Union of Muslim Scholars» Emirates demanding the lifting of his name from the list of terrorism / «Daash» executed about 1,500 people 5 months ago / killed and 201 detained during a raid on two mosques of the Islamists in Kenya
Tuesday, 18 / November / 2014 - 10:45
Islamic movements provide a presentation of each gate is unrelated to
political Islam and the groups and organizations at home and abroad in
the Arab and Egyptian newspapers, websites and news agencies on Tuesday,
November 18, 2014
Islamist factions identified with armed groups
Call Islamist factions opposition in Egypt showed to «Islamic
revolution» in November 28 (November) this, increasing commonality among
the majority of Islamic forces and the group «supporters Jerusalem»
carried out operations against the army and police forces in the Sinai
and pledged allegiance to the organization «Islamic State» Finally.
The «Salafist Front», which is in the «legitimacy support alliance»
supporter of former President Mohamed Morsi, who led the group «Muslim
Brotherhood» member, called «Islamic revolution» demanding the lifting
of the Koran during the demonstrations.
And launched the youth pages on social networking sites in the name
«young Muslim uprising», raised the slogan «Identity battle» who wrote
next to the banner-like regulatory «Qaeda» and »Islamic State» Flags.
And Zkhrt those pages sectarian comments and other incite violence and
take up arms for «the success of the Islamic revolution.»
And prepared youth videotape to call these demonstrations «to support
religion», claiming that the army hits mosque helicopters «Apache» in
Sinai, and that the government cancel «religious curricula», and close
mosques, the same allegations being made by the militants in their tapes
to justify violence against the army and police . Advocates «uprising young Muslims» and criticized the call for an Islamic caliphate considered «terrorism». And invited to participate in their demonstration «to support religion and liberation of the country.»
The Egyptian authorities arrested the leaders of the majority «Salafist
Front» after that call, while considered «Muslim youth uprising» page
that move on the ground that day «be governed by developments on the
She said «Salafist Front» The «Victory will be achieved when parties
and groups unite melt and banners under one banner: There is no god but
Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of God.»
She said in a statement that «the uprising of young Muslims to invite
all youth of the Islamic movements to unite under the banner of Sharia. In November 28 (November) we will raise flags is no god but God. We will raise the three demands, namely: the victory of the identity and refused to drop the hegemony and military rule. »
And sparked calls to raise the Koran in the upcoming demonstrations,
the official ire of religious institutions in Egypt, Al-Azhar Ahmed
al-Tayeb Vantqdha Sheikh, pointing out in a statement that it «acts of
It also deplored the Mufti Shawki Allam, while the Ministry of Awqaf
and plans to allocate next Friday sermon to refute the justification for
the advocates of these events, particularly in terms of talking about
the current provision «fights religion».
And criticized the pro-authority such as Party «light» Salafi religious
referentiality Islamic currents group «call Salafist», those calls.
Received «uprising Muslim youth» on the criticism that the «real
kinetic Islamic leadership that it has to take its rightful seat and
take the position for the first time in history». And addressed the Islamic forces that refused to participate in that, saying: «Thank you for Khzlankm demonstrations. You help us. »
It was remarkable silence group «Muslim Brotherhood» about those calls,
The community to which he belongs Morsi lies the majority of their
leaders in prison, did not show a clear stance of those calls, but
calculated the pages on social networking sites promoting for «Islamic
revolution» on a large scale, In addition, the «Salafist Front» calling
the move is a component «legitimacy support alliance» led the group.
A source in the coalition's «life» that «the forces of Salafi umbrella
of the alliance was put that idea between now and then, but without the
insistence on the discussion, and not representatives of the Muslim
Brotherhood in those meetings seem to view them, but the Islamic group
was opposed».
He added: «to put the adoption of the Salafist Front coalition calling
for an Islamic revolution intercepted components of the coalition,
including the Islamic group, and threatened to pull out of it in the
case of the adoption of such a call, because it means moving forward in
Saddam's open without irreversible line with the state. It was clear that the Brotherhood supports those calls ... Brotherhood with all the confusing current provision.
It seems that an agreement has been away from the coalition that calls
for a single front to the demonstrations, and implicitly supported by
the Brotherhood. »
The Interior Ministry confirmed the development of «security court
plan» to face demonstrations in June 28, warning that «will deal firmly
and strength, and the face of any attack or an attack on vital
installations or police with live ammunition».
Finally, and it raised a wave of promotion group «brothers» and its
allies «refrain from conscription into the army», which is the same
requirement that insisted group «supporters Jerusalem» on the request of
the Egyptians with all the video tape aired by the killings carried out
by soldiers whose gunmen in the Sinai.
And set in motion the movement «students against the coup», the student
arm of «Brotherhood», demonstrations at several universities yesterday
raised banners calling to participate in the «Islamic revolution». And incited university graduates to refrain from performing compulsory military service in the army.
Said in a statement: «We as students succumb to recruit and fulfillment
of the homeland and in defense of its territory and not in order to
achieve the purposes handful stolen power ... We call on the masses of
the Egyptian people, especially college graduates, to refrain from
conscription until the army returns to the performance of his job, which
is the protection of the border, and leaves power final.
Soldier stands in front of its weapons of our people in the Sinai, so
we renew our call to our fellow graduate students to refrain from
conscription ».
A graduate of the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University, who
requested anonymity, said he did not apply for the performance necessary
for obtaining the mandatory military service a job in Egypt or even
travel through official outlets outside the country.
