Obama's invasion of Russia in Ukraine threatens war
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US President Barack Obama warned that Moscow would pay a high price in the event of a military invasion of Ukraine ..
Amid reports of the transfer of Russian troops in the Crimea and the
"sudden check combat readiness of troops," NATO defense ministers issued
a statement: the North Atlantic Alliance will support "the sovereignty,
independence and territorial integrity "of Ukraine, and if we ask the
Ukrainian government for military assistance we arrive to help Ukraine
according to Reuters.
"An independent, sovereign and stable Ukraine, firmly committed to
democracy and the rule of law is a key factor in Euro-Atlantic
security," - said in a statement, which was issued after a meeting of
ministers in Brussels. US President Barack Obama warned Russia that any military intervention in Ukraine would be "profoundly destabilizing." This was Obama said at a White House briefing, reports Fox News.
Obama noted that "the United States will stand in solidarity with the
international community in a statement that any military intervention in
Ukraine will have its price." "We are deeply concerned by reports of troop movements, predrinyatyh Russian Federation in Ukraine," - said Obama.
US officials told Fox News, they see "evidence of air and sea
transportation of Russian troops in the Crimea, and from the Crimea, a
few drones NATO is currently monitoring the situation in the Crimea."
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the White House announced that Vice
President Joe Biden in touch with Prime Minister Yatsenyuk concerning
the situation in Ukraine.
The document emphasizes: "In accordance with the Charter of Partnership
between Ukraine and NATO Allies will continue to support the
sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and the
inviolability of the borders of Ukraine.
These principles are basic to the stability and security in Central and
Eastern Europe, as well as on the continent as a whole. " "We continue to closely monitor the situation in Ukraine and regret the tragic loss of life," - said the minister. In addition, NATO ministers approved the neutrality of the Ukrainian army during the unrest.
Earlier, US Secretary of State John Kerry called on Moscow to respect
the territorial integrity of Ukraine and "be very careful" in assessing
Commenting on the sudden inspection of Russian troops US State
Department spokesman Jen Psak remarked: "We are closely watching for
Asked whether the United States linked to Russian military exercises
with the latest developments in Kiev, Psak reiterated that, according to
the United States, "any military intervention in Ukraine would be a
This statement appeared in connection with the aggravated situation in
the Crimea, where unidentified armed men took control of the
administrative buildings and two airports. They have no markings, but the new Ukrainian authorities claim that it is the Russian military.
"Any violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine will be deeply
destabilizing, that does not correspond to the interests of either
Ukraine or Russia or Europe," - said Obama. Earlier, the Acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov accused Russia of military aggression in the Crimea. He appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to "stop provocations and begin negotiations."
"The Russian Federation launched an undisguised aggression against our
Ukraine", - said Turchinov in a televised address to the nation. Russian authorities have not commented on the alleged presence of Russian military base outside the Black Sea Fleet. The obvious violation of
"quilted jacket (Russian) troops entered and not only captured the
Parliament and the Council of Ministers of Crimea, but take control of
civilian objects, communication, trying to block the placement of
Ukrainian troops - said Turchinov.
- They provoke us to the conflict and work out a scenario identical to
the Abkhaz, when, to provoke a conflict, conducted annexation of the
territory. "
On Friday night at the airport of Simferopol appeared similar to the special forces of the military in uniform without any markings. The US president said that the Russian military intervention, if it happens, would be an invasion of "things which must be determined by the Ukrainian people." "This is a clear violation of Russia's obligations to respect the independence, sovereignty and borders of Ukraine, as well as international law," - said the US president. "After only a few days after the world was in Russia at the Olympics, it will be a cause for condemnation of the many peoples of the world" - he added. US President did not specify what the consequences might wait Russia in the case of military intervention, but an unnamed source in the US government later told Reuters that the US can block trade concessions sought by Moscow. In addition, Obama and some European leaders may refuse to go to the summit of the "Big Eight" in Sochi in June, news agencies reported another source on condition of anonymity. Obama reiterated that Washington continues to support the new transitional government in Ukraine, and expressed his approval of "restraint and its commitment to international obligations." Who are these people? Earlier, US State Department spokesman Jay Carney said the US authorities are trying to find out who these people are, and seize the airport administrative buildings.
Deputy chairman of the party "Russian unity" Dmitry Polonsky said Ukrainian service of BBC BBC that it was "self-defense militias", formed in the Crimea on 23 February. "Crimean authorities fully control the situation on the peninsula, controls the siloviki, so there is no danger," - assures Polonsky. However, Kiev politicians believe that for the armed activity in the Crimea is Russia. Secretary of the National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Paruby said about the possible involvement in the events of special forces of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. "The events that take place in Crimea - to them Crimeans have nothing to do. It's a small extremist and separatist groups, or members of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, that is the special forces of the Russian Black Sea Fleet," - he said at a press briefing after the meeting of the National Security Council.
According to the newspaper "Ukrainian Truth", for Friday at a military airfield in the Guards landed at least five IL-76, presumably arrived from Russia. Friday morning in Sevastopol landed eight Russian military helicopters. Correspondents say about the movements of Sevastopol Simferopol Russian armored vehicles and military trucks belonging to the Black Sea Fleet. Simferopol airport administration announced that the airspace above Simferopol closed at least until Saturday evening. The Ukrainian government is considering the termination of the lease land for the Black Sea Fleet.
Kremlin interference in Ukraine - the beginning of the collapse of the Russian Federation. Caucasus ready for output. Abzazii, South Ossetia and PfP - to prepare for liquidation. I do not believe that Russia will join the Crimea. Putin's government finally lost touch with reality. 1. Today is not the 91st year 2. Direct military intervention in the center of Europe, in the case of 50 millionths of the country, the integrity of which is guaranteed not only customary international law, but a special treaty with the United States and Britain - this one does not allow it. 3. Above all, do not allow, because if we assume - will fly the whole system of international treaties, and start a chain reaction force redistribution of boundaries. 4. Turkey has a special interest in the Crimea, and it can not intervene. A few hours after the start of the open phase of the conflict, Turkey has called Crimean Tatars their compatriots. 5. The experience of the last few decades, starting with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Falkland cores, Iraq's occupation of Kuwait and the civil war in Yugoslavia shows that in such cases at the beginning of the West acts hesitantly, swinging a long time - but it then hits full force. 6. The world still has not realized what happened on the Maidan - the massacre in the center of Europe with hundreds of shot, Yanukovych held at direct intervention of Russia - this is an unprecedented thing. When an event reaches the consciousness of public opinion and politicians - the impact of this will be felt for decades. Score personally Putin and Russia will generally presented much earlier, which also have an impact on the response to Russia's actions in Crimea. 7. Kremlin puts on the most unfortunate figures and strength. Not find anyone in the multimillion country to whom you can make a bet, except on the toilet thief with obvious mental deviations - it must be able to. The forces, which puts the Kremlin in the Crimea - in the last twenty years have proven to be a complete impotence. Besides dull complaints "Putin, save us," they had nothing organized or mass movements or actions, nothing. Reliance on such a contingent is not conducive to the success of the operation. 8. And the events in Kiev, and the events in the Crimea organized a fantastic professional. RF ears stick out from the beginning, a lot of the existing operational capabilities development operations are not used, almost always chosen the worst course of action from the start time hopelessly lost, everything is done the most ugly obrazom.Takoy rebellion can not end good luck. 9. Therefore, it's time to think about what will happen after the end of adventure - and prepare for it in advance. 10. Moscow could not arrange things so that the role of the Black Sea Fleet to remain unobserved. Even before the start of the operation it became apparent that violated an agreement on the presence of Russian forces in the Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet that is used to gross interference in the affairs of sovereign Ukraine. Therefore, even if the Kremlin now finds a grain of prudence and curtail the operation - the consequences are inevitable. Black Sea Fleet will be expelled from the Ukrainian territory, which seriously change the situation in the Black Sea-Caspian region, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. 11. If Moscow now find the strength to stop, withdraw its troops from the Ukrainian territory, the consequences limited to the departure of the Black Sea Fleet from Ukraine. But the fact that the Kremlin will stop adventure - is unlikely. 12. If the case goes to an open confrontation, attempts separation of Crimea, the consequences will be as follows: 13. One should expect a quick entry or association of Ukraine with the EU and NATO, until the emergence of the Alliance forces in Ukraine. A few hours after the start of the open phase of the conflict for the first time called for the EU to provide Ukraine the prospect of membership. 