Dixie Chicks' Natalie Meins to criticize US President George W. Bush as American" patriots "demanded that the radio stations to stop broadcasting the hits of the popular group. Most radio stations comply with these demands, and Meins had to apologize publicly. [72]
No less difficult to get to the US anti-war song on TV. American television entertainment Em-Ti-Vi (MTV) sent in 2003 to its European offices memorandum, which recommended to avoid any demonstration video clips, which featured "war, soldiers, planes, bombs, missiles, riots, social unrest, executions" and "other obviously sensitive materials."
At the same time known for its ostentatious "patriotism" newspaper "New York Post", following the traditions of McCarthyism , has published a list of "traitors" under the heading "Do not help it to fans of Saddam." In the "black list" of those newspaper called for a boycott, included musicians and film actors, including Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon. [73]
Canadian speed skater Brittany Schussler suffered harassment on the Internet and the media after she published her picture with Vladimir Putin during his visit to the Canadian home in Sochi Olympic Village during the 2014 Olympic Games . In Canada Act athletes criticized and accused of supporting the "tyrant who persecutes representatives of LGBT» (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender). Shussler was forced to remove a photo and say that it misunderstood.
Similarly, the wife was forced to enter the Canadian figure skater Gladys rack - not only does it remove the picture with the comment, "This is madness! In the Canadian House Dear President Putin! ", But generally close your account on the social network. [74]
Here's how to comment on this situation blogger Edward Birov :
In the Russian Internet, especially in its liberal segment similar in spirit to comments with respect to Russia and Russian, unfortunately, not uncommon. Moreover, many liberal journalists russophobes allow themselves and steeper statements, even in ethers popular media such as " Echo of Moscow ". Even Russian journalists for such things usually do not happen exactly nothing, but a simple commentator and say nothing.
However, in Poland the above comment provoked a storm of indignation: all the media ran stories that the Internet calling for murder of Polish soldiers, and the prosecutor's office quickly found written comment this criminal man. In 2012, there was a very loud criminal trial, "calls for the murder of Polish soldiers": it turned out to be 62-year-old man who was convicted and sentenced to a fine (it was a soft decision, as to this article he threatened to real prison term) . The Polish Ministry of Defense expressed satisfaction with the sentence: "The internet sowers of hatred can no longer feel unpunished."
It is reported that a court in Poland wait 56 more commenters, endorsing one way or another on the Internet the death of Polish soldiers volunteered to fight in Afghanistan . [76]
Such claims authorities to known public figures such unpleasant phenomenon is reminiscent of 50's of the last century, as McCarthyism , when a suspicion of being sympathetic to communism in the United States could easily lose their jobs, even in Hollywood. [78] [79]
By the early 2010s. Russian international news channel Russia Today
has become the most popular news channel on YouTube and the most
popular foreign news channel in Western countries, and access to the
channel received 700 million viewers around the world, including many
millions of viewers in the US and the UK
- as a result of power and media in these countries fell on RT with
criticism, trying to imagine "the Kremlin propaganda" are alternative
points of view, which translates RT western audiences. [80] [81]
So, February 14, 2012 one French media called RT «conductor soft power" Russia and "propaganda mouthpiece", the main purpose is to manage the news of the war against the American political system. People give interviews channel edition called "crazy" and "lunatics" who "want to destroy the hegemony of the US news."
April 26, 2014 US Secretary of State John Kerry at a press conference accused the RT in the biased coverage of the Ukrainian crisis and of distorting the image of Ukraine . He called RT «government-funded propaganda machine", we present a "fantasy Putin." After that Deputy Secretary of State Richard Stengel, for seven years served as chief editor of Time, published in his blog an article that listed the "specific examples where RT distorted the facts," and said that RT «turns lie in the news."
April 25, 2014 in the British newspaper The Guardian published an article entitled "The Office of radio, television and communication companies must re-inspect Putin's news channel." According to the authors, the article, although in the media need to articulate different points of view such material, like RT, «should cause us concern" and "can not allow the existence of propaganda serving the protection of despotic government and various conspiracy theories."
In March 2012, YouTube has blocked channel RT, after a while, unlock it and explained it to "technical problems", but many observers have linked the channel is locked with its wide coverage of the movement Occupy Wall Street.
March 18, 2014 RT channel was blocked for YouTube with the following notice: "This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube rules (fraud, inappropriate content in a video ...)." Soon, however, account has been unlocked, and it was explained again for technical reasons, but, apparently, this lock RT associated with lighting Ukrainian crisis and the reunification of the Crimea with Russia . [82]
Chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan tells about the powerful pressure on the TV channel Russia Today on the part of the authorities of Western countries in which it broadcasts. Channel employees threaten various problems on channel poured a huge amount of defamatory publications in the media obedient to the authorities, in the course is slander and other black PR. Regulatory authorities are constantly trying to revoke the license of the channel. Pressed even to experts who dare to appear on the air Russia Today with your opinion.
Previously, the same advertising company RT began in the United States. Leading US media, including the New York Times, New York Magazine, BuzzFeed, have already reacted to this campaign in their publications. Edition Huffington Post called it provocative, since it is a "serious mockery of how the US media coverage of the Iraq war." [83]
March 21, 2014 Vilnius District Administrative Court limited the three-month broadcast channel "NTV Mir". The reason was the screening of the documentary "The Condemned. A Trap for the group" Alpha ", dedicated to the events of January 1991 in Vilnius - all the versions of these events, at variance with the official perceived in Lithuania and cause very serious political debate. [85]
In early April, three months NSESMI limited retransmission in Latvia TV channel "Russia RTR" for the reason that in the period from 2 to 17 March in the programs of TV channel disseminates information allegedly contained signs of "war propaganda". [86]
Checking the Russian TV channels in Moldova was initiated in connection with "the need to ensure information security in the country" because of the events in the east of Ukraine, as the Russian program is incorrect, according to the Moldovan authorities, covered the Ukrainian crisis . [87]
Since 2010, WikiLeaks began to experience significant pressure from the United States. The main project address stopped working, and the site was forced to move to the Swiss domain Primary domain has been closed by the decision of the US company EveryDNS, which is motivated by frequent DDoS-attacks on WikiLeaks, which supposedly bad for overall health serviced EveryDNS addresses.
December 4, 2010 payment system PayPal announced disable an account of the project WikiLeaks. PayPal explained decision to block WikiLeaks that the payment system can not be used for anything related to the unlawful actions (but about which illegal actions in question were not explained).
The resource was also deprived of hosting on Amazon, and its director Julian Assange was put on the international wanted list for a very dubious case of rape in Sweden, resulting in forced Assange for several years in hiding from the authorities in the UK Embassy of Ecuador in London. [88]
According to "Reporters Without Borders", the Obama administration is becoming more and more stringent measures to sources of information leakage in the US - for five years, the US Department of Justice filed a more lawsuits in this regard than in any other American president.