He said that «the most important principles of functions, then the coup
will disappear inevitably, and corrected all of the current situation,
and our rights Snnal sooner or later».
He said Creative Thought revisions adopted by the «Islamic group»
successful years before Abraham «Islamic political opposition went to
extremism since Morsi was in the palace, and when teamed with
incitements and armed groups».
He told «life»: «the commonality between terrorist groups and Islamist
opposition apparent in speech Rabi'a platform that such a radical shift
in the discourse old Brotherhood, which was peaceful to the wars in
penitential sectarian religious speech on the podium. That was the beginning and today we are in the collections and the end. »
«Union of Muslim Scholars» Emirates demanding the lifting of his name from the terrorism list
Demanded «Badr Organization», led by former Transport Minister Hadi
al-Ameri, and »League of the Righteous», and the World Federation of
Muslim Scholars »United Arab Emirates lifted from the terrorism list
announced a few days ago.
The leader of the «Badr» MP Mohammed Naji, during a press conference
yesterday: «After the fall of the regime organized in Najaf great
conference, which was attended by Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim turned from
the Badr Corps military overtones to political organizing on behalf of
the Badr Organization during the first conference, was dependence of the
Electoral Commission as a political entity. »
The UAE government and demanded an apology and withdrawal of the name
«Organization of the Islamic resistance to the list of terrorist
organizations», and threatened to claim the Abu Dhabi «in the absence of
response we asked, as we call external (Iraqi) Emirates contacted the
organization to delete from the list».
He pointed out that «the United Arab Emirates signed a big mistake to
put the Badr organization on its list of terrorist organization», he
added «it has to know the history emanating from the Iraqi people, the
organization on the basis of Fatwa first released and formed to fight
the former regime, characterized Bdictatorath and terrorize him.»
He added that «Bader has 22 parliamentary seats and four government
ministries including the Ministry of the Interior, led by a leader of
the organization and is an integral part of the political process is
part» and added that «Bader stood with the Iraqi people in its response
to the organization« Daash »terrorist cross met fatwa Sistani and formed
People crowd with the rest of the members of the Islamic Resistance
Alasaib and battalions of peace and Saraya and took up arms under the
banner of the state. »
Furthermore, said MP Hassan Salem, of «honest bloc» subsidiary «League
of the Righteous», during a press conference yesterday that «negative
attitudes Gulf of Iraq can not be tolerated». The «we will file a lawsuit against the United Nations Emirates».
He urged the international community to «distinguish between the victim
and the executioner, and he should know very well that the Iraqis will
not forget or overlook their rights and their children's blood.»
In addition, students «International Union of Muslim Scholars», headed
by Egyptian preacher Yusuf al-Qaradawi of Qatar yesterday to withdraw it
from the list of terrorist organizations Emirates, stressing his
commitment to «moderation and reject extremism».
Union said in a statement carried Qaradawi signature which is one of
the most prominent scholars of the nearby stream «Muslim Brotherhood»
«astonishment intense and full inclusion in the UAE within the terrorist
organizations», stressing that «reject that characterization
He asked for «free list of terrorist organizations already say that in
many countries, Islamic or non-Islamic», condemning the focus based on
«Islamic organizations, including the only international relief
organizations won numerous awards and accolades for its role in the
world service».
The statement added that the EU which is based in Doha, belongs to him
tens of thousands of scientists from around the world, «all of them
marching on the moderation approach», a «faces extremism, violence and
terrorism and addressing him intellectually and educationally and
learning wherever it».
Union Emirates and demanded «review its position and reverse inclusion
Union within any bad lists are not based on any analysis or
investigation is not legal nor logical nor rational.»
Emirates and published Saturday a list of 83 group designated as a
terrorist, including the organization «Islamic State» extremist Muslim
Brotherhood and al-Qaeda and the Houthis in Yemen.
And included the International Union of Muslim Scholars headed by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi list.
«Daash» threatens Iraqi army camps in Anbar
Shen organization «Islamic State» attacks on cities where the Iraqi
army camps in Anbar, in conjunction with the start of US advisors their
mission in the province.
And the imposition of conscription on the population of the city, after
the defection of a number of elements and their leaders in the
province, while the killed and wounded dozens detonated two car bombs in
A senior officer in the «Anbar Operations Command» «life» yesterday
that «the US Army will implement the raids aircraft Alheiljkoptir in
western Anbar areas adjacent to the Syrian border to prevent
transmission elements« Daash »between the two countries».
He pointed out that «the Iraqi army has five dedicated helicopters for
missions in the west of the province, while the US military devotes a
full squadron of 30 Apache helicopter to secure the border.»
He added that «the organization« Daash »launched today (yesterday)
attacks on the one hand and the Habbaniyah Baghdadi, threatened bases
Ein al-Assad and Habbaniyah.»
He pointed out that «the organization is trying to besiege the rules to
provoke fear dozens of US military advisers who assured us that they
would not allow him to approach the rules and protect her Air Force.»
He announced «Daash», through their account on «Twitter» Yesterday, he
launched an attack on hand «Baghdadi» western Anbar, and carried out two
suicide bombings Barepettan, the first targeted Jebbeh bridge, and the
second aimed at a school where security forces are stationed ».