14. The Baltic States, Belarus, the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia, moving away from the Russian Federation. 15. Sanctions and, even more so. war will inflict a mortal blow to the Russian economy. High probability of hardware to overthrow Putin or mass revolution. 16. Moscow will not be able to fund in the same volume of national elites, especially the Caucasus region, where the economic situation will worsen, there will be a powerful movement for secession from Russia. 17. Separatism national regions and regional separatism themselves Russian, received systematic support from various external forces of the East, West and South. 18. West before these events is seen by Moscow as a stabilizing force in the first place in the North Caucasus, and recognized the existence of special interests in the former Soviet Union. Since this will be finished. The ratio of the major global players in Russia will continue as a dangerous, unpredictable and destructive force, and will begin its policy of squeezing hard. 19. With respect to the North Caucasus Moscow authorities will start regarded as undesirable power, allowing the monstrous violation of human rights, leading to destabilization and the emergence of Islamic extremism. 20. It will be launched search and construction of local political forces capable of ensuring the development of the North Caucasus as a politically independent of Moscow area, the creation of a stable political power and does not pose a threat to the West and Turkey. 21. After that, the pressure on Moscow to begin using all possible levers of economic sanctions to political and covert military support to armed resistance, leading to a rapid escape of Russia from the North Caucasus. 22. In the operation of separating Crimea Moscow is using the same techniques and political strategies that have been used in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria. The resemblance is too striking. Until now, in relation to these entities had the understanding that this is not just a cover for the Russian occupation. but also the expression of the will of the indigenous peoples of these lands. Continue this attitude will be forgotten. Their elimination would be considered as a guarantee of non-use of these methods in the future, and they will only be considered as a possible springboard for further aggression of the Kremlin, located on illegally occupied foreign territory. Therefore these public education will be considered as completely illegitimate and unwanted, moreover, pose a threat to world order. From the West and Turkey will work to eliminate them. 23. In addition, happened around Ukraine affect the situation in the Far East, around the Kuril Islands, it is possible to mainstream Sakhalin and Kaliningrad. 24. Steps will be taken for the removal from power of Putin. 25. The West is unlikely to start designing or support at the initial stage forces within Russia proper, advocated the overthrow of the Kremlin regime as such a radical change in the system of government in Russia. However, if such a force will, independently and can pose a threat to the Kremlin's power, they have a chance to get a lot of support. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov Confirm blocking Russian military airports Crimea. He said that he regarded it as "an armed invasion and occupation." About this Arsen Avakov wrote in his account on the social network " Facebook ", reporting the capture of Sevastopol Airport. Here is the text message fully Minister: "1. Belbek Airport. Blocked by military units Fleet. Inside the airport there are military and border guards of Ukraine. Outside - military in camouflage with a gun and unmarked, but does not hide his identity. The airport does not work. On the outer perimeter positions MIA. Armed conflict yet. 2. Airport Simferopol. About 12 nights in a civil group, about 100 people, who identified herself as Cossack squadrons, breaking the fence to the airport went on the airfield. Internal forces and the police, these people were pushed first into the airport, and then completely for territory. Weapons are not used. The area was abandoned airport "Cossacks" about an hour of the night - embarked on tilt KAMAZ truck and drove away. Around 1.30 am in the airport building arrived in several trucks with 119 military automatic weapons in camouflage unmarked. Entered the airport building, which is located inside the restaurant. Do not hide their affiliation to the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Questions Ukrainian Interior Ministry officers' military and you have no right here is "- that is short - do not have the instructions to negotiate with you. The situation is static, arms on both sides do not apply. Russian military static observe the work of the airport is not directly interfering. Internal forces and the Interior Ministry of Ukraine strengthened outfits in the airport area. Tension is growing. Resist the regular military forces law enforcement agencies can not. Appreciate what is happening, as an armed invasion and occupation. In violation of all international treaties and norms. This is a direct provocation of armed bloodshed in the territory of a sovereign state. This is not the competence of the Ministry of Interior. This competence of the National Security Council . There are no direct armed conflict must say diplomats ".Aktivisty believe that the Regionals just do not want to throw the stolen property. A significant part of maydanovtsy called events in the autonomy not only as a planned provocation by Russia, to understand that the new government for increased support of the European countries. In addition, people are skeptical about a referendum on the independence and autonomy of its separation from Ukraine, who appointed the Council of the Crimea. "The agony of the so-called Russian Empire. The most important thing Crimeans not be carried out on all of these provocations. Let Crimeans look that Russian" liberators "made in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Just let's see what's going on at all now," - offers an activist Maidan."Just the members of the Party of Regions of Crimea so want to keep the stolen property over the years that they are ready now to post even a flag of North Korea, just to stay in place, even under the Russian ..." - Said another Activist. In addition, Yanukovych maydanovtsy Outraged statements published Today. Activists spoke very emotionally, Offering to throw EX-guarantor Behind Bars. See Also: Crimea Ukraine FENCED off from Heavily Armed Unknown at checkpoints Recall That on Thursday, February 27, about a hundred Armed men Seized the Building of the Council of Crimea. People's DEPUTY Moskal Said That Among the Attackers Could be disbanded soldiers of Special Forces "Berkut". Ukrainians call the Crimea Ukrainian Authorities to Take All Measures to protect the safety and Security of Crimeans, and from the European institutions are waiting for the impact on Russia's position regarding the separatist sentiment.
"We appeal to prevent war in the Crimea and Ukraine as a whole: the Ukrainian people to protect all citizens of Ukraine, living in Crimea, Ukrainian state authorities to take immediate measures to ensure peace, tranquility and security of Crimeans, all sober-minded Crimeans not yield to provocations Anti-Government Forces "- Said in the Appeal. The statement Also Said: "(We call) Nuclear States guarantor of Territorial integrity and Security of Ukraine - UK, USA, France and China, ACCORDING to the Budapest Memorandum , to take measures to prevent foreign interference in the internal affairs of our country, the UN, the OSCE, the EU and the Council Europe - affect Russia's position on the inadmissibility of provoking separatism in the regions of Ukraine, in particular, in the Crimea and Sevastopol. "
Crimea Ukrainians Also Gave His Assessment of the Situation in the autonomy: "The irresponsible policy of the ARC put the Crimean Peninsula to the Brink of ethnic Conflict and Armed Conflict Provoke an Between Ukraine and Russia!" "We are witnessing quite provocative of Foreign Intervention Politicians in Political Life an Integral Part of Ukraine - Crimea and Sevastopol, "- Said in A statement. In addition, the Stresses in circulation, are "Direct Threat to the Ukrainians living in the autonomy, the Threat of Those WHO supported Euromaidan in Crimea , regardless of Nationality. " Statement signed by the Leader of the Crimea Ukrainian NGO "Crimean center of Business and Cultural Cooperation" Ukrainian House "Andrey Schekunom and Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate Clement (in the World - Paul Kusch) .
American news Agency Bloomberg News spoke About the Demonstrations Against Muslims Brazen Russian Terrorists, Insurgents and controlled by A gang of the FSB in the Crimea. The Agency, in Particular, wrote: "Where the Separatists?" Crimean Tatar Asked protester, Striking A Wooden stick on the Ground, Entering the Regional Parliament. After They Became louder Calls the Russian Majority in the Province of Southern Ukrainian Crimea to Join Russia, A minority of the Crimean Tatars Also Became more militant. Crimean Tatars were deported from Crimea Russian in 1944 - at That deportation died of hunger, Thirst and Disease Nearly half of the population - support the Pro-European Opposition That toppled Kremlin Puppet supervora Yanukovych after Three months of Protests. "The Ukrainian people paid with Their Blood to get rid of a dictator, "said another protester, 60-year-old Nebi Sadlaev. "We do not want another Dictator." A protester with A stick wrapped in the Ukrainian Flag, Quickly Went up the Stairs of Parliament (this WAS before the Russian Parliament Capture Terrorists - KC). On Thursday, the Russian Terrorists Seized Government and the Parliament Building in Simferopol and hoisted the Russian Flag Hated. "Any Attempt to hold local referendum on A the Status of Crimea is Illegal Under the Laws of Ukraine, which require nationwide plebiscite for the ad department of a region ", said by phone Hatice Mamutova, a lawyer who heads the League of Crimean Tatar women" Rights of Russian speakers in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine used as an instrument of Kremlin policy aimed at putting pressure on the Western-backed Transitional Government of Ukraine, "Said an Analyst at New York-based" Eurasia Group "(Eurasia Group) Alexander Clement. "Russian Authorities and the State-controlled Media painted the Current Government in Ukraine as Unlawful and supported fascist groups (in Russian the word fascism to the paucity of mind and total ignorance of Russian somehow dirty, although in modern Italy is an ordinary political party - KC), which played a leading role in the protests and pose a threat to the rights of Russian-speakers in southern Ukraine (in Moscow Russian-speaking refers primarily non-ethnic "Russian", ie the Mongol-finougrov, but something else - KC) ", reported in the scientific help for e-mail Clement.