As evidence of "discouraging departure from democratic norms" in the report, "Reporters Without Borders", provides, inter alia, the following examples:
As you know, during the information war by the West against Russia constantly accusations of limitation and violation of freedom of speech - the Western media widely exaggerate both real and, for the most part, alleged violations of freedom of speech in Russia. However, it is often ignored or glossed over many problems with freedom of speech in the West itself.
State regulation and censorship of the media
"Voice of America" propaganda tone returned to defend the interests of the United States
In April 2014 the influential congressmen put forward a bill under which broadcast abroad American media will have to follow the "public diplomacy" and "political policy" in Washington. Thus, the "Voice of America" and other American media should be between the choice between objectivity and loyalty now choose loyalty.Before that employees "Voice of America" is not positioned themselves as the voice of the Department of State US , and as objective journalists. In this case, they referred to was signed in 1976 by President Gerald Ford law under which the media should be a source of "accurate, objective and comprehensive" information.
If the bill is passed, the accuracy and objectivity have to forget. [1]
According to US authorities, the US media are not actively defend American interests - in this regard, in May 2014 the House of Representatives passed a package of reforms designed to solve organizational problems of American public media resources, including the "Voice of America". Thus, the US will have a "more powerful weapon for a new ideological war," writes the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal. Liberal American journalists complain that the US is losing the media media competition competitor countries:
During the Cold War, "Voice of America" and "Free Europe" have made an important contribution to the victory over the communist ideology. Recently, however, the US international service partly ceased to perform the function for which it was originally created. From time to time in its programs slip statements contrary to the foreign policy of the United States ... At the same time, opponents of Washington managed to create a very attractive media projects, such as the Russian TV channel Russia Today and Chinese CCTV, which promote the strategic interests of the Kremlin and Beijing and popularize their anti-liberal views. [2] [3] |
The "Voice of America" does not necessarily slide into unbridled propaganda. "It is clear that we must be open to hear other points of view, but it should be within reasonable limits - said the former president of" Radio Liberty "Jeff Gedmin. - If you need to put on the air an interview with a representative of an authoritarian regime, you can do it, just need to comment on it accordingly, indicate that you do not share his views. Need to clearly show that we do not accept moral relativism; we do not support a regime that this man is. " [4] [5] |
The regulator Ofcom freedom of speech
From the point of view of liberal propaganda in western countries there is complete freedom of speech and no censorship. However, the absence of prior censorship does not prevent regulation of activities of the Western media. Thus, in the UK there is a special organization Ofcom, playing the role of the media regulator. This "control" may issue a warning to the media, and not for the deliberate dissemination of lies, and for violation of the so-called "standards of impartiality" and other rules "of the British Broadcasting Code." Thus the organization has the authority to complicate the lives of those media which, in her opinion, do not comply with "standards". That is, there is no unlimited freedom of speech in Britain, of course not: the media do not just say what they want, but must do so in accordance with the rules and standards. In Ofcom'e, who "looks" for the British media, has several hundred people, the annual budget of the organization reaches 143 million pounds, this is a very large profit organization, dependent on the state. [6]In many ways, similar to the activities of Ofcom activities of the Russian Roskomnadzora (actively criticized by Russian liberals and their Western sponsors) and generally looks to the benefit of the target. However, this does not prevent the British "regulator" selectively apply their powers and excessively disagreeable to find fault with the media, for example, the Russian English-language international channel Russia Today . For example, in 2012 Ofcom recognized news release about Syria on Russia Today violate "standards of impartiality" and summoned representatives of the channel, to clarify the provisions of the British Broadcasting Code. The reason for this was the story in the news Russia Today on July 12, 2012, dedicated to the Syrian conflict: the plot has been shown predzapisannoe interview with the editor of the news agency Pan-African News Wire Abayomi Azikiwe, who, among other things, said that supporters of the Syrian opposition refuse to dialogue and do not go to a truce. Ofcom representatives did not like that as much for the interview lasted fifteen minutes, but all the while not interrupt the speaker and tried to show a different opinion, "to balance the story." [7]
In November 2014 Ofcom announced bias RT stories on the theme of the Ukrainian crisis - in the case of further violations of the principle of impartiality television face fines and revocation of the license. [8] RT staff found many examples of biased coverage of events in the Ukrainian Air Force [9] and asked about this in Ofcom. But there responded that Ofcom oversees all channels except for the Air Force and the Air Force, you can complain about the only Air Force itself. Chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan commented: "I do not know whether now spinning in their graves great British Orwell and Huxley, but there is a reason. The charge us full of bias and ignore obvious bias BBC - not that other, as the obvious censorship. Ofcom does not even hide the fact that trying to force us to change our editorial policy. " [10] [11]
Such methods are probably not very effective against the foreign media (their financing and operation depends little on the British state, and excessive attacks against them could lead to an international scandal), but their own media (especially the media with public funding) can be very effectively controlled through such warnings and threats, thus ensuring absolute and total domination of one and the same point of view in the Western media. [12] [13]
A spokesman for the White House gathers questions before the press conference
In March 2014 CBS journalist from Arizona Catherine Anaya (Catherine Anaya) was surprised to learn, and told the press that reporters are required to submit their questions press secretary Jay Carney Obama (Jay Carney) to his daily press conference that he knew how he answer. In addition, reporters often get ahead and his answers, which facilitates their news feed. [14] [15]Soon the video with a story the journalist was removed from both published his portals ( and in connection with the application owner KPHO Broadcasting Corporation of copyright infringement. On the same day in the afternoon came videooproverzhenie most Catherine Anaya with her apology committed errors. She said that she misinterpreted procedures and distributed its own case for all journalists of the White House. She also said that no one asked her to submit questions in advance, and that she did it on her own accord. [16]
The US Army blocks opposition websites
In June 2014 access to the site Infowars, founded by the famous American dissident Alex Jones, was blocked 700 000 people from the US Army personnel around the world (620 points) on the pretext of anti-propaganda "hatred and racism." [17] [18]United States sent journalists protest against censorship Obama in the media
In July 2014 38 members of various associations of American media sent to President Obama a letter stating that the efforts of the US authorities to restrict the access of the information reached a critical point - there is a "politically motivated clip of news." Journalists accuse Obama is that instead of creating an atmosphere of greater openness and transparency to the media, the American president has opened access to the media to lobby groups, "interested persons", as well as people who "have the means." [19]The "soft" censorship "Bi-bi-si"
Britain's largest media corporations "Bi-bi-si» (BBC) has positioned itself as an unbiased and independent from any government or anyone else a source of information. However, several aspects related to the manifestation of censorship still occur at the "Bi-bi-si." So, in 2005, the channel has introduced restrictions on showing violence in the air, after which violent scenes are cut, and the reports themselves began to go with the delay of two seconds, that the editor had the opportunity to correct something. It was also decided that investigative journalism will be conducted only after obtaining permission from the management of the channel, and the information obtained during the investigation "must be subjected to careful and thorough inspection by the editors." Many employees of the corporation were then dissatisfied with this pre-censorship and even went on strike. [20]Vladimir Pozner faced with censorship, working on the American channel CNBC
Famous Russian liberal journalist Vladimir Pozner has long worked on American television. Here is what he says about how personally faced with censorship by the management channel that is running:More case that happened to me personally and Phil. Soon after CNBC led the new president, Roger Eyles (Rodger Ailes), the spring of 1996 it was time to renew our contract. We were told that the management is willing to extend it, but on the condition that it will control the content of our programs, to determine who our guests and what topics of conversation we choose. We refused, saying that it's called censorship. What Eyles responded that he does not care what we call it. Our contract was not resumed and our top-rated program "Pozner and Donahue" just quietly disappeared. Significantly, there were no comments, not only by our colleagues from the television, but also in the newspapers. [21] |
German journalist Udo Ulfkotte about freedom of speech in Germany
- Once aired sensational telecast Die Anstalt, which was very tough criticism of the biased German media, journalists in the form of satire (!) Critically spoke out against the German media, and above all - against a purely pro-American coverage, complaints have been filed, and summoned to court.