Furthermore, confirmed «Operations Command in Anbar, in a statement
yesterday, said that« tribes backed by the popular crowd and security
forces responded to an attack by the organization on the Hungary area
linking my part Habbaniyah and Fallujah Amiriyat east of Ramadi ».
In Mosul, north of Baghdad, said Saad al-Badran, one of the tribal
leaders, in connection with the «life» yesterday that «dozens of leaders
and elements« Daash »of the city's residents had fled and abandoned the
He pointed out that «continued air strikes on the organization's
strongholds in the city in addition to the assassination attempt on a
Almsvon elements of the city's population and cause the flight of many
of its leaders operations.»
He explained that «Daash arrested fugitives from its ranks and some of
them executed on charges of treason, while the campaign began
volunteering among the city's population, especially among those with
the dead and detainees to persuade their children to join him. And recruited dozens of children who their parents decided to bring them back to school.
Education is headed in Mosul, one of the leaders «Daash», an Egyptian
who specializes in education and calls for the early recruitment of
children as he held dozens of orphans in private buildings ».
On the other hand, the governor of Nineveh Liberation of Iraq accused
of a number of politicians in the province of blocking the formation of
«editing power connector» announced the establishment of a camp a few
weeks ago on the outskirts of Arbil Almtakh.
Nujaifi said in a statement yesterday that «some men of the old guard
are located in the joints of the state and seek to thwart the people of
Anbar and Nineveh's efforts to arm themselves to fight Daash».
He said «these efforts aim to make way for the militias progress toward
these provinces and keep it between the two options bitter,« Daash »or
In Baghdad, were killed and dozens wounded bombings touched on a number
of areas of the capital, were killed and 17 people wounded in the
bombing of Ameria, while the Baghdad Operations Command announced the
killing of a number of elements «Daash».
A source in the Interior Ministry that the proceeds of a car bomb
explosion yesterday in the Arboretum area, east of Baghdad, rose to
seven dead and 22 wounded, while a second car bomb exploded in the
Amiriya district, which resulted in killing four people and injuring 13
Announced «Baghdad Operations Command» yesterday that «the
international airline alliance managed to kill a number of terrorists
and destroying three vehicles in an air strike».
It added that the Iraqi forces «managed interceptor operation against
terrorist groups who killed 16 in Tel Hassan Daoud bowl area north of
Baghdad, was dismantled 80 explosive device».
... And continue execution on charges of fighters «treason»
Confirmed Iraqi security chief counterterrorism official office in
Diyala, that «the legitimate authority to regulate Islamic State»
sentenced belonging to the organization death fighters, sentence was
carried out publicly, after being convicted for «treason», while the
spread of military cuts to protect the Great Dam and prevent the
targeted truck bomb .
A senior officer in the counter-terrorism office, who requested
anonymity, told «life» that «the legitimate body to Daash sentenced to
death three gunmen, were selected lottery system to carry out suicide
attacks against security buildings in the district of Muqdadiyah» and
«available information confirms that executed Iraqi fighters have been
sentenced to death by firing squad in terms of Saadia to terrorize
members of the organization and forced to carry out orders and not to
oppose or postponed. »
The organization was executed earlier four of its fighters being held
on charges of smuggling Kurds of secret prisons in terms of Saadia, as
well as the execution of three other charges of leaking information to
the security forces «Peshmerga» besieging organization in Khanaqin.
The witness organization decline in loyalty fighters, what he says
security officials, at a time when others escape some of its leaders and
fighters to unknown destinations confirms after the completion of a
crowd of hundreds of soldiers and fighters «Peshmerga» and »the popular
crowd» clans, on the outskirts of the towns of Saadiya and Jalawla, the
subjects of the control « Islamic State »four months ago.
The army and »Peshmerga we announced last week, the completion of the
preparation of a plan to liberate both the Shiite-Kurdish majority,
after the collapse of the organization and the withdrawal of dozens of
militants from some areas.
In addition, the police command announced securing great hand, and the
deployment of troops launched an ongoing cleansing campaigns in the
A spokesman for the police command of Colonel Ghalib al-Jubouri's
«life» that «the security forces destroyed warehouses of weapons caches,
in a great area after killing dozens of militants in the purge launched
by the army and the crowd popular attribution warplanes campaign»,
while 20 militants were killed in air strikes in different areas in
terms of Imam Lewis and Saadia and Muqdadiyah.
«Daash» executed about 1,500 people 5 months ago
The organization «Islamic State» (Daash) jihadist radical execution of
some 1,500 people in Syria since announcing a «Caliphate» in controlled
areas in this country and in neighboring Iraq about five months ago, it
announced yesterday «Syrian Observatory for Human Rights».
The director of «Observatory» Rami Abdel Rahman told «AFP» that
«Observatory was able to document the execution of 1429 people at the
hands of the organization of the Islamic state since the announcement of
succession in June» the past, pointing out that most of those who were
executed civilians.
He explained that «among those who had been beheaded or shot them in
the mass killings by the organization of the Islamic State 879
civilians, including some 700 members of the clan Alsaitat» Sunni,
referring also to the execution of «63 component of the Front victory»
Syrian branch of the organization «Qaeda» .
In August (last August), the extremist organization executed more than
700 people from the clan Alsaitat window in Deir al-Zour near the border
with Iraq, after it has risen following the beginning of the expansion
in the province is rich in oil and is located in the west of Syria.