In Sevastopol is (Illegal) Russian Base (pirate) "Black Sea Fleet." City in the hands of Russian gangsters, WHO Appointed Himself on February 24 Street gathering "mayor" - A Russian Crook and thief by the name of Chaly. President of ukraine Turchinov Said That Any Progress Russian soldiery Outside Their bases Will be Considered an act of aggression. Several Thousand head Scum Collected near Sevastopol City Hall, Declared Their loyalty to Putin's Russia gebistskoy. Russian militants blocked the Road from Simferopol using BMP. Such Developments concerned Refat Chubarov, the head of the Council of the Crimean Tatars, WHO WAS Born in the Uzbek Samarkand. His Father WAS deported Russian, When His Father WAS 13 years old, and his mother 10. Although the Crimean Muslims are still fighting for their rights - A Broader Representation in the Government and Parliament and vernacular schooling - Gives Them Ukraine more than Russia Security, Say Muslim representatives. "Over the past 250 years, the All MISERY in the Crimean people CAME from Moscow. We have an Allergy to Russia, "Said Chubarov in A telephone conversation from Simferopol. Tatars have Returned to Their homeland only in 1989 after the Russian, accusing them of promoting the German Army liberator from the Russian yoke, Tatars were deported to their colonies in Siberia, the Urals and Central Asia . Indigenous people of Crimean Tatars are an indigenous people of Crimea. After Their Turkic States WAS Captured and annexed by Russia in 1783, hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Were forced to Leave Their homeland in Several waves of emigration Mass. The indigenous population of the Crimean Khanate in the 18th century has plummeted from about 5 million to just 300,000, ACCORDING to the unrepresented Peoples and States (unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization). Under the Yoke of Russian repression Increased ITS and found culmination in the deportation. When They Returned to Their Land, Muslims, it Became Part of independent Ukraine. Now They make up 12% of the population of Crimea's population of more than 2 million people, against 60% Russian. The total population in Ukraine - 45 million people. ACCORDING Chubarov, Russian gangsters Promote His Campaign That scenario is Expressed in Major Acts of Violence. "When A Territory separated from some Countries, there is Bloodshed," he Said. "If this happens in the Crimea, the hardest hit Tatars. We do not want to That Happen . " In Russian-Ukrainian Relations question About staying on Ukrainian Territory of the Russian Black Sea Fleet stands alone. Even after the Signing of the so-Called "Kharkiv Agreements" naval Problems and failed to Remove from the Agenda. Moreover's, They are more Complicated in the Process of European integration of Ukraine. As A Rule, Because of the Position of Russia, Actually Avoiding Constructive Cooperation with Ukraine in, only caring About Their own interests in the Political, Military and Economic Spheres.
Ratification in the smoke! TEC "Russia", April 2010.: "The Russian Black Sea Fleet to remain in the territory of Ukraine in Crimea until at least 2042. The Parliaments of the two Countries - Verkhovna Rada and the State Duma the - approved Reached by the presidents of the two Countries Last week in Kharkov Agreement. In the Lower House of the Russian Parliament to Discuss Business and WAS very quiet, But the Ukrainian MPs SEEM to Remember Today for A Long time - A Vote in Parliament Held in WAS an atmosphere resembling riots at A Football Match. " For example, the main Political Goal of Black Sea Fleet in Crimea for the Long term - Keep to Ukraine in the Sphere of Influence of the Russian Federation, keeping the prerequisites for the Implementation of Russian Claims to the territory of the Crimean peninsula. THUS, the Russian Military Presence on the Territory of the Crimean Actually puts Ukraine Close to Russia in the Confrontation with the US and NATO. As A Consequence, in FACT, Ukraine is losing the Opportunity to Return to the path of Euro-Atlantic integration. She Also Raises Additional Problems in Relations with the Countries of the European Union (the Majority of European Countries consist of Both NATO and the EU). Ukrainian-Russian Agreement on the Participation of non-Black Sea Fleet the in the Political Processes of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Particular, and the Whole of Ukraine, the Leadership of the Black Sea Fleet has Actively supported the Pro-Russian Organization of the Crimean Peninsula. For example, in the printing of the newspaper of the Black Sea Fleet "Flag Motherland" virtually free print editions of such organizations as "Rusich", "Russian community of Sevastopol", "Russian Sevastopol", "Russian Crimea", "Fatherland" and so on. N. A Division of Psychological the Struggle of the Black Sea Fleet, using standard Media, Actively Supports and Promotes Anti-Russian-Ukrainian Pro and Anti-Western Ideology of the population of the Crimean Peninsula. All this is fertile Ground for the Activities of Anti-Ukrainian Frankly Movements, Including party "Russian unity" Cossack Brotherhood "Unity" Organization "Matter of Time". From A Military Point of View, the Deployment of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea is very Beneficial for the Russian Federation Due to the Strategic Location of the Peninsula on the Black Sea. Russia has All the Conditions for the use of shock components of naval Forces Against NATO Countries (Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria), as well as to block the Straits. At the Same time combat use Russian black Sea Fleet from the Crimean Territory Actually Allows you to "Draw" in Ukraine ITS Confrontation with the US and NATO, and in the Case of an Armed Conflict Between Russia and the West Fighting Deployed on the Ukrainian Territory. This Theme is Relevant for Ukraine DURING the Russian Show of Force by the United States and NATO, When this Show is drawn to the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In Particular, since 2009-2010, the Black Sea Fleet warships Regularly Appear in the Mediterranean Sea. These frequent trips to the beginning of deterioration of the situation in Syria in 2012. Forces and Means of the Black Sea Fleet (marine units, Helicopters, Planes and warships in the coastal Areas) Also participated or are Actively involved in Armed Conflict in the Caucasus, T. H.: In the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict in 1992-1993; counterterrorism Operations Against Islamic extremists in Chechnya in 1994-1996 and 1999-2000, respectively; in Other Republics of the North Caucasus in the past Ten years; Russian-Georgian Conflict in 2008. All this threatens the National interests of Ukraine's Security. We have in mind, first of All, Sabotage and Terrorist Attacks by Islamic extremists Against Personnel and objects Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea, Which CAN be Directed Against Personnel and objects of the ukrainian Navy, and automatically engage the Civilian population and Infrastructure of the Crimean Peninsula. In FACT, it understands Russian Black Sea Fleet command and conducts drills and exercises counterterrorism Content. In the Event of A Military Conflict Between Russia and the US and NATO, objects russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea necessarily be subjected to Fire Attack (Air Strikes). These objects are Since Deployed in Sevastopol, then such Attacks in the City Will have Catastrophic Consequences. Moreover's, Given the need for the distribution of the naval Forces DURING Fighting , as well as Logistic supply through Ukrainian Territory, Fighting Actually cover the Entire Peninsula. is despite the Hypothetical Assumptions, such scenario A really CAN not be ignored in the War Plans of the Russians. But even without the Presence of Armed Conflict Russian Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian Territory Creates Potential and actual Threats to the Security of Ukraine. In Particular, we have in mind: the Presence of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Intelligence units and representatives of the Russian Special Services, Which May Also act Against Ukraine; Storing Significant Amounts of obsolete munitions warehouses Black Sea Fleet, not Excluding the Threat of Explosions (as it Regularly Occurs in Other Russian weapons Depots); inability to control by the Competent Authorities of Ukraine movement, Storage and use of weapons and Ammunition BSF does not preclude Their Release ; uncontrolled movement of Military Vehicles and equipment on the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, to Accidents on the Roads Due to the inability to control Them SAI of Ukraine. In addition, Black Sea Group Increased Fleet in Crimea, Re-new weapons and equipment Military , as well as Increased Operational Activities of combat and Training of naval facilities on A Show of Force are Perceived as A Threat to the Black Sea Countries and Their safety on the Part of Ukraine. And since They are A Part of NATO and the EU, there is in FACT A prerequisite for the negative perception of the Ukrainian State as NATO and the European Union. This Applies to the United States, have Their own interests in the Black Sea region. Another Threat comes from Participation in the Activities of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Military pressure, as A Last resort, the Implementation of Russian Plans for Ukraine. ACCORDING to Russian Experts (in Vol. H., Distributed by the official media of the Russian Federation, in particular, Interfax news agency), Russia can use military force due to the resumption of Ukraine's course to join NATO or the requirements of the Ukrainian side to withdraw from the Crimea Black Sea Fleet. In this Case, the Black Sea Fleet openly defined as the Vanguard of the Russian Armed Forces on the Territory of Ukraine. In FACT, WAS something Similar Observed in 1993-1994, the Black Sea When Fleet command has Actively supported the Crimean Separatists Nearly Provoked Armed Conflict on the Peninsula. In Economic terms, we mean the following. Russia, the Black Sea Leaving Fleet in Crimea, Prevents the development of Civil (Commercial) port facilities