- The German press has united such politicians as Schroeder, Gysi, Wagenknecht et al. And pro-Russian journalists in the so-called group "understands Russian." Baiting in their attitude is typical of banana republics such as Germany, where deviating from the basic course opinions are brutally suppressed.
- In Germany, still hiding the fact that in March 1988 the regime of Saddam Hussein, then an ally of the West, has committed an act of genocide in a Kurdish city near the border with Iran, there applying chemical weapons produced in Germany. Wrote about this, but only a year later! When Udo photographed poisoning Iranians German chemical weapons under American supervision, it was not to be known, and it is not published. Instead, all celebrating the victory. Journalist until today asks himself why the German chancellor travel to Israel and bend the knees there and ask for forgiveness from the Jews that they were gassed, and that's fine, but killed a German gas Iranians - a second-class citizens? Have you ever heard anything about that German Chancellor apologized for it in Tehran?
- Intelligence agencies have provided information about Udo Libya, which he signed his name. This he calls an assignment of the CIA and the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst). Could he refuse to publish it? The journalist cites the case of an employee of a helicopter rescue service automobile club ADAC, who refused to secretly cooperate with the BND. He was immediately expelled from the ADAC, he was on trial, and the judge decided that a person can not refuse to work with the BND, and it is normal that he then loses his job. Udo afraid of losing their job.
- In his house the secret state police six times to conduct a search on the pretext that he represented a state secret. Udo says that the Nazis called it the Gestapo, and is now called the Department of State Security. It measures of intimidation, which are typical of banana republics.
- The publication of his book "corrupt journalists" can bring Udo problem. The newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in writing, said it will complain about a dissident journalist in court for violation of criminal, civil, labor law and corporate journalistic standards. This alone can destroy it. Many people want to put him in jail because he again opened "state secrets." Udo Ulfkotte thinks if he does not repeat the act of Edward Snowden, fly to Moscow and ask for asylum there. In Germany, pretend to press freedom and democracy in Germany - just an illusion. [22]
Inter-American Press Association: Obama continues to harass journalists in the US
A report issued in 2014, the Inter-American Press Association report stated that the situation with freedom of speech in the United States seriously deteriorated over the past six months: Barack Obama continues to harass journalists in the United States. The government explicitly prohibits officials to talk to journalists. In the United States and Canada failed to implement reforms that would limit the interference with the work of the media, resulting in the governments of these countries continue to edit the agenda of the media, justifying it with the need to "respect for national security." [23]Censoring interviews and concealment of information
Silence American media issues at the first docking to the ISS
In December 1998, the First Installation work on the International Space Station (ISS) . Space Shuttle STS-88 delivered to those already in orbit in space Russian module "Zarya" American module «Unity». Russian expert Vladimir Syromyatnikov docking was in Moscow Mission Control Center, and his colleagues in Houston. When docking any anomalies - modules are not fully connected. As it turned out, the fault was a Canadian-manipulator arm, which prevented the docking. The Western press has preferred to shut up this unfortunate incident. In his book Syromyatnikov comments coverage of this problem in the press.The media is very sluggishly reacted to the problem at the first docking to the ISS program. All eventually ended normally, the sensation did not happen. Americans could understand, they are needed in the initial success. "Aviation Week» («Aviation Week»), advanced information published, did not consider it necessary to even mention it. Our free press and those who stood behind her, was often difficult to understand. [Syromyatnikov VS 100 stories about docking and other adventures in space and on Earth. Part 2: 20 years later.] |
American channel NBC are not allowed to criticize the US intelligence Snowden
June 1, 2014 on the American television channel NBC censored statements famous American whistleblower Edward Snowden at the fact that Washington has failed to stop the September 11 attack.Snowden said that US intelligence agencies failed to compare the facts and to connect them together, despite the fact that they have all the information necessary for the detection of the conspiracy. He added that the problem of mass surveillance in the United States is that the only pile on intelligence information on the "haystack" in which they already can not understand.