According to Rahman, the number of soldiers and officers of the Syrian
regime executed by the organization «Islamic State» 483 people, while
four were also members of the extremist organization and execution of
the same have been charged, including corruption.
The director of «Observatory» that the process of decapitation «aimed
at spreading terror among the civilian population and any other party is
thinking in the face of the organization of the Islamic State».
The organization, which controls large areas in Syria, Iraq, announced
in June that the «succession» published Sunday a videotape in which he
announced the killing of US hostage Peter Kaseg, and also included
scenes of horrific slaughter of Syrian soldiers in the hands of the
elements of this group.
These executions comes as new evidence of the brutality of this
organization, which does not hesitate to adopt the worst methods of
murder, and the captivity of women, and the execution of each of the
opposed in control areas.
British and French were among the elements of the American hostage and massacred soldiers system
It is believed that Britain Medicine student and a French citizen went
to Syria last year appeared in a video recording showed a battalion of
the elements of the organization «Islamic State» (Daash) slaughtered
soldiers from the Syrian regular forces and displays the head of the
American relief worker Peter Kaseg.
Ahmed Al-Muthanna for the newspaper «Daily Mail» The son Nasser, aged
20 years, was apparently among a group of 16 members of «Daash» turned
up. He said Ahmed Al-Muthanna, who lives in the city of Cardiff in Wales: «I am not sure but it seems my son».
The French Interior Minister Bernard Kaznov An analysis conducted by
the security unit pointed out that one of the elements who are leading
the prisoners to the site of the execution is Maxim Ouchar French, one
of the northern Ur area and traveled to Syria in August 2013. He Kaznov
told reporters: «This analysis (Intelligence French) pointed out that
there is a high probability that a French citizen directly participated
in these despicable acts ».
the past year, the judges initially opened an investigation on
suspicion of involvement in a plot Ouchar to commit terrorist acts, a
charge that is usually directed against citizens fought with Islamist
militants. The French television channel conducted a
meeting with Ouchar during the summer, he said that the goal of joining
for «Islamic State» is «martyrdom».
A spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron said Cameron will
chair a meeting of the committee to respond to the situations of the
government known as the «Cobra» emergency during the next thirty-six
hours to receive reports from officials in the intelligence and security
in the light of the most recent registration.
And raise the security threat level in Britain to the second highest
level in August because of the dangers posed by the elements of «Daash»
returning from Iraq and Syria.
announcement of the killing of a fifth-Kaseg Western hostage imagine
«Daash» Zbha- in a video of 15 minutes for the slaughter of at least 14
men said they were organizing pilots and officers loyal to Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad. It features an organization
«Islamic State», which is fighting in Syria and Iraq, thousands of
foreign fighters and became a magnet for jihadists volunteers from
Europe and North America.
The organization was broadcast by the recordings showed the slaughter
of Americans, two men and two Britons and an afternoon in which a masked
militant black mask and wielding a sword and speaks English with a
British accent and fired upon the British media title «John jihadist».
But the faces of most of the militants in the registry, which was broadcast the day before yesterday was exposed. Newspaper «Daily Mail» said the man, who appeared to be Nasser Al-Muthanna was standing next to John to jihadist. Muthanna and appeared in a video in June last calling for Muslims to join the organization «Islamic State».
Ahmed Al Muthanna later said he made a mistake when he thought that his
son appeared in a video Kaseg execution and registration of Syrian
soldiers. He said for «BBC» after careful consideration in pictures «does not seem that it is, there is a big difference. This person has a big nose, and my son's nose flat ».
According to leaders of the Salafist movement in Jordan, hundreds of supporters of the current fighting in Syria.
Jordanian authorities have also stepped up their security measures
finally against «extremist ideology» Product of terrorism as part of the
war against «Daash» who are watching all sympathetic with him even over
the Internet.
«Daash» launched a new offensive in the eye of the Arabs ... and progresses in al-Hasakah
continued yesterday in the city of Ain Arab (Kobanî) Kurdish northern
Syria, near the Turkish border, amid news of a new attack by the
organization «Islamic State» (Daash) fighters on the sites «People's
Protection Units» Kurdish. It was reported that the
organization «Islamic State» has made progress on the Kurds on the other
open front between the two parties in al-Hasakah province in
northeastern Syria.
announced the US Central Command (CENTCOM) yesterday afternoon that US
fighter jets carried out a raid on 11 sites «Islamic state» in Syria
since Friday, while 20 carried out a raid on the sites of this
organization in Iraq. There have been nine strikes out of
the 11 that have been implemented in Syria about the city of Ain Arab
and resulted in the destruction of seven sites to organize «state» and 4
starting platforms and destroyed a combat unit, according to the US
command said.
In terms of the situation in the eye of the Arabs, «Syrian Observatory
for Human Rights» said that «the organization« Islamic state carried out
overnight (first) yesterday an attack on Tmrkzac units protect the
Kurdish people and combat brigades in the rural west of the city of Ein
Arabs fought the effect clashes lasted until dawn today (yesterday) ».
said Jabbar Yawar, Secretary-General of the ministry responsible for
peshmerga fighters in Kurdistan who have crossed in recent Turkish
border to assist in the defense of the Syrian Kobanî city of organizing
the Islamic state, "it is their duty to send us weapons, we are part of
Iraq. The engine defend the region as part of the country . "
Observers: Islamic state, killed in 1432 outside Syria battles since June
Group monitoring the violence in Syria said on Monday that the
organization of the hardline Islamic state in 1432 Syria killed outside
the battlefield since the end of June when the succession was announced
in territory controlled by.