of Sevastopol, having A chance to Become the leading term in the Transport and transit center in the south of Ukraine. Such an Opportunity Provide Unique Physical and Geographical Conditions of the Sevastopol Bays - the Best on the Entire Black Sea, Which Show Interest in Both Ukrainian and Foreign Investors (in Vol. H. Of the United States and the European Union). Opportunities May create competition Sevastopol Russia's Plans to Build A large-scale port and terminal complex on the Azov and Black Sea coast. Thanks to These Complexes, the Russian Federation chip away the main Transport Flows and cargo in the Black Sea region. THUS, blocking the development of Sevastopol, Russia at the Same time Increased ITS transit facilities of the Port of Novorossiysk, in Particular, has Built the oil and Petrochemical Terminals, to Construct A new paragraph grain overload capacity of up to 5 million. Tons. Was Created by another node port on the Taman Peninsula of two new ports: port "Taman" for the handling of products with Chemical A total capacity of About 45 million. Tons per year, and the port "Kuban" for dry cargoes with a total capacity of 30-35 million. Tons per year (in the future - up to 70-80 mln. Tons per year). These projects have allowed Russia to redirect transit ammonia products from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Russian port of Taman, thwart the Plans of Ukraine on the Construction of the coal terminal in the port of Sevastopol. The latter WAS strategically Important for Ukraine and Russia, - having regard to the Activation of Activities of European Countries and Turkey's Transition from Russian Gas to alternative Forms of energy, such as coal. Due to the Strategic interests of Moscow in the energy Industry, and personal interests of Russian oligarchic groups Transport and transit Industry is Virtually no Room for the Relocation of the Black Sea Fleet on the Caucasian coast of Russia. In essence, this is Recognized as the central Government of the Russian Federation and the leadership of the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, which included Novorossiysk and the Taman Peninsula.
The development of new sites for the Black Sea Fleet of Russia on the Black Sea coast of Russia Requires considerable Financial Costs, Which, of course, Also in the interests not of Russians. THUS, ACCORDING to the Russian Magazine "Sea Collection", only for the construction of protective dikes points based Black Sea Fleet in the town of Novorossiysk need about 2 billion. Dollars. USA. A Similar Situation exists in the ship Repair Sector of the Black Sea Fleet. Contrary to expectations All of the Public on the Implementation of the Sevastopol "Kharkiv Agreements" Russia is not only Expanding the use of ship-Repair facilities for the BSF Repair and maintenance of the Black Sea Fleet, But on the Contrary, Reduces Them. THUS, the Russian Black Sea Fleet ships Almost completely repaired in Sevastopol, and at Russian Enterprises. Russians refuse to Repair Their boats and in Other Countries (such as Bulgaria, WHERE the Repair of large ships Landing BSF). Staff Shipyards in Sevastopol is reduced, Which Will inevitably have negative impact on A the socio-Economic Situation of the City.
And finally, what has become a well-known fact - Russia not only did not reduce the price of gas for Ukraine in exchange for agreeing to extend the term of Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea, and vice versa - this price continues to increase . Today, such A price - the Largest in Europe and the World at large. "Registration" of the Black Sea Fleet in exchange for Gas channel "TVC", 22 April 2010.: "Russia is ready to reset export duties for Ukraine. This statement WAS Made by Vladimir Putin Today. ACCORDING to HIM, THUS, Kiev Will Receive A 30 percent Discount on Gas. " Although, as experience Shows, the Economic Problems of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in Ukraine are not Limited to such "global" Issues. They Provide more "MINOR" Aspects. In Particular, this Applies to: misuse (Commercial) use of facilities and Land of the Former Soviet Black Sea Fleet, rent Received from the Ukraine; Unauthorized use of berthing Fund, which was to be handed over to Ukraine under the relevant agreements (currently about 40 Berths); Russia's Refusal to transfer Funds hydraulic equipment Ukraine the Black and Azov Seas; smuggling of fuel and Food products through the Ukrainian-Russian border. All These Problems - Obviously, CAN not be Realized by Russia. Given this, and at the Same time justifying the "need" the extension of the Russian Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian Territory, the Russians are Actively Promoting the Myth of "the Decisive role of the Black Sea Fleet "as" guarantor of the Security of Ukraine ". By the way, deliberately not to Mention A Complete mismatch Threat to National Security of Russia and Ukraine and the actual Insolvency of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation to Ensure the safety of not only Ukraine, But Also the Russian Federation. Large-scale exercises of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. To destroy simulated Enemy USED as Military Say, All available Forces and Means, even A Duel - meeting engagement of two ships. clear and unambiguous rejection of the Russian Federation to the attraction of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea Political Activities, Including Withdrawal of support to the Pro-Russian Organizations of Crimea, Abstinence Commanders of the Black Sea Fleet from Public Political statements and Assessments, Disassociation from BSF Activities of Russian Politicians and Political Forces in the Crimea; Russia to Provide Legal Guarantees A clear, in Vol. h. Organizations in international (UN and OSCE), the non-interference of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in the Internal affairs of Ukraine and Crimea; Avoiding uncontrolled Actions of Russia in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Territory, incl.: Re-Fleet, as well as Import and export of weapons and Ammunition; entry of Russian ships in Ukrainian Territorial Waters and out of Them; movement of Military Vehicles and equipment on the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea the; stopping the Practice of misuse of facilities Black Sea Fleet, ukraine transfer unused objects Fleet; Return to the Ukrainian Side hydraulic facilities to Ensure the Black and Azov Seas. HOWEVER, as the experience of the negotiation Process Between Ukraine and Russia, the Russian Side Actually avoids compromises in Relations with Ukraine on the Black Sea Fleet and delay the Negotiations, seeking for itself unilateral preferences. In this Case, the Imperfection of the Current Extensive use of the Contractual Framework concerning the Conditions of stay Russian Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian Territory. In Particular, so the next Step WAS the Refusal to Pay Taxes Military units, Organizations and Enterprises Black Sea Fleet in Crimea dislotsiruemyh. A Note in the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs contains Explicit Threats Against Ukraine to Arrange A "TRADE War" Member States of the Customs Union - in the Case of Attempts to Sanction A tax such. In FACT, Russia is demonstrating ITS dismissive attitude as A Whole to Ukraine and to the Inhabitants of the Crimea and Sevastopol, deliberately Forgetting All His Promises to protect the interests of the latter. Due to Their own Ambitions Russia Essentially Torpedoes All options civilized solutions to Problems of the Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine, Which Will Ultimately result in negative Consequences for the Russian Federation itself. Given That Ukraine is not Able to control Actually on ITS Territory Military Activities BSF, it must Clearly define ITS Position on the Level and international OFFICIALLY announce His Innocence to the Intentions and Actions of the Russian Side. On the basis of These Facts, we conclude CAN That the Russian Black Sea Dislocation Fleet on Ukrainian Territory constitutes One of the main Threats to the National Security of Ukraine. This is Also Confirmed by the events of 1993-1994, Which Nearly led to Armed Conflict in Crimea such as Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Tajikistan. Neglecting such Facts necessarily Provoke A Massive tragedy, the Consequences of Which Would be Virtually impossible to Prevent. Acting Defense MINISTER Igor Tenyukh Said About Trying to enter the Territory of the Military unit of the Battalion of Marines in Feodosia Armed Russian Military. "At 2.30 WAS the penetration of the Battalion of Marines in Feodosia, WAS caught by the Russian Marine with a weapon, "- he said, speaking at a government meeting on Saturday, March 1, the Correspondent. Tenyukh Added Currently That Carry out the Necessary Legal Proceedings involving Law enforcement and prosecutors. Today at the meeting, Prime MINISTER of Ukraine Yatsenyuk urged Russia not to Provoke Civil and Military Confrontation in Ukraine. "We Demand from the Government of the Russian Federation and the Authorities to withdraw Their Troops, and Return to Their bases. The Russian Partners, stop Provoking Civil and Military Confrontation in Ukraine, "- Said he, Opening the meeting. He Stressed That Ukraine Will not yield to provocations, and Will not go on Force response. On Friday, February 28, media reported that many Military Installations and admizdaniya Were Captured by unidentified men in masks Armed. Border Service of Ukraine Reported That Russian Military Helicopters illegally crossed the border of Ukraine. In addition it WAS Reported That Landed in Simferopol Aircraft Landing of Russian Air Force. In this regard, the Verkhovna Rada Asked to convene an Emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to monitor the Situation in Crimea and to Take Action in Case of violation of ITS Sovereignty. Acting President, Parliament Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov on Friday Night Said That Russia Under the guise of exercises sent Troops to the Crimea, than Provoke A Military Conflict. He demanded That the Leadership of the Russian Federation to immediately withdraw Troops.