NBC cut out these comments from the evening air, and hid them in an hour long video, later published on the channel's website. [24]
CNN suppressing the facts and ignoring the many thousands protest rally
August 19, 2014 in Atlanta, thousands of people gathered outside the headquarters of the news channel CNN, to protest against the way the channel covers (or rather, ignores) the events in the town of Ferguson, where at that time more than 10 days were riots and clashes with the police, which began after police shot and killed a black teenager Michael Brown six shots at close range. Of course, CNN «did not notice the" rally under their windows. [25] [26] On the rally made the report only Russian international channel Russia Today . [27]Censorship "Bi-bi-si" because "Buckow"
Trying to figure out how he could be hit by a Boeing Malaysian near Donetsk July 17, 2014, led to the scandal. Guide "Bi-bi-si" removed from the site report by its correspondent ( see. cache ) Olga Ivshyna, which denies reports of Americans and Ukrainians about the place where he stood, "Beech", allegedly shot down the plane. In addition, local residents told in the story that they had seen a fighter. But on YouTube while keeping the remote reporting.In the reportage Olga Ivshina talks with people in the villages of Donetsk, who assert that they saw in the sky shortly before the crash Boeing combat aircraft. The reporter also talked with the locals on the ruins of one of the houses in snowy, where at the request of the Ukrainian side were allegedly "Buki". People interviewed no "Buckow" not seen. According to Russian bloggers, "Bi-bi-si" first deletes a report due to censorship. [28]
After a storm of emotions and comments in RuNet remote report has been restored to edit the form. [29] [30]
Biased BBC journalists in covering the issue of Scottish independence
Professor John Robertson of the University of the West of Scotland, published in early 2014, more academic work, which reveals the bias of the BBC journalists in covering the issue of the independence of Scotland. Items on which Robertson blames the BBC: "The use of dubious evidence and sources, interrogation independence supporters and opponents of soft interviewing and demonization of the First Minister Alex Salmond." In the Air Force, however, believe that they covered the referendum fair and impartial manner, "according to the editorial guidelines." [31]Washington Post devoted only a few lines of the tragedy in Odessa
One of the most influential American newspaper The Washington Post writes about Ukraine on the day after the tragic events in Odessa May 2, 2014, no doubt, at that time the most important episode in the development of the Ukrainian crisis in a few weeks. In the vast text description Odessa tragedy takes only a few lines .The Silence of New York Times about the bombing of Lugansk
New York Times did not put the news led to a number of victims of the bombardment of Lugansk June 2, 2014 at the home page, in this day Ukrainian news non-existent on the main page. Though not before leaving the top 10 for several months .Leading CNN: «You can be sure, I did not miss the air"
In November 2014 a leading television channel CNN's Christiane Amanpour invited aired Anissa Naue - leading transmission In the Now on TV channel RT. The topic of conversation was to be the fact that American journalists called "fierce propaganda war." RT correspondent agreed to participate in this conversation, provided that the full version of the interview will be posted on CNN's website with details. However, the transcript of the conversation posted on CNN's website only after a special reminder, and this transcript was incomplete.During the conversation, Amanpour said that Russian media is fed only one point of view, what Naue she said that it sounds absurd from a man who for many years translates the official views of the Department of State: "You have more than 15 years, the State Department voiced line - since Yugoslavia and ending Syria. And now you are essentially doing the same with respect to Ukraine. " Naue further clarified that repeatedly watching Amanpour reports from Syria. "And none of them, you did not question the policies and statements of the US government. And here we are - "Russian propaganda" - asking uncomfortable questions about the supply of arms of the Free Syrian Army, "al-Nusra Front" and other groups. Now we all have to deal with LIH. "
Amanpour has openly declared that the words Naue not due to be broadcast CNN: «You can be sure, I will not miss the broadcast, Anissa." This discussion really was cut during installation. Carved CNN fragment of conversation on the site RT .
Obstruction of journalism
Russian journalists are not allowed into the press conference Obama and Yatsenyuk
12-13 March 2014 Yatsenyuk, who came to power in Ukraine as a result of the Americans to sponsor a coup , came to the United States to pay their respects to the American owners. During the meeting, President Barack Obama said the United States support the new government in Kiev, and in response Yatsenyuk promised to continue what he called "the struggle for freedom."Russian journalists, however, are simply not allowed to go to a joint press conference Obama and Yatsenyuk, because the Russians might ask awkward questions about the arranged with the support of Americans coup and violence Evromaydane , thus destroying idyll another "victory of democracy" and spoiling the image to the media .
Spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich called the refusal to admit Russian journalists at a press conference "unacceptable and discriminatory." "It seems that in Washington, where so love to speculate about freedom of speech and the rights of journalists are not ready to follow these principles, preferring to deal only with" proven "media, distributing the" right "information" - written by representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry in an official statement on the website . [32]
Journalistic revolt in the United States: working conditions worse than under Bush
November 21, 2013, most news organizations covering events in the administration of US President, wrote press secretary Jay Carney White House (Jay Carney) joint letter, complaining about the lack of opportunities for professional journalists. The letter specifically mentioned several cases where the press corps reported that a certain event was private, but nevertheless photographer Pete Souza, White House (Pete Souza) was granted exclusive access to the event. [33] December 12, 2013 the majority of the press corps White House expressed its strong dissatisfaction Carney because of the unprecedented lack of access to the president during his trip to South Afik. [34] During the discussion, journalists became more and more frustrated and often interrupted Carney. This, in particular, and went about the incident with a strange sign language interpreter, who was standing next to Obama, while journalists refused, citing security measures. [35] Journalists White House pointed out that while President Obama has promised to election to make his administration more transparent to the media, the reality is quite the opposite. "Anyone will tell you that there are opportunities to work less than under the Bush administration," - said Brianna Keylar (Brianna Keilar) from CNN.The arrest of journalists for their coverage of the riots in the city of Ferguson (USA)
August 14, 2014 American city police Ferguson, where before August 9 police officer shot and killed a black teenager, arrested two journalists who came to the city to cover the riots provoked by the murder of the data. Police detained Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery and his colleague from Huffington Post Ryan Reilly. As Lowery wrote himself in his newspaper reports, he went to the Raleigh located near the epicenter of events "McDonalds" to charge the phone and respond to messages on Twitter. At this point, they were approached by police officers, some of whom were in civilian clothes, and demanded to see identity cards, while journalists in a prominent place had ID cards media. Wesley Lowery began recording events on the phone that did not like the police. Then the reporter put on handcuffs and hands, like his colleague from the Huffington Post, took him outside and detained. Later, both representatives of the media, without clear explanation of the reasons for detention, were suddenly released. They also refused to show the protocol of detention. Guide Washington Post condemned the detention officer, describing the incident as a violation of the law and an attack on freedom of the press. Chapter newspaper Martin Baron noted that "detention has absolutely no justification." [36]8 methods of concealment by the Obama administration
In May 2014 the Washington bureau chief of the news agency Associated Press Sally Busby AP listed on the site are several ways in which the administration of US President Barack Obama limits the rights of journalists - and this is only a small part of the violations of the rights of journalists and freedom of speech on the part of the Obama administration. [ 37] ."While the United States are increasing the fight against Islamist militants, the company is not able to follow up on this. News companies can not take pictures and videos takeoff bombers: they are not accredited. The administration did not inform what country aircraft take to the skies "- says Busby. [38]
According to an article, the author of the portal OpEdNews over the publication of Busby, if the public can not see destruction, violence, murder, which are United States Air Force, to justify these actions becomes much easier.