The methods included murder beheading, stoning, and sometimes massacred victims or shoot them in non-combat situations. And
often displays the organization who seized areas in the north and east
of Syria and in northern and western Iraq corpses in front of the
audience after the murder.
The militant group, which split from the al-Qaeda on Sunday it had
beheaded an American aid worker in video publishing online an act
described by US President Barack Obama as "pure evil".
Said Rami Abdul-Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human
Rights said the vast majority of the victims of the organization were
locals, though he killed a number of foreigners, including journalists
and aid workers.
He added that the majority of people killed since the leader of the
Islamic State announced succession on June 29 civilians numbering 882
people, including two children and five women.
And two children were killed in a separate shooting in the province of Aleppo. He
accused one of them to take pictures of the headquarters of the Islamic
state, while the other was killed after being accused of insulting the
Prophet Muhammad.
Rahman said the group killed 483 prisoners of Syrian pro-government
forces in the same period and 63 of the Kurdish opposition groups
fighting in Syria. Organization and also killed four of its members.
And the killing of Sunni militant organization people from different ethnicities and sects in Syria and Iraq. Have been killed in Syria, hundreds of members of the tribe Alsaitat he fought in the east of the country.
In some towns and villages in the courts of the group formed to
implement what it calls the law before the implementation of the
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb broadcast a video of French hostages and Dutch
"Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb" Monday broadcast a video showing one
of them is Rhintan Serge Azarevich, the only French hostage kidnapped in
the world, and another Dutchman, as reported by the American Cite
Center who specializes in electronic monitoring jihadist websites.
Nor issued by the French hostage, kidnapped since November 2011, no
indication to date of filming the tape and so unlike the Dutch hostage
Siak Recques who talked about recording was conducted on September 26 /
September on the occasion of the passage of a thousand days of his
arrest, according to the American Observatory.
In this tape brief French hostage says he has been a patient aboard a
pickup truck dressed as a traditional Tuareg have loosened his beard.
It was the French-Serbian Azarevich kidnapped along with another French
is Philippe Verdon, who was killed by a bullet in the head in July
2013, six months after the start of the French military intervention in
Mali as part of a serval process.
The two Frenchmen are visiting work while kidnapped, in the process adopted at the time of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
early June afternoon to Azarevich (50 years) in a video aired on a
private television channel based in Dubai has been called the day French
President Francois Hollande to work on his release. The day of the French hostage, said that the tape images in May 13, 2014.
On November 6 Holland announced that the French hostage is still "without a doubt" alive.
In the same video, which was posted Monday, speaking after French
hostage another man identified himself as a hostage Dutch Siak Recques
which in turn appeared bearded and wearing a T-shirt spoke English.
For its part, in a statement, "health" tape, noting that he "expected
since the guide for the French presidency confirmed" that the French
hostage is still alive.
The Elysee said in a statement that "the President of the Republic is
in constant contact with the authorities in the countries of the region
to use all forms of dialogue aimed to liberate Rhintna."
An attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem and the fall of the three wounded Jews
Three wounded Jews were praying in the synagogue in Jerusalem were
injured, one of them in critical condition after being attacked by two
people, as a spokesman for the Israeli ambulance devices Army Radio
spokesman added that "three people were wounded during the attack in
the neighborhood of Har Nov. The attackers also injured." According
to the Israeli army radio that the Palestinians who attacked worshipers
strikes ax and a knife, as well as a pistol killed.
Sawiris: I am a Muslim more than «brothers»
Directed businessman and founder of the Free Egyptians Party Naguib
Sawiris, thanks to the leadership of the party «Call of Tunisia», at a
meeting with a delegation of Egyptian Liberal Party, who visited Tunisia
on Monday, to congratulate the Tunisian people, the parliamentary
elections that took place there recently.
He said «Sawiris» during a meeting on the channel, "the Tunisian
people," he came mainly to congratulate the "Call of Tunisia" victory in
the recent parliamentary elections, party, congratulated Sawiris likely
candidate to the Tunisian Presidency Beji Caid, expressing the wish
victory in the upcoming Tunisian presidential election.
He added, "Sawiris," the liberal and civil parties in the Arab world do
not need to share experiences and unite against the forces of terrorism
and murder, and to cooperate against all woven plots for the Arab
region, calling those parties to form a strong front to rival parties of
political Islam.
On the situation in Egypt, said, "Sawiris," the Liberal Egyptian Party
adheres to the revolution, "January 25" and stand against the forces
that refuse to recognize the revolution January 25 made for freedom and
social dignity, adding that Egyptians overthrew Brotherhood in Egypt,
they dismiss the opposition, pointing to Islamists in Tunisia were wiser
than the Islamists in Egypt.
He continued, "Sawiris," Tunisia is preceded Egypt twice, the first
time when he broke them spark the Arab Spring, and the second time when
he embarked on a democratic path is based on the participation of
everyone, without excluding one, and elected parliament expresses all
categories of the Tunisian people.