The US Senate has Recognized Ukraine as A Military ally without NATO Membership
On Friday night at the airport of Simferopol appeared similar to the special forces of the military in uniform without any markings. The US president said that the Russian military intervention, if it happens, would be an invasion of "things which must be determined by the Ukrainian people." "This is a clear violation of Russia's obligations to respect the independence, sovereignty and borders of Ukraine, as well as international law," - said the US president. "After only a few days after the world was in Russia at the Olympics, it will be a cause for condemnation of the many peoples of the world" - he added. US President did not specify what the consequences might wait Russia in the case of military intervention, but an unnamed source in the US government later told Reuters that the US can block trade concessions sought by Moscow. In addition, Obama and some European leaders may refuse to go to the summit of the "Big Eight" in Sochi in June, news agencies reported another source on condition of anonymity. Obama reiterated that Washington continues to support the new transitional government in Ukraine, and expressed his approval of "restraint and its commitment to international obligations." Who are these people? Earlier, US State Department spokesman Jay Carney said the US authorities are trying to find out who these people are, and seize the airport administrative buildings.
Deputy chairman of the party "Russian unity" Dmitry Polonsky said Ukrainian service of BBC BBC that it was "self-defense militias", formed in the Crimea on 23 February. "Crimean authorities fully control the situation on the peninsula, controls the siloviki, so there is no danger," - assures Polonsky. However, Kiev politicians believe that for the armed activity in the Crimea is Russia. Secretary of the National Security and Defense of Ukraine Andriy Paruby said about the possible involvement in the events of special forces of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. "The events that take place in Crimea - to them Crimeans have nothing to do. It's a small extremist and separatist groups, or members of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, that is the special forces of the Russian Black Sea Fleet," - he said at a press briefing after the meeting of the National Security Council.
According to the newspaper "Ukrainian Truth", for Friday at a military airfield in the Guards landed at least five IL-76, presumably arrived from Russia. Friday morning in Sevastopol landed eight Russian military helicopters. Correspondents say about the movements of Sevastopol Simferopol Russian armored vehicles and military trucks belonging to the Black Sea Fleet. Simferopol airport administration announced that the airspace above Simferopol closed at least until Saturday evening. The Ukrainian government is considering the termination of the lease land for the Black Sea Fleet.
Kremlin interference in Ukraine - the beginning of the collapse of the Russian Federation. Caucasus ready for output. Abzazii, South Ossetia and PfP - to prepare for liquidation. I do not believe that Russia will join the Crimea. Putin's government finally lost touch with reality. 1. Today is not the 91st year 2. Direct military intervention in the center of Europe, in the case of 50 millionths of the country, the integrity of which is guaranteed not only customary international law, but a special treaty with the United States and Britain - this one does not allow it. 3. Above all, do not allow, because if we assume - will fly the whole system of international treaties, and start a chain reaction force redistribution of boundaries. 4. Turkey has a special interest in the Crimea, and it can not intervene. A few hours after the start of the open phase of the conflict, Turkey has called Crimean Tatars their compatriots. 5. The experience of the last few decades, starting with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Falkland cores, Iraq's occupation of Kuwait and the civil war in Yugoslavia shows that in such cases at the beginning of the West acts hesitantly, swinging a long time - but it then hits full force. 6. The world still has not realized what happened on the Maidan - the massacre in the center of Europe with hundreds of shot, Yanukovych held at direct intervention of Russia - this is an unprecedented thing. When an event reaches the consciousness of public opinion and politicians - the impact of this will be felt for decades. Score personally Putin and Russia will generally presented much earlier, which also have an impact on the response to Russia's actions in Crimea. 7. Kremlin puts on the most unfortunate figures and strength. Not find anyone in the multimillion country to whom you can make a bet, except on the toilet thief with obvious mental deviations - it must be able to. The forces, which puts the Kremlin in the Crimea - in the last twenty years have proven to be a complete impotence. Besides dull complaints "Putin, save us," they had nothing organized or mass movements or actions, nothing. Reliance on such a contingent is not conducive to the success of the operation. 8. And the events in Kiev, and the events in the Crimea organized a fantastic professional. RF ears stick out from the beginning, a lot of the existing operational capabilities development operations are not used, almost always chosen the worst course of action from the start time hopelessly lost, everything is done the most ugly obrazom.Takoy rebellion can not end good luck. 9. Therefore, it's time to think about what will happen after the end of adventure - and prepare for it in advance. 10. Moscow could not arrange things so that the role of the Black Sea Fleet to remain unobserved. Even before the start of the operation it became apparent that violated an agreement on the presence of Russian forces in the Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet that is used to gross interference in the affairs of sovereign Ukraine. Therefore, even if the Kremlin now finds a grain of prudence and curtail the operation - the consequences are inevitable. Black Sea Fleet will be expelled from the Ukrainian territory, which seriously change the situation in the Black Sea-Caspian region, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. 11. If Moscow now find the strength to stop, withdraw its troops from the Ukrainian territory, the consequences limited to the departure of the Black Sea Fleet from Ukraine. But the fact that the Kremlin will stop adventure - is unlikely. 12. If the case goes to an open confrontation, attempts separation of Crimea, the consequences will be as follows: 13. One should expect a quick entry or association of Ukraine with the EU and NATO, until the emergence of the Alliance forces in Ukraine. A few hours after the start of the open phase of the conflict for the first time called for the EU to provide Ukraine the prospect of membership. 14. The Baltic States, Belarus, the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia, moving away from the Russian Federation. 15. Sanctions and, even more so. war will inflict a mortal blow to the Russian economy. High probability of hardware to overthrow Putin or mass revolution. 16. Moscow will not be able to fund in the same volume of national elites, especially the Caucasus region, where the economic situation will worsen, there will be a powerful movement for secession from Russia. 17. Separatism national regions and regional separatism themselves Russian, received systematic support from various external forces of the East, West and South. 18. West before these events is seen by Moscow as a stabilizing force in the first place in the North Caucasus, and recognized the existence of special interests in the former Soviet Union. Since this will be finished. The ratio of the major global players in Russia will continue as a dangerous, unpredictable and destructive force, and will begin its policy of squeezing hard. 19. With respect to the North Caucasus Moscow authorities will start regarded as undesirable power, allowing the monstrous violation of human rights, leading to destabilization and the emergence of Islamic extremism. 20. It will be launched search and construction of local political forces capable of ensuring the development of the North Caucasus as a politically independent of Moscow area, the creation of a stable political power and does not pose a threat to the West and Turkey. 21. After that, the pressure on Moscow to begin using all possible levers of economic sanctions to political and covert military support to armed resistance, leading to a rapid escape of Russia from the North Caucasus. 