Sally Busby also puts Obama blamed a series of prohibitions. Thus, foreign journalists allowed to visit the meeting the US president with foreign leaders, journalists do not provide any specific information about how to combat militants IG, they are also denied access to the notorious prison at Guantanamo Bay, and officials forbidden to communicate with the press under threat of dismissal. There are many other restrictions, calling into question the freedom of speech and of the press in the United States. [39] [40]
The dismissal of journalists for the "wrong" point of view
Posner talks about layoffs of journalists for criticizing the US military action
Many interesting things about freedom of speech in the United States told a famous Russian liberal journalist Vladimir Pozner, a long time lived and worked in America. Here is his story about the dismissal of journalist Jon Alpert NBC for improper lighting the first US military operations in Iraq:In
1991, during the first Iraq war, called "Desert Storm", a very
well-known journalist Jon Alpert (Jon Alpert), as a stringer on NBC,
offered to get to the front line. I remind you that any
journalist - neither American nor foreign - were not allowed to obtain
information from sources other than from the US military leadership in
Iraq. John Alpeprt proposed to circumvent this rule. And then the head, the executive producer of NBC News permitted to do so.Alpert was able to remove what is happening in the Iraqi cities. And
it turned out that the so-called smart bombs, not all smart, not all
fall neatly on military installations and it happens that killed women
and children, and the elderly. And he showed leadership of these people and showed how their relatives cry, showed the ruins of houses. As a result, it is not just fired. He was fired from blacklisted. Executive producer said that the issue did not that Alpert something not shown, but the fact that the channel has no money for stringers and so they were forced to close his contract. And why not give stuff? Excuses voiced most clumsy. [41] |
Another example is the later. There is such a wonderful presenter Bill Maher (Bill Maher). He led the transfer of "politically incorrect" - first on the cable channel, and then on ABC. But when they started bombing Afghanistan, Bill Meyer in one transmission said: "It is unlikely that takes a lot of courage to a great height to beat women, children and civilians ...". He was fired. And it was a very famous man. [42] |
The dismissal of the famous American journalist Phil Donahue
"Now Donahue told me about what happened almost with a laugh. He said: "You know, I'm political education. Now we are back in the 50s , when the demand from the people, that they took an oath of allegiance. Need to be a patriot, you can not oppose the war in Iraq. If you mind, then here ends it. "And, by the way, in a statement Donahue and his team, which was published today, said that the program on the cable channel, on which he worked, NBC, had the highest rating of all the programs primetime on this cable channel. That is just the opposite, the rating of the program is high, but the content of the excitement caused terrible leadership, because it was not patriotic. " [43] |
"Today, in America, you can not argue against the fact that the White House says, without having to lose, in particular, that work on television. And I'll tell you something that perhaps many will strike. But I am absolutely convinced that in today's Russia is much more freedom of speech, we are much more able to criticize the President and the war in Chechnya, and so on, than in America could such a famous television presenter even as Donahue criticize the White House and the impending war in Iraq . " [44] |
The journalist radio "Freedom" was suspended for the post of Crimea
In April 2014 journalist Andrei Babitsky was suspended for a month to work on the radio "Freedom" (where he worked for 25 years) after the online publication, which was supported by the Russian position on the Crimea , who recently reunited with Russia . The reason for dismissal was the post at my personal blog Babitsky online "Echo of the Caucasus", whose editor he was. Babitsky wrote that Russia had the right to take under the protection of the population of Crimea. However, he also mentioned that should be protected minority rights, which disagree with the position of the Russian authorities. Fasting Babitsky has been removed from the site, "Echo of the Caucasus" ( see. the saved text ), and the author was released from his position on top of the main editor of this site, which is part of the corporation "Freedom". [45] Babitsky declined to comment on the incident, but According to "Novaya Gazeta", his dismissal was due to the public support from his side Russian troops in the Crimea. [46]The dismissal of the chief editor of the newspaper "New York Times" Jill Abramson
In May 2014 she was dismissed chief editor of The New York Times Jill Abramson (Jill Abramson) - she had to release his chair allegedly because she refused to follow the "corporate standard" edition. At the post it was replaced by an African American chief editor Dean Baquet, a former editor of the Los Angeles Times. Local media suggest that the decision to dismiss Abramson was associated with the appearance of the newspaper on May 3 reportage from the Slavic " under the guise of Ukraine, and many face rebellion "(the original publication: Behind the Masks in Ukraine, Many Faces of Rebellion ).Journalists The New York Times spent a few days with representatives of the pro-Russian militia, and was told after the published material that none of them are Russian citizens, and that the militia are mainly local residents, some of whom had formerly served in the Ukrainian and Soviet armies. This report was one of the few Western readers representing "alternative view", but he was severely criticized by members of the US State Department, and then Jill Abramson was dismissed from his post as editor in chief. [47]
CNN fired leads the harsh statements on the radio
Broadcaster CNN fired leading daily ether Rick Sanchez (Rick Sanchez), who allowed himself to harsh words against the well-known comedian Jon Stewart. Sanchez called comedian Jon Stewart, who derided his program in his show, narrow-minded. Sanchez said that Stewart feels prejudice to all who disagree with his point of view, which in general is a "point of view of white liberal establishment." Sanchez also did not agree with the opinion that the Jews, such as Jon Stewart, are oppressed minority in the United States and the people without power. [48] [49]Peter Arnett sacked for "unpatriotic"
Famous American reporter Peter Arnett March 31, 2003 was dismissed from the NBC TV only for what was interviewed by Iraqi television during the military conflict with Iraq, the US, which shows how hard the US control of journalists and freedom of speech. Arnett says, "I was told that I was not supposed to give an interview to the Iraqi television - it's unpatriotic and against the interests of America ... But I think I can give an interview to anyone else. For example, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice spoke with reporters TV "Al Jazeera", which is said in America, owned by Osama bin Laden. "Previously, for almost 40 years working in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, Arnett has become one of the most famous war correspondent USA. For his work in Vietnam Arnett won a Pulitzer Prize in 1966. After the fall of Saigon in 1975, he remained in the city and interviewed North Vietnamese soldiers. In 1998, he was fired from CNN for the story that in 1970 the US military used sarin against deserters who had taken refuge in the territory of Laos. [50] [51] [52]
Murder and mysterious deaths of journalists and dissidents
Death of journalist Sandy Hume
In the Sunday, February 22, 1998 Alexander "Sandy" Hume (Sandy Hume), 28-year-old son of a famous journalist Brit Hume, was found dead in his Arlington House, Virginia. In addition to the statement that it was "obvious" suicide, the media dropped on this story impenetrable silence, perhaps out of fear that the reported facts do not stand the test of common sense.Sandy Hume was a reporter for the publication «The Hill», the newspaper covers events in the US Congress, and in 1997 investigated and published a sensational story due to the friction between the Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and the head of the faction Bill Paxon. These friction almost completed palace coup and change of party speaker. By a strange coincidence, Bill Paxon announced his resignation after just 24 hours after the death of Hume. In addition, Sandy Hume just joined the staff of Fox TV News and worked for three weeks on the post, which was the peak of his career. [53]
Sandy had a reputation as a journalist, to investigate the history, for which no one wanted to take. His death came at a time when it was rumored that the young reporter had shed light on the history of the use of the White House specifically hired investigators to digging and pouring dirt on his critics.