He expressed "Sawiris" expressed the hope that Egypt benefit from the
Tunisian parliamentary elections experience, adding: «We want to be the
next parliamentary elections in Egypt refinery so-called parties
decorative-on end and Cefh-, also expressed his rejection of what some
rumors circulated about the dispute with the Brotherhood See for
religious reasons, saying: our dispute with the Brotherhood is due to
the regional cause, of the establishment of an Islamic caliphate state,
stressing that most of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Sawiris said that the Liberal Egyptian Party rejects any infringement
of democratic rights, it is the right of any Egyptian to express his
opinion, adding that "we do not have any interest but the interest of
Egypt", and ambitions that are not Band occur during the next election
in order to contribute to the formation of the Government of the country
out of This situation is deteriorating, even the poor feel the right to
a decent standard of living.
He pointed out that his party will play the upcoming parliamentary
elections as a party liberal, aim to achieve democracy, social justice
and the eradication of poverty, pointing out that he went to the policy
during the last period and neglected investment because the situation in
Egypt during this phase did not help at work, as the economy has
reached the stage of "collapse" .
He Sawiris, that in light of the political circumstances in Egypt is
difficult to achieve the overwhelming majority in parliamentary
elections, and our goal is to get an advanced position, pointing out
that he was not seeking any office in the coming period I'm not the
fittest to fill any position because I love freedom.
He promised to "Severus," he will return to investment in Tunisia after
the formation of the next government and declared orientations toward
economist investors, and in this case was prepared to be the first
investor in Tunisia, pointing out that investor emotionally moving
behind his heart.
It is worth mentioning that «Call Tunisia» Party Monday, businessman
Naguib Sawiris, and a delegation from the Free Egyptians, who visited
Tunisia today to congratulate the Tunisian people, the results of the
parliamentary elections, the party received.
«The Guardian»: British recognizes the emergence of his son in a video slaughter «Kasaj»
The newspaper "The Guardian" said the British, the British police
continue their investigations on reports about the emergence of a
British student in the video, which depicts the slaughter of American
hostage "Peter Kasaj", part of a group of Syrian fighters.
She explained the British newspaper, in the context of a report
published through its website Monday that the move of these
investigations is the French prosecution allegations that one of the
killers, "Cassinj" holds French citizenship.
pointed to the existence of true religion in the Holy Quran and the
Sunnah, they are original, and young people can draw their organization
of each of relations between members of the community, asking them not
to overstate the debt, and the need for reconstruction and housing in
the ground recommend self, and the rule of planted principles in
This came in the forum talk show for young girls from different
governorates of the republic to return to the roots, in the presence of
Mr. Khalid Abdul Aziz, Minister of Youth and Sports, and a group of
leaders of the ministry, and Dar al-Ifta.
For his part, Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr. Khalid Abdul Aziz said
the first assignments of the President of the Republic President Abdel
Fattah al-Sisi was a concern to hold meetings with young people and
immunized from destructive thoughts stating that he will immediately
implement the provisions of the Protocol with the Mufti for seminars
youth centers and cities.
"Hassan" and "Jacob" and Salafi sheikhs with Azhar against the Islamic Revolution
Grand Imam of al-Azhar Ahmed al-Tayeb meet Buaaz Republic to address
the invitations and the band .. "Muhammadiyah Year": call for
demonstrations, November 28 "sinful" .. We must boycott to preserve the
Islamic leaders and advocacy entities, state institutions Kalozahr
Sharif and the Ministry of Awqaf and participated in the face of
criticism and the call by the Salafist Front, which renamed "Intifada
Muslim youth and raise the Koran on 28 November."
Everyone launched a scathing attack on the Salafist Front, describing
them as "polar front", calling to address them and to their calls, which
they described the call to differentiate ...
"The Seventh Day
«Light»: Attack «revolt» We represent «Daia» to Daash
He Ashraf Thabet, deputy head of Al-Nour Party, from the likes of
offensive movement «revolt», represented by its founder Mahmoud Bdraly
his party, which he described as «Daash Egypt».
He accused the «fixed» in statements to the «last day», which displays
the satellite «day», on Monday, Mahmoud Badr by promoting «Daash»,
saying: «description Nour Party that Daash Egypt, is the best Daia can
be performed by one of the organization terrorist; because of the
Egyptian people link party light. »
He added: «Al-Nour Party has not and will not confuse religion with
politics, and never used religion in his speech, and all that is said is
that it has no basis in truth», pointing out that the party will
nominate Copts on the legs in the next parliamentary elections.
In response to the attack, some of the media on his party, he said:
«The media perception of the people that we are a closed party himself,
but anyway now paying the bill for the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood».
It is worth mentioning that Mahmoud Bader, founder of the movement
«revolt», launched during the last period, an attack on the Nour Party;
where accused him of backing terrorist practices, calling it «Daash
Qatar in brief .. between support and antagonizing the Muslim Brotherhood Egypt and return to the arms of the Gulf again
Relations «Egyptian-Qatari» tensions, after the isolation of the former
president, Mohamed Morsi, in response to popular demands in the June
30, 2013; where she Doha support for the Muslim Brotherhood, welcomed
the hosting leaders; prompting the Egyptian state, to withdraw its
ambassador from Doha.
The beginning of the Gulf dispute with Qatar
On the morning of Tuesday, March 5, 2014 issued Saudi Arabia, UAE,
Bahrain, issued a joint statement, the announcement to withdraw their
ambassadors from Doha.
The statement «according to the aspirations of the peoples of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) of the need to preserve the achievements and
gains in the forefront of maintaining the security and stability of the
GCC countries, Saudi Arabia states, Bahrain, the UAE has made great
efforts to communicate with the State of Qatar at all levels in order to
agree on the approach path ensure traffic within the framework of a
common policy for the GCC countries ».