22. In the operation of separating Crimea Moscow is using the same techniques and political strategies that have been used in Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria. The resemblance is too striking. Until now, in relation to these entities had the understanding that this is not just a cover for the Russian occupation. but also the expression of the will of the indigenous peoples of these lands. Continue this attitude will be forgotten. Their elimination would be considered as a guarantee of non-use of these methods in the future, and they will only be considered as a possible springboard for further aggression of the Kremlin, located on illegally occupied foreign territory. Therefore these public education will be considered as completely illegitimate and unwanted, moreover, pose a threat to world order. From the West and Turkey will work to eliminate them. 23. In addition, happened around Ukraine affect the situation in the Far East, around the Kuril Islands, it is possible to mainstream Sakhalin and Kaliningrad. 24. Steps will be taken for the removal from power of Putin. 25. The West is unlikely to start designing or support at the initial stage forces within Russia proper, advocated the overthrow of the Kremlin regime as such a radical change in the system of government in Russia. However, if such a force will, independently and can pose a threat to the Kremlin's power, they have a chance to get a lot of support. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov Confirm blocking Russian military airports Crimea. He said that he regarded it as "an armed invasion and occupation." About this Arsen Avakov wrote in his account on the social network " Facebook ", reporting the capture of Sevastopol Airport. Here is the text message fully Minister: "1. Belbek Airport. Blocked by military units Fleet. Inside the airport there are military and border guards of Ukraine. Outside - military in camouflage with a gun and unmarked, but does not hide his identity. The airport does not work. On the outer perimeter positions MIA. Armed conflict yet. 2. Airport Simferopol. About 12 nights in a civil group, about 100 people, who identified herself as Cossack squadrons, breaking the fence to the airport went on the airfield. Internal forces and the police, these people were pushed first into the airport, and then completely for territory. Weapons are not used. The area was abandoned airport "Cossacks" about an hour of the night - embarked on tilt KAMAZ truck and drove away. Around 1.30 am in the airport building arrived in several trucks with 119 military automatic weapons in camouflage unmarked. Entered the airport building, which is located inside the restaurant. Do not hide their affiliation to the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Questions Ukrainian Interior Ministry officers' military and you have no right here is "- that is short - do not have the instructions to negotiate with you. The situation is static, arms on both sides do not apply. Russian military static observe the work of the airport is not directly interfering. Internal forces and the Interior Ministry of Ukraine strengthened outfits in the airport area. Tension is growing. Resist the regular military forces law enforcement agencies can not. Appreciate what is happening, as an armed invasion and occupation. In violation of all international treaties and norms. This is a direct provocation of armed bloodshed in the territory of a sovereign state. This is not the competence of the Ministry of Interior. This competence of the National Security Council . There are no direct armed conflict must say diplomats ".Aktivisty believe that the Regionals just do not want to throw the stolen property. A significant part of maydanovtsy called events in the autonomy not only as a planned provocation by Russia, to understand that the new government for increased support of the European countries. In addition, people are skeptical about a referendum on the independence and autonomy of its separation from Ukraine, who appointed the Council of the Crimea. "The agony of the so-called Russian Empire. The most important thing Crimeans not be carried out on all of these provocations. Let Crimeans look that Russian" liberators "made in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Just let's see what's going on at all now," - offers an activist Maidan."Just the members of the Party of Regions of Crimea so want to keep the stolen property over the years that they are ready now to post even a flag of North Korea, just to stay in place, even under the Russian ..." - Said another Activist. In addition, Yanukovych maydanovtsy Outraged statements published Today. Activists spoke very emotionally, Offering to throw EX-guarantor Behind Bars. See Also: Crimea Ukraine FENCED off from Heavily Armed Unknown at checkpoints Recall That on Thursday, February 27, about a hundred Armed men Seized the Building of the Council of Crimea. People's DEPUTY Moskal Said That Among the Attackers Could be disbanded soldiers of Special Forces "Berkut". Ukrainians call the Crimea Ukrainian Authorities to Take All Measures to protect the safety and Security of Crimeans, and from the European institutions are waiting for the impact on Russia's position regarding the separatist sentiment.
"We appeal to prevent war in the Crimea and Ukraine as a whole: the Ukrainian people to protect all citizens of Ukraine, living in Crimea, Ukrainian state authorities to take immediate measures to ensure peace, tranquility and security of Crimeans, all sober-minded Crimeans not yield to provocations Anti-Government Forces "- Said in the Appeal. The statement Also Said: "(We call) Nuclear States guarantor of Territorial integrity and Security of Ukraine - UK, USA, France and China, ACCORDING to the Budapest Memorandum , to take measures to prevent foreign interference in the internal affairs of our country, the UN, the OSCE, the EU and the Council Europe - affect Russia's position on the inadmissibility of provoking separatism in the regions of Ukraine, in particular, in the Crimea and Sevastopol. "
Crimea Ukrainians Also Gave His Assessment of the Situation in the autonomy: "The irresponsible policy of the ARC put the Crimean Peninsula to the Brink of ethnic Conflict and Armed Conflict Provoke an Between Ukraine and Russia!" "We are witnessing quite provocative of Foreign Intervention Politicians in Political Life an Integral Part of Ukraine - Crimea and Sevastopol, "- Said in A statement. In addition, the Stresses in circulation, are "Direct Threat to the Ukrainians living in the autonomy, the Threat of Those WHO supported Euromaidan in Crimea , regardless of Nationality. " Statement signed by the Leader of the Crimea Ukrainian NGO "Crimean center of Business and Cultural Cooperation" Ukrainian House "Andrey Schekunom and Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate Clement (in the World - Paul Kusch) .
American news Agency Bloomberg News spoke About the Demonstrations Against Muslims Brazen Russian Terrorists, Insurgents and controlled by A gang of the FSB in the Crimea. The Agency, in Particular, wrote: "Where the Separatists?" Crimean Tatar Asked protester, Striking A Wooden stick on the Ground, Entering the Regional Parliament. After They Became louder Calls the Russian Majority in the Province of Southern Ukrainian Crimea to Join Russia, A minority of the Crimean Tatars Also Became more militant. Crimean Tatars were deported from Crimea Russian in 1944 - at That deportation died of hunger, Thirst and Disease Nearly half of the population - support the Pro-European Opposition That toppled Kremlin Puppet supervora Yanukovych after Three months of Protests. "The Ukrainian people paid with Their Blood to get rid of a dictator, "said another protester, 60-year-old Nebi Sadlaev. "We do not want another Dictator." A protester with A stick wrapped in the Ukrainian Flag, Quickly Went up the Stairs of Parliament (this WAS before the Russian Parliament Capture Terrorists - KC). On Thursday, the Russian Terrorists Seized Government and the Parliament Building in Simferopol and hoisted the Russian Flag Hated. "Any Attempt to hold local referendum on A the Status of Crimea is Illegal Under the Laws of Ukraine, which require nationwide plebiscite for the ad department of a region ", said by phone Hatice Mamutova, a lawyer who heads the League of Crimean Tatar women" Rights of Russian speakers in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine used as an instrument of Kremlin policy aimed at putting pressure on the Western-backed Transitional Government of Ukraine, "Said an Analyst at New York-based" Eurasia Group "(Eurasia Group) Alexander Clement. "Russian Authorities and the State-controlled Media painted the Current Government in Ukraine as Unlawful and supported fascist groups (in Russian the word fascism to the paucity of mind and total ignorance of Russian somehow dirty, although in modern Italy is an ordinary political party - KC), which played a leading role in the protests and pose a threat to the rights of Russian-speakers in southern Ukraine (in Moscow Russian-speaking refers primarily non-ethnic "Russian", ie the Mongol-finougrov, but something else - KC) ", reported in the scientific help for e-mail Clement.
