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Project MKULTRA the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification
Please download the 173 page US Senate report on the CIA using behavior control. Project MKUltra -The CIA's program of research in Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing Committee on Intelligence Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research. Committee Human Resources United States Senate Ninety Fifth Congress First Session August 3, 1977 US govt Printing Office Washington 96-408 0 DC 1977.
ALERT: Special Report on a TI - with references
The Document - SCADA CROSS OVER FREQUENCY (SIGNAL) ASSESSMENT REPORT ___________________________________________________ Reference #1 of 11 - Evolving communication in robotic swarms using on-line, on-board, distributed evolutionary algorithms
Evolving communication in robotic swarms using on-line, on-board, distributed evolutionary algorithms . . . ____________________________________________________
#2 of 11 Antnet: Modified Routing Algorithm for Packet Switched Networks.
#3 of 11 Utilizing Colored Pheromones and Helping Ants for Wireless Mesh Networks Routing
#4 of 11 titles and websites are incomplete
#5 of 11 titles and websites are incomplete #6 of 11 titles and websites are incomplete _______________________________________________ #7 of 11
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Search this site - most interesting . . . ______________________________________________________
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Observations of Strong Surface Radar Ducts over the Persian Gulf
#10 of 11
#11 of 11
So here is the last one we can
find as you can see from the others - there are a several that are
difficult to track down, the titles and websites are incomplete.
Harassed and Traumatized into DEATH and MURDER: FSU Shooter Myron May Left Message: 'I Do Not Want to Die in Vain' Project MKUltra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Spectra Research Institute - Direct Brainwave to Computer Interface Development . . . Norway’s Hidden History - "Aryan" Children Subjected to LSD Experiments, Sexual Abuse & Mass Rape . . . now shine the light Norway’s powerful Justice Committee has ordered the government to compensate thousands of people, many of whom were locked up in lunatic asylums because they were the children of Norwegian mothers and German soldiers. A statement from the committee said the government should quickly draw up a compensation scheme for an estimated 10,000 claimants. "The Justice Committee statement has shown us an exit sign from the tunnel of darkness in which we have moved for over 50 years," said Thor Brandacher, chairman and spokesman for the Lebensborn Committee, and the son of a Norwegian mother and Austrian father. The committee’s decision comes as the Norwegian Supreme Court prepares to issue a verdict in December in an appeal case brought by 17 so-called Lebensborn children against the Norwegian government for gross abuse at the hands of the state. The case has been thrown out in two earlier courts, which ruled that such cases all fell under the statute of limitations. "I am sure that the Supreme Court will also say that the case falls under the statute of limitations as well, but we then have six months to negotiate with the government and reach agreement," said Mr Brandacher. "If they will not negotiate we will go to Strasbourg, and Norway will never be the same again. No civilised country can withstand the testimony that would be made public there." After German troops withdrew from Norway at the end of the Second World War, an official programme of weeding out occupation liaisons began that resulted in the arrest of some 14,000 young women and the detention in military camps of 5,000 girls who were known to have had children with German soldier Mind Control - Remote Neural Monitoring: Daniel Estulin and Magnus Olsson on Russia Today LISTEN - Reverse Speech - Hear Voices from the Unconscious - David John Oates on Rense Radio Network - ALERT: U.S. may be well positioned to make transition to 5G cellular networks, report finds - FierceMobileGovernment - Mind Warfare Intensified . . . COMMENT: This is all part of a very ultra-high tech "Hiving" process to bring most people into a central Psychotronic Hive mind. We MUST do all we can to get this information out while we still are functional . . . We are in a Mind War . . the goal is FULL Spectrum Dominance and depopulation . . . We must not CONSENT . . . but first you must understand the battle being waged using Psychotronic Weapons - all wireless devices, cell towers, Gwen towers, antennas, smart meters, RFID chipped appliances, cell phones, TV's, radios, WiFi, satellites, the media, many movies, etc . . . go to - to the Mind Control link . . Go to YouTube watch PSYWAR and Wires in the Brain - for starters. Alan Watt - Mind Control Techniques - July 6, 2014 Blurb LAW SUIT FILED - Richard L. Cain vs. The United States Government, the DOD and other Agencies . . . Human Research VIOLATIONS and MORE . . Unfortunately, this law suit will likely be thrown out based upon National Security claims by the perpetrators, the d'fact U.S. Inc., government . . . Read "The Great American Adventure - Secrets of America" by retired Judge Dale to learn that our Local, State and Federal governments are not REAL . . . They are privately owned corporations calling themselves governments. .