Reaction Qatar
For its part, the Qatari government issued a statement expressing its
regret and liking of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain statement.
The following statement: «The step taken by the three countries
unrelated to the interests and the security and stability of the Gulf
peoples, but in different positions on issues outside of the Gulf
Cooperation Council».
Relationship Egypt crisis
Soon came the speculation to suggest that the difference is caused by
the Gulf media orientation country against Egypt and its support for the
Muslim Brotherhood, which considers both Egypt and Saudi Arabia and the
UAE group «terrorist».
He said an expert on Middle East affairs, Amer al-Tamimi, the
withdrawal of ambassadors from Doha step in the interest of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC), pointing out that Qatar during the last
period was the drift away from the Gulf States to the detriment of those
countries, especially Qatar policy linked to Lashkar-Brotherhood
Country step toward ending the dispute
In September, Doha decided to keep the number of Brotherhood leaders,
including Amr rider and Egyptian Planning Minister and former leader of
Party of Freedom and Justice, and Mahmoud Hussein, Secretary General of
the Muslim Brotherhood, and Jamal Abdul Sattar, a leader of the group,
and Hamza Zoba, spokesman for the Freedom and Justice Party, and EA
Talimh leadership alliance legitimate support, in addition to the
preacher Wagdy Ghoneim.
Kuwait to end the dispute role
Last October, Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, Emir of Kuwait Sabah
Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah met in Riyadh, in an attempt by the Emir of
Kuwait, ease congestion and create the atmosphere between Saudi Arabia
and Qatar before the GCC summit in December.
On 7 November, the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad visited Qatar,
the UAE and Bahrain in an attempt to bridge the gap in views between the
two prior to the GCC summit.
Saudi Arabia calls for an extraordinary summit of the Gulf
Saudi Arabia has called an extraordinary summit of the Gulf in Riyadh to reach an agreement and resolve the dispute Gulf.
In the late hours of last Sunday evening, the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) declared an end to the dispute with Qatar, and re-ambassadors of
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Doha, on the summit of the Gulf Cooperation
Council next month, is being held in the Qatari capital.
Foreign Ministry: No Comment
For his part, Ambassador Badr Abdel Ati, a spokesman for the Egyptian
Foreign Ministry refused to comment on the decision to return Saudi
Arabia, UAE, Bahrain ambassadors to Qatar, stressing that it would
purely Gulf.
"Daash" bar ensure superior level of violence
"Daash" bar ensure superior level of violence
Sought to organize "Daash" extremist in the last tape photographer, in
which he declared the slaughter of US hostage and the Syrian military,
to show himself enjoying the confidence of excess and unlimited
expansion, in what analysts believe that the response to the declines of
the field organization during the recent period.
footage showed the last photographer, and a total duration of 15
minutes, which was published by "Al-Furqan Foundation" of the media
organization, severed head was said to be due to the American relief
worker Peter Kaseg who was kidnapped last year in Syria. Washington has confirmed the tape, which sparked a wave of indignation and condemnation worldwide health.
Snapshots elaborate output
Footage with scenes like an elaborate cinematic output also included,
and illustrated high-quality camera, in which jihadis slaughtered at
least 18 people said they were officers and pilots Syrians, simultaneous
and brutal manner.
The tape is the most violent part of the propaganda tapes for which the
oldest organization in the past three months on the slaughter of five
Western hostages, as published tapes show mass executions carried out
against soldiers and civilians in Iraq and Syria.
But analysts say the tape evidence of erosion in the ranks of the
organization, which is exposed since August of raids carried out by an
international coalition led by Washington.
According to the report by the Center "Soufan Group", the "organization
Daash still a strong opponent, especially for the millions who are
subject to the control of Syria and Iraq, but that the organization
seems incoherent and lack balance."
Adds "abandoned disciplined organization for messages, and is now aiming General letters to his supporters and his opponents."
Max influence
He guessed Western officials in earlier times that the organization
reached the limit of his power, and then started to retreat somewhat,
after a sweeping attack in June, during which dominated large areas in
Iraq, then announcing the establishment of a "caliphate".
He says Ayman al-Tamimi, a researcher at the "Middle East Forum" and an
expert on jihadist groups, "I think it is possible to link it (tape)
with setbacks suffered by the organization" recently.
Since the start of the implementation of the coalition air strikes in
Iraq (in August / August), and Syria (September / September), the
regulatory control of the areas he controlled, and the decline in the
two countries offer.
In Syria
northern Syria, since mid-September / September organization is trying
to control the city of Ain Arab (Kobanî Kurdish) near the Turkish
border, but it faces stiff resistance from armed Kurds, Syrians Taazarhm
Coalition strikes. More than 700 elements of the organization have been killed during the fighting.
In Iraq
As in Iraq, and despite the fact that the organization expanded its
control in Anbar province (west), but that Iraqi forces have made
progress in other parts, what enabled them to restore some areas over
the past few weeks, most notably the city of Baiji refinery blockade
strategy and decryption last week.
And publishing organization tape after three days of an audio recording
attributed to its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, days after the news of
his death or injury in air strikes carried out by the coalition against
the leaders of the organization in northern Iraq.
and went in the registry terms "reassurance" to his supporters, saying
that air strikes will not stop "creep" organization. It
also touched on the declaration of jihad groups in some Arab countries
allegiance to him, to refer to the expansion of its organization.