In Sevastopol is (Illegal) Russian Base (pirate) "Black Sea Fleet." City in the hands of Russian gangsters, WHO Appointed Himself on February 24 Street gathering "mayor" - A Russian Crook and thief by the name of Chaly. President of ukraine Turchinov Said That Any Progress Russian soldiery Outside Their bases Will be Considered an act of aggression. Several Thousand head Scum Collected near Sevastopol City Hall, Declared Their loyalty to Putin's Russia gebistskoy. Russian militants blocked the Road from Simferopol using BMP. Such Developments concerned Refat Chubarov, the head of the Council of the Crimean Tatars, WHO WAS Born in the Uzbek Samarkand. His Father WAS deported Russian, When His Father WAS 13 years old, and his mother 10. Although the Crimean Muslims are still fighting for their rights - A Broader Representation in the Government and Parliament and vernacular schooling - Gives Them Ukraine more than Russia Security, Say Muslim representatives. "Over the past 250 years, the All MISERY in the Crimean people CAME from Moscow. We have an Allergy to Russia, "Said Chubarov in A telephone conversation from Simferopol. Tatars have Returned to Their homeland only in 1989 after the Russian, accusing them of promoting the German Army liberator from the Russian yoke, Tatars were deported to their colonies in Siberia, the Urals and Central Asia . Indigenous people of Crimean Tatars are an indigenous people of Crimea. After Their Turkic States WAS Captured and annexed by Russia in 1783, hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Were forced to Leave Their homeland in Several waves of emigration Mass. The indigenous population of the Crimean Khanate in the 18th century has plummeted from about 5 million to just 300,000, ACCORDING to the unrepresented Peoples and States (unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization). Under the Yoke of Russian repression Increased ITS and found culmination in the deportation. When They Returned to Their Land, Muslims, it Became Part of independent Ukraine. Now They make up 12% of the population of Crimea's population of more than 2 million people, against 60% Russian. The total population in Ukraine - 45 million people. ACCORDING Chubarov, Russian gangsters Promote His Campaign That scenario is Expressed in Major Acts of Violence. "When A Territory separated from some Countries, there is Bloodshed," he Said. "If this happens in the Crimea, the hardest hit Tatars. We do not want to That Happen . " In Russian-Ukrainian Relations question About staying on Ukrainian Territory of the Russian Black Sea Fleet stands alone. Even after the Signing of the so-Called "Kharkiv Agreements" naval Problems and failed to Remove from the Agenda. Moreover's, They are more Complicated in the Process of European integration of Ukraine. As A Rule, Because of the Position of Russia, Actually Avoiding Constructive Cooperation with Ukraine in, only caring About Their own interests in the Political, Military and Economic Spheres.
Ratification in the smoke! TEC "Russia", April 2010.: "The Russian Black Sea Fleet to remain in the territory of Ukraine in Crimea until at least 2042. The Parliaments of the two Countries - Verkhovna Rada and the State Duma the - approved Reached by the presidents of the two Countries Last week in Kharkov Agreement. In the Lower House of the Russian Parliament to Discuss Business and WAS very quiet, But the Ukrainian MPs SEEM to Remember Today for A Long time - A Vote in Parliament Held in WAS an atmosphere resembling riots at A Football Match. " For example, the main Political Goal of Black Sea Fleet in Crimea for the Long term - Keep to Ukraine in the Sphere of Influence of the Russian Federation, keeping the prerequisites for the Implementation of Russian Claims to the territory of the Crimean peninsula. THUS, the Russian Military Presence on the Territory of the Crimean Actually puts Ukraine Close to Russia in the Confrontation with the US and NATO. As A Consequence, in FACT, Ukraine is losing the Opportunity to Return to the path of Euro-Atlantic integration. She Also Raises Additional Problems in Relations with the Countries of the European Union (the Majority of European Countries consist of Both NATO and the EU). Ukrainian-Russian Agreement on the Participation of non-Black Sea Fleet the in the Political Processes of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Particular, and the Whole of Ukraine, the Leadership of the Black Sea Fleet has Actively supported the Pro-Russian Organization of the Crimean Peninsula. For example, in the printing of the newspaper of the Black Sea Fleet "Flag Motherland" virtually free print editions of such organizations as "Rusich", "Russian community of Sevastopol", "Russian Sevastopol", "Russian Crimea", "Fatherland" and so on. N. A Division of Psychological the Struggle of the Black Sea Fleet, using standard Media, Actively Supports and Promotes Anti-Russian-Ukrainian Pro and Anti-Western Ideology of the population of the Crimean Peninsula. All this is fertile Ground for the Activities of Anti-Ukrainian Frankly Movements, Including party "Russian unity" Cossack Brotherhood "Unity" Organization "Matter of Time". From A Military Point of View, the Deployment of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea is very Beneficial for the Russian Federation Due to the Strategic Location of the Peninsula on the Black Sea. Russia has All the Conditions for the use of shock components of naval Forces Against NATO Countries (Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria), as well as to block the Straits. At the Same time combat use Russian black Sea Fleet from the Crimean Territory Actually Allows you to "Draw" in Ukraine ITS Confrontation with the US and NATO, and in the Case of an Armed Conflict Between Russia and the West Fighting Deployed on the Ukrainian Territory. This Theme is Relevant for Ukraine DURING the Russian Show of Force by the United States and NATO, When this Show is drawn to the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In Particular, since 2009-2010, the Black Sea Fleet warships Regularly Appear in the Mediterranean Sea. These frequent trips to the beginning of deterioration of the situation in Syria in 2012. Forces and Means of the Black Sea Fleet (marine units, Helicopters, Planes and warships in the coastal Areas) Also participated or are Actively involved in Armed Conflict in the Caucasus, T. H.: In the Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict in 1992-1993; counterterrorism Operations Against Islamic extremists in Chechnya in 1994-1996 and 1999-2000, respectively; in Other Republics of the North Caucasus in the past Ten years; Russian-Georgian Conflict in 2008. All this threatens the National interests of Ukraine's Security. We have in mind, first of All, Sabotage and Terrorist Attacks by Islamic extremists Against Personnel and objects Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea, Which CAN be Directed Against Personnel and objects of the ukrainian Navy, and automatically engage the Civilian population and Infrastructure of the Crimean Peninsula. In FACT, it understands Russian Black Sea Fleet command and conducts drills and exercises counterterrorism Content. In the Event of A Military Conflict Between Russia and the US and NATO, objects russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea necessarily be subjected to Fire Attack (Air Strikes). These objects are Since Deployed in Sevastopol, then such Attacks in the City Will have Catastrophic Consequences. Moreover's, Given the need for the distribution of the naval Forces DURING Fighting , as well as Logistic supply through Ukrainian Territory, Fighting Actually cover the Entire Peninsula. is despite the Hypothetical Assumptions, such scenario A really CAN not be ignored in the War Plans of the Russians. But even without the Presence of Armed Conflict Russian Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian Territory Creates Potential and actual Threats to the Security of Ukraine. In Particular, we have in mind: the Presence of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Intelligence units and representatives of the Russian Special Services, Which May Also act Against Ukraine; Storing Significant Amounts of obsolete munitions warehouses Black Sea Fleet, not Excluding the Threat of Explosions (as it Regularly Occurs in Other Russian weapons Depots); inability to control by the Competent Authorities of Ukraine movement, Storage and use of weapons and Ammunition BSF does not preclude Their Release ; uncontrolled movement of Military Vehicles and equipment on the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, to Accidents on the Roads Due to the inability to control Them SAI of Ukraine. In addition, Black Sea Group Increased Fleet in Crimea, Re-new weapons and equipment Military , as well as Increased Operational Activities of combat and Training of naval facilities on A Show of Force are Perceived as A Threat to the Black Sea Countries and Their safety on the Part of Ukraine. And since They are A Part of NATO and the EU, there is in FACT A prerequisite for the negative perception of the Ukrainian State as NATO and the European Union. This Applies to the United States, have Their own interests in the Black Sea region. Another Threat comes from Participation in the Activities of the Black Sea Fleet Russian Military pressure, as A Last resort, the Implementation of Russian Plans for Ukraine. ACCORDING to Russian Experts (in Vol. H., Distributed by the official media of the Russian Federation, in particular, Interfax news agency), Russia can use military force due to the resumption of Ukraine's course to join NATO or the requirements of the Ukrainian side to withdraw from the Crimea Black Sea Fleet. In this Case, the Black Sea Fleet openly defined as the Vanguard of the Russian Armed Forces on the Territory of Ukraine. In FACT, WAS something Similar Observed in 1993-1994, the Black Sea When Fleet command has Actively supported the Crimean Separatists Nearly Provoked Armed Conflict on the Peninsula. In Economic terms, we mean the following. Russia, the Black Sea Leaving Fleet in Crimea, Prevents the development of Civil (Commercial) port facilities of Sevastopol, having A chance to Become the leading term in the Transport and transit center in the south of Ukraine. Such an Opportunity Provide Unique Physical and Geographical Conditions of the Sevastopol Bays - the Best on the Entire Black Sea, Which Show Interest in Both Ukrainian and Foreign Investors (in Vol. H. Of the United States and the European Union). Opportunities May create competition Sevastopol Russia's Plans to Build A large-scale port and terminal complex on the Azov and Black Sea coast. Thanks to These Complexes, the Russian Federation chip away the main Transport Flows and cargo in the Black Sea region. THUS, blocking the development of Sevastopol, Russia at the Same time Increased ITS transit facilities of the Port of Novorossiysk, in Particular, has Built the oil and Petrochemical Terminals, to Construct A new paragraph grain overload capacity of up to 5 million. Tons. Was Created by another node port on the Taman Peninsula of two new ports: port "Taman" for the handling of products with Chemical A total capacity of About 45 million. Tons per year, and the port "Kuban" for dry cargoes with a total capacity of 30-35 million. Tons per year (in the future - up to 70-80 mln. Tons per year). These projects have allowed Russia to redirect transit ammonia products from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Russian port of Taman, thwart the Plans of Ukraine on the Construction of the coal terminal in the port of Sevastopol. The latter WAS strategically Important for Ukraine and Russia, - having regard to the Activation of Activities of European Countries and Turkey's Transition from Russian Gas to alternative Forms of energy, such as coal. Due to the Strategic interests of Moscow in the energy Industry, and personal interests of Russian oligarchic groups Transport and transit Industry is Virtually no Room for the Relocation of the Black Sea Fleet on the Caucasian coast of Russia. In essence, this is Recognized as the central Government of the Russian Federation and the leadership of the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, which included Novorossiysk and the Taman Peninsula.