At the fateful morning of February 22, Sandy, was arrested by the police for speeding, escorted to the police station, where he was forced to remove the belt and shoelaces - a standard procedure to prevent suicides. However, Sandy gave only one cord, failing to hide the second, and after a thorough search, the police could not find it (sic). After Sandy was locked in a cell, he decided to hang on to this cord. However, the attempt failed, and she did not look serious, as Hume did not tightened the noose, and held her hands and knees bent at the same time. Looks like he just wanted to scare the police and to stage suicide if police report everything is true. He was taken to the hospital for examination, where released, thinking that he's nothing more threatening, and 28-year-old journalist is no longer suicidal thoughts. And in vain, because the same day Sandy found a home with a gunshot wound from a hunting rifle. [54] In the end, the guy was not kidding. And it is quite logical for a successful young journalist stopped for speeding, running a red light and driving under the influence. What else then could he do in this life, they do not commit suicide? [55]
The National Press Club paid tribute to Hume, establishing an annual award named Sandy Hume, rewarding young journalists for outstanding achievements in the field of political journalism. [56]
Death of Tony Moser, specialized in anti-corruption investigations
Tony Moser (Tony Moser), a critic of the political machine of the Democratic Party in Arkansas, was hit by a car June 10, 2000, when he crossed the street in the city of Pine Bluff, 10 days after he became a columnist «Democrat-Gazette» and after two days after writing his article, which severely criticized corruption in the capital of Arkansas, Little Rock.Police said that no crime had been committed, as the unnamed driver, shot down to death Moser, was not intoxicated and did not exceed the speed limit. Apparently, in Arkansas can legally shoot down politically unpopular journalists. Police said that they exclude the malice and will not initiate charges against the driver.
Moser weekly column for the Democrat-Gazette began to be published on June 1st 2000. His last article was published on June 8. [57]
Death reporter Gary Webb
In 2004, under mysterious circumstances from two gunshot wounds to the head killed a reporter editions San Jose Mercury Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Webb (Gary Webb). The official investigation has recognized this himself. Even if it really was a suicide, it must be admitted that this journalist specifically encouraged. Reputation Webb few years, maliciously and deliberately destroyed - and all because of his investigation, in which he traced the connection with CIA arms shipments groupings Contras in Nicaragua and to import cocaine into California. Article written by Webb in 1996, called "Dark Alliance» (Dark Alliance) and although it was a question in the investigation was going on in the '80s, the subject immediately received a huge response.In 1996, Webb has dedicated his investigation of a series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News. He analyzed in detail how the cooperation of the Central Intelligence Agency and the counter-revolutionaries in Nicaragua. In addition, Webb accused the CIA that they supplied money and ammunition rebels in Nicaragua. In the end, Mercury News disown bold articles Webb and fired him.
In 2014, on the history of life directed by Michael Cuesta Webb made the film "Kill the Messenger" (Kill the Messenger). [58] [59] [60]
Death of journalist Andrew Breitbart
March 1, 2012 collapsed and died under mysterious circumstances journalist Andrew Breitbart (Andrew Breitbart) - heart attack happened to him after leaving the bar, where he drank red wine and talked about politics. Amazing coincidence, but it seems that Andrew Breitbart at the age of 43 years died prematurely just a few hours before going to publish damning footage, which could greatly damage the campaign of Barack Obama in 2012.Three weeks before his death, February 9, during the event «Blog Bash» in Washington, Breitbart made a statement that he is going to release their exposure is March 1st. Breitbart talked about his intention to show Obama's record during his studies at the college, where he is in the company of former terrorist organization «Weather Underground» Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn. [61] [62] See. video where Breitbart says footage with Obama that he planned to publish just a few hours before his death: Breitbart: I Have Obama College Films .
Death of journalist Michael Hastings
June 18, 2013 in Hollywood journalist died «Rolling Stone» Michael Hastings (Michael Hastings) - the official version of his car allegedly at high speed crashed into a tree and burned. Before his death he was working on an article about the CIA and told the lawyer Jennifer Robinson WikiLeaks (Jennifer Robinson) on detection of FBI surveillance in just a few hours before the crash, which gives serious reason to believe that a 33-year-old man was killed. See. Video from the place of death of Michael Hastings: RAW Footage Of Michael Hastings Car Crash . See. Russia Today investigate the death of Michael Hastings: (265) Historic Rally Against NSA, Was Michael Hastings Assassinated by a Private Contractor?Edition New York Daily News reports that Hastings before his death received several death threats. "The accident Hastings would make sense on the freeway, but I doubt that he was stupid enough to go with a speed of 100 miles per hour on Highland. He was not some stupid student, "- says a comment on the site of local news. "Prevention of other journalists - do not dig too deep, - commented on the event by Reddit. - Observe the party line, if you want to live a long and happy life. "
Hastings in his articles against military-industrial complex, and it is not the first person to do it and finish in a coffin, causing his death attracted widespread attention. [63] [64]
Death eyewitness in the building WTC 7 September 11, 2001
Barry Jennings (Barry Jennings) worked as deputy. Head of Department for Emergency Situations of the City of New York. September 11, 2001, he and his boss was in the building WTC-7, in which the aircraft does not hit, but which then collapsed. They were trapped inside the building and tried to get out. In the house they saw and heard numerous explosions. Along the way, they came across a lot of corpses.The same day, September 11 Jennings shared his impressions with the reporter, and in 2007 gave a great video interview with the author of the documentary "Loose Change" Dylan Avery. In an interview with Jennings many details and facts leave no doubt that the building WTC 7 was mined. From this interview was published by a small clip; as a result of Jennings threatened dismissal, and he asked that this interview was not included in the final version of "Loose Change". However, after an interview with Jennings was shown on the BBC program "The third tower" where supposedly refuted what he said earlier, Avery was forced to release the full version of the video interview to show the perversion of facts made by the BBC.
August 19, 2008 Barry Jennings died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 53 years, by a strange coincidence, 2 days before the release of the final version of NIST report on the causes of the fall of WTC building 7. While Jennings was in the hospital with a planned operation, from which he never left. The cause of death has not been released Jennings. To investigate his death was hired highly paid private investigator. A few days later he returned the deposit, and said to him no longer applied. Barry family, too, can not find - it looks like she disappeared.
Despite the importance of the post occupied by Jennings in New York, and the importance of his testimony as a witness in the building collapse WTC-7 September 11, 2001, the media did not investigate and did not report his death or his testimony. [65] Cm. interview Jennings: 911 Truth: Death of Barry Jennings Eyewitness WTC7 .