Attorney's know the court system does not
serve the people, and knowingly continue to extract money of clients who
believe they are presented in the judiciary system and they are not . .
Chris Zucker - EXPOSING the crimes and harassment of organized gang stalking and the torture weapons directed at individuals -Chris is a victim of forced covert brain computer interface surgery, nonconsensual human experimentation, many years of torture, and numerous assasination attempts.(at Stony Brook University Hospital, Long Island, New York) Human Rights Advocate, show host on FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA WORLD RADIO. Chris have conducted hundreds of interviews with victims, whistleblowers and many others exposing government working with organized crime, that is systematically destroying America and other nations, globally. Chris networks globally to assist and expose these corporate government gang stalking and assaults upon individuals from directed energy weapons and more . . . These ARE crimes being perpetrated against humanity by the international banking criminals . . . The significance of a forgotten CIA document: MKULTRA Microchip Implants, Mind Control and Cybernetics Gang Stalking - Evidence of Sabotage at Work . . . Targeting Individuals: Organized Gang Stalking What You Need To Know . . . waging covert assaults and attacks using torture devices AVIARY - Mind Control Warfare . . . The MITRE Corporation is tied to AVIARY Exploration of mind control technologies, with particular emphasis on psychotronics and V2K (voice-to-skull) weaponry ADVERTISMENT Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim Jose Delgado - Electromagnetic Mind Control . . . Quote and Short YouTube “We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
The individual may think that the most
important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal
point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the
right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has
great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies
and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.
Dr José Delgado.Director of Neuropsychiatry,
Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118
February 24, 1974.
Lynn Surgalla: Biolelectromangnetics radiation DANGERSTOURO University - Involved in the Human Performance by the Mitre Corporation and Jason Scientists HUMAN AUDITORY PERCEPTION OF PULSED RADIOFREQUENCY ENERGY J.A. Elder and C. K. Chou Motorola Florida Research Laboratories 8000 W. Sunrise Blvd. Plantation, FL 33322 - Motorola has created pulsed mind control technology that is being used as a weapons system, globally . Non Linear Dynamics Lynn Surgalla Interview with Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden - 1991 GLOBAL MAPS - of Cell Towers for Mind Control Mind Control - Psychotronics & Psychological Warfare Explained Crib death- as Barrie Calls it "Cot Death" of babies is caused by microwave weapons and cell towers and wifi - TRANSCRIPTION All Wifi must be removed from schools globally and wifi must be removed from neighborhoods. All Fetus formation can be aborted by wifi and or cell tower microwave radiation and Reagan and Bush's Star wars. Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and who worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service, talks about the health effects of WiFi and other forms of microwave radiation. Barrie Trower came out of retirement because he was concerned that the microwave frequencies and intensities to which children are exposed in schools are similar to those used for microwave weapons. NSA Mind Control and Psyops by Will Filer CDC - ZOMBIES aka Maxwell Demons . . . Diagram of Mind Control "Robotized" Transhumanism Jaw Dropping What Calif. Police Just Did Regarding Targeted Individuals! Common Core Explained HERE - Frequencies: The Tavistock Agenda - The Tavistock Institute for global mind control Tavistock Institutions in the United States . . . Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Brainwashing) BEWARE: The Rand Corporation: The Think Tank That Controls America . . . Manipulation, Doublespeak and Brainwashing Directed Energy Weapons in 1908 Billboard in Wisconsin YES - and it has RISEN - Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines According to our sources AI has already been turned over . . . the surveillance is the taking of our thoughts, emotions, free will - while torturing many of us with energy weapons . . . please go to link to Mind Control for our latest interviews and research documents . . ALERT: HUNTING US with NEW PRISON SHIRTS - Omsignal smart shirt that can monitor your workout The "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"; "The NASA WAR Plan" and the "NWO Exposed by Insider 1969" are posted These documents have told us how we will be tracked and monitored, each and everyone of us . . These documents also explain that there are the STATED GOALS, goals that society will accept - AND the REAL GOALS. . . The real goals are inserting us into "1984", "Solent Green" and "The Island of Dr. Moreau" . . . and worse . . . Secretly forced brain implant : MRI scan image and reports of Target, James Walbert EMERGENCY EMERGENCY - The MAP - the end of "free will" as we have known it . . Information from the White House website (LINK BELOW . . THIS IS REAL Read the notations under the map . . (Click map to enlarge)
"The Silent Massacre"
is about electronic torture and mind control in the United States of America and law enforcements complicity. These secret covert operations are being deployed upon more innocent victims without their knowledge or understanding that a silent weapons system is being used to target ones own thoughts and to control and manipulate the minds, and direct actions of many innocent people. The technologies that have been created as weapons are being used without most people realizing they exist . . . many refer to these technologies as brain invaders . . . and this is what is happening - in your town! Find out how to improve your chances of not being brutalized with these unimaginable weapons of mental, physical torture and abuse
ALERT - Silent Sound ( S.S.S.S.)