Attracting new jihadists and is an essential part of the propaganda work of extremists.
According to a researcher at the "Carnegie Middle East" center Dalia
Ghanem Yazbek "ultra-violence in these tapes serve two purposes: first
(...) to rally supporters, encourage undecided and deter defections",
while the second, "is to show that the organization maintains a harsh
military strength still exists on the ground, currently active, and is
capable of beating anyone, anywhere, anytime. "
Tamimi indicates that the view map of the world that begins with the
last tape, showing the expansion of the organization in the Middle East
and the ambition to expand its influence on the world, aims to emphasize
the importance of Alambayaat received by the leader of the organization
recently, especially from the "Supporters of Jerusalem" group in Egypt.
Explains "Faces who carried out the executions in the bar was open
(with the exception of one element was masked), and they clearly show
the different nationalities, and this way to show the international
structure of the organization."
Foreign jihadists
these foreign jihadists are known, it is believed that including the
Australian and Danish, in addition to French and at least one. Also,
the masked element that participated in the slaughter of a Syrian
military appeared standing alongside the severed head of Kaseg, speaks
with a British accent. It is believed that the same element that has in previous tapes slaughter of foreign hostages, two Americans and a Briton.
In an interview broadcast on Monday with the Norwegian channel said
that "dissident" organized "Daash", this element is that foreign
jihadists raise some dissension in the ranks of the organization.
This element, who spoke in Arabic and the interviewee in Turkey "are
different and says they have the money and lived in Europe ... so
convince themselves that they came here to become martyrs and die for
the sake of God," adding that "the majority of suicide operations of the
organization carried out by foreign jihadists" .
And the adoption of the organization during the past two weeks, at
least two bombings were carried out by suicide bombers two foreigners,
one British and one Dutch.
warned al-Baghdadi in the last audio recording that participation in
the coalition countries would be forced "to go down to the ground" to
And sees "Soufan Group," Center for the latest organizing propaganda
show some of desperation, adding that "al-Baghdadi does not threaten as
much as is pleading."
Adds "Daash needs to escape from the enclosure, which he found himself trapped in it."
Taniaho: Attack Jerusalem "direct result" of Hamas and Abbas to incite
Jerusalem: Take Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday
that the attack on the synagogue in Jerusalem, which killed four
Israelis dead is a "direct result" of incitement carried out by
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas.
Netanyahu said in a statement, "This is a direct result of incitement
carried out by Hamas and Abu Mazen (Abbas), incitement that ignore the
international community is responsible manner," explaining that he will
meet Tuesday afternoon with security chiefs.
A spokeswoman for the Israeli police said four Israelis were killed
Tuesday morning in an attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem was carried out
by two Palestinians were killed in turn by the police.
Said Samir spokeswoman Luba "The terrorists entered the synagogue in
the neighborhood of Har Nov. And attacked worshipers with an ax and a
gun, and killed four people. The policemen arrived at the scene and shot
and killed the terrorists."
said the spokeswoman said four worshipers, as well as police officers
in response to the perpetrators of the attack were injured. She said the attackers were Palestinians from East Jerusalem.
The synagogue is located in the neighborhood of Har Nov Jewish militants in West Jerusalem.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and blessed the attack on the synagogue in
Jerusalem, which was considered jihad "natural response to the
occupation," Israeli crimes.
It considered the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) that this the
deadliest year since the attack in the holy city is a "response to the
execution of the crime of Martyr (Joseph) Alrmona" Palestinian driver,
who was found dead Monday in his bus in West Jerusalem.
Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman also said that the attack is also a
response "to the maximum continuous crimes of the occupation, and Hamas
calls for the continuation of revenge operations."
Jerusalem has recently experienced several attacks in particular through run over by cars. No one claimed responsibility for these attacks, but some are not carried out by members of the Islamic Jihad or Hamas.
For its part, Islamic Jihad said it "a natural response to the crimes of the occupation."
Was found dead Palestinian bus driver Joseph Alrmona hanged inside his
bus in West Jerusalem late Sunday night in what the Israeli police as a
suicide operation and denied that the driver accused Jewish extremists
to kill the family.
On Monday night, Israeli police announced that the results of the autopsy did not find evidence that he was killed.
Channel «Brotherhood» which warned them Sisi begin broadcasting: Is the killing of Egyptian soldiers halal or haram?
Began, on Monday evening, broadcast channel «Egypt now» mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood, from Turkey.
And began to channel sent, on Monday evening, the program «of Egypt»
provided by Media Mohammed Nasser, asking «.. Do you think the Egyptians
Egyptian soldiers killed Halal or haram?», According to an account on
the channel «Facebook».
The program hosted safety Qawi, a former spokesman for the Ministry of
Religious Endowments, in the era of the Muslim Brotherhood, and was one
of the first rulings in the ring: «prohibition enrollment Egyptian
President al-Sisi said in an earlier meeting with editors of national
and private newspapers, last August, that my «new Arab» and «Culture»
chroniclers and channel «Egypt now» and the company «Media Limited»
anti-system, and confirmed the existence of an alliance between Qatar
and Turkey, and regulation International Brotherhood, to sow chaos in
the Arab nation.
He was scheduled to start airing the channel «Egypt now» on the first
of November, but it has been a delay due to technical problems,
according to the channel's remarks.
"The Egyptian Today"
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