Death of a computer security specialist Barnaby Jack
July 25, 2013 35-year-old computer security expert and hacker Barnaby Jack (Barnaby Jack) was found dead in his apartment in San Francisco. His friends say that death Barnaby Jack completely "unexpected" that he was healthy and was in good spirits.On August 1, at the Black Hat conference Barnaby Jack was going to make a detailed report on "Integrated medical devices - Hacking people" discovered them about the possibilities of remote access to pacemakers and defibrillators: According to him, from a distance of 9-15 meters, you can get remote access to these devices (such as laptops) and wirelessly read all the information about the patient and the device to be able to manage them, and can send a signal that kills the patient. Working in IOActive, Jack worked vulnerability assessment of medical devices and in 2011 he found that insulin pump can be controlled remotely and cause the pump to lose all its contents in the pancreas, which caused the sudden death of the patient. In 2012, Jack has demonstrated the ability to manage a pacemaker implanted.
Earlier, in 2010, Barnaby Jack gained fame after at the Black Hat conference gave a talk about «jackpotting», telling about the vulnerability of automated teller machines and their software, and they found out about the ways in which you can hack and get full access to ATM - like using physical access, or remotely.
Forensic examination of San Francisco refused to give any comments on the causes of death Barnaby Jack. [66] Only five months later, the media reported that, according to the investigator, the world-famous hacker died from drinking the mixture overdose of heroin, cocaine and other drugs. [67]
Death of the author's investigation into the events of 11 September 2001 Philip Marshall
War veteran, Captain Aviation, a former pilot of the government helicopter Philip Marshall started writing books in which to gather evidence of the conspiracy September 11, 2001. As a witness of covert operations in the last years of his life, Marshall decided to shed light on many puzzling questions.February 2, 2013 former US National Security Agent Phillip Marshall, author of the investigation of the events of 9/11 (11 September 2001) was found dead in his home, were found dead near his children. According to the official version, he committed the murder of his 2 children and a dog, and then suicide. The reason for this "suicide" was called "paranoia" Marshall. [68] [69] [70] [71]
Media Harassment objectionable point of view
baiting anti-war activists from the American show business
In 2003, some American show business stars came out against the war in Iraq , for which he underwent public ostracism.American rock musician, a protest against the war in Iraq, it is extremely difficult to bring their compositions to the public - you can hear them in the main only on the Internet (for example, on the website "Rock se Quiaff" specially designed for the free expression of the artists of his political views). Antiwar radio singles do not make, in relation to the risk of being accused of anti-Americanism.
Thus, the cost of one of the female singers of country music group "Dixie Chicks' Natalie Meins to criticize US President George W. Bush as American" patriots "demanded that the radio stations to stop broadcasting the hits of the popular group. Most radio stations comply with these demands, and Meins had to apologize publicly. [72]
No less difficult to get to the US anti-war song on TV. American television entertainment Em-Ti-Vi (MTV) sent in 2003 to its European offices memorandum, which recommended to avoid any demonstration video clips, which featured "war, soldiers, planes, bombs, missiles, riots, social unrest, executions" and "other obviously sensitive materials."
At the same time known for its ostentatious "patriotism" newspaper "New York Post", following the traditions of McCarthyism , has published a list of "traitors" under the heading "Do not help it to fans of Saddam." In the "black list" of those newspaper called for a boycott, included musicians and film actors, including Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon. [73]
Canadian athlete had to apologize for a photo with Putin
See. Also: Campaign against the Olympics in Sochi # Canadian athletes were subjected to harassment for photos with PutinCanadian speed skater Brittany Schussler suffered harassment on the Internet and the media after she published her picture with Vladimir Putin during his visit to the Canadian home in Sochi Olympic Village during the 2014 Olympic Games . In Canada Act athletes criticized and accused of supporting the "tyrant who persecutes representatives of LGBT» (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender). Shussler was forced to remove a photo and say that it misunderstood.
Similarly, the wife was forced to enter the Canadian figure skater Gladys rack - not only does it remove the picture with the comment, "This is madness! In the Canadian House Dear President Putin! ", But generally close your account on the social network. [74]
Here's how to comment on this situation blogger Edward Birov :
In the West, and the Internet as a product of Western thought is censored mass consciousness - even more categorical and rigid than the state censorship. And much less fair. Censorship of the state, is established through open and transparent mechanisms, is a manifestation of the power of the majority over the minority. Censorship of the so-called "free society", carried out through the manipulation of mass consciousness, the formation of covert bias issued for the real will of the people, have the power of the minority over the majority. [75] |
Penalty for war commentary in the Polish media
One Polish commentator upheld the news on the Internet about who died in Afghanistan soldier commented: "And let die, who forced them to go there, attack and kill Afghans. I ask, who gave them that right. Than ordinary Afghans deserve to Poles intervened in the affairs of others. "In the Russian Internet, especially in its liberal segment similar in spirit to comments with respect to Russia and Russian, unfortunately, not uncommon. Moreover, many liberal journalists russophobes allow themselves and steeper statements, even in ethers popular media such as " Echo of Moscow ". Even Russian journalists for such things usually do not happen exactly nothing, but a simple commentator and say nothing.
However, in Poland the above comment provoked a storm of indignation: all the media ran stories that the Internet calling for murder of Polish soldiers, and the prosecutor's office quickly found written comment this criminal man. In 2012, there was a very loud criminal trial, "calls for the murder of Polish soldiers": it turned out to be 62-year-old man who was convicted and sentenced to a fine (it was a soft decision, as to this article he threatened to real prison term) . The Polish Ministry of Defense expressed satisfaction with the sentence: "The internet sowers of hatred can no longer feel unpunished."
It is reported that a court in Poland wait 56 more commenters, endorsing one way or another on the Internet the death of Polish soldiers volunteered to fight in Afghanistan . [76]
US Department of State: Mickey Rourke and Steven Seagal should be more restrained in their speeches
In August 2014, after the recent visits of Hollywood actors Mickey Rourke and Stephen Segal in Russia representatives of the US State Department advised them to be more restrained in his speeches and actions (actors by their conduct contributed to the creation of a positive image of Russia, which did not suit the State Department). According to the assistant Mickey Rourke, the authorities were particularly angered by the fact that the actor bought and put on a T-shirt with the image of Vladimir Putin ("I think he's a great guy, so I bought the T-shirt," says Rourke [77] ). Presented a similar shirt and Segal, who also visited more bike show in the Crimea .Such claims authorities to known public figures such unpleasant phenomenon is reminiscent of 50's of the last century, as McCarthyism , when a suspicion of being sympathetic to communism in the United States could easily lose their jobs, even in Hollywood. [78] [79]
The fight against unwanted media
Fighting the Western establishment with Russia Today
Expert: If you, like RT, there are alternative opinion - you banned.
So, February 14, 2012 one French media called RT «conductor soft power" Russia and "propaganda mouthpiece", the main purpose is to manage the news of the war against the American political system. People give interviews channel edition called "crazy" and "lunatics" who "want to destroy the hegemony of the US news."