The development of new sites for the Black Sea Fleet of Russia on the Black Sea coast of Russia Requires considerable Financial Costs, Which, of course, Also in the interests not of Russians. THUS, ACCORDING to the Russian Magazine "Sea Collection", only for the construction of protective dikes points based Black Sea Fleet in the town of Novorossiysk need about 2 billion. Dollars. USA. A Similar Situation exists in the ship Repair Sector of the Black Sea Fleet. Contrary to expectations All of the Public on the Implementation of the Sevastopol "Kharkiv Agreements" Russia is not only Expanding the use of ship-Repair facilities for the BSF Repair and maintenance of the Black Sea Fleet, But on the Contrary, Reduces Them. THUS, the Russian Black Sea Fleet ships Almost completely repaired in Sevastopol, and at Russian Enterprises. Russians refuse to Repair Their boats and in Other Countries (such as Bulgaria, WHERE the Repair of large ships Landing BSF). Staff Shipyards in Sevastopol is reduced, Which Will inevitably have negative impact on A the socio-Economic Situation of the City.
And finally, what has become a well-known fact - Russia not only did not reduce the price of gas for Ukraine in exchange for agreeing to extend the term of Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Crimea, and vice versa - this price continues to increase . Today, such A price - the Largest in Europe and the World at large. "Registration" of the Black Sea Fleet in exchange for Gas channel "TVC", 22 April 2010.: "Russia is ready to reset export duties for Ukraine. This statement WAS Made by Vladimir Putin Today. ACCORDING to HIM, THUS, Kiev Will Receive A 30 percent Discount on Gas. " Although, as experience Shows, the Economic Problems of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in Ukraine are not Limited to such "global" Issues. They Provide more "MINOR" Aspects. In Particular, this Applies to: misuse (Commercial) use of facilities and Land of the Former Soviet Black Sea Fleet, rent Received from the Ukraine; Unauthorized use of berthing Fund, which was to be handed over to Ukraine under the relevant agreements (currently about 40 Berths); Russia's Refusal to transfer Funds hydraulic equipment Ukraine the Black and Azov Seas; smuggling of fuel and Food products through the Ukrainian-Russian border. All These Problems - Obviously, CAN not be Realized by Russia. Given this, and at the Same time justifying the "need" the extension of the Russian Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian Territory, the Russians are Actively Promoting the Myth of "the Decisive role of the Black Sea Fleet "as" guarantor of the Security of Ukraine ". By the way, deliberately not to Mention A Complete mismatch Threat to National Security of Russia and Ukraine and the actual Insolvency of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation to Ensure the safety of not only Ukraine, But Also the Russian Federation. Large-scale exercises of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. To destroy simulated Enemy USED as Military Say, All available Forces and Means, even A Duel - meeting engagement of two ships. clear and unambiguous rejection of the Russian Federation to the attraction of the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea Political Activities, Including Withdrawal of support to the Pro-Russian Organizations of Crimea, Abstinence Commanders of the Black Sea Fleet from Public Political statements and Assessments, Disassociation from BSF Activities of Russian Politicians and Political Forces in the Crimea; Russia to Provide Legal Guarantees A clear, in Vol. h. Organizations in international (UN and OSCE), the non-interference of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in the Internal affairs of Ukraine and Crimea; Avoiding uncontrolled Actions of Russia in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Territory, incl.: Re-Fleet, as well as Import and export of weapons and Ammunition; entry of Russian ships in Ukrainian Territorial Waters and out of Them; movement of Military Vehicles and equipment on the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea the; stopping the Practice of misuse of facilities Black Sea Fleet, ukraine transfer unused objects Fleet; Return to the Ukrainian Side hydraulic facilities to Ensure the Black and Azov Seas. HOWEVER, as the experience of the negotiation Process Between Ukraine and Russia, the Russian Side Actually avoids compromises in Relations with Ukraine on the Black Sea Fleet and delay the Negotiations, seeking for itself unilateral preferences. In this Case, the Imperfection of the Current Extensive use of the Contractual Framework concerning the Conditions of stay Russian Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian Territory. In Particular, so the next Step WAS the Refusal to Pay Taxes Military units, Organizations and Enterprises Black Sea Fleet in Crimea dislotsiruemyh. A Note in the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs contains Explicit Threats Against Ukraine to Arrange A "TRADE War" Member States of the Customs Union - in the Case of Attempts to Sanction A tax such. In FACT, Russia is demonstrating ITS dismissive attitude as A Whole to Ukraine and to the Inhabitants of the Crimea and Sevastopol, deliberately Forgetting All His Promises to protect the interests of the latter. Due to Their own Ambitions Russia Essentially Torpedoes All options civilized solutions to Problems of the Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine, Which Will Ultimately result in negative Consequences for the Russian Federation itself. Given That Ukraine is not Able to control Actually on ITS Territory Military Activities BSF, it must Clearly define ITS Position on the Level and international OFFICIALLY announce His Innocence to the Intentions and Actions of the Russian Side. On the basis of These Facts, we conclude CAN That the Russian Black Sea Dislocation Fleet on Ukrainian Territory constitutes One of the main Threats to the National Security of Ukraine. This is Also Confirmed by the events of 1993-1994, Which Nearly led to Armed Conflict in Crimea such as Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Tajikistan. Neglecting such Facts necessarily Provoke A Massive tragedy, the Consequences of Which Would be Virtually impossible to Prevent. Acting Defense MINISTER Igor Tenyukh Said About Trying to enter the Territory of the Military unit of the Battalion of Marines in Feodosia Armed Russian Military. "At 2.30 WAS the penetration of the Battalion of Marines in Feodosia, WAS caught by the Russian Marine with a weapon, "- he said, speaking at a government meeting on Saturday, March 1, the Correspondent. Tenyukh Added Currently That Carry out the Necessary Legal Proceedings involving Law enforcement and prosecutors. Today at the meeting, Prime MINISTER of Ukraine Yatsenyuk urged Russia not to Provoke Civil and Military Confrontation in Ukraine. "We Demand from the Government of the Russian Federation and the Authorities to withdraw Their Troops, and Return to Their bases. The Russian Partners, stop Provoking Civil and Military Confrontation in Ukraine, "- Said he, Opening the meeting. He Stressed That Ukraine Will not yield to provocations, and Will not go on Force response. On Friday, February 28, media reported that many Military Installations and admizdaniya Were Captured by unidentified men in masks Armed. Border Service of Ukraine Reported That Russian Military Helicopters illegally crossed the border of Ukraine. In addition it WAS Reported That Landed in Simferopol Aircraft Landing of Russian Air Force. In this regard, the Verkhovna Rada Asked to convene an Emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to monitor the Situation in Crimea and to Take Action in Case of violation of ITS Sovereignty. Acting President, Parliament Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov on Friday Night Said That Russia Under the guise of exercises sent Troops to the Crimea, than Provoke A Military Conflict. He demanded That the Leadership of the Russian Federation to immediately withdraw Troops.
The US Senate has Recognized Ukraine as A Military ally without NATO Membership
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