Psychotronic Mind Control for the Masses TRANSCRIPTION Insider Comment:Despite all the "sales claims" of the defense contractor developers, these systems, including the SSS are not 100% and just plain do not work nearly as effectively as claimed. The immutable human spirit is resistant in many, especially those with ADD, oppositional personalities, heavy caffeine or drug use, etc. Many strong believers in God Almighty are resistant to these manipulations. Sad the dumbed down masses and many of the younger folks have been cloned mentally by these sick devices
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COURT CASE Warfare on Civilians - NSA Transmissions/Frequencies Cancer, Crimes of Humanity and Torture
Appears the case was dismissed. The evidence was not allowed under national security. MEMO HERE It is most important to understand the we are ALL the enemy pursuant to the permanent Senate Report 93-549 (1973) We are the "enemy of the state" as long as the White House maintains a National Emergency we remain classified as the enemy. . . We were NOT taught about our history in school and we have been enslaved by lack of knowledge. . . You can learn about your reality by reading "The Great American Adventure" Secrets of America
Note - For those that do not know what the "NASA WAR Plan" is or the "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" please go Source Doc Tab
Robert Duncan interview with George Nori . ."The Mother Of All Black Ops":
Dr. Robert Duncan Interviewed On Coast To Coast - Why Doesn't So Called
"Patriot" Alex Jones Interview Robert Duncan? Because If Jones Did, His
Program Would Be Sabotaged The Way That Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy
Theory Program Has, Since The Former Minnesota Governor Did An Episode
On Mind Control Weapons Entitled "The Brain Invaders"
MORE - Leaked documents on mind control . . .
Leaked documents from DARPA (the US military research agency) reveal techniques to disrupt brain function and change people's beliefs. [This mind control is accomplished by an electrical current that switches off parts of the brain.] . . . This is Truly Diabolical . . . Humans MUST be phased OUT!
of Silence | Dr. True Ott | Dr. True Ott gives a lecture about Nano
Particles, NSA, and Mind Control in Salt Lake Utah on 02/09/10
Part 1 of 6 Part 2 of 6 Part 3 of 6 Part 4 of 6 Part 5 of 6 Part 6 of 6
NSA - The Hidden Agenda - Running Earth, Inc. and Global Mind Control of ALL Societies . . . "The Quantum Computer"Make
no mistake - this massive data collection center is a game changer
leading to economic globalization and the unveiling of Earth, Inc. The
mask is being taken off of the shadow government who WILL not only run
the affairs of the Planet, but will remotely control all our minds . .
Think not - think again or at least think while you still can . . The
ability of Quantum Computing will create new and different
relationships to capital, labor, consumer markets, and national
governments. This changes everything . .Al Gore says, " the worldwide
digital communication, Internet, and computer revolutions have led to
the emergence of "the Global Mind, which links the thoughts and feelings
of billions of people and connects intelligent machines, robots,
ubiquitous sensors, and databases ALL together ". . This should concern
everyone because no one asked any of us if we wanted the balance of
global political, economic, and military power to shift more profoundly
then at any time in the last five hundred years - from a U.S. centered
system to ONE with multiple emerging centers of power, from
nation-states to private actors, and from political systems to markets. -
per Al Gore and the globalist agendas he writes about. Lets break
this down - this Quantum Computer will run the world and everyone and
everything on the face of the planet . . .Some
say the Quantum Computer is the best equipment American tax payers can
buy to spy on themselves. What happened here? Something is terribly
wrong. We know this massive data collection center is NOT what we are
being told. .
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