April 26, 2014 US Secretary of State John Kerry at a press conference accused the RT in the biased coverage of the Ukrainian crisis and of distorting the image of Ukraine . He called RT «government-funded propaganda machine", we present a "fantasy Putin." After that Deputy Secretary of State Richard Stengel, for seven years served as chief editor of Time, published in his blog an article that listed the "specific examples where RT distorted the facts," and said that RT «turns lie in the news."
April 25, 2014 in the British newspaper The Guardian published an article entitled "The Office of radio, television and communication companies must re-inspect Putin's news channel." According to the authors, the article, although in the media need to articulate different points of view such material, like RT, «should cause us concern" and "can not allow the existence of propaganda serving the protection of despotic government and various conspiracy theories."
In March 2012, YouTube has blocked channel RT, after a while, unlock it and explained it to "technical problems", but many observers have linked the channel is locked with its wide coverage of the movement Occupy Wall Street.
March 18, 2014 RT channel was blocked for YouTube with the following notice: "This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube rules (fraud, inappropriate content in a video ...)." Soon, however, account has been unlocked, and it was explained again for technical reasons, but, apparently, this lock RT associated with lighting Ukrainian crisis and the reunification of the Crimea with Russia . [82]
Chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan tells about the powerful pressure on the TV channel Russia Today on the part of the authorities of Western countries in which it broadcasts. Channel employees threaten various problems on channel poured a huge amount of defamatory publications in the media obedient to the authorities, in the course is slander and other black PR. Regulatory authorities are constantly trying to revoke the license of the channel. Pressed even to experts who dare to appear on the air Russia Today with your opinion.
In London banned the advertising of RT as a provocative
In October 2014 the authorities in London refused to place on the streets posters Russia Today , which, in particular, shows the former Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair and former president of the United States George W. Bush. Referring to the official rules, outdoor advertising operators reported that they will not install the posters because of the political overtones of the campaign carried out by RT - instead of full-fledged posters Londoners will see a poster with the inscription Redacted («censored") and the name of the mobile application channel RT, with which you can see the original image.Previously, the same advertising company RT began in the United States. Leading US media, including the New York Times, New York Magazine, BuzzFeed, have already reacted to this campaign in their publications. Edition Huffington Post called it provocative, since it is a "serious mockery of how the US media coverage of the Iraq war." [83]
Freedom of speech in Lithuanian
October 9, 2013 the authorities of Lithuania stopped relaying the Russian First Channel for three months. According to the Commission on Radio and Television of Lithuania, aired on within the jurisdiction of Latvia "First Baltic Channel" (PBC) program "Man and Law" were distorted and biased presented Vilnius event January 13, 1991. Previously a member of the Seimas Rasa Juknevičienė invited to take away the license of the PBC, controlled Channel One in Russia. [84]March 21, 2014 Vilnius District Administrative Court limited the three-month broadcast channel "NTV Mir". The reason was the screening of the documentary "The Condemned. A Trap for the group" Alpha ", dedicated to the events of January 1991 in Vilnius - all the versions of these events, at variance with the official perceived in Lithuania and cause very serious political debate. [85]
Freedom of expression latvijski
May 29, 2014 against the background of the crisis Ukrainian Latvian National Council of Electronic Media (NSESMI), which controls the activities of television and radio repeaters, imposed a fine of € 3,6 thousand in the Russian-language First Baltic Channel (PBK). Claims have been brought to the news story PBC, which allegedly did not objectively reflect the events in Ukraine. The Board concluded that the subjects of the news program "Vremya" in the period from 25 to 26 February and 1, 2 and 4 March contains biased coverage of the riots in Kiev. According to NSESMI "such stories can form the opinion that the authorities in Ukraine illegally took over the neo-Nazis and fascists."In early April, three months NSESMI limited retransmission in Latvia TV channel "Russia RTR" for the reason that in the period from 2 to 17 March in the programs of TV channel disseminates information allegedly contained signs of "war propaganda". [86]
Freedom of speech in Moldovan
July 4, 2014 Audiovisual Coordinating Council (BCC) Moldova banned the broadcasting of the Russian TV channel "Russia 24" in the country until January 1, 2015. At the same time channels TV7 (relaying NTV) and Prime (relaying "Channel") was issued a public warning. Chapter CCA Marian Flashy said that if Russian TV channels RTR and REN-TV "will not change its policy of broadcasting, the decisions will be taken to suspend the right to advertising, then the suspension of the license, and then, as provided by law, to revoke the license."Checking the Russian TV channels in Moldova was initiated in connection with "the need to ensure information security in the country" because of the events in the east of Ukraine, as the Russian program is incorrect, according to the Moldovan authorities, covered the Ukrainian crisis . [87]
Fighting US WikiLeaks
November 28, 2010 known site WikiLeaks revelations began publishing 250,000 documents from the archives of the US Foreign Service and the State Department (formerly Project published a dossier about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and many other inconvenient for the US government materials).Since 2010, WikiLeaks began to experience significant pressure from the United States. The main project address stopped working, and the site was forced to move to the Swiss domain Primary domain has been closed by the decision of the US company EveryDNS, which is motivated by frequent DDoS-attacks on WikiLeaks, which supposedly bad for overall health serviced EveryDNS addresses.
December 4, 2010 payment system PayPal announced disable an account of the project WikiLeaks. PayPal explained decision to block WikiLeaks that the payment system can not be used for anything related to the unlawful actions (but about which illegal actions in question were not explained).
The resource was also deprived of hosting on Amazon, and its director Julian Assange was put on the international wanted list for a very dubious case of rape in Sweden, resulting in forced Assange for several years in hiding from the authorities in the UK Embassy of Ecuador in London. [88]
"Reporters Without Borders": the United States in terms of freedom of speech at the 46th place
The international organization "Reporters Without Borders» (Reporters Without Borders) has fixed that by the beginning of 2014 freedom of speech in the United States was less than in Ghana, South Africa and El Salvador. In the ranking of 180 countries, which monitor the situation of freedom of speech, the United States for the year fell back immediately to 14 positions, once on the 46th place.According to "Reporters Without Borders", the Obama administration is becoming more and more stringent measures to sources of information leakage in the US - for five years, the US Department of Justice filed a more lawsuits in this regard than in any other American president.
As evidence of "discouraging departure from democratic norms" in the report, "Reporters Without Borders", provides, inter alia, the following examples:
- fierce conviction Bradley Manning, who passed a large amount of secret documents WikiLeaks;
- the court's decision, is obliged to New York Times reporter James Risen to testify against former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling;
- great sentence that threatens independent journalist Barrett Brown;
- US intelligence wiretapping phones news agency Associated Press (AP) in New York, Washington and Hartford, without a court order (from April to May 2012). [89]
Country, proud of its democracy and the rule of law, in fact, far from being an example for others to follow. Freedom of speech is too often sacrificed too broad and rigid understanding of national security. [